ObjectQuery tutorial

With the following steps, you can develop a local in-memory ObjectGrid that can store order information for a Web site, and demonstrate how to use ObjectQuery to query the data in the grid.

Before you begin

Be sure to have objectgrid.jar file in the classpath.

About this task

Each step in the tutorial builds on the previous step. Follow each of the steps to build a simple Java™ Platform, Standard Edition Version 1.4 (or later) application that uses an in-memory, local ObjectGrid.


  1. ObjectQuery tutorial - step 1
    • How to create a local ObjectGrid
    • How to define a schema for a single object using field-access
    • How to store the object
    • How to query the object with ObjectQuery
  2. ObjectQuery tutorial - step 2
    • How to create an index that the query can use
  3. ObjectQuery tutorial - step 3
    • How to create a schema with two related entities
    • How to store objects with a foreign-key reference between them
    • How to query the objects using a single query with a JOIN
  4. ObjectQuery tutorial - step 4
    • How to create a schema with multiple related entities
    • How to use method or property access instead of field access