Release notes

Links are provided to the product support Web site, to product documentation, and to last minute updates, limitations, and known problems for the product.

Accessing last-minute updates, limitations, and known problems

The release notes are available on the product support site as technotes. To see a list of all the technotes for WebSphere® eXtreme Scale, go to the Support Web page.

Accessing system and software requirements

The hardware and software requirements are documented on the following pages:

Accessing product documentation

For the entire information set, go to the Library page.

Accessing the product support Web site

To search for the latest technotes, downloads, fixes, and other support-related information, go to the Support page.

Contacting IBM Software Support

If you encounter a problem with the product, first try the following actions:
  • Follow the steps described in the product documentation
  • Look for related documentation in the online help
  • Look up error messages in the message reference
If you cannot resolve your problem by any of the preceding methods, contact IBM® Technical Support.

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