DBBbrowse - Database Browse utility. Description: This utility uses some classes under development in the Data Access Builder team to build applications within the Visual Builder for dynamic access to data sources. It can be used to browse the available datasources, as well as connect to, then browse the contents of the datasources. This utility can be used to help resolve connection problems when using the DAB and generated code - errors should be reported as error messages in DBBrowse, which can help with problem determination. Prerequisites: Win95, Win/NT - VACPP 3.5 GA. OS/2 - VACPP 3.4, CTV304 Files: Win95, Win/NT - dbbrsWIN.zip OS/2 - dbbrsOS2.zip Use: Start via: dbbrowse There are no startup parameters. Select the datasources you wish to browse via double clicking. Connect to selected datasources, press "Get Tables" once connect completes. Double-click on the tables to see the datatypes of the columns within the tables. Record any errors encountered, especially any SQLSTATE/SQLCODE information. Providing a filename on the main panel and pressing the file button will start a savefile (as text). This will enable the file button for the other panels, which can then be saved in any order desired. Re-pressing the file button on the main file will replace any current file of that name; doing this without changing the filename re-initializes the save filed contents (you need to re-save any of the other windows as well). Send the resulting text file to your service rep, who can analyse the contents for compability with the DAB tool. Future Enhancements: Stand alone version (will be larger) that will not require VACPP to be installed. The ability to browse and edit the contents of the databases.