Fix (APAR): PQ69774 Status: Fix Release: 3.5.6,3.5.5,3.5.4,3.5.3 Operating System: AIX Supersedes Fixes: CMVC Defect: PQ69774 Byte size of APAR: 1436943 Date: 2003-08-28 Abstract: WAS doesn't allow limit on POST size Description/symptom of problem: You can't limit the size of POSTs for requests being handled by WebSphere using normal web server directives. This fix allows customers to set a post size limit per server group in the plugin configuration files. As an example, if you want to limit the size of POST requests to 10000 bytes for a server group named "ibmoselink", you can add the following directive to the file: ose.srvgrp.ibmoselink.postsizelimit=10000 The general form of this is: ose.srvgrp..postsizelimit= If the postsizelimit is unspecified for a server group, there will be no size limit on that server group. Directions to apply fix: 1) Stop your webserver. 2) Make backup copy of the shared libraries in the WAS_ROOT/bin directory. 3) As root, run "slibclean". 4) Copy the shared libraries from the efix tar file to the WAS_ROOT/bin directory. 5) Add any postsizelimit directives desired. 6) Restart the webserver. Directions to remove fix: 1) Shut down the web server. 2) As root, run "slibclean" 3) Copy the backup shared libraries from the install step to the WAS_ROOT/bin directory. 4) Remove any references to postsizelimit in the file. 5) Restart the web server. Directions to re-apply fix: See "Directions to apply fix" Additional Information: