Generic service client binary call details

In the generic service client, binary calls are specialized calls for sending binary messages. The transport information refers to the information that is required to send and receive and answer depending on the selected protocol.


Update node name automatically
Select this option to automatically rename the request in the Test Contents view.
Do not wait for response
Select this option to skip directly to the next request in the test after the current request is sent.
Time Out (ms)
This is the timeout value in milliseconds. If no response is received after the specified time, an error is produced.
Think Time (ms)
This specifies the programmatically calculated time delay that is observed for each user when this test is run with multiple virtual users. Think time is a statistical emulation of the amount of time actual users spend reading or thinking before performing an action.
Update Response
Click this button to invoke the request with the current settings and to use the response to create a binary response element or to update the existing response element.
This page presents the binary contents of the request and provides access to data correlation. The same contents are presented in Binary and Raw ASCII views.
This page lists the MIME or DIME attachments that are attached to the request. The contents of this view conform to the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) or Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME) specification. You can use this page to add workbench resources as MIME or DIME attachments and change properties.
This page covers the transport protocol used to send the request. The transport protocol can be either HTTP, Java™ Message Service (JMS), or WebSphere® MQ. You can create several configurations for each protocol so that you can easily switch protocols or variants of protocols.
Note: If you are using IBM® Security AppScan®,only the HTTP transport protocol is available.


This page lists the MIME or DIME attachments that are attached to the request. The contents of this view conform to the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) or Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME) specification. You can use this page to add workbench resources as MIME or DIME attachments and change properties.

The Content ID is the identifier that the request uses to refer to the attachments. The method for using this identifier depends on your server requirements.
Select whether the attachment conforms to the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) or Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME) specification
Use MTOM transmission mechanism
By default, the request uses SOAP Messages with Attachments (SwA) to handle attachments. Select this option to handle attachments with the SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM).


This page covers the transport settings used to send the request. The transport protocol settings apply to a transport configuration, which can be either HTTP, Java Message Service (JMS), WebSphere MQ, or Microsoft .NET. You can create several configurations for each protocol so that you can easily switch protocols or variants of protocols.
Note: If you are using IBM Security AppScan,only the HTTP transport protocol is available.
Select HTTP to use the HTTP transport for the request. At the request level, you can update a URL or SOAP action and the reference to the global configuration of a test.
Protocol configuration
Click Change to specify a predefined transport configuration or to create a configuration. HTTP transport configurations contain proxy and authentication settings that can be reused.
Specify the URL end point of the service request.
Rest mode
Use this check box to split the REST URL so that it is easy to understand the different parts of REST URL. When you use this option, the main section of URL is placed in the URL field, the resource part is placed in the Resource field, and the parameters are placed in the Parameters field. Use the Add button to manually add more parameters.
Method and Version
Specify the HTTP method and version to be used to invoke the service request.
Specify the names and values of any custom HTTP headers that are required by the service. Click Add, Edit or Remove to modify the headers list.
Specify the names and values of any cookies that are required by the service. Click Add, Edit or Remove to modify the cookies list.

Select JMS to use the Java Messaging Service transport for the request. This page enables you to add string properties that are attached to the request for a JMS configuration. These will be sent as message properties through JMS.

Protocol configuration
Click Change to specify a predefined transport configuration or to create a configuration. JMS transport configurations contain generic end point, reception point, and adapter settings that can be reused.
Specify the names and values of any string properties that are required by the request for the current JMS transport configuration. These are sent as message properties through JMS. Click Add, Edit or Remove to modify the properties list.
WebSphere MQ
Select MQ to use the IBM WebSphere MQ transport for the request. This page enables you to specify the SOAP action and override the settings for the WebSphere MQ configuration selected at the test level.
Protocol configuration
Click Change to specify a predefined transport configuration or to create a configuration. WebSphere MQ transport configurations contain generic queue, header, and SSL settings that can be reused.
SOAP Action
Specifies the SOAP action to be used to invoke the WebSphere MQ request.
Override MQ protocol configuration values
Select this option to configure the fields of the WebSphere MQ message. You can replace a subset of an MQ message descriptor with a custom format for use with other server types, specifically when using an XML message request.
Customize message header
Select this option to specify custom headers for the transport for the SOAP over MQ feature that is provided by WebSphere MQ. This feature uses a predetermined MQ message format (RFH2), therefore, when selected, other Message Descriptor options are disabled.
Message descriptor
These settings replace the message descriptor and header settings of the MQ protocol configuration. Refer to WebSphere MQ documentation for information about message descriptors.
Microsoft .NET
Select Microsoft .NET to use the Microsoft .NET Framework transport for requests based on Windows Communication Foundation (WCF). This page enables you to override the settings for the Microsoft .NET configuration selected at the test level.
Click Add to specify the name and value of the WCF actions that are required by the service. This table is automatically generated when you import a Microsoft .NET WSDL file. Refer to the Microsoft .NET WCF documentation for more information.
