This file contains information that became available too late for inclusion in the publications or the online help. This file also contains important support information.
For the latest information, please visit the US or Japanese Host On-Demand Web site.
For hints and tips and other support, please visit the Host On-Demand support page.
For product brochures, white papers, redbooks, and other documentation, visit the Host On-Demand library.
For a list of APARs fixed in this release, please refer to the apars.txt file located in the root directory of the CD.
To print a complete copy of Planning, Installing, and Configuring Host On-Demand (formerly named Getting Started), with page numbers and a table of contents, use install.pdf, which is located on the CD in this path: /doc/[language]/ doc/install/install.pdf. Note that none of the external links (URLs) in this file will work. To use external links on a Windows workstation, open the HTML version from Start > Programs > IBM Host On-Demand > InfoCenter > Planning, Installing, and Configuring Host On-Demand.
When running the Host On-Demand configuration servlet on Windows platforms using IBM Websphere Application Server Version 4, the Websphere Application Server must be at version level 4.0.3 or higher.
When using the combined or configuration server-based model portlets, you must specify the host name of the configuration server in the file, which is located in your Host On-Demand publish directory. Uncomment the ConfigServer variable in the and fill in the value.
This does not apply to the HTML-based model portlets.
The Host On-Demand FTP client now supports the directory listing of the Novell Netware operating system, allowing you to connect to a Novell FTP server, browse through its files, and upload and download files.
When accessing the Host On-Demand configuration servlet using the HTTP proxy in the IBM Secureway Firewall, you must configure the HTTP proxy to use HTTP 1.0 requests. This can be done by updating the ibmproxy.conf file in the IBM Secureway Firewall installation. Use the SendHTTP10Outbound directive as follows:
SendHTTP10Outbound http://hodserver_hostname/*
where hodserver_hostname is the hostname of the Host On-Demand server.
Host On-Demand 7 ships with IBM Windows Plug-in, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1. This browser plug-in does not support Windows 95. Windows 95 users will need to download version 1.3.0 of the plug-in from the IBM Software Internet Service Delivery site at You will need to register on this site if you have not already done so.
For more information on this package and other service updates, click Troubleshooting in the online help table of contents and scroll down to Service Updates.
Using the IBM Windows Plug-in, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1, if the Java console is configured to start when the plug-in starts, Internet Explorer may hang when accessing a Host On-Demand HTML file. We recommend that you use the default configuration, which is for the Java console not to start automatically. This is configured by an option on the Basic tab of the Java Control Panel. The Java console can still be opened later, if needed, after the Host On-Demand applet starts.
When using the Deployment Wizard to create customized HTML files, administrators can use the Preload Options panel to remove those components that are not needed in order to reduce the initial download size. However, many components share files with other components, which means that removing them from the download list may not have an effect on download size. The following table provides a list of these shared components and shows recent changes that were not able to be included in a similar table found in the Preload Options online help file:
Component | Shares files with these components: |
3270 Sessions | 3270 Printer Sessions |
3270 File Transfer | 5250 File Transfer, All Macro Functions, Change Session Properties, Toolbar Customization |
3270 Printer Sessions | 3270 Sessions, 5250 Printer Sessions, VT Sessions |
5250 Sessions | 5250 Printer Sessions |
5250 File Transfer | 3270 File Transfer, All Macro Functions, Change Session Properties, Toolbar Customization |
5250 Printer Sessions | 5250 Sessions, 3270 Printer Sessions, VT Sessions |
VT Sessions | 3270 Printer Sessions, 5250 Printer Sessions |
SSL Client Authentication Support | View Security |
View Security | SSL Client Authentication Support |
Change Session Properties | 3270 File Transfer, 5250 File Transfer |
All Macro Functions | 3270 File Transfer, 5250 File Transfer, Toolbar Customization |
Edit Keyboard Mappings | Toolbar Customization |
Toolbar Customization | 3270 File Transfer, 5250 File Transfer, All Macro Functions, Edit Keyboard Mappings |
Chinese (Simplified) | Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, Korean |
Chinese (Traditional) | Chinese (Simplified), Japanese, Korean |
Japanese | Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Korean |
Korean | Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese |
Arabic | Hebrew |
Hebrew | Arabic |
When using Host On-Demand HTML pages on a client with the Java 2 plug-in installed, the Java 2 detection logic will sometimes indicate that Java 2 is not installed. This means that HTML pages that require Java 2 will fail, and Host On-Demand will ask if the client would like to download and install the Java 2 plug-in. For HTML pages that have the Java type set to Detect, Java 2 will not be detected, and the Java 1 JVM will be invoked.
This failure to detect Java 2 may occur immediately after installation of the plug-in or after a reboot of the computer. To resolve the problem, close and restart the browser, and then load the HTML page again.
Users wishing to use Netscape 6.x must have the Java 2 plug-in installed and enabled in order to load the Host On-Demand clients. If you choose a full Netscape 6.x installation, this plug-in is included as part of the installation. Alternatively, if you select a custom installation, then select Sun Java 2 under Additional Components.
Clients running 32-bit Windows platforms who have installed Netscape 6 without Java support can download and install a plug-in that provides Java 2 support from the HODMain.html page.
Under Internet Explorer using the Microsoft Java 1 JVM, the Host On-Demand client applets require a minimum JVM level of 3165. When the client applets run on Internet Explorer, Host On-Demand checks if this minimum JVM level is met. If the minimum JVM level is not met, a message appears and the applet will not continue.
If the administrator wants to increase the minimum JVM level for his environment, he can add the following parameter statement to the HTML pages:
<Parameter Name=JVM_Minimum Value="xxxx">
where xxxx is the desired JVM level, such as 3240.
The administrator can also increase the required JVM level using the Deployment Wizard. In the "Additional Parameters" tab under "Advanced Options," specify Name=JVM_Minimum and Value=3165.
When you add the value for the minimum JVM level, only use the last four digits of the version number. For example, if Internet Explorer says the JVM version is, only enter 3802 for the version number because the field will only take integer values.
For the most current Smart Card information, see technical notes on the Host On-Demand support page.
The certificate management utility on AIX requires JRE 1.1.8.
If you are running JVM 1.3, you will receive the following error message:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError
To use the certificate management utility on AIX with JRE 1.1.8, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the Java 1.1.8 installation before running the "CertificateManagement" script.
When using Host On-Demand with Java 1.4.0, you may lose focus when making a selection in a choice box, and you will not be able to type in text fields. To regain focus, you may either click off of Host On-Demand into another application, your desktop, or another location, and click back, or you can minimize and then maximize the Host On-Demand panel. Currently, this issue does not exist with Java 1.4.1.
You may notice that Host On-Demand dialogs do not display completely when using a Sun Java 2 plug-in on a Linux client with a KDE (K Desktop Environment) desktop. You can avoid this by either changing to the Gnome desktop or using the IBM Java 2 plug-in.
On some Windows machines that use the Sun 1.4 plug-in and that use either Windows Terminal Server or have a low display resolution, a NullPointerException is thrown by the class file WVolatileImage, which can be seen in the Java console. When this happens, the user is not presented with their configured sessions. You can avoid this by setting a higher display resolution or by using the IBM 1.4 plug-in. If the HTML page has been created for the configuration server-based model, you can avoid this by adding the parameter <PARAM NAME=Bookmarking VALUE=false>.
Unix/AIX/Linux clients that are accessed through the Netscape 4.x browser may crash when running Telnet-negotiated security and client authentication at the same time. You may either configure the clients to use Telnet-negotiated security or to use client authentication, but not both simultaneously.
The FTP Protocol logic assumes that ASCII communication between the host FTP Server and client FTP Session will occur in a code page compatible with the client.
A code page mismatch may corrupt the display of messages and file information on the client. The host FTP server will need to be configured to "speak" in the client's code page.
While using Netscape 4.x, transferring large UNICODE UTF-8 files to a host may cause the emulation session to hang.
When using the cached client on OS/2 with Netscape Communicator V4.61, you must wait for the download complete prompt before restarting the browser. It may take a few minutes for you to receive the prompt, however, this allows the cached client to finish any updates completely.
When using a Korean Netscape browser during AS/400 file transfers, you might see the error message "ECL0261:java.lang.Array.IndexOutOfBoundsException." This is an issue with the JDK and has been fixed in JDK 1.1.7b and higher. This error does not occur while using Internet Explorer.
Java 2 browsers return values different from other JVMs when Host On-Demand calculates the display screen layout. This causes the session screen to be more narrow than other browsers. To work around this, you may comment out the following line in the file, which is used by the Java 2 JVM on your locale. For example, if your locale is Japanese, you may change \JavaSoft\JRE\1.3.0_01\lib\ file by adding:
#monospaced.plain.1=Courier New,ANSI_CHARSET
In Central and Eastern European language environments such as Greek and Czech, you may have to modify files in order to display all national language characters correctly on the screen. Several files are bundled with the Java 2 SDK. You can find these files in the directory ../lib, which is located beneath the directory where Java is installed.
For more information, please refer to the technote titled "Editing files in Host On-Demand," which is available on the Host On-Demand support page at under Hints and Tips.
Users who are generating DBCS characters using the Auto IME function in Korean Windows environments should be aware of the following issues:
Refer to the Host On-Demand support page at for more information.
On Windows 98 with the IBM JDK 1.4, Arabic and Hebrew national characters do not copy properly from Windows application into Host On-Demand session screens.
The Host On-Demand applets may not function properly for users who are running Java 2 browsers and Sun JREs and who have their workstation locales set to Turkish. Common symptoms include session icons not displaying on the Host On-Demand desktop and security exceptions appearing in the Java console.
Users can avoid this by using the IBM Java 2 JRE. The Windows version of this plug-in is shipped with the Host On-Demand 7 server.
Host On-Demand in Netscape 4.x on AIX, Turkish national characters may not display correctly or may appear corrupted when entered into a text entry field. However, copying the file from the /hostondemand/HOD/samples/fonts/AIX directory to the /usr/netscape/communicator/program/java/classes directory will improve the appearance of the national characters.
To support Hindi sessions with an IBM Java 2 plug-in, use the Windows Plug-in, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.3.1 SP2, which is shipped with Host On-Demand 7.
You may not be able to resize the Administration window when you are configuring Host On-Demand on a Linux client. If you resize the Administration window, you may either be logged off the Host On-Demand server, or you will see a message in the browser stating "Your browser does not have JavaScript support or the support is not enabled." You can avoid this by upgrading your browser.
If the National Language characters displayed or typed into a text entry field are corrupted when using a Host On-Demand client with a Netscape 4.x browser, copy the file from the hostondemand/hod/samples/fonts/win32/ directory to the netscape/communicator/program/java/classes directory (where xx is the two-letter language code for your language).
For Netscape 6.x, copy the file from the
hostondemand/hod/samples/fonts/ns6/ directory to the lib directory of the JRE. For Windows, this directory is typically
found in the following location:
C:\Program Files\JavaSoft\JRE\1.3x\lib.
You may see the following message after performing a 5250 session file transfer:
Netscape security model is no longer supported.
Please migrate to the Java 2 security model instead.
You will see these messages only if your browser is running Java 2 JVM. These messages are only warnings and do not affect Host On-Demand functionality.
The UDC editor is a Java application that runs on the machine where the Host On-Demand server or standalone client is installed. On Windows, you can start the UDC editor by selecting Start > Programs > IBM Host On-Demand > Administration > User-Defined Character Mapping Editor. However, on a non-Windows system, you must start it from the command line. Use the following steps:
Depending on your configuration, you may have to add the path name to the command and add the proper class path using the -classpath parameter.
Note that the UDC editor cannot be used on a character-based system because it requires a graphical user interface.
The Programmer's Guide for the AS/400 Toolbox for Java is located on the Toolkit CD in the as400 directory. The guide is available in zip files for the following languages: English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, and Russian.
When using the AS/400 File browse on Netstation, the file list is not readable. The file list is blacked out because the text color matches the background color, but is still selectable.
Database On-Demand does not support Arabic data with the IBM Windows Plug-in, Java 2 Technology Edition, Version 1.4. In order to support the Arabic language, run Host On-Demand with version 1.3.x of the IBM browser plug-in, which is shipped with Host On-Demand 7.
The Database On-Demand and the 5250 File Transfer functions of Host On-Demand are not able to connect to a V5R1 iSeries host that has long password support enabled in a Netscape 4.x browser. One solution is to use a different browser, such as Internet Explorer 5.x or Netscape 6.x.