Fix (APAR): PH44554 Status: Fix Release: Operating System: AIX,HP-UX,Linux,Solaris,Windows Supersedes Fixes: CMVC Defect: xxxxxx Byte size of APAR: 433918 Date: 2022-03-08 Abstract: appclient fix pack update fails with: crima1077e error: file /opt/ibm/websphere/appclient/bin/sdk/ not found Description/symptom of problem: PH44554 resolves the following problem: ERROR DESCRIPTION: Attempt to install or update APPCLIENT (Application Client) to Fix Pack fails with the following error: CRIMA1077E ERROR: Error during "post-install configure" phase: CRIMA1077E ERROR: File /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppClient/bin/sdk/ not found. This error occurs even though _setupDefaultSDK exist in the directory location. On Windows: ERROR CRIMA1076E 05:16.04 Error executing the C:\Windows\system32\cmd command: status=1. For more information, see the agent log file: C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\logs\native\20220303_0746.log The installation operation failed due to an error executing the exec command. An issue has occurred with the package that cannot be resolved by Installation Manager. Identify the package that has the issue. Contact IBM Support. LOCAL FIX: N/A PROBLEM SUMMARY: USERS AFFECTED: All users of IBM WebSphere Application Client version 8.5.5 fixpack 21. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION: Attempt to install or update APPCLIENT (Application Client) to Fix Pack fails with the following error: CRIMA1077E ERROR: Error during "post-install configure" phase: CRIMA1077E ERROR: File /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppClient/bin/sdk/_s not found. This error occurs even though _setupDefaultSDK exist in the directory location. On Windows: ERROR CRIMA1076E 05:16.04 Error executing the C:\Windows\system32\cmd command: status=1. For more information, see the agent log file: C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\logs\native\20220303_0746.log The installation operation failed due to an error executing the exec command. An issue has occurred with the package that cannot be resolved by Installation Manager. Identify the package that has the issue. Contact IBM Support. RECOMMENDATION: Users must install the iFix IFPH44554 at the same time as the offering for APPCLIENT 855.21. For example, using the imcl command line utility, users would provide both the offering along with the iFix offering after the * ¢â?¬ ?install ¢â?¬â?¢ action. Example Linux: imcl install --acceptlicense -prompt -repositories , Example Windows: imcl install -acceptlicense -prompt -repositories , Using the Installation Manager GUI, users can select the APPCLIENT offering on the offering screen and then select IFPH44554 on the subsequent screen. User's cannot install or update AppClient to version 855.21. IFPH44554 remedies the issue if it is installed in the same invocation as the 855.21 offering. PROBLEM CONCLUSION: The fix for this APAR is targeted for inclusion in fix pack 855.22. In the mean time iFix IFPH44554 can be installed along with the AppClient offering to circumvent the issue on 855.21. Directions to apply fix: NOTE: Mark with an X the: 1) Release the fix applies to 2) The Editions that apply 3) And then DELETE THIS NOTE Fix applies to Editions: Release 8.5 __ Application Server (Express or BASE) __ Network Deployment (ND) __ Liberty Core __ Edge Components __ Developer _x_ Application Client Install Fix to all WebSphere installations unless special instructions are included below. Special Instructions: Users must install the iFix IFPH44554 at the same time as the offering for APPCLIENT 855.21. For example, using the imcl command line utility, users would provide both the offering along with the iFix offering after the ?install? action. NOTE: The user must: * Logged in with the same authority level when unpacking a fix, fix pack or refresh pack. * Be at V1.4.3 or newer of the Installation Manager. Certain iFixes may require a newer version of the Installation Manager and the Installation Manager will inform you during the installation process if a newer version is required. The IBM Knowledge Center can provide details, if needed, on the use of the Installation Manager to apply the iFixes. Shutdown WebSphere Application Server before applying the iFixes. Restart WebSphere Application Server after applying the iFixes. Directions to remove fix: The IBM Knowledge Center can provide details, if needed, on the use of the Installation Manager to remove the iFixes. Shutdown WebSphere Application Server before removing the iFixes. Restart WebSphere Application Server after removing the iFixes. Directions to re-apply fix: Users must install the iFix IFPH44554 at the same time as the offering for APPCLIENT 855.21. For example, using the imcl command line utility, users would provide both the offering along with the iFix offering after the ?install? action. Additional Information: