The VisualAge C++ for Windows REDISTR.TXT file should contain the following information with regards to the redistribution of the SOM Toolkit with one's application: Purchasers of the SOMobjects Toolkit can take the workstation enabler from the toolkit, replicate the binary code as often as needed, and include the enabler into an application - at no extra charge. The guidelines that must be followed are as follows: - Coding The application vendor may not externalize any IBM SOM Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Further, all applications (OS/2 and Windows) that include IBM SOMobjects 2.1 code must use the IBM-supplied "mini-install" package for the installation of that code. This install executable comes with the toolkit and ensures proper installation. - Service Application vendors are responsible for service and support of their customers. IBM will provide support to the application vendors for problems with IBM code. -Publications Application vendors are not permitted to copy and/or distribute any IBM SOMobjects 2.1 publications or documentation unless explicitly granted permission within the documentation.