Fix (APAR): WAS_CM_06-03-2003_5.0.2-5.0.1_cumulative_Fix Status: Fix Release: 5.0.2,5.0.1 Operating System: Windows 2000,Solaris,NT,Linux,HP,AIX Supersedes Fixes: None. CMVC Defect: Cumulative. Byte size of APAR: 238061 Date: 06-03-2003 Abstract: WebSphere 5.0 CM Cumulative Fix #4. This is a cumulative fix Description/symptom of problem: This is a cumulative CM fix set, correcting the following problems Apars include: PQ67801 Creation of Oracle DataSources no longer require userid and password. Note: Be sure to specify them if you want to call getConnection() with no parameters, or you want XA recovery to work. PQ68977 Creation of property to allow logging of orphaned connections. The property name is 'logOrphan', and can be set via the admin console. Valid values are 'true' and the default of 'false'. Orphaning is the process whereby a connection is returned to the pool after a period of time defined by the orphanTimeout parameter. If the application is working properly, Orphaning should not occur. Orphaning is typically indicative of the application holding open connections too long, or caching connections. PQ69520 Infrastructure support to allow vendor specific calls. PQ69737 A possible JVM deadlock exists between the transaction timeout thread and the application processing thread, causing the application to hang. A workaround is to increase the transaction timeout so in process transactions do not timeout. This fix resolves the deadlock issue. PQ70014 License Verification Errors may appear in the Windows Event Viewer when using the Sequelink or ConnectJDBC drivers. The application/admin server does not get exceptions, and continues to function normally. This fix stops the error message from appearing in the Windows Event Viewer. PQ72349 When looking up a 4.0 style DataSource object from a standalone Java client, a (161393) NullPointerException was thrown because the DataSource attempts to register an MBean with the MBean Server of the process where the lookup was made from. Clients have no MBean server, resulting in a NullPointerException. The code was modified to check to see if the MBean server exists before attempting to register the MBean. If the proces does not have an MBean server in it, MBean features such as PMI will be unavailable, but the DataSource will continue to function. PQ72384 Fix for XA call to getMetaData PQ72386 Cleanup following a StaleConnectionException may have resulted in SQLException. PQ72406 Because of a timing issue, it was possible for a connection which had been recently retrieved from the connection pool, but not yet used, to be collected by the orphan timer. This causes a StaleConnectionException when the application tries to use the connection. PQ73231 A classloader issue was fixed for users configuring DataSources using multiple JDBC Provider classes. PQ73769 A condition existed where on an exception path, PMI data was not being sent properly the result would be that in Resource Analyzer, the customer may see more connections in use than they have set as their maximum. PQ74478 There was a problem with CMP 1.1 custom finders when running against DB2/390 where (112604.3) Access Intent was not being honored appropriately. By applying this fix and PQXXXXX for the EJB container, the problem will be resolved. Internal defects include: 119273 and 119273.1 Fix for Oracle exception that is caused by Oracle tight coupling transaction branches. On oracle 9i the exception is: XAER_RMERR resource error -3. On oracle 8i the exception is: ="Io exception: End of TNS data channel", SQLState=null, vendorCode=17002). This fix requires at minimum (Oracle 9202 or oracle 8174) + Oracle patch 2511780. You will need to set the custom property (transactionBranchesLooselyCoupled) to true on the datasource. 162498 The message CONM_6021W was appearing to ooften in the logs, it was changed to show up only once, on pool construction. 162483.4 XARecovery without password exposure. We added a new property, secureXACredential. This property renders the userid and password specified on the datasource good for XARecovery -only-. If the secureXACredential boolean is set to true, the default user and password properties will not be stored in the referencable, and will only be used for XA recovery. If the database requires a user and password at runtime, the application will be required to pass this information on the getConnection request. CMP beans will require that the user and password properties be set on the DataSource tab. This provides a configuration option which is secure, and still allows XA recovery to function. If the secureXACredential property is not set, or is set to false, the CM functions as before this fix. Directions to apply fix: Use the Fix installer to apply this fix set (this can be obtained from the service personnel, it is not included in this package). 1) Download the cumulative fix set file in binary. 2) Create temporary "Fix" repository to store this APAR's zip/tar file: AIX: /tmp/WebSphere/fixrepos Solaris/Linux: /tmp/WebSphere/fixrepos Windows: c:\temp\WebSphere\fixrepos 3) Copy the jar/zip/tar file to the directory created above. 4) If a zip file or tar file, please extract such that the jar file is in the repos directory. 5) Shutdown WebSphere 6)Prepare to run fix tool set - Open a new command shell where the fix installer tool set was unzipped - Set WAS_HOME, JAVA_HOME and add java\bin to the path to match the configuration. 7a) GUI Install - Type efixWizard and , navigating use next until can provide the fix set jar - Use browse to find the repos directory above, select it (one click) and press Open. - Select Scan - Select this fix set (at least, can do more than one) - Continue with tool to install fix set and complete the task. 7b) Command Line Install - This examples if for Windows, modify environment and path variables as required before launching commands on other platforms. - Command: efixSilent -installDir %WAS_HOME% -efixDir c:\temp\WebSphere\efixrepos -efixes WAS_CM_06-03-2003_5.0.x_cumulative -install (Note, if you forget the -install option, it will just list the fixes available in the repos directory) - The tool will provide information regarding what was applied and if successful. 8) Restart WebSphere Directions to remove fix: GUI Execute the fix installer tool as in steps above. The tool allows you to uninstall the fixes you have just installed. WebSphere cannot be operational while this occurs. For the command line version, use this invocation: efixSilent -installDir %WAS_HOME% -efixes WAS_CM_06-03-2003_5.0.0_cumulative -uninstall Directions to re-apply fix: Follow directions to remove and then apply Fix. Additional Information: ------------------------------------------------------------------ Trouble shooting ------------------------------------------------------------------ o For service personnel, if the CM trace is enabled, this defect's presence can be verified. The CM allocateConnection method will print the date of the Fix. If this text is not present, the Fix should be reapplied.