APAr: PQ55365 Release: WAS3.5.5 [Description] The AttrsVersionMismatchException occurs when running the resource security wizard. [Diagnosis] A new feature called Version Checking is introduced into PTF355 to prevent some side-effects of the concurrent updates from more than one Admin Clients. Saying Admin Clients, it means the Admin Console, WSCP or XMLConfig at large. However, there are a couple problems identified for this new feature recently. It's recommended to disable this feature for PTF355 especially when there are no concurrent Admin Clients. [How to apply this efix] Note: These steps are applied to NT platform, please adjust slightly for other platforms. step 1: For the AdminServer: - create a directory to store the jar file (e.g. c:\WebSphere\AppServer\efix) - copy PQ55365.jar to the directory - add the directory/jar file to the begining of the admin server's classpath in %WAS_HOME%\bin\admin.config: com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminserver.classpath=C:/WebSphere/AppServer/efix/PQ55365.jar... - Stop and restart the Admin Server Step 2: For the AdminClients, including Admin Console, WSCP, XMLCONFIG - Under %WAS_HOME%\bin directory, open adminclient.bat, wscp.bat, XMLConfig.bat - add the above direcotor/jar file to the begining of the %WAS_CP% variable for each file