Fix (APAR): WAS_SysMgmt_05-01-2003_4.0.5-4.0.4-4.0.3-4.0.2_AE_Linux_cumulative_Fix Status: Fix Release: 4.0.5,4.0.4,4.0.3,4.0.2 Operating System: Linux Supersedes Fixes: All previous. Byte size of APAR: 1961095 Date: 2003-05-16 Abstract: Cumulative Fix for WebSphere System Mgmt code Description/symptom of problem: Superceeds: All previous System Mgmt cumulative Fixes, including but not limited to those listed below Pending Issues: Depending on the platform you are using, some of these problems may not apply to your system. In that case, they will not be installed. >*>*> !! IMPORTANT NOTICE - PLEASE READ !! <*<*< During installation of an enterprise application, WebSphere examines the user created EAR and adds WebSphere specific binding information (if not already present) to create a new EAR file which WebSphere then places in the: $WAS_HOME/installableApps directory. Some of the (current) changes that may be added to the original EAR file include: a) application binding and extension files are generated (if not present). These are: META-INF/ibm-application-bnd.xmi META-INF/ibm-application-ext.xmi b) application bindings collected during the installation are saved in the application bindings file c) module level binding files are created (if not present). These are: META-INF/ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi WEB-INF/ibm-web-bnd.xmi d) module level bindings collected during installation are saved back to the modules Only the EAR files that result from the above process should ever be transferred to other WebSphere nodes. The user should NEVER try to produce these files (bindings and extensions) manually since their content is platform and release specific and WebSphere may exhibit indeterminate in the current and/or future releases if this is practice is not followed. >*>*> !! End Notice !! <*<*< This cumulative Fix corrects the following problems: APARS: PQ55619 PQ55897 PQ56022 PQ56182 PQ56389 PQ56429 PQ56439 PQ56639 PQ56901 PQ58248 PQ58418 PQ58776 PQ58881 PQ58961 PQ59006 PQ59279 PQ59321 PQ59624 PQ59634 PQ59756 PQ60026 PQ60064 PQ60191 PQ60522 PQ60594 PQ60657 PQ60772 PQ60796 PQ60843 PQ61172 PQ61209 PQ61809 PQ61849 PQ61864 PQ62067 PQ62188 PQ62229 PQ62330 PQ62333 PQ62494 PQ62502 PQ62586 PQ62793 PQ62857.2 PQ63023 PQ63158 PQ63508.1 PQ63523 PQ65214 PQ65232 PQ65491 PQ65647 PQ66035 PQ66193 PQ66291 PQ66352 PQ66574 PQ67047 PQ67297 PQ67353 PQ67443 PQ67446 PQ67698 PQ67726 PQ67763 PQ67836 PQ68236 PQ68430 PQ68450 PQ68542 PQ68569 PQ69219 PQ69242 PQ69273 PQ69279 PQ69333 PQ69342 PQ69732 PQ69855 PQ69956 PQ69978 PQ69994 PQ70085 PQ70257 PQ70602 PQ70960 PQ71169 PQ71171 PQ71534 PQ71704 PQ72044 PQ75134 PQ67928 PQ70391 PQ71867 PQ71967 PQ72468 Internal Defects: (Note: See end of this report for abstracts of internal defects!) 106384 110435 113710 115164.1 115698 116778 116825 116869 116870 117130 117339 117346 117586 117809 118317 119184 119487 120574 120754 120802 121526 121569 121797.1 122248 122575 122914 125252 127230 127338 127558 131918 132042 132227 132273 134324 137679 138217 140771 142341 145843 147098 148110 148634 149068 150808 152161 152867 152876 153565.1 154515 154532 155898 156646 157238 157842 158337 158508 160925 162872 163417 163773 164535 166429 Other component fixes needed: CMVC defect: N/A Byte size of jar file: bytes Date: Title: Directions to apply fix: 1) Create temporary "efix" directory to store the jar file: AIX: /tmp/WebSphere/fix Solaris/Linux: /tmp/WebSphere/fix Windows: c:\temp\WebSphere\fix 2) Copy jar file to the directory 3) Shutdown WebSphere 3a) On AIX only, after shutting down WebSphere, run the program: /etc/slibclean or /usr/sbin/slibclean (depending on your version of AIX). 4) Run the jar file with the following command answering questions/ prompts as they appear: java -jar 5) >>>PLEASE NOTE: <<< TO HAVE wscp RETURN A CODE BASED ON WHETHER OR NOT AN ERROR WAS DETECTED, IT IS NECESSARY TO SET THE SYSTEM PROPERTY: >>> wscp.useNewRetCode >>>TO SOME NON-NULL VALUE. THIS MAY BE DONE IN THE SAME WAY THAT: >>> wscp.traceString >>>IS SET (PLEASE SEE OF THE WEBSPHERE 4.0 6) Restart WebSphere 7) The temp directory may be removed but the jar file should be saved. Do not remove any files created and stored in the /WebSphere/ AppServer/efix/ directories. These files are required if an efix is to be removed. Directions to remove fix: NOTE: EFIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE AN EFIX UNLESS ALL EFIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED EFIX. Example: If your system has fix1, fix2, and fix3 applied in that order and fix2 is to be removed, fix3 must be removed first, fix2 removed, and fix3 re-applied. 1) Change directory to the fix location: (/WebSphere/AppServer/efix/). 2) Shutdown WebSphere; on AIX systems 3) Run the backup jar file with the following command: java -jar 4) Restart WebSphere Directions to re-apply fix: Follow the instructions for applying a fix. If the backup files still exist (from the previous fix application), you will be prompted to overwrite. Answer "yes" at the overwrite prompts. Additional Information: ------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================ APAR: PQ55897 Version: 400 Abstract: XMLCONFIG SHOULD RECOGNIZE INSTALLED EAR AND NOT FAIL WHILE TRYING TO WRITE TO A READ ONLY DIRECTORY. Error Description: XMLimport does not recognize that an ear file is already expanded in the proper directory when installing an enterprise application by doing an import. If the dir. has only read authority then this xmlconfig -import fails since it must have write authority at this point. Security restraints cause many companies to not allow programs to have this write authority. Problem Description: The application install process in 4.0 always extracts the ear file on one machine. An option of not doing this is requested, since the disk may be read only (R/O). ============================ APAR: PQ56022 Version: 400 Abstract: DATASOURCE PASSWORDS ARE NOT ENCRYPTED IN WSCP OUTPUT. Error Description: Problem Summary: DataSource passwords are encrypted in the Administrative console and in XMLConfig exported XML files. However in wscp you can view the DataSource password in clear text. Problem Description: When displaying datasource objects with wscp, passwords are displayed in clear text. ============================ APAR: PQ56182 Version: 400 Abstract: EMPTY TOPOLOGY WHEN BRINGING UP ADMIN CONSOLE WITH HIGH NUMBER OF RESOURCES ON 3.5.3. Error Description: When user is bringing up the admin console and has a high number of resources 1000+. The topology comes up empty and trace files show "Unable to obtain root instance" message. Problem Description: The Admin Console may fail to display the topology view, and the message "Unable to obtain root instance" may be displayed. ============================ APAR: PQ56389 Version: 400 Abstract: LOST REQUESTS WHILE APPSERVER BEING STOPPED Error Description: In a Model clone environment, useing "stop" to stop an appserver results some requests to be lost while the server is being stopp Using "Force Stop" does not result in new requests being lost but the existing requests that are being processed may be lost CU would like to use "Stop" to close all resources gracefully without losing any new requests. Problem Description: Contained components within app server were being stopped before app server was stopped leaving a window open where http requests could still come to app server but no underlying component to service them. ============================ APAR: PQ56429 Version: 400 Abstract: MUST SET JAVA.LIBRARY.PATH IN JVM AND PATH SETTINGS IN ORDER FOR NATIVE CALLS TO FIND DLL FILES Error Description: Customer must set both the JAVA.LIBRARY.PATH in the JVM settings and Path within the Environment tab, in order for the native calls to find the needed .dll files. Problem Description: Problems using JNI calls to load DLLs from a user's application when that or other applications within the server used resouces that also loaded DLLS. ============================ APAR: PQ56439 Version: 400 Abstract: ADMIN SERVER IS TRYING TO CREATE EXISTING TABLE AND THROWS ERROR "CREATE TABLE FOR USER AWDEV" ON OBJECT "AWDEV.DOMAIN_TMPTBL" Error Description: cust do not want to give the permission to the "dbuser" in admin.config to create the tables.Cust is using db2390.sql (/bin/db2390.sql) to create the tables.but it did not create AWDEV.DOMAIN_TMPTBL table. it seems this db2390.sql is not a complete one. Sean Lee/New York/IBM@IBMUS ( from design centre ) and Ping Wang/Austin/IBM@IBMUS (from wl3sm team ) provided a new db2390.sql for testing purpose (this is available on wasdoc0/wasus/79595344000/ This new db2390.sql created the AWDEV.DOMAIN_TMPTBL . now the table is existing but when we start the admin server , the admin server trying to create the same table again and giving following exceptions IBM CLI Driver DB2 SQL0551N "NVISWAS" does not have the privilege to perform operation "CREATE TABLE FOR USER AWDEV" on object "AWDEV.DOMAIN_TMPTBL" SQLSTATE=42501 Note: Sean Lee/New York/IBM@IBMUS ( from design centre ) and Ping Wang/Austin/IBM@IBMUS (from wl3sm)are familiar with this PMR Problem Description: User cannot create DB2 390 tables. ============================ APAR: PQ56639 Version: 400 Abstract: CAN NOT SET THE "CONNECTION CACHE MAXIMUM" FOR OBJECT REQUEST BROKER TO A VALUE HIGHER THAN 256 VIA THE ADMIN CONSOLE Error Description: WebSphere Application Server version 4.0.1, Using the Admin Console to set the "Connection cache maximum" for the "Object Request Broker" to a value higher than 256 gets error message: ADGU3058E: You have entered an invalid value for Connection cache maximum. Valid value for this input must be between 0 and 256. The limit 256 should be on Solaris platform. On other platforms it shouldb be, in theory, unlimited (limit will depend on system resources). Steps to reproduce the problem: 1. Launch the WebSphere Advanced Administrative Console 2. Select the Application Servers or (e.g. Default Server) 3. On the Properties pane, click on "Services" tab, select "Object Request Broker" and click on "Edit Properties..." button. On the "Object Request Broker"'s properties window, change the default value (240) for attribute "Connection cache maximum" to any value higher than 256 to get the above error message Problem Description: Admin console had code to check max value and would not allow users to set above 256, which was required by certain users. ============================ APAR: PQ56901 Version: 400 Abstract: CANNOT VIEW DEPLOYMENT DESCRIPTOR FROM ADMIN CONSOLE Error Description: Doing an import of an xml file that contains a enterprise app. The xm file does not have the .ear extension for ear-install- directory. The import complets successfully and the app functions properly. However if you go on the console and right click on the enterpriseapp and do a view for the deployment descriptor then you will see the NoSuchObjectException exception. Problem Description: NoSuchObjectException is thrown when trying to view the deployment descriptor from the admin console. ============================ APAR: PQ58248 Version: 400 Abstract: DEPLOY A NEW EAR FILE USING XMLCONFIG WITH NO DOWN TIME Error Description: eBay does their own software updates is that they have a policy that there are NO outages or reductions in quality of service when the software is rolled out. The term they've been using here is "Incremental rollout". This basically means that they do a rolling release of new software across all of their servers, with no more than a single server being off-line at any time. The problem comes in with those changes that cannot go in as hot deployment -- like adding a new EJB, and dealing with all of the changes to the servlet code that have to deal with the new EJB. Here, we basically need to deploy a new EAR file. That's the issue. We need to deploy a new EAR across all servers, but we can't bring down all of the clones of that server -- we have to keep them running (bringing down only one at a time) while we start up the new servers. So, anyway, we've worked out a procedure for this. However, the procedure relies on what is probably a bug in XMLConfig. Problem Description: WebSphere needs to create multi virtual hosts with different names but duplicate the alias list in the Admin Console and to deploy multiple web applications with the same virtual host without seeing an error message. ============================ APAR: PQ58291 Version: 400 Abstract: CLONES ARE NOT CHECKED QUICKLY ENOUGH AND WHEN FAILOVER OCCURS TO SWITCH TO AN ACTIVE CLONE. Error Description: When clone Aapp Servers exists and one is being taken down, there is a period from the time the app server start to go down (apparently via " stop" from gui or wscp) then there is a period of time when, instead of being routed to another clone, that the client receives an HTML 404 "Not Found" error rather than being rerouted to one of the App Server clones that is available. This condition is transient and proper handling does occur shortly (don't know exactly how long). Need to review the way app servers are being shut down and determine what change(s) need to be made to prevent the problem as described. See defect 111732 for more detail. Problem Description: ============================ APAR: PQ58418 Version: 400 Abstract: NO EXTENDED BINDING INFORMATION FOR EAR FILES CAUSES THE WSCP "ENTERAPP INSTALL" COMMAND'S "-RUNASROLES" NOT TO FUNCTION. Error Description: If there is no extended binding information for a particular ear file (this is the ibm-application-bnd.xmi file in the META-INF directory of the file) then the wscp "EnterpriseApplication install" command's "-runasroles" option does not function correctly. It will not find the user-role mapping established in the same EnterpriseApplication install command via the "- userroles" option -- it then reports an error to the effect that the rolename specified cannot be found in the application. The install command uses the SecurityRoleAssignment command to implement the options that relate to security roles. This e-fix changes the SecurityRoleAssigment function for "runasroles" so that new user-role mappings are respected during install. Problem Description: No extended binding information for ear files causes the WSCP "ENTERAPP INSTALL" command's "-RUNASROLES" not to function. ============================ APAR: PQ58776 Version: 400 Abstract: EAR INSTALL WITH WSCP ONLY FIRST JNDI NAME APPEARS. Error Description: Using wscp to install an enterprise application including an EJB module with more than one EJB, only the first JNDI name shows up under the ejb tab after highlighting the EJB module in the admin console. If the EJB's are switched in order of listing prior to install, the other EJB's JNDI name will now show up. Even though the JNDI name may be seen in the EJB Reference section of the admin console, it is missing from the EJB tab in the console. Keyword: JNDINAME JNDINAMES ejbjndiname ejbjndinames Problem Description: Using wscp to install an enterprise application including an EJB module with more than one EJB, only the first JNDI name shows up in the admin console. ============================ APAR: PQ58881 Version: 400 Abstract: THIN ADMIN CONSOLE DOES NOT DISPLAY TRACELOGGER CORRECTLY Error Description: These problems are related to thin admin client not logging: 1. Web Console Trace Service won't accept characters: '/', '', and '$' for tracing strings even if these are part of the trace logger's name. 2. Web Console only shows the last Group a Trace Logger was added to, not all the groups it is present in. 3. Web Console generates the wrong Trace String after selecting a Named Trace Logger and enabling it. 4. Trace logger should have an option to include the Trace Name in the trace output since all trace output is directed to one trace file, and multiple deployments (under different JNDI names) of the same class result in not being able to tell which deployment generated which message when output comes from the same class. I have talked to developer and also sent him an email with further details. Problem Description: The Thin Admin trace service does not handle custom trace strings properly in certain cases, causing the trace string to be constructed improperly or reject characters that should be valid. ============================ APAR: PQ58961 Version: 400 Abstract: CANNOT DISABLE HP-UX JDK HOTSPOT SUPPORT FOR AN APPLICATION SERVER'S JVM Error Description: WebSphere Application Server for HP-UX uses Hewlett-Packard's JDK rather than an IBM JDK. The HP JDK runs by default with HotSpot support enabled; however, there may be times when a user wants to disable HotSpot support. The HP JDK provides a Java command line option, -classic, for disabling HotSpot. Disabling HotSpot for a WAS application server should be done by specifying "-classic" on the Advanced JVM command line arguments field for the application server. However, when "-classic" is set on the JVM command line arguments, the application server fails to start and the administrative console reports the following exception: Exception: <> ----------- Command Default Server.start failed. at at java:94) at$ ( at$ It should be possible to disable HotSpot with "-classic" and expect the application server to run successfully. Problem Description: Cannot disable HP-UX JDK hotspot support for an application server. ============================ APAR: PQ58962 Version: 400 Abstract: HP-UX: CANNOT DISABLE JIT FOR AN APPLICATION SERVER Error Description: The "Disable JIT" checkbox on the Advanced JVM Settings for an application server does not disable JIT, and it prevents the application server from starting. Setting the "Disable JIT" checkbox causes the option "-Xnojit:all" to be passed on the Java command line, and that option is not supported by the HP-UX JDK. This prevents the application server from starting. Problem Description: ============================ APAR: PQ59006 Version: 400 Abstract: WHEN AN APP SERVER FAILS, FOR WHATEVER REASON, THE ADMIN SERVER DETECTS THIS, BUT ONLY WILL TRY A RESTART ONCE Error Description: When an app server fails, for whatever reason, the admin server detects its failure and attempts to restart it, once. If the attempt fails for some reason,in this case the repository DB was down, there are no more further "automatic" retries to restart. This PMR is a request to add logic to admin server such that " failed" app servers can be restarted. Problem Description: Under some circumstances, admin server may not restart failed application server. ============================ APAR: PQ59225 Version: 400 ============================ APAR: PQ59279 Version: 400 Abstract: REMOVING CLONE DOES NOT REMOVE JNDI NAME WITH 4.02 Error Description: Removal of clone from node does not remove JNDI name from naming space. -Create server group -Install Ear into server group -Clone application from server group onto 2 seperate nodes -Verify that namespace exists for clone on each node with dumpNameSpace utility. -Remove clone from one of the nodes. -Restart admin server on both nodes just to make sure there isn't an old JNDI name left in cache. -run dumpNameSpace again just to verify that the clone was removed from the node in the admin console, but still exists in the JNDI name space. This worked for the customer at 4.01, but fails on 4.02. I have reproduced the problem on 4.02. Problem Description: Removal of application from node does not remove JNDI name from naming space. ============================ APAR: PQ59321 Version: 400 Abstract: RESOURCE ANALYZER WILL NOT WORK FOR A NODE THAT HAS A GENERIC SERVED INSTALLED Error Description: If a generic server is installed on a websphere node and you try to connect the Resource Analyzer to this node, the Websphere Domain cannot be expanded. PMI does not support generic servers, but a fix needs to be made to catch the exception that the PmiServiceBeanthrows. Problem Description: If a generic server is installed on a WebSphere node and you try to connect the Resource Analyzer to this node, the WebSphere Domain cannot be expanded. ============================ APAR: PQ59624 Version: 400 Abstract: HTTP SERVER PORT HARDCODED: SHOULD BE CONFIGURABLE. Error Description: The default PORT for a given WebSphere Application Server is hardcoded to 9080. For the creation of a new HTTP Transport; the last used port starting from 9080 will be incremented. Customer installing multiple instances of WAS on 1 physical node per IBM Websphere' coexistance recommendation will have to manually configure and maintain a list of TCP/IP ports used by difference instances of WAS. The current implementation assumes that only 1 instance of WAS will be on a physical machine therefore a hardcoded starting port for HTTP Transports is acceptable; However this does not allow for multiple instances to be maintained and increases the administration work for Websphere. Problem Description: The default PORT for a given App Server is hardcoded to 9080. For the creation of a new HTTP Transport; the last used port starting from 9080 will be incremented. ============================ APAR: PQ59634 Version: 400 Abstract: WAS FILE PERMISSIONS PROBLEM UNDER THE FILE TAB IN THE CONSOLE. Error Description: ENV: WAS 4.0.2 running as non-root on AIX SIT: Customer configured websphere to run with non-root userid WASVND. This user has ownerships of the proper directories and file described in install doc. They got an error in their application saying cannot access certain file in temp directory. LOGS: jsp.error.bad.scratch.dir In stdout, Error Page Exception was thrown: WebGroup I SRVE0091I: Servlet LOG : Error page exception The server cannot use the error page specified for your application because of the exception printed below. WebGroup I SRVE0092I: Servlet LOG : Error Page Exception: JSPG0113E: JSP file "/usr/WebSphere/AppServer/temp/stco1was1/ GoldCoin-AppServer/vmdad min/vmdadmin.war/error/ (The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.)" not found at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet$JspServletWrapper.service(J org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(JspServlet.j at org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( ACTION: I found out that if you go in the console, right click on her application server she created then select the FILE tab I found out that the EXECUTE permission was not selected. We selected the EXECUTE permission for the owner, group and othe and now everything is working fine. The application Server needs the execute write when compiling JSPs into servlets. In this PMR I think that the customer may have removed the Execute permission since the appServer does not need it for the Standard input, Standard output and Standard Error. I tried to create an appServer on NT and I got the execute by default. We should open an APAR to change the message in the console under the FILE tab of an application server since it is wrong and lead to confusion. Here is what we find in the console under the FILE tab. ---------------------------------------------------------------- |Standard input: |Standard output: usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/vdm_stdout.log |Stadard error: usr/WebSphere/AppServer/logs/vdm_stderr.log | ----File permission-------------------------------------- | | | | | Specify what permissions WebSphere Application Server| | | should use when creating the files above. | | | | | | Owner: x read x write execute | | | Group: x read write execute | | | Other: x read write execute | | | | | --------------------------------------------------------- |--------------------------------------------------------------- The message: "Specify what permissions WebSphere Application Server should us when creating the files above." is wrong and leads to confusion as it is not ONLY for the above files which are the stdin stdout and stderr. It will also use these permissions when compile JSPs into SERVLETs and if the execute permissions is not selected it will generate an exception. The message should say something like: "Specify what permissions WebSphere Application Server should us when creating files" Problem Description: Message in the console under the File tab of an application server is misleading. ============================ APAR: PQ59649 Version: 400 Abstract: SETTING FILE PERMISSIONS IN ADMIN CONSOLE WHEN RUNNING NON-ROOT PREVENTS JSP COMPILATION Error Description: Error in native.log 3/6/02 10:43:23:149 CST 662be3b8 WebGroup I SRVE0091I: Servlet LOG : JSP 1.1 Processor: init jsp.error.bad.scratch.dir Customer was running as non-root Restricted File Permissions using Admin Console Help on setting File Permissions within an application did not identify impact on JSP, only log file InfoCenter did not identify JSP interaction with File Permissions either ------------------ Customer requests that help be updated in admin console and that the error message be enhanced (suggest an SVC defect) Problem Description: ============================ APAR: PQ59756 Version: 400 Abstract: WAS AE AND WAS AES DIFFER DURING SERVER SHUTDOWN Error Description: This apar belongs to the SM team and they are already working to provide the fix for this problem. Under WebSphere Standard Edition (all 4.x versions) the serverStopping() method is called prior to the Server actually stopping -- that is all services and containers are still running including the EJB container, the Servlet container, and Database connections. These components are all fully active and available, and have not started their shutdown process. Nor will they until the Custom Service returns from the serverStopping() method. This allows the Custom Application logic to receive notification that the server has been requested to shutdown, and then to perform any clean up needed before the server starts it's shutdown. When the servers shutdown is complete, the Custom Service is notified through the serverStopping() method. Under WebSphere Advanced Edition (running stand alone or in a Cluster, versions GA, 4.01, and 4.02) the serverStopping() method appears to be being called after parts of the WebSphere Server are shutdown. This prevents the Application Logic in the Custom Service from doing the needed cleanup - this case contacting a Stateless EJB which then interacts with an Entity Bean to clean up information stored in the database. Problem Description: WAS AE and WAS AEs differ during shutdown custom service. ============================ APAR: PQ60026 Version: 400 Abstract: APPSERVER CRASHING ON STARTUP IF CTG IS INSTALLED OR MODIFYING LIBPATH SETTING. FAILURE NOTED IN UNIXGLUEPROCESS... Error Description: Application server does not start if CTG is installed or modifying LIBRARY variable. Problem Description: App server errors when trying to start and system reports segmentation error. ============================ APAR: PQ60064 Version: 400 Abstract: AT CERTAIN PTF LEVELS(402)USER DEFINED PROPERTIES ARE EXPOSED AND CAUSES A SECURITY RISK. Error Description: A change in ptf levels have opened a vulnerability in security, possibly opening a backdoor for access. Problem Description: Client program presents plain text display of datasource passwords. ============================ APAR: PQ60191 Version: 400 Abstract: WSCP.SH DOES NOT CORRECTLY PROVIDE RETURN VALUES IF THE COMMAND FAILED FOR SOME REASON Error Description: With version 4.0.2 we noticed that does not correctly provide return values if the command failed for some reason. This makes it extremly to use this tool in scripts because we have to make sure that we handle errors correctly. To reproduce the problem do: -c "ApplicationServer start {/Node:wsmajestix/Applicat ion Server:gugus/}" >> WSCP061E: Object not found .... echo $? returns RC 0 that is wrong Problem Description: WSCP was not correctly passing the return values for failed commands. ============================ APAR: PQ60522 Version: 400 Abstract: ADDRESS REMOVE SERVER TO ENSURE DB UPDATES OCCUR IN A SINGLE TRANSACTION. Error Description: fix to Server.ejbRemove is to move activeObject invocation into one (After-commit-task) thread such that the original ejbRemove is guranteed to be transactional (single transaction). Problem Description: WebSphere admin server fails to start and reports the following: AdminServer X WSVR0009E: Error during Startup RemoteException: ADMR3016E:Failed to get the server group name ============================ APAR: PQ60594 Version: 400 Abstract: DUPLICATE PORTS DURING A ROLLOUT OF SCRIPTS CAUSES ERRORS. Error Description: Customer is trying to rollout modified scripts that use duplicate ports. ustomers previuos scripts required different ports. Problem Description: For a particular app server, user specifies a specific port to be used for HTTP transport in the Web Container Service panel but this is overridden by WebSphere. ============================ APAR: PQ60657 Version: 400 Abstract: EAR FILE NOT EXPANDED AFTER INSTALL WITH REMOTE ADMIN CONSOLE Error Description: When using a remote admin console to install an Ear file that is local to the adminserver the adminclient is connecting to, the final screen informs the user that the file is local to the install node and will be expanded in the installedApps direc tory. This however does not occur. The application is visible in the console, but will not run properly because the code has not been expanded into the installedApps directory. The error " CNTR0020E" appears when trying to start or access info on the i nstalled application. Customer receives feedback that the instal l was successful, without being told that the EARexpander has to be ran against the EAR file before the application is fully installed. This is a false positive. Problem Description: In a multi-node environment, when using a remote admin console to install an Ear file that is local to the adminserver the adminclient is connecting to, the final screen informs the user that the file is local to the install node and will be expanded in the installedApps directory. This however does not occur, EAR does not expand and no directory is created. ============================ APAR: PQ60772 Version: 400 Abstract: WSCP BUG IN VALIDATING THE USER AND GROUP NAME ON ROLE-USER/GROUP MAPPING WHEN USES THE LDPA AUTHENTICATION. Error Description: When using wscp a full DN must be used, however the full DN fails in the wscp script where as the short name will install correctly but a 403 is issued when accessing the bean. This works properly during installation thru the Admin Gui console. The full DN needs to be allowed by wscp when using LTPA. Problem Description: WSCP bug in validating the user and group name on role-user/group mapping when uses the LTPA authentication. ============================ APAR: PQ60796 Version: 400 Abstract: AFTER PQ58003 UPON REMOVAL OF ENTERPRISE BEAN WAS 4.0.2 IS NOT REMOVING THE SUBDIRECTORY UNDER /INSTALLEDAPPS. Error Description: On WAS 4.0.2 using XML, WSCP, or Admin Console, deploy an Enterprise Application. At some point the need to remove the Enterprise Application and WAS is not removing the subdirectory under /InstalledApps. It can also be removed by any of three methods (XML, WSCP, Admin Console) and you receive the same results. This causes problems when they try to update the Application as there is old information left on their systems. Problem Description: Upon removal of Enterprise Bean, WAS 4.0.2 is not removing the subdirectory under ./InstalledApps directory. ============================ APAR: PQ60843 Version: 400 Abstract: CANNOT USE THE NODENAME PROPERTY. EAR WILL NOT EXPAND PROPERLY Error Description: Customer explanation of the problem is as follows: For configuring WAS on a machine with multiple NIC's, I add the following line to the admin.config file: I start WAS for the first time, and open the admin console. Everything looks fine, the node name is dev203e However, when I install an Enterprise Application the files do notget installed into /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps. I stopped WAS, dropped the admin database, and removed the extra line from the admin.config. I changed initial.config and createTables in admin.config. Started WAS and opened the admin console. I installed the same application, and it worked correctly, expanding the .ear to the local disk. I repeated this cycle from the beginning, and it seems that when the nodeName is set manually, Enterprise Applications do not expand to the /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/installedApps directory on the local machine. Is this expected? I need to use the nodeName property. Original PMR 52994,370,000. PMR 70824,370,000 is a continuation of PMR 52994,370,000. Problem Description: When user has multiple network interface cards in the system and goes to install a WebSphere Enterprise Application, the .ear file may not expand into the correct directory. ============================ APAR: PQ61172 Version: 400 Abstract: AFTER PQ58961 CANNOT DISABLE HP-UX JDK HOTSPOT SUPPORT FOR AN APPLICATION SERVER'S JVM Error Description: APAR PQ58961 was opened to allow switching an application server' s JVM mode from HotSpot to Classic. However, the problem was only partially fixed. The exceptions generated when disabling HotSpot were corrected so that the application server would start up correctly, but the fix did not enable the ability to switch from HotSpot mode to Classic mode. This APAR is opened to request that the problem be fixed completely by allowing the " -classic" command line option and the "Disable JIT" checkbox to both switch the JVM mode from HotSpot to Classic. Problem Description: On HP-UX, JVM unable to switch from hotspot to classic mode using the console. ============================ APAR: PQ61209 Version: 400 Abstract: WSCP "MODULE SHOW" COMMAND REPORTS "WSCP0061E: OBJECT NOT FOUND" WHEN REQUESTED MODULE EXISTS Error Description: The WSCP command "Module show" may be used to display the properties of a given module contained in an Enterprise Application. However, if a user issues "Module show" for a module that is known to exist in the WAS configuration, WSCP reports "WSCP0061E: Object not found". Problem Description: Module Show throws Object Not Found Exception. ============================ APAR: PQ61809 Version: 400 Abstract: PMISERVICE GET {/NODE:DAPP31/APPLICATIONSERVER:AS-WST-WST-01/} -RECURSIVE THROWS NAMING SERVICE EXCEPTION. Error Description: Using the command, PmiService get {/Node:dapp31/ApplicationServer:as-wst-wst-01/} -recursive throws exception: Naming Service unavailable. A communications error occurred 5/30/02 16:52:55:153 EDT 1dfbff CollectorAE W Exception java.rmi.RemoteException: Exception getting initial context: ; javax.naming.CommunicationException: Caught CORBA.COMM_ Problem Description: PmiService Get throws Naming Exceptions when bootstrap port is not 900 ============================ APAR: PQ61849 Version: 400 Abstract: WHEN DELETING APPLICATIONS USING WSCP, THE CLASS FILES FROM THE DELETED APPLICATIONS ARE NOT REMOVED Error Description: Remove an Enterprise Application using the WSCP "Module remove" and "EnterpriseApp remove" commands. Both commands do not completely remove the application. Although, the "WSCP Module list" command no longer show the application, but the WebSphere Administrator's Console shows that the application still exists. The directory tree structure of the application is not removed. Problem Description: Removing EnterpriseApp using WSCP does not remove all the files from the directory of the application being deleted. ============================ APAR: PQ61864 Version: 400 Abstract: WRONG DELIMITER IN WSCPQUALIFIEDNAME.GETNAME(OBJECTID) Error Description: There is a bug in WscpQualifiedName.getName(objectId); It appears teh code makes no special checks to determine if the forward slash is part of the name, or the delimiter of the name. The code assumes that after the colon, the next forward slash will mark the end of the name. So either a forward slash should not be allowed in names, or the getName code should be modified to find the actual delimiting slash. Problem Description: Wrong delimiter in wscpquilifiedname.getname ============================ APAR: PQ62067 Version: 400 Abstract: PLUGIN REGEN MESSAGE ON ADMIN CONSOLE NEEDS TO BE MODIFIED Error Description: When you right click on the NODE and select REGEN PLUGIN a message in the console stating the regeneration completed successfully is displayed. "Plugin Regen Completed Successfully." However, the actual plugin-cfg.xml "file" does not get updated immediately. This message "..Co mpleted Successfully" does not actually mean the physical plugin "file" has been updated. It simply means the sticky bit used to flag the plugin file to be updated has been set. The amount of time for the actual plugin-cfg.xml file to be updated is determined by an internal algorithm within the Servlet Engine. The amount of time for the actaul file to be update can vary depending on customer's configuration, workload, environment, etc.. This is confusing because the message in the console stated "completed Successfully" which would suggest the file has been updated immediately Action Needed: the message content need be changed from "Plugin Regen Completed Successfully." to "Plugin Regen scheduled Successfully." (or some other more descriptive message) to reflect the reality ( the real situation) because the existing message content is misleading. Raja K. in Development is aware of this issue already Problem Description: Message displayed in console when plugin is regenerated is misleading. ============================ APAR: PQ62188 Version: 400 Abstract: NAMING EXCEPTIONS AND WARNINGS ARE THROWN WHEN THE NANNY IS WAITING FOR THE ADMIN SERVER TO STARTUP IN THE NAMESERVICES. Error Description: Problem: WebSphere 4.0.3 (not seen in earlier PTFs) with a non port 900 defined and with PQ61462 applied (which resolves the issue of the Nanny service failed to start using a non-900 port numberand has no relevance in this situation) now has in the nanny.trace file naming exceptions and warnings. Cause: This is due to the fact that the Nanny is waiting for the Admin server to startup in the NameServices. Example: 6/6/02 10:20:50:012 CDT 651afb75 Nanny W SMTL0012W: Waiting for initial context javax.naming.CommunicationException: Caught CORBA.COMM_FAILURE when resolving initial reference=WsnNameService. Root exception is org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: minor code: 3 completed: No at at va:508) at java:741) at java:863) at at at at s( at at at at al( at at at at ext( at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(NamingManager.j ava:674) at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.jav a:255) at javax.naming.InitialContext.init( at javax.naming.InitialContext.( at 49) at at 561) at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at ----- Begin backtrace for rootCause org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: minor code: 3 completed: No at at va:508) at java:741) at java:863) at at at at s( at at at at al( at at at at ext( at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(NamingManager.j ava:674) at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.jav a:255) at javax.naming.InitialContext.init( at javax.naming.InitialContext.( at 49) at at 561) at at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) at Request: To have the warning message stack not appear in the nanny.trace so when stacks are seen, they are known to be valid error messages that need to be responded to by the administrator of the system. Problem Description: Naming Exceptions are thrown when Nanny is waiting for AdminServer to start the Name Services. ============================ APAR: PQ62229 Version: 400 Abstract: WSCP CORRUPTS REPOSITORY Error Description: WSCP appears to allow modifications to a running webapp. However the procedure corrupts the repository making it neccessary for the customer to drop and rebuildthe admin repository. Problem Description: WSCP is causing the repository to become corrupt. ============================ APAR: PQ62330 Version: 400 Abstract: ERROR IN TRACE FILE JAVA.LANG.NUMBERFORMATEXCEPTION Error Description: ERROR IN TRACE FILE: ExceptionUtil X CNTR0019E: Non-application exception occurred while method findAll: java.lang.NumberFormatException: Problem Description: When starting up, WebSphere fails in "Initializing administration application..." with " Non-application exception occurred while processing method findAll: java.lang.NumberFormatException: 1020067512484 ". ============================ APAR: PQ62333 Version: 400 Abstract: ADMIN CONSOLE INDICATES ENTERPRISE APPLICATION IS STARTED, HOWEVER, WHEN CHECKED WITH WSCP IT SHOWS STOPPED. Error Description: Here is the test senerio for WSCP: wscp> EnterpriseApp show /EnterpriseApp:intlbl/ {Name intlbl} {FullName /EnterpriseApp:intlbl/} {CurrentState Stopped} DesiredState Running} {StartTime 1021486630789} {OrigEarFile /apps/apl/intlbl/servlets/intlbl.ear} {OrigNodeName rcdaix10} The output shows stopped but the console shows Running. Problem Description: Admin console indicates enterprise application is started/running, however when checked using WSCP is shows it is stopped. ============================ APAR: PQ62494 Version: 400 Abstract: ADMIN SERVER SHOULD RECONNECT TO RUNNING APP SERVERS RUNNING AND/ OR STARTED Error Description: The expected behavior for the AdminServer is to reconnect to appservers that are already running . There should not be any new process created. But currently, Websphere AdminServer always considers a START as NEW WAS start and goes ahead and starts the appservers. (WAS has to consult with admin DB to decide if it has to start appserver or not ). There is a flag which will tell the adminserver if that is a restart, which is never set, since the startupServer script is used to start the Adminserver, Websphere considers it as a normal start and creates a new appserver process. Problem Description: If admin server is restarted, it fails to connect to running app servers. This may result in multiple copies of app servers running simultaneously. ============================ APAR: PQ62502 Version: 400 Abstract: XMLCONFIG CHANGES NOT UPDATED IN A RUNNING WSCP SESSION Error Description: Customer found a problem where changes made by xmlconfig are not visible in wscp if the wscp session was started before the xmlconfig act. Here are the steps we followed to reproduce the problem: Step 1) create application server as_test using XMLConfig /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin> ./ -adminNodeName wsmajestix -import $HOME/as.xml -substitute "action=create" 4/17/02 19:09:36:960 CEST 3f74d NodeConfig A XMLC0053I: Importing Node : wsmajestix 4/17/02 19:09:37:904 CEST 3f74d ApplicationSe A XMLC0053I: Importing ApplicationServer : as_test step 2) Start wscp (session 1) and verify XMLconfig action wscp> ApplicationServe show /Node:wsmajestix/ApplicationServer: as_test/" -attribute SystemProperties {SystemProperties {}} ==> Ok, as_test is there, everything ok. step 3) remove appserver as_test using XMLConfig /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin> ./ -adminNodeName wsmajestix -import $HOME/as.xml -substitute "action=delete" 4/17/02 19:12:26:461 CEST 3f74d NodeConfig A XMLC0053I: Importing Node : wsmajestix 4/17/02 19:12:27:428 CEST 3f74d ApplicationSe A XMLC0053I: Importing ApplicationServer : as_test step 4) create application server as_test again /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin> ./ -adminNodeName wsmajestix -import $HOME/as.xml -substitute "action=create" 4/17/02 19:12:59:588 CEST 3f74d NodeConfig A XMLC0053I: Importing Node : wsmajestix 4/17/02 19:13:00:569 CEST 3f74d ApplicationSe A XMLC0053I: Importing ApplicationServer : as_test step 5) using wscp (session 1) which is still open from before wscp> ApplicationServer show Node:wsmajestix/ApplicationServer: as_test/" -attribute SystemProperties RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is: java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is: javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException ==> OOPS the applicaton server as_test could not be found step 5) open a second new wscp session (session 2) /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/bin> ./ wscp> ApplicationServer show /Node:wsmajestix/ApplicationServer: as_test/" -attribute SystemProperties {SystemProperties {}} ===> Ok, if I open a new wscp session I can see the changes that were made previously This looks to me as if some xmlconfig changes are not correctly reflected in a open wscp session. Problem Description: Running WSCP session does not recognize changes made by XMLConfig. ============================ APAR: PQ62586 Version: 400 Abstract: PORTING PQ53566 TO WAS 4.0- ALLOW ADMIN SERVER STATEFUL SESSION BEANS TO BE PERSISTED TO A DIRECTORY CONFIGURABLE BY THE USER. Error Description: PROBLEM: 'BeanIDxxxx" files getting created in the 'bin' directory due to stateful session beans in the admin server. The customer would like to specify a different directory for these files so that they do not clutter up- and in the worst case, actually use up the complete disk space- the file system on which the 'bin' directory is located. PQ53566 already does this for WAS 3.5. Need to port it to WAS 4.0. Problem Description: WebSphere is incorrectly setting the stateful EJB's passivation directory for admin server beans in admin.config ============================ APAR: PQ62793 Version: 400 Abstract: NODE FOR RESTART OPTION FAILS TO KILL JVM PROCESS ID OF APPSERVER THAT FAILS ON STARTUP. Error Description: When customer uses xmlconfig to perform a node for restart on a node, and that particular node has a jvm that failed to start on startup but started succesfully afterwards, the process id for that jvm remains after the node has been restarted. Customer has to perform a kill - 9 on the process id in order for it to go away. On Windows 2K, a reboot is in order for the process to go away. To recreate this problem, rename a jar file for an ejb in an application server. Startup that application server and it will fail due to the Problem Description: Node "stop for restart" option fails to kill application server jvm process id. ============================ APAR: PQ63023 Version: 400 Abstract: NO COPYRIGHTS FOR SOME SHELL SCRIPTS IN WAS Error Description: The list of shell scripts in the /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/bin directory that have no copyright statements are: PAG (found in /usr/WebSphere/AppServer directory) the list of shell scripts with only a single copyright line i.e. # Copyright IBM Corp. 2000-2001 are: the list of shell scripts with complete copyright information: Problem Description: WebSphere Application Server users that are running version 4.0.1, 4. 0.2, and 4.0.3 may notice that there is not a copyright on batch files/shell swcripts in their bin directory. ============================ APAR: PQ63158 Version: 400 Abstract: ENTRIES IN WELCOME FILE LIST FOR WEB MODULE DD DO NOT SHOW UP IN "VIEW DEPLOYMENT" IN ADMINCONSOLE NOR IN THE AAT. Error Description: war file, has three entries in it's welcome file list in it deployment descriptor (in web.xml). Of these three filesthird normally exists, but get a file not found on the 2nd or third file names. Only when he creates a file called index.html, which is first name in welcome list in proper directory does find the file. Problem Description: Not all entries in the welcome-file list for web module DD show up in "view deployment" in adminconsole. ============================ APAR: PQ63523 Version: 400 Abstract: WHEN AN ENTERPRISE APP IS REMOVED, THE ENTRY UNDER INSTALLEDAPPS IS NOT REMOVED AND IS A SYMBOLIC LINK TO ANOTHER FILESYSTEM. Error Description: Upon removal of enterprise bean WAS 4.0.2 is not removing the subdirectory under /installedApps directory. This directory is a symbolic link to another filesystem. If the customer doesn't use this sysmbolic link , the entry under installedApps directory will be removed with no problem. WAS4.0.2 AIX 4.3.3 Problem Description: Upon removal of enterprise bean on WebSphere 4.0.2, the subdirectory under /installedApps directory is not being removed if the directory is a symbolic link to another filesystem. ============================ APAR: PQ65214 Version: 400 Abstract: APPLICATION SERVER COMMAND LINE ARGUMENTS CONTAINING SPACE CHARACTERS WITHIN QUOTED STRINGS ARE NOT PARSED CORRECTLY. Error Description: When a command line argument for an app server has quoted text with a blank, the string is split at the space when the command line is parsed. This prevents the app server from starting. Problem Description: The application server won't start if command line argument has a blank in the quoted text. ============================ APAR: PQ65232 Version: 400 Abstract: IF YOU CREATE A GENERIC SERVER BEFORE AN APPLICATION SERVER, THE APPLICATION SERVER ERRORS OCCURRED DURING DUPLICATE PORT CHECK Error Description: When creating an application server after creating a generic server the Errors occurred during duplicate port check is produced. If you are using the console the application server is created but the Transport is 9080. BUT if you do this with XML imports the application server is not create at all. If you create the application servers before the generic server then everything is fine. Problem Description: If user creates app servers after generic servers, errors are produced and app server creation could fail. ============================ APAR: PQ65491 Version: 400 Abstract: FOR A GENERIC SERVER, WE DO NOT PROVIDE THE ABILITY TO SET THE NODE-START-STATE Error Description: There is no node-start-state option for Generic Servers Problem Description: On WAS 4.0.4 and earlier, there is not an option to configure the NodeStartState for a Generic Server ============================ APAR: PQ65647 Version: 400 Abstract: APPSERVER ARGUMENTS SEQUENCE WRONG WHEN TRYING TO SETUP SPLIT SECURITY. Error Description: I discussed the problem with our L3 WebSphere security team. They indicated this is a known problem and provided the following corrections/additions to the instructions in the InfoCenter: There is a system management problem reading from the ConfigURL file. The properties get overwritten by the one's passed in from the command line when the process gets launched. To disable security in appserver, add the following line to the JVM settings in the appserver (for LTPA): Modify the sas.server.props as shown in the InfoCenter: add the following line the sas.server.props # Client Association properties # Server Association properties The work-around does work in the customers environment. The problem is that the cleaner and proper way of implementing the property sett ings is to use the param: " file:///usr/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/sas.appserver.props" Problem Description: When the user follows the procedures documented in InfoCenter 5.7.7 to selectively disable security on specified application server, he will find that security remains enabled. ============================ APAR: PQ66035 Version: 400 Abstract: FOR EVERY START OF WEBSPHERE THERE IS AN ADDITIONAL ENTRY IN EJSADMIN.LOCK_TABLE TABLE AND ADMIN DB2 IS ON OS/390 REMOTELY. Error Description: Problem: Customer is having a WAS4.0 1 AE on AIX and Admin repository is on DB2 with OS/390 remotely. When ever customer restarts WAS , they see that there is an additional entry in repository EJSADMIN.LOCK_TABLE table. Cause: It seems the DDL for the admin repository for DB2/390 is called db2390.sql in the bin directory in the WebSphere install. As it turns out, the DDL is missing the primary key clause on the definition for the LOCK_TABLE. Addnl error: Another customer noted the unique index for the EJSADMIN.LOCK_TABLE is missing. Here is the missing entry: CREATE TYPE 2 UNIQUE INDEX EJSADMIN.LCK_IX ON EJSADMIN.LOCK_TABLE ( NAME ); Problem Description: For every start of WebSphere there is an additional entry in EJSADMIN.LOCK_TABLE ============================ APAR: PQ66193 Version: 400 Abstract: MODIFICATION OF DEFAULT DATA SOURCE BY WSCP IS NOT REFLECTED IN REPOSITORY OR ADMIN CONSOLE. Error Description: Module modify command to modify the JndiName for the DefaultResourceRef results in a change that is reflected in the results of a subsequent Module show command in wscp. However, the export of the config values to an XML file does not show the change and the admin console does not show the change. Problem Description: In wscp, using the "Module modify" command to modify the JNDIName for the DefaultResourceRef results in a change that is reflected in the results of a subsequent "Module show" commands in wscp. However, this change is not reflected in the information displayed by the admin console or the output of XMLConfig. ============================ APAR: PQ66291 Version: 400 Abstract: WSCP W/PQ60191 STILL REPORTING INCORRECT RETURN CODES OF RC=0 EVEN THOUGH THE COMMAND DOES NOT SUCCEED Error Description: WAS 4.0.4 included PQ60191 which was for WSCP.SH does not correctly provide return values if the command failed for some reasons. They are still experiencing WSCP returning an incorrect return code of RC=0 even though the command does not succeed. Tested it with a wrong command: ( -c "ApplicationServer list") and still got return code 0. After reading in the specific APAR description (PQ60191) it was found that there has to be set a property 'wscp.useNewRetCode' to some non-null value. Now we get the expected return code <> 0. Two cases detected where WSCP does still report incorrect return codes (i.e., RC=0 even that command does not succeed): ./ -c "source not_existing_file" gives couldn't read file "not_existing_file" with RC=0 and ./ -c "source incorrect_file" gives WSCP0170E: Either "-moduleappservers" or "-defappserver" must be specified with RC=0 The second sample derived from an input file where erranously a line break exists before the option -defappserver. While we accept that the command fails the return code shouldn't be set to 0. Also another situation: AppServer and Appl 'Tool_Servlets_Examples' has not been stopped yet. Trying several times to remove the application: wscp> EnterpriseApp remove {/EnterpriseApp:Tool_Servlets_Examples/} wscp> EnterpriseApp remove {/EnterpriseApp:Tool_Servlets_Examples/} ... wscp> EnterpriseApp remove {/EnterpriseApp:Tool_Servlets_Examples/} It doesn't report an error (while the application of course never can be removed). Problem Description: WSCP returns 0 exit code even if errors have occurred. ============================ APAR: PQ66352 Version: 400 Abstract: RIPPLE COMMAND WORKS ALTHOUGH STDOUT DOESN'T SHOW SUCCESSFUL SERVER START Error Description: If customer uses the RIPPLE command to stop/restart the application servers, the application servers stop and start successfully. However, the STDOUT (standard output) log for the server shows only the server stop and not the subsequent successful server start (restart). Problem Description: Ripple command works although stdout doesn't show successful server start. ============================ APAR: PQ66574 Version: 400 Abstract: IN A MULTINODE ENVIRONMENT THE PLUG-IN REGEN DOES NOT COMPLETE WHEN ANY SINGLE NODE IS DOWN. Error Description: Problem: After PTF 3 was applied, the nanny.trace file contained multiple instaces of the message "NMSV0602E: Naming Service unavailable. A communications error occurred." and when any one node is down, unable to successfully regen the plug-in. PQ61462 did not affect the situation. Error in the nanny's file: 5/14/02 14:53:17:370 CDT f4cb Nanny E error getting nodeHome for : ejsadmin/homes/NodeHome : java.lang.NullPointerException 5/14/02 14:53:18:387 CDT f4cb WsnInitCtxFac W NMSV0602E: Naming Service unavailable. A communications error occurred. 5/14/02 14:53:18:388 CDT f4cb Nanny W SMTL0012W: Waiting for initial context javax.naming.CommunicationException: Caught CORBA.COMM_FAILURE when resolving initial reference=WsnNameService. Root exception is org.omg.CORBA.COMM_FAILURE: minor code: 3 completed: No Error in the XML Export: ExceptionUtil X CNTR0019E: Non-application exception occurred while processing method findAll: InvalidBeanOStateException(current = DESTROYED, expected = POOLED) at ed Code)) ExceptionUtil X CNTR0020E: Non-application exception occurred while processing method listInstances on bean BeanId(admin#repository.jar#ClientAccess, null): java.rmi.RemoteException: ; nested exception is: javax.transaction.TransactionRolledbackException: CORBA TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK 0 No; nested exception is: org.omg.CORBA.TRANSACTION_ROLLEDBACK: null; nested exception is: InvalidBeanOStateException(current = DESTROYED, expected = POOLED) and the plug-in trace shows: 7/22/02 17:27:41:080 CDT 40405c3 AEPluginCfg W PLGN0063W: An exception occurred while generating the plugin configuration for module default_app. The plugin configuration file will not contain an entry for this module. and the generates: IBM CLI Driver DB2/6000 SQL0204N "WAS40.TYPE_TABLE" is an undefined name. SQLSTATE=42704 at LExcepti at LExcepti at Exceptio at at :434) at 0) at at Problem Description: On WAS 4.0.x, regenerate plugin failures occurs in multinode environment ============================ APAR: PQ67047 Version: 400 Abstract: ATTEMPT TO MODIFY VIRTUAL HOST WITH WSCP PRODUCES INCOMPLETE RESULTS. Error Description: Virtual host created with wscp 1) Does NOT appear in admin console or in XMLConfig export. 2) Does appear in config plugin file regenerated. 3) Produces error when app server is started 4) Is detected by admin console as existing when attempt is made to add same virtual host from admin console after first adding it in wscp I was able to reproduce the problem in WAS v4.0.2. I had the default_server as part of a server group. I had all of the symptoms the customer described except that I could start the default_server without error. Problem Description: When modifying Virtual Host attribute information on Module with WSCP, the changes are not reflected on console nor xmlconfig. ============================ APAR: PQ67297 Version: 400 Abstract: SE_TABLE IN REPOSITORY NOT INITIALIZED CORRECTLY WHEN RUNNING DB2390.SQL Error Description: L3 is aware of this problem and it should go to SM component. Customer is using WAS V4.03 with repository on system 390. The customer is using db2390.sql script to create the tables in the repository. The db2390 script runs successfully and creates the tables, however WAS requires a row inserted in to SE_TABLE for sequence numbers(?). When WAS is started the error is thrown that SE_TABLE is corrupted(admin trace). If the customer manually adds a dummy record in SE_TABLE then the problem goes away. The following cmd can be used to insert the dummy record. db2 connect to was40 user db2admin using db2admin insert into ejsadmin.se_table (MSG_ID, NODE_NAME, SERVER_NAME, MSG_TIME) values(0, '0', '0', '1000') Note: "ejsadmin" should be replaced with whatever db schema currently in use. The value 1000 is the default size of the logs specified through seriousEventLogSize in admin.config. Problem Description: SE table in repository not initialized correctly when running db2390.sql ============================ APAR: PQ67353 Version: 400 Abstract: ADMINSERVICE.EXE PROCESS GET STARTED SUCCESSFULL,BUT AFTER SOME TIME ADMINSERVICE.EXE PROCESS GET EXITED. Error Description: Customer scenarios: Every night there server get recycled, around morning when customer walks into the office first thing they check there services panel in W2K to check the all serive is being running properly. They also notice some morning in services windows on W2K for WAS service as showing as not started. WAS IBM WS AdminServer 4.0 to be startup type automatic. When services show as not started in services panel then they check the PID on windows task manager. In task manager also reports as not running But there are some java process running, Console works fine. Problem Description: Admin service terminates but admin server and app servers run without problems. ============================ APAR: PQ67443 Version: 400 Abstract: USING WSCP, "MODULE INSTALL ..." WON'T UPDATE .BND FILE Error Description: wscp> Module install /Node:pork36/ C:/AustinLevel2/PMRsOngoing/439067TD000/pmr-43906-m3-LHfail/Lern erHall.war -moduleappservers {{LernerHall.war "/Node:pork36/ApplicationServer:DefaultServer/"}} -appname lerner1 -modvirtualhosts {{LernerHall.war test}} doesn't update .bnd file under installedApps.ear. Dicussed with Amy Lin in SM L3. She think it is a bug. Problem Description: Using wscp, "Module Install ..." won't update binding file under installedApps*.ear ============================ APAR: PQ67446 Version: 400 Abstract: ADMINCONSOLE FAILS TO DISPLAY JNDI NAME MAPPING CORRECTLY. Error Description: When installing an Enterprise Web Application developed in WSAD 4.0.3 using the install Enterprise App Wizard in the WAS Admin Console, we come across a dialog box indicating "Duplicate EJB JNDI Names" as a title, a list of the EJB jndi names in the body with Yes and No buttons at the bottom. In past versions of the web application, there were less EJB JNDI names listed and we could see the Yes/No buttons. We would click No and continue. In our latest version of the application, we hav added an additional EJB project and the number of EJB JNDI names in the dialog box causes the dialog to not show the Yes/No buttons. The dialog box is not scroll able so there is no way to get to the bottom. We have been closing the dialog box and continuing with the install, but we are not sure if this is a good solution. We are accessing the admin console via Exceed (X Windows) on an W2K PC. Problem Description: Admin console fails to display JNDI name mapping correctly. ============================ APAR: PQ67698 Version: 400 Abstract: NANNY PROCESS ON SOLARIS STOPS FOR NO REASON (THERE ARE NO ERRORS IN ANY TRACE AND THE TRUSS STATES IS WANTS TO STOP) Error Description: After starting WebSphere on a solaris box the nanny process dies for no reason. There are no errors in any of the logs and doing a truss trace (Sun OS trace) it states that the nanny volunteered to stop. Note that WebSphere does start-up and runs fine until the admin server crashes and the nanny process is suppost to restart it. Problem Description: Nanny Process terminates with no indication of why this is occurring. ============================ APAR: PQ67726 Version: 400 Abstract: AFTER PQ62494 WEBSPHERE ADMIN SERVER DOESN'T RECONNECT TO RUNNING APPLICATION SERVERS. Error Description: Problem occurs when the Websphere nanny process and websphere admin server have terminated but one or more app servers are left running. Starting the websphere nanny process will result in the nanny process starting the admin server and, if configured otherwise, behavior of admin server will be to start new copies of the app servers that were left running without attempting to connect to the existing ones. This results in a system where multiple copies of the same app server(s) will be executing. Problem Description: Even though user has correctly specified settings in admin.config, when WebSphere starts up, admin server does not reconnect to running app servers. ============================ APAR: PQ67763 Version: 400 Abstract: WSCP IGNORES ERROR DURING ENT APP INSTALL AND CREATES FOLDERS Error Description: The following apar belongs to WEBSJAVA.EJS.ADMINSVR. Basically if you have an ear file with a bad datasource and install it through WSCP to a servergroup then the error it produces: WSCP0136E: An Exception was caught during command processing: RemoteException occurred in server thread; nested exception is: java.rmi.RemoteException: Failure to find application bean by primary key However, it still creates the folders for the ear in the /installedApps directory. However if you install the same bad ear to a single application server the error explains that problem and it does NOT create the folders for the ear. Not if you try this through the console you cannot get pass the datasource wizard window so that is not a problem. Only WSCP install to a server group. The fix/code change should also include if there are problems if a URL reference is referred to and doesn't exist. Problem Description: When an ear file with missing resources is installed a proper error message was not returned to the wscp caller. A partial install was done and the system was left in a bad state. ============================ APAR: PQ67767 Version: 400 Abstract: UNABLE TO DE-SELECT ALLOW OVERFLOW FOR SESSION MANAGER SERVICE Error Description: 1) In admin console, select 'Services' tab of properties for an app server 2) Select 'Session Manager Service' and select 'Edit Properties...' button 3) On 'Advanced' tab of 'Session Manager Service' dialog, de-select 'Allow overflow' 4) Result: 'OK' button continues to be greyed out and not available to be selected. Problem Description: The check mark option for the "cache overflow" in the Session Manager Service panel on Admin Console is not working. It does not allow users to deactivate it. ============================ APAR: PQ67836 Version: 400 Abstract: DELETE BUTTON ON VIRTUAL HOSTS GENERAL TAB SAYS SUPPRIM... NOT SUPPRIMER Error Description: In WAS 4.0.1 AE the delete button says Supprimer in when the console is viewed in French. After installing any fixpack the word on the button is truncated to Supprim... regardless of how large you make the console. Problem Description: "Delete" button on virtual hosts general tab says "Supprim..." not "Supprimer" ============================ APAR: PQ67928 Version: 400 Abstract: UNABLE TO USE MORE THAN ONE USER ROLE WITH ENTERPRISEAPP INSTAL Error Description: I recreated the user problem using was v4.0.2 and reviewed the entry in the InfoCenter. It appeared to indicate the syntax should work. I tried adding a comma between the list elements in -userroles and this gave the following exception: "WSCP0116E: Error Setting User Role Mappings; exception information: tcl. lang.TclException " The syntax I tried was the following: **************************************************************** EnterpriseApp list EnterpriseApp install /Node:PIG212/ C:/temp/PerfServletApp.ear -defappserver /Node:PIG212/ApplicationServer:AppServ1/ -userroles {{PerfAdminRole test} {Client wasadmin}} **************************************************************** ============================ APAR: PQ68236 Version: 400 Abstract: WHEN ONE NODE OF A TWO NODE DOMAIN IS DOWN, THE SERVER GROUP WILL NOT START. Error Description: In WAS 4.0.4 multi node environment, when one node is down the server group will not start. Error in admin console: Exception: Error during start. at at$ ( at$ Tracefile: 11/14/02 9:16:43:233 EST 10b30cbd Server A WSVR0023I: Server __adminServer open for e-business 11/14/02 9:18:33:572 EST 70380cbb NodeBean W Failed to access remote node "w2k-vishnu" during duplicate check for HTTP transport port Problem Description: When one node of a two node domain is down, the server group will not start. ============================ APAR: PQ68430 Version: 400 Abstract: EXPORT OF EAR FILE DOESN'T SHOW CORRECT FILE SYSTEM AS NODE SELECTED. Error Description: Thru the console when trying to export an install Enterprise Application, the file structure seen is not the desired file system from the specified node. This is also not necessarily the file system that the EAR was initially installed on. Problem Description: Export of EAR file doesn't show correct file system as node selected. ============================ APAR: PQ68450 Version: 400 Abstract: ADMIN SERVER AND WSCP FAIL TO TERMINATE APPLICATION SERVER Error Description: Symptom1: An administration server fails to terminate an application server before starting another application server. Symptom2: WSCP ApplicationServer stop and stop -force sometimes fails to terminate an application server Problem Description: When user tries to stop an application server via admin console, wscp, or XMLConfig, sometimes the application server process continues to run. ============================ APAR: PQ68542 Version: 400 Abstract: ADMIN SERVER RESTARTS APP SERVER BUT THERE IS NEITHER A CRASH OR A PING TIMEOUT. Error Description: The Admin Server restarts the Application Server in a Windows environment. The tracefile reveals the following messages: ActiveServerP A ADMS0028I: Restarting server: ServerName ActiveServerP A ADMS0032I: Started server: ServerName (pid 2584) This is usually evidence that a process running under the JVM has crashed. Windows did not produce a DrWatson or user dump. Running an Admin Server trace reveals very litte as to why the Admin Server restarts the Application Server in this manner. For this case, it was determined that when the Admin Server restarted the JVM it did not attempt to shut down the Application Server JVM as it does when it receives a no ping received message. Instead it was determined that the Admin Service restarted the Application Server JVM due to Windows communicating to the AdminService that the JVM process has been terminated. There was some evidance that the JVM's resources were not totally released but this would require more investigation to be conclusive. If this is necessary then the WL3SM team would need to provide a diagonostic module to further investigate the Windows' issues. This APAR should provide a log message indicating why the Admin Server is restarting the Application Server. At this time the fix for this APAR has been put into the System Management cumulative fix which is: WAS_SysMgmt_01_07_2003_4.02_4.03_4.04_AE_cumulative_Windows_eFix Problem Description: User sees application server being restarted by admin server without any explanation. ============================ APAR: PQ68569 Version: 400 Abstract: THERE IS A LIMIT ON THE NUMBER OF CLONES STARTING AT ONE TIME. INITIALLY IT IS HARD CODED TO 5 THREADS (5 CLONES). Error Description: When starting a server group of more than 5 clones you will notice that only 5 clones start at one time. After the five clones are started then the next five will start together until all the clones are started. Problem Description: When starting a server group of more than 5 clones, only 5 clones start at one time. After the five clones are started then the next five will start together until all the clones are started. ============================ APAR: PQ69219 Version: 400 Abstract: ADMIN SERVER STARTING FROM COMMAND LINE BUT NOT FROM WINDOWS SERVICES. Error Description: Admin Server will not start through Windows Services without adding the j2ee.jar into the admin.config's classpath. Without the C:WebSphereAppServerlibj2ee.jar in the admin.config's classpath the error in tracefile is as follow: 11/10/02 10:57:05:062 EST 10f245a5 AdminServer X WSVR0009E: Error occurred during startup java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/sql/DataSource at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at va:133) at at$ iled Code)) at$ iled Code)) at Method) at Code)) ... (not all of error listed) WSVR0067E: Failed to initialize WebSphere Administration server 11/10/02 10:57:09:609 EST 10ee05aa AdminServer X WSVR0009E: Error occurred during startup java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/sql/DataSource at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method) at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( at va:133) at at$ iled Code)) at$ iled Code)) at Method) at Code)) ... (not all of file listed) Level 3's notes: Believe the problem is the shutdown sequence. For Advanced edition, the trasaction service shutdown first, then it shuts down the serious event logger. The termination process of serious event logging is as following. First, stop getting any new event; then flush all existing events in the queue to database. To write serious event to database, the logger starts a transaction but the transaction service is shutdown already, therefore the exception is thrown which complains that transaction can not start as the server is shutting down. The problem could happen for both admin server and app server in AE. The reason this problem doesn't manifest most of time is that there is no serious event in the queue during termination time. This really depends on timing, code path for the setup. Problem Description: With SQL as repository, an exception is received during adminserver stop ============================ APAR: PQ69242 Version: 400 Abstract: CREATING A CLONE ON A NEW NODE WILL NOT START SINCE THE ENTERPRISE APPLICATION NAME IS CHANGED ON 2ND NODE. Error Description: If you have a sever group with enterprise application installed to it and try to create a new clone on a new node, their are problems starting the clone. The directory name for the enterprise application is changed so they will have to manually change this to make it work. Problem Description: After creating a clone from server group (with enterprise app installed) on a new node, this clone will not start since the enterprise app name is changed on 2nd node. ============================ APAR: PQ69273 Version: 400 Abstract: JAVA.UTIL.CONCURRENTMODIFICATIONEXCEPTION RECEIVED DURING PLUGIN REGEN Error Description: At adminserver startup, multiple appservers are configured with regen plugin on startup. This can result in a ConcurrentModificationException. Symptoms in the logs can be AEPluginCfg W PLGN0063W: An exception occurred while generating the plugin configuration Exceptions in the tracefile are of the nature:Exception occurred loading deployment descriptor for module examples.war. Calls to getDeploymentInfo are not synchronized properly. PLGN0063W plugin regen appserver WAS websphere Problem Description: Concurrent start of two applications causes exceptions ============================ APAR: PQ69279 Version: 400 Abstract: SYSTEM.OUT.PRINTLN() ARE EXTREMELY SLOW Error Description: Customer has noted that upon upgrading from WAS 2.0.3.X to WAS 3.5.X a severe degradation of performance, apparently related to numerous System.out.println() entries. When those entries are removed, the application runs as quickly as previously noted. Problem Description: System.out.println - buffering and performance problem ============================ APAR: PQ69308 Version: 400 Abstract: AFTER "NO PING RECEIVED" MSG, APPSERVER PROCESS KILLED BUT NOT BE RESTARTED Error Description: After I implemented code for PQ68450 to ensure that the a hanging application server gets terminated as it should, an additional problem was noted. After the application server was terminated by the admin server in response to the "No Ping Received" message, I was unable to restart the failed application server. I had to kill the nanny and admin server processes, and the application server was restarted automatically, and console stops/starts worked OK after that. Problem Description: When user tries to stop an application server via admin console, wscp, or XMLConfig, sometimes the application server process continues to run. ============================ APAR: PQ69333 Version: 400 Abstract: INCONSISTENCIES BETWEEN CERTAIN WSCP COMMANDS BETWEEN ENTERPRISEAPP/MODULE AND APPLICATIONSERVER Error Description: Unable to use -asInteger parm on Module show command. Able to use -asInteger parm on ApplicationServer. Unable to use -asInteger parm on EnerpriseApp. Problem Description: Inconsistencies between certain wscp commands on EnterpriseApp/ Module and ApplicationServer ============================ APAR: PQ69342 Version: 400 Abstract: THE COMMAND DRADMIN.SH -SERVERPORT XXX -TESTVERSIONS REPORTS A INCORRECT OUTPUT. Error Description: Problem:The command -serverPort xxx -testVersions reports a version mismatch between the client and the server although the command is executed from the same system (and out of the same directory). The command output is : WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Single Server Edition V4.0 WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Developer Edition V4.0 WebSphere Application Server, Advanced Edition V4.0 Runtime Utility Program Copyright (C) IBM Corporation, 1997-2001 Testing the versions of the runtime utility client against the versions of the runtime utility server. The client versions do not match the server versions. // basic.1 jawk2.ksh jbasic.txt readme Error message, here it is not displaying versions of client utility readme/ Versions of the runtime utility server: 0: 1.40 1: 1.24 2: 1.12 3: 1.6 4: 5: 1.7 6: 7: 1.6 Per definition of "-testVersions" attribute, there must not be a mismatch between the client and the server classes when DrAdmin. sh is run on the same system (and out of the same directory). Explaination: ============= Looks like after looking at the code (By L3) ,found that the output of the check is exactly the opposite meaning. If you get this message: The client versions do not match the server versions. it means that everything is working fine. If you instead got this message: The client versions match the server versions. It means that your versions are NOT correct. Basically a 'true' value is incorrectly being interpreted as a failure. Note that the command displays only the server versions; if the versions had not in fact matched, you would also se the client versions. Problem Description: " -testVersions" reports a version mismatch between the client and server although the command is started from the same system. ============================ APAR: PQ69732 Version: 400 Abstract: ADMIN SERVER DOES NOT RECONNECT TO RUNNING APP SERVERS. Error Description: When the admin and nanny process is killed and restated, the statuses of the application server are not correct. Here's what' s happening: 1. WAS node has application server Default running. 2. The admin and nanny process are killed, but Default is left running. 3. is run to restart the admin and nanny process 4. When you run ApplicaitonServer show all for the Default server its Current State is stopped and Desired State is running. 5. If you enter the admin GUI its show that the Default server is not running Isn't the state information stored in the admin database and when the admin and nanny process is restarted, shouldn't it read the admin database and get the previous states for the Default server? If "Node startup state" is set to "RUNNING " for an app server in the admin console, then when admin server is restarted, it does not attempt to reconnect to the app server. Problem Description: Admin Server fails to connect to running application server. ============================ APAR: PQ69855 Version: 400 Abstract: XML EXPORT VIA CONSOLE DOES NOT CORRECTLY OUTPUT THE LDAP-BINDDN LINE IN A SINGLE LINE SO AN IMPORT FAILS. Error Description: When setting up the ldap binding in the global secuirty and then doing an xml export via the admin console the ldap-binddn variable is broken into multiple lines causing an issue when import back that information. The ldap-binddn flag needs to be on one a single line when importing to via XMLConfig or admin console. Local Fix: Problem Description: XML Export via admin console does not correctly output tag data in a single line, so an import fails. Problem Conclusion: Turned off default line wrapping (no CR) for the parser. Test Comments: ============================ APAR: PQ69956 Version: 400 Abstract: DR. ADMIN UTILIZES "LOCALHOST" AS DRADMIN HOST WHEN STARTING ADMINSERVER AND NOT THE VIRTUAL IP ADDRESS/HOST SPECIFIED. Error Description: According to the current design, the DrAdminServer (Trace Server) always uses the primay host name ("localhost") as default trace server host (DrAdmin host), but it allows the users to allocate a different port for DrAdmin by specifying: "" in admin.config. The trace server host in admin server should be configurable, but currently there is no diagThreadHostname attribute defined in admin server configuration properties. Level 3 system management dev(Amy Lin) will add the property: "" into admin server configuration properties, so the users are able to change DrAdmin host in admin.config. 2nd Issue addressed by this apar: property is not working It is a bug in the admin server code that does not allow users to set the bootstrapHost ( bootstrapHost) in admin.config. Problem Description: ============================ APAR: PQ69978 Version: 400 Abstract: TRYING TO USE WSCP TOOL TO DEPLOY AN EAR FILE WITH TWO DIFFERENT VHOSTS Error Description: I want to deploy a single EAR file, say HelloWorld.ear, into two different appservers, say GregTest1 and GregTest2, using the same context root but a unique vhost for each so that the combination of vhost+contextroot is unique, as required. I can do this very easily using the Admin GUI. During the Enterprise App deployment wizard process, I simply select "default_host" for the first deployment, and "Amy" (a test vhost) for the second deployment. No problem. But our site is heavily into automating everything with wscp scripts. So I need a way to do the same thing using wscp. It seemed straight-forward enough, and I *think* that I've constructed the appropriate wscp command string. But here's what happens: 1. I started by removing my previous HelloWorld installations, which were done using the Admin GUI, so that I was starting with a clean slate. 2. I ran the following command to install HelloWorld.ear into the GregTest1gemini appserver, using a name of HelloWorld1, and specifying the default_host for the vhost: EnterpriseApp install /Node:gemini/ /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/installableApps/Hello World.ear -appname HelloWorld1 - defappserver /Node:gemini/ApplicationServer:GregTest1gemini/ -modvirtualhosts {{ /Node:gemini/ApplicationServer:GregTest1gemini/Module:HelloWorld Web/ default_host }} 3. I refreshed the Admin GUI representation, and saw that it did get deployed exactly as requested. 4. Next, I ran a very similar command to deploy HelloWorld.ear again, this time as HelloWorld2 to the GregTest2gemini appserver and using the unique "Amy" vhost: EnterpriseApp install /Node:gemini/ /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/installableApps/Hello World.ear -appname HelloWorld2 -defappserver /Node:gemini/ApplicationServer:GregTest2gemini/ - Modvirtualhosts {{ /Node:gemini/ApplicationServer:GregTest2gemini/Module:HelloWorld eb/ Amy }} 4. This seemed to go well, until the very end when it gave an error message: 12/16/02 16:07:25:690 EST 415de6 ArchiveInstal W WSCP0190E: Duplicate Context Root specified. It may not work properly; information: Amy:HelloWorld:HelloWorldWeb.war 5. Curious. There shouldn't have been any conflict because I'm intentionally using separate vhosts. So I refreshed the Admin GUI representation again -- and see that it properly used the " Amy" vhost for the GregTest2gemini HelloWorld2 copy, but set the GregTest1gemini HelloWorld1 copy to use "Amy" as well! This of course is NOT wanted. If I'm using the wrong wscp syntax to accomplish this, then please let me know what the CORRECT syntax is. But I suspect that I *am* using the correct syntax, and there's a bug in this - modvirtualhosts logic that is causing it to affect ALL of the modules called /Module:HelloWorldWeb, rather than just the specified one, i.e. in the /Node:gemini/ApplicationServer: GregTest2gemini appserver. Problem Description: ============================ APAR: PQ69994 Version: 400 Abstract: AFTER UPGRADING WAS (WEBSPHERE APPLICATION SERVER) PTF 4, EAR DEPLOYMENT FAILS WITH DUPLICATEKEYEXCEPTIONS. Error Description: Installing EAR file via GUI deployment caught duplicate key exception. Exception: null; nested exception is: IBM SQLServer JDBC Driver SQLServer Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__OBJECT_TABLE__47DBAE45'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'OBJECT_TABLE'. Problem Description: ============================ APAR: PQ70085 Version: 400 Abstract: WEB MODULE ARE LOADED BEFORE EJB JARS Error Description: If the Application Server is started the Web Modules are started before the EJB jars are started. This is the opposite of what should occur. The problem does not normally exist but an installation can get into this state. Note that it is not guaranteed that the EJB jars will be completely loaded before the start of the loading of Web Modules. What is expected is for the EJB jars loading should be initiated before loading the Web Modules in each specific EAR. In this APAR the Web Modules load was initiated before the EJB j loading for a specific EAR. This behavior is evident in the Application Servers stdout file. The stdout will log "Loading Web Module" before logging "Starting EJB jar". Again both the Web Module and the EJB jar are from the same EAR. ServletEngine A SRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: MyWAR. EJBEngine I WSVR0037I: Starting EJB jar: MyEJB The workaround is to start the Enterprise Application from the Admin Console or a script instead of starting the Application Server. This behavior was reported by one site after upgrading the WebSphere fixpack from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 Problem Description: If the Application Server is started the Web Modules sometimes are started before the EJB jars are started. ============================ APAR: PQ70257 Version: 400 Abstract: IN MULTI-NODE, CLIENTS HANG MUCH LONGER THAN NORMAL TCP/IP TIMEOUT IF UNEXPECTEDLY UNABLE TO COMMUNICATE TO REMOTE SERVER. Error Description: Description: In multinode environment, if adminserver or application server process on remote node unexpectedly becomes non-responsive (offline, hang, etc) browsing the topology using console, executing WSCP "list" or attempt to do XMLconfig export can cause the clients to hang for much longer time than normal operating system TCP/IP timeout. Normally by default, TCP/IP timeout on Windows platform is about 1-2 minutes, Solaris and AIX about 10 minutes. ============================ APAR: PQ70602 Version: 400 Abstract: StringIndexOutOfBounds exception occurs upon adminserver startup after upgrading to ptf5. Error Description: StringIndexOutofBounds exception occurs upon adminserver startup after upgrading to PTF5. The System Management code that parses the ldap password has changed, if the ldap account has a password that is set to "password", this exception will occur. The length of characters in the password caused the SM Algorithm that parses this string to fail. Problem Summary: In fix pack 5 the System Management code that parses the password has changed, if the ldap or session managment etc. account has a password that is set to "password", this exception will occur. Problem Conclusion: StringIndexOutofBounds exception occurs upon adminserver startup after upgrading to fix pack 5. Prior to this fix, the problem can be avoided if the user does not use "password" as the password for LDAP or Session Manager etc. With this fix, using " password" as password does not halt adminserver startup. ============================ APAR: PQ70960 Version: 400 Abstract: XMLConfig export using WSCP fails to export everything ! Error Description: wscp> XMLConfig -export test.xml" fails to export everything. Export fails when uploading security config information and also noticed that import also fails using WSCP on WAS4.0.5 ============================ APAR: PQ71169 Version: 400 Abstract: EAR UNINSTALL NOT REMOVING THE JNDI BINDINGS FROM REPOSITORY Error Description: Enterprise Application Un-Install is not removing all the JNDI bindings related to the ear. During the next install admin console displays an option to override these bindings. (but XMLConfig not having this option) "Un-Install" of ear(Enterprise Application) must clean all the JNDI referencesfrom the repository (related to that ear) irrespective of override option during next install. ============================ APAR: PQ71171 Version: 400 Abstract: Inconsistent loading of modules - web modules are loaded before they ejb modules at startup. Error Description: Inconsistent loading of Modules. The tracefile for WebSphere AppServer shows that the EJB module loads first at startup, however, the stdout file shows that Web Module loads first. This inconsistency is caused by asynchronous loading of tasks (threads) and since the web module (servlets) call the EJBs that are not completely initiated, it results in a failure. Synchronization of the tasks will guarantee that EJB Modules are loaded first before the Web Modules. *** NOTE: *** This test fix applies to WSCP and Admin Console. Customer should apply this fix on all machines where clients are run. In addition, by default, the sync is not activated. To turn on sync on WSCP, in the wscp property file (e.g. create file named wscp.props), add: wscp.syncStartModules=true then restart wscp via % -p wscp.props To turn on sync on Console, in the $WASHOME/properties/ file, add: ejs.console.syncStartModules=true The performance impact that is unavoidable as the result of this synchronization is the reason for making this feature optional. ============================ APAR: PQ72044 Version: 400 Abstract: SM CUMULATIVE FIX APPLIED, WSCP'S ENTERPRISEAPP INSTALL CHANGES THE PERMISSION OF THE ORIGINAL EAR FILE TO BE OWNED BY ROOT. Error Description: Dated 3-10-03 SM cumulative fix applied, WSCP's EnterpriseApp install changes the permissions of the original EAR file to be owned by root. ============================ APAR: PQ75134 Version: 400 Abstract: NODE ENTRIES ARE NOT REMOVED FROM THE BINDINGBEANTBL AFTER A NODE REMOVAL. Error Description: After removing a node from the repository, entries still remain in the namespace. This can easily be seen by running the dumpNameSpace utility. These extra entries will be removed with this fix (the node name is "fatboyslim"): 3 (top)/fatboyslim javax.naming.Context 4 (top)/fatboyslim/resources javax.naming.Context 5 (top)/fatboyslim/resources/sec javax.naming.Context 6 (top)/fatboyslim/resources/sec/SecurityServer 11 (top)/ejsadmin/fatboyslim javax.naming.Context 12 (top)/ejsadmin/fatboyslim/version java.lang.String Note that this does NOT remove entries with the hostname; however these entries existing do not cause any problems: 60 (top)/domain/nodes/ javax.naming.Context 61 (top)/domain/nodes/ ============================ APAR: PQ67928 Version: 400 Abstract: UNABLE TO USE MORE THAN ONE USER ROLE WITH ENTERPRISEAPP INSTAL Error Description: I recreated the user problem using was v4.0.2 and reviewed the entry in the InfoCenter. It appeared to indicate the syntax should work. I tried adding a comma between the list elements in -userroles and this gave the following exception: "WSCP0116E: Error Setting User Role Mappings; exception information: tcl.lang.TclException " . The syntax I tried was the following: **************************************************************** EnterpriseApp list EnterpriseApp install /Node:PIG212/ C:/temp/PerfServletApp.ear -defappserver /Node:PIG212/ApplicationServer:AppServ1/ -userroles {{PerfAdminRole test} {Client wasadmin}} **************************************************************** Problem Description: Unable to use more than one user role with EnterpriseApp instal l using wscp. ============================ APAR: PQ70391 Version: 400 Abstract: PID OF APP SERVER IS NOT GOING AWAY WHEN APP SERVER DOES NOT FUL L INITIALIZED LEADING TO LARGE NUMBER OF GHOST PID AND SYSTEM CR Error Description: PID of app server is not going away after the app server did not fully come up. This lead to large number of PID for the failing app server and cause the opsys to crash. Problem Description: When an application server fails during initialization, the admin server may restart it continuously. The user will see large numbers of app servers in output of "ps". ============================ APAR: PQ71867 Version: 400 Abstract: XML Export from console when bootstrap port has been set to a non 900 port number, exports it as port 900. Error Description: Senario: Customer edits the admin.config to change the bootstrap port from the default of 900 to another valid port number. The change is saved, WebSphere Admin Server is recycled. They statup the Admin Console and do an export, which completes without error. However, when the export file is edited it shows <900> which is incorrect. This occurs with WebSphere version 4.0.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.3, 4.0.4, and 4.0.5. When exported via command line utility the bootstrap port exports correctly. Problem Description: XML Export from console when bootstrap port has been set to a non-900 port number. The console still exports it as port 900. ============================ APAR: PQ71967 Version: 400 Abstract: REMOTE ADMINCONSOLE DOES NOT SHOW UP CORRECT STATUS AFTER PERFORMING OPERATIONS LIKE STOP/START ON APPSERVER . Error Description: Problem:When performing Appserver start/stop operation from remote AdminConsole , AppServer stopped/started successfully per log but console shows status sometimes incorrect . Also at the right lower corner of console , progress bar never completes when performing above oparations, though appserver stopped/started successfully. Problem Description: Clients can hang when performing tasks like start/stop appserver or applications. ============================ APAR: PQ72468 Version: 400 Abstract: CLI0115E EXCEPTION APPEARS IN THE TRACEFILE AFTER CUMULATIVE SM FIX FOR WEBSPHERE 4.0.2-4.0.5 IS APPLIED Error Description: After applying the latest cumulative SM fix (dated 02-07-2003), to WebSphere Application Server 4.0 (4.0.2, 4.0.3, 4.0.4, or 4.0.5, the following exception is thrown over and over again and appears in the tracefile: [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0115E Invalid cursor state. SQLSTATE=2400 0 at java.lang.Throwable.doTrace( at java.lang.Throwable.( at java.lang.Exception.( at at ventRead at entReade ... Problem Description: "Invalid cursor state" occurs repeatedly in tracefile. ============================ ================================================= Abstracts for Internal Defects: 106384 - Need better exception handling for negative port value. 110435 - Regen of plug-in overwrites log level and location 113710 - Changing DB name in Datasource doesn't take effect 115164.1 - SVC: Allow overflow checkbox on Session Mgr. Service 115698 - COEXIST: Admin server doesn't shutdown properly 116778 - Remove button not available to remove clone system properties 116825 - SVT:Field validation at HTTP/ORB/LDAP ssl level 116869 - AE remote file browser fails for root 116870 - Need dertrjrt400.jar on app svr classpath for iSeries if debug 117130 - DrAdmin requires unique message IDs for more messages 117339 - Custom datasource properties broken for console only install 117346 - Modification of DDs in original EAR. 117586 - Fix initial context problem in wscp with security on 117809 - DataSource name set as jdbc/FooDataSource 118317 - 1 PC errors from Custom User Registry using a data source. 119184 - Fix messages for remote node install 119487 - Inactivity timeout value not honoured 120574 - SVC: Empty fields in Informix data source give wrong error 120754 - ISEL-NullPointerException at cascade view 120802 - JNDI cause Ldap authentication to hang if given wrong password 121526 - Add VirtualHost alias check for PQ58248 121569 - HP: Fix debugging 121797.1 - sys mgmt changes to complete 12179 122248 - CST:ALL: SimpleSession : Cannot create new web component 122575 - PmiServiceBean should catch exception from Generic server 122914 - wscp step failing on Oracle JNDI defn 125252 - Umask for Linux is not found 127230 - STACK DUMP during AdminSrv Start after non-graphics install 127338 - JMS Listener App Install Fails -- RemoteArchiveInfo 127558 - .'s in path are malformed to _'s during jar/war installation 131918 - SVT: adminserver won't start with no DISPLAY set 132042 - Multiple rows exist in LOCK_TABLE 132227 - ServerInitialized method of custom service gets invoked twice. 132273 - Cookie Name on Session Manager cannot be modified 134324 - Two problem exist in the 4.03 method registerJTAResources() in 137679 - SVC: XMLCONFIG IMPORT and web applications 138217 - BLD ERROR: cannot resolv variab 140771 - SVC:Bad error message if std.out std.err path incorrect 142341 - AAT corrupts EJB Jars XML Data for Primary Keys 145843 - Update build scripts to allow usage of the new s390 x-compiler 147098 - in wscp, "Module operations" does not show remove operation 148110 - can't administer a 4.05 server with 4.04 admin client 148634 - Certain System Properties do not propagate 149068 - SVC:Add message to indicate duplicate server clone name 150808 - Improve message when removing server in admin console 152161 - BLD ERROR :1023: cannot resolve symbol : variable 152867 - SVT: failed to verify LI 1720 152876 - password is exposed when trace is turned on 153565.1 - SVC:Can't start adminclient - server not started 154515 - BLD ERROR: gnumake[4]: *** [process_helper.o] Error 1 154532 - invalid values accepted:ORB properties "object request broker" 155898 - There is no way to enable trace on Nanny process. 156646 - SecurityConfig getUserid should return security server id 157238 - CTS: JDBCDriver install w/WSCP fails 157842 - Cannot connect with wscp to process in different domain 158337 - FVT testcase (Module.tcl) fails 158508 - wscp fails to find admin server 160925 - Apply button grayed out after uninstalling JDBC driver in adminclient GUI 162872 - App uninstall not remove ejb/jndi names when appsvr is stopped 163417 - Add support for DB2 v8.1 in v4.0.6 163773 - SVT: Portal Uninstall Broken on Windows Medium 164535 - SVT: Errors thrown upon starting admin console Medium 166429 - Act.waitForCompletion timeout too short