Fix (APAR): PQ78295 Status: Test Release: 5.0.2,5.0.1,5.0.0 Operating System: N/A Supersedes Fixes: CMVC Defect: PQ78295 Byte size of APAR: 3862 Date: 2003-09-11 Abstract: A org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST: BAD_SERVER_ID exception is thrown back to a client when the clustermembers are recycled. Description/symptom of problem: When a client application holds onto a WLMable reference (a home object or a remote reference) and all of the clustermembers are recycled, a org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST: BAD_SERVER_ID exception is thrown when the client attempts to use one of the held references after the clustermembers are available for service again. The exception will look something like this: Trace from server: 2031865407 at host >> org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST: BAD_SERVER_ID (2) for 0x4a4d42490000001221c20cf764656432316332306366373262333130000000240000006749454a5001010b54657374436c75737465721544656661756c7420454a4220436f6e7461696e65720000003bacac0002000101300000004465706c6f7965645f574c4d417070234465706c6f7965645f6265616e732e6a61722353696d706c6553657373696f6e minor code: 4942FC03 completed: No at at at at at at at at$ << END server: 2031865407 at host Directions to apply fix: NOTE: YOU MUST FIRST DOWNLOAD THE UPDATE INSTALLER TOOL IN ORDER TO INSTALL A FIX. The Fix Installer can be downloaded from the following link: 1) Create temporary "fix" directory to store the jar file: UNIX: /tmp/WebSphere/fix Windows: c:\temp\WebSphere\fix 2) Copy jar file to the directory 3) Shutdown WebSphere 4) Follow the Fix installation instructions that are packaged with the Fix Installer on how to install the Fix. 5) Restart WebSphere 6) The temp directory may be removed. Directions to remove fix: NOTE: FIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE A FIX UNLESS ALL FIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED FIX. Example: If your system has fix1, fix2, and fix3 applied in that order and fix2 is to be removed, fix3 must be removed first, fix2 removed, and fix3 re-applied. 1) Shutdown WebSphere 2) Follow the instructions that are packaged with the Fix Installer on how to uninstall the Fix. 3) Restart WebSphere Directions to re-apply fix: 1) Shutdown WebSphere 2) Follow the Fix instructions that are packaged with the Fix Installer on how to uninstall and reinstall the Fix. 3) Restart WebSphere Additional Information: