Service test generation preferences

The service test generation preferences control how service tests are generated.

To access the web service test generation preferences, click Window > Preferences, expand Test, expand Performance Test, and click Web Service Test Generation. After changing a setting, click Apply.

Time out delay used for call
This is the default time out delay for service calls. If the service does not respond within this period, an error is produced.
Time out delay used for call
This is the default time out delay for asynchronous callbacks. If the service does not respond within this period, the test runs the timeout element of the callback.
Think time default value
This is the default think time for generated tests.
XML data correlation limit
This is the default maximum number of attributes and text nodes supported for data correlation.
XML Message maximum length for answers
This is the default maximum number of characters for the generated XML.
Text Message maximum length for answers
This is the default maximum number of characters for the generated text.
Use case sensitive URL matching
Select this option to enable the test generation to match URLs from the WSDL with recorded URLs only when their case matches. Disable this option to ignore differences between upper and lower case characters.
