APAR: PQ43476 v3.02.2 and V3.5 CMVC defect: PQ43476 - and 90360 (updated jar on 12/19) PMR: 69340,111,000 Original jar: 90360.jar Description: Servlet engine cookies problems Notes for 3.02.2: The original jar for this only addressed an issue with a missing space in the cookie, but is now being used to ship other servlet engine cookie problems. Since this jar has changed, let me explain the fixes that are currently being addressed: defect 87646 - custom login problem - this was a duplicate of PQ41854 - null cookie problem PQ43476 - missing-space cookie problem defect 90127 - index array out of bounds after PQ41854 defect 90360 - change empty string to null for cookie after 90127 ************** This pq43476.jar file now contains all of the fixes mentioned above ************** Note: If the customer is using custom logout, it should be considered mandatory to have the jars from PQ43497 applied (ssoauth.jar and customlogin-refererurl-fix3022.jar Notes for 3.5: The original jar for this only addressed an issue with a missing space in the cookie, but is now being used to ship other servlet engine cookie problems. Since this jar has changed, let me explain the fixes that are currently being addressed: defect 87646 - custom login problem - this was a duplicate of PQ41854 - null cookie problem PQ43476 - missing-space cookie problem defect 90127 - index array out of bounds after PQ41854 defect 90360 - change empty string to null for cookie after 90127 ************** This pq43476.jar file now contains all of the fixes mentioned above ************** How to apply: - create a directory to store the jar file (e.g. c:\WebSphere\AppServer\efix) - copy pq43476.jar to the directory - add the directory/jar file to the begining of the admin server's classpath in admin.config: com.ibm.ejs.sm.adminserver.classpath=C:/WebSphere/AppServer/efix/pq43476.jar... - Stop and restart the Admin Server