Adding XSD verification points

XSD verification points enable you to check that the XML content of a service response comply with the rules defined in an XML Schema Definition (XSD) file.

Before you begin

When you add verification points, the results from a service response are compared with the expected data that are specified in the verification point test element. XSD verification points return a Pass status when the XML contents of the response are compliant with the associated XSD or a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file that contains XSD information.

If you add multiple XSD files to the verification, then the XML content of the response must comply with all of the XSD files.

You can use the test editor to create or edit verification points.


To add an XSD verification point to a test:

  1. Open the test editor and select a service response element.
  2. Click Add and select XSD Verification Point.
  3. In the Test Element Details area of the test editor, type a name for the verification point.
  4. Click Add XSD to add a an XSD file to the validation list or Add WSDL to add a WSDL that contains XSD information. Click Open to display the XSD or WSDL contents.

What to do next

You can enable or disable each verification point by right-clicking the verification point in the test editor and clicking Enable or Disable.
