eFix (APAR): pq61926 Status: efix For Release: WebSphere 3.5.4 For Operating System: AIX Prerequisite efixes PQ60039 - Add connect timeout for ose remote CMVC defect: PQ61926 Byte size of APAR: 317,440 Date: 06/11/02 Abstract: When using the connect timeout feature on AIX the failover does not occur when the remote appserver is not started. Description of problem: On AIX Only - When the ose.connect.timeout directive is specified in the bootstrap.properties file failover does not occur when the remote appserver is not started. This efix only needs to be applied on the webserver machines. Directions to apply efix: 1) Stop the WebServer 2) Create "efix" directory to store the original .so files: AIX: /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/efix Solaris/Linux: /opt/WebSphere/AppServer/efix Windows: c:\WebSphere\AppServer\efix 3) Type slibclean 4) Copy the supplied .so files the WebSphere\AppServer\bin directory 5) Restart the WebServer Additional Information: ------------------------------------------------------------------