eFix (APAR): PQ59751 Status: Fix Release: WebSphere 3.5.6 Operating System: Multi-Platform Supersedes eFixes: none CMVC defect: PQ59751 Byte size of APAR: 39,604k Date: 05/03/02 Abstract: XML clone create via import takes an extensive amount of time. Description/symptom of problem: XML Clone create import takes extensive amount of time. Additionally also fixes attribute when it is not specified. NOTE: PQ59267 is a companion for this fix as it deals with the import of models. How to apply the fix: - Create a directory /.../WebSphere/AppServer/efixes - Copy pq59751.jar into the fixes directory. - In /.../WebSphere/AppServer/bin edit the XMLConfig.sh(.bat) file - put this efix at the start of the classpath: So the first two lines may look like: set WAS_CP=%WAS_HOME%\fixes\pq59751.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\ibmwebas.jar ... - Save and close XMLConfig.sh(.bat) - In /.../WebSphere/AppServer/bin edit the adminclient.sh(.bat) file - put this efix at the start of the classpath: So the first two lines may look like: set WAS_CP=%WAS_HOME%\fixes\pq59751.jar set WAS_CP=%WAS_CP%;%WAS_HOME%\lib\ibmwebas.jar ... - Save and close adminclient.sh(.bat) Important Note: 1) For 356 version, this efix requires to be put in the beginning of classpath. Following this line, it requires efixes pq59267.jar General Note: - The admin server DOES NOT have to restarted since XMLConfig is a stand-alone application. The fix is now ready. However if you are going to be doing imports and exports from the admin client (GUI) then you have to shut the client down and bring it back up.