Welcome to Liberty

Liberty is optimized for developer and operational productivity. It is a small footprint application server profile, with a simplified approach to server configuration. Its incredibly fast restart time, small size, dynamic behavior, and ease of use, make it a great option for developing and running applications that do not require the full Java™ EE environment of traditional enterprise application server profiles. Familiar WebSphere® Application Server enterprise qualities of service, such as security and transaction integrity, are enabled as required.

Key benefits of Liberty include, but are not limited to, the following capabilities:
  • Free and frictionless download for development purposes
  • Ultra-lightweight modular runtime environment with an install size of under 55 MB
  • Incredibly fast startup time: under 5 seconds for simple web applications
  • Simplified configuration for quick time to productivity
  • Java EE and OSGi application deployment support for web applications
  • LDAP registry support
  • EJB Lite and CDI, to complete support for the Java EE Web Profile
  • Web services support through the JAX-WS Java EE API
  • Messaging support for a single server messaging provider, for JMS, for Message Driven Beans (MDBs), and for MXBeans
  • Options to extend the runtime environment by creating third-party Liberty features
  • Deployment, as a package, of an application and configured server
  • Managed, centralized deployment of a packaged application and server through the WebSphere Application Server Job Manager
  • Availability of WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools as Eclipse plug-ins for broad tools support
  • Broad platform support including z/OS® and Mac OS

What is new and noteworthy

Follow the link to the WASdev community to learn about the new features in this release.