Fix (APAR): WAS_SysMgmt_04-18-2003_5.0.0_ALL_cumulative_Fix Status: Fix Release: 5.0.0 Operating System: Windows 2000,Solaris,NT,Linux,HP,AIX Supersedes Fixes: None. CMVC Defect: Cumulative. Byte size of APAR: 123029 Date: 04-18-2003 Abstract: WebSphere 5.0 SM Cumulative Fix. This is a cumulative fix Description/symptom of problem: This is a cumulative SM fix set, correcting the following problems Apars include: ==================================================== PQ73254: During a deployment of a war file under WAS 5.0, the role mapping screens never appear. The deployment is successful, but it does not allow for role mapping to be set. ==================================================== PQ71730: "$AdminConfig required MQQueue" returns jndiName and baseQueueName. Other required MQ attributes such as persistence, priority and expiry are not in the list. Nearly every attribute of type "ENUM" (that's the one's which have drop down menus in the GUI) which are not specified as "required" yet are required for the object to function. ==================================================== PQ73004: Sometime when updating the mapping of users for an enterprise application in the admin console the setting are not saved to the ibm-application-bnd.xmi file. You will not be prompt to save the changes after you press the "Apply" or "Ok" buttons. Because of the problem above you will not be able to changes the security settings in the ear file. ==================================================== PQ72666: Line continuation "\" is not working in "wsadmin" ==================================================== PQ72877: When security is enabled on 5.0, the performance monitoring servlet fails with a null pointer exception. Without security enabled, the servlet works correctly. ==================================================== PQ71669: When you install the ND or BASE to a machine with multiple NIC cards and you do not choose to use the primary NIC card the discover process with the nodeagent and deployment manager fails. This is because the getLocalHost (Java command used by WebSphere) returns the primary NIC address which WebSphere is not listening to, hence discover fails. ==================================================== PQ72523: The CICS Transaction Gateway which is the stategic CICS connection has something called the Terminal Servlet which provides a CICS terminal via WebSphere AppServer. This is (and has been for a while) being used by customers. This works fine in WebSphere 4.0.3 however, they were writing a new configuration PDF to publish on how to install it into WebSphere 5, and in the process of this have hit a problem with how WebSphere behaves. Once the servlet is installed and websphere then the appserver is started all looks to be going fine with WebSphere starting all its apps (including the Terminal Servlet) etc but as soon as the ports are all open and its ready to be used, it (WebSphere) decides to shutdown again. ==================================================== Internal defects include: 162951: PQ73004 was fixed under this internal defect. 155656: PQ72523 was fixed under this internal defect. 159688, 159689: PQ72877 was fixed under these defects. ==================================================== Directions to apply fix: Use the Fix installer to apply this fix set (this can be obtained from the service personnel, it is not included in this package). 1) Download the cumulative fix set file in binary. 2) Create temporary "Fix" repository to store this APAR's zip/tar file: AIX: /tmp/WebSphere/fixrepos Solaris/Linux: /tmp/WebSphere/fixrepos Windows: c:\temp\WebSphere\fixrepos 3) Copy the jar/zip/tar file to the directory created above. 4) If a zip file or tar file, please extract such that the jar file is in the repos directory. 5) Shutdown WebSphere 6)Prepare to run fix tool set - Open a new command shell where the fix installer tool set was unzipped - Set WAS_HOME, JAVA_HOME and add java\bin to the path to match the configuration. 7a) GUI Install - Type efixWizard and , navigating use next until can provide the fix set jar - Use browse to find the repos directory above, select it (one click) and press Open. - Select Scan - Select this fix set (at least, can do more than one) - Continue with tool to install fix set and complete the task. 7b) Command Line Install - This examples if for Windows, modify environment and path variables as required before launching commands on other platforms. - Command: efixSilent -installDir %WAS_HOME% -efixDir c:\temp\WebSphere\efixrepos -efixes -install (Note, if you forget the -install option, it will just list the fixes available in the repos directory) - The tool will provide information regarding what was applied and if successful. 8) Restart WebSphere Directions to remove fix: GUI Execute the fix installer tool as in steps above. The tool allows you to uninstall the fixes you have just installed. WebSphere cannot be operational while this occurs. For the command line version, use this invocation: efixSilent -installDir %WAS_HOME% -efixes -uninstall Directions to re-apply fix: Follow directions to remove and then apply Fix. Additional Information: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Trouble shooting ------------------------------------------------------------------