Fix (APAR): PQ77871 Status: Fix Release: 4.0.7,4.0.6,4.0.5 Operating System: Multi-Platform Supersedes Fixes: PQ75725 Prerequisite Fixes: PQ71967 CMVC Defect: PQ77871 Byte size of APAR: 1078107 Date: 2003-11-19 Abstract: The default timeout of wscp is changed Description/symptom of problem: The current default values of the wscp timeout on start/stop requests is 30 seconds. This values is causing the failure of some existing customer scripts. Such scripts typically check for return message of start/stop requests and the request completion times were longer than the default 30 seconds. We have now increased the default to 10 minutes. It is possible to specify any value for the desired wait time through the file. If you don't have a file in your /bin directory, please create it then edit it to include the following line: where xxx is the time in seconds, there is no a limit to the maximum amount of time this variable can be set to by the user. Directions to apply fix: 1) Create temporary "Fix" directory to store the jar file: UNIX: /tmp/WebSphere/Fix Windows: c:\temp\WebSphere\Fix 2) Copy jar file to the directory 3) Shutdown WebSphere 4) Run the jar file with the following command answering questions/prompts as they appear: java -jar 5) Restart WebSphere 6) The temp directory may be removed but the jar file should be saved. Do not remove any files created and stored in the /Fix/PQ77871 directories. These files are required if a Fix is to be removed. Directions to remove fix: NOTE: FIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED. DO NOT REMOVE A FIX UNLESS ALL FIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED. YOU MAY RE-APPLY ANY REMOVED FIX. Example: If your system has Fix1, Fix2, and Fix3 applied in that order and Fix2 is to be removed, Fix3 must be removed first, Fix2 removed, and Fix3 re-applied. 1) Change directory to the Fix location (/Fix/PQ77871). 2) Shutdown WebSphere 3) Run the backup jar file with the following command: java -jar PQ77871_Fix_backup.jar 4) Restart WebSphere Directions to re-apply fix: Follow the instructions for applying a Fix. If the backup files still exist (from the previous Fix application), you will be prompted to overwrite. Answer "yes" at the overwrite prompts. Additional Information: This fix requires PQ71967 as a co-requisite. If one is at 4.0.5 level then PQ71967 must be applied to be effective. For 4.0.6 and above this is already included.