Apar: PQ66487 Description: XMLConfig will allow an import of a Model that uses an invalid virtual host entry. WAS Version: 3.5.4 / 3.5.5 / 3.5.6 Fix: pq66487.jar, xmlconfig.dtd How to apply the fix: - Create a directory /.../WebSphere/AppServer/efixes - Copy testFix.jar into the fixes directory. - In /.../WebSphere/AppServer/bin edit the XMLConfig.sh(.bat) file - put this efix at the start of the classpath: So the first two lines may look like: set WAS_CP=%WAS_HOME%\fixes\pq66487.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\ibmwebas.jar ... - Save and close XMLConfig.sh(.bat) - In /.../WebSphere/AppServer/bin edit the adminclient.sh(.bat) file - put this efix at the start of the classpath: So the first two lines may look like: set WAS_CP=%WAS_HOME%\fixes\pq66487.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\ibmwebas.jar ... - Save and close adminclient.sh(.bat) - Make a back up copy of the existing xmlconfig.dtd file present in the WAS_HOME\bin folder. - Copy the supplied (new) xmlconfig.dtd on to WAS_HOME\bin folder over writing the existing file. General Note: -1) The admin server DOES NOT have to restarted since XMLConfig is a stand-alone application. The fix is now ready. However if you are going to be doing imports and exports from the admin client (GUI) then you have to shut the client down and bring it back up. 2) This efix is a cumulative fix and contains most of the other necessary XMLConfig fixes (as of 09/24/2002).