Fix (APAR): PK20701 Status: Fix Release: Operating System: AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Linux pSeries,Linux Red Hat - pSeries,Solaris,Windows Supersedes Fixes: CMVC Defect: PK20701 Byte size of APAR: 15504010 Date: 2006-04-28 Abstract: 404 error when selecting the logout button in the administrative console Description/symptom of problem: PK20701 resolves the following problem: ERROR DESCRIPTION: 404 error occurs when selecting logout button in adminconsole if enabling global security. Admin console transfers the logout request to wrong path,https://hostname:port/admin/admin/logon.js p. LOCAL FIX: none PROBLEM SUMMARY USERS AFFECTED: WebSphere Application Server Express 5.1.1 users at fixpack 8 or higher PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: 404 error when selecting the logout button in the administrative console RECOMMENDATION: Apply the PK20701 fix to update the administrative console. ************************************************************* A 404 error occurs when selecting the logout button in the administrative console if enabling global security. The Administrative console transfers the logout request to the wrong path,https://hostname:port/admin/admin/logon.jsp. PROBLEM CONCLUSION: This fix will not be rolled up into future fix packs due to packaging constraints. Please use the iFix available on the WebSphere Application Server support web site to fix this problem. Note that application of future fix packs will not remove or interfere with this iFix. You do not need to reapply this iFix after applying future fix packs. Directions to apply fix: This fix removes the existing admin console and installs an updated version of the admin console that corrects the 404 error. NOTE: The user must: * Have Administrative rights in Windows, or be the Actual Root User in a UNIX environments. * Be logged in with the same authority level when unpacking a fix, fix pack or refresh pack. * This fix does not use the Update Installer. It contains an updated AdminConsole that will replace the existing AdminConsole. * In the paths below use the backslash (\) on Windows instead of the forward slash (/). 1) Copy the PK20701_Fix.jar file to the /AppServer/installableApps directory. 2) Rename the adminconsole.ear in the installableApps directory to 3) Shutdown WebSphere Application Server - Express. 4) Extract the updated AdminConsole from the PK20701_Fix.jar using the Java jar command. From the installableApps directory use this command ../java/bin/jar -xvf PK20701_Fix.jar 5) Change your current directory to ../bin The bin directory has the WAS-Express commands and executables. 6) On Windows run this command: installAdminConsole On Linux and Unix systems run this command: ./ 7) The installAdminConsole script uninstalls the current AdminConsole and installs the adminconsole.ear that is in the installableApps directory. The install takes a few minutes to complete. 8) Restart WebSphere Application Server - Express. Directions to remove fix: NOTE: * The user must have Administrative rights in Windows, or be the Actual Root User in a UNIX environments. 1) Open a command prompt to the /AppServer/installableApps directory and remove the adminconsole.ear file. 2) Rename the in the installableApps directory to adminconsole.ear. 3) Shutdown WebSphere Application Server - Express. 4) Change your current directory to ../bin The bin directory has the WAS-Express commands and executables. 5) On Windows run this command: installAdminConsole On Linux and Unix systems run this command: ./ 6) The installAdminConsole script uninstalls the current AdminConsole and installs the adminconsole.ear that is in the installableApps directory. The install takes a few minutes to complete. 7) Restart WebSphere Application Server - Express. Directions to re-apply fix: 1) Shutdown WebSphere. 2) Follow the Fix instructions to apply the fix. 3) Restart WebSphere. Additional Information: