Fix (APAR): PK02109 Status: Fix Release:,,,,5.1.1,,,,,, Operating System: AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Solaris,Windows Supersedes Fixes: CMVC Defect: PK02109 Byte size of APAR: 19788 Date: 2005-11-08 Abstract: Some application servers aren't reregistered after a nodeagent is stopped and restarted. Description/symptom of problem: PK02109 resolves the following problem: ERROR DESCRIPTION: When deploying a nodeagent, the following exception is logged: 01/8/05 16:42:58:454 JST 1b70064a ORBRas e doLocateRequestWork:2386 ORB.thread.pool : 1 org.omg.CORBA.OBJECT_NOT_EXIST: BAD_SERVER_ID (1) for 0x4a4d4249000000120dab257131613834306461623235373139616166000000 2400003c49454a5001000b436f6e69536572766572321a57736e4469737 4436f734f626a65637441646170746572574c4d0000000b4f6673734 e6574776f726b minor code:4942FC02 completed: No at 252) LOCAL FIX: The application server that the nodeagent is not recognizing will have to be restarted. PROBLEM SUMMARY USERS AFFECTED: WebSphere Application Server users with more than one application server in a node. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Some application servers aren't reregistered after a nodeagent is stopped and restarted. RECOMMENDATION: None If an application server is stopped while its nodeagent is running, the nodeagent can't contact it upon restart. When this happens the nodeagent will stop processing its "active server list" and stop reregistering the remaining functional servers in its list. These "orphaned" servers will no longer be serviced by the nodeagent and would need to be recycled in order to operate properly again. PROBLEM CONCLUSION: Changed the nodeagent code so that it would continue to process its active server list after encountering a server that was inactive. This APAR is targetted for,, and Recommended Updates for WebSphere Application Server Base and Network Deployment editions: Directions to apply fix: Fix applies to Editions: Release: 5.0 5.1 ___ ___ Application Server (Express or BASE) ___ ___ Network Deployment (ND) Install Fix to: Method: __ Application Server Nodes NOTE: The user must: * Have Administrative rights in Windows, or be the Actual Root User in a UNIX environments. * Be logged in with the same authority level when unpacking a fix, fix pack or refresh pack. The Update Installer can be downloaded from the following link: The Update Installer for V5.0 does not have a maintenance directory. It uses fixpacks and fixes as the location of the unpacked files. 1) Using PK02109-5.0.2-WS-WAS.jar for through, and PK02109-5.1.1-WS-WAS.jar for through, copy the jar file directly to the maintenance directory 2) Shutdown WebSphere Manually execute setupCmdLine.bat in Windows or . ./ in Unix from the WebSphere instance that maintenance is being applied to. 3) Launch Update Installer 4) Enter the installation location of the WebSphere product you want to update. 5) Select the "Install maintenance package" operation. 6) Enter the file name of the maintenance package to install (5.x.x-WS-WAS-IFPK02109.jar file which was copied in the maintenance directory). The V5.0 and V5.1 fix packs and fixes are unpacked as .jar files and should be unpacked into fixpacks or fixes directory. 7) Install the maintenance package. 8) Restart WebSphere Directions to remove fix: NOTE: * The user must have Administrative rights in Windows, or be the Actual Root User in a UNIX environments. * FIXES MUST BE REMOVED IN THE ORDER THEY WERE APPLIED * DO NOT REMOVE A FIX UNLESS ALL FIXES APPLIED AFTER IT HAVE FIRST BEEN REMOVED * YOU MAY REAPPLY ANY REMOVED FIX Example: If your system has fix1, fix2, and fix3 applied in that order and fix2 is to be removed, fix3 must be removed first, fix2 removed, and fix3 re-applied. 1) Shutdown WebSphere Manually execute setupCmdLine.bat in Windows or . ./ in Unix from the WebSphere instance that uninstall is being run against. 2) Start Update Installer 3) Enter the installation location of the WebSphere product you want to remove the fix. 4) Select "Uninstall maintenance package" operation. 5) Enter the file name of the maintenance package to uninstall (PKxxxxx.jar). 6) UnInstall maintenance package. 7) Restart WebSphere Directions to re-apply fix: 1) Shutdown WebSphere. 2) Follow the Fix instructions to apply the fix. 3) Restart WebSphere. Additional Information: