IBM VisualAge for C++ for Windows - README IBM* VisualAge* for C++ for Windows** Version 3.5.9 (C) Copyrights by IBM Corp and by others 1988, 2000. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. NOTICE CONCERNING OPERATING SYSTEM SUPPORT IBM VisualAge for C++ Version 3.5.9 ("Version 3.5.9") supports only Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 Professional. Notwithstanding any information in the License Agreement (and license information, if applicable) or specifications for the product, Version 3.5.9 does NOT support Windows 3.1, Win32s or Windows NT 3.51. In addition, Version 3.5.9 may not support certain functions and procedures as stated in the specifications, to the extent such functions and procedures require Windows 3.1, Win32s or Windows NT 3.51 support, and IBM is not responsible for any such unsupported functions and procedures. This file contains important information about the IBM VisualAge for C++ for Windows product. You should read the Introduction section before you install this product. Support For information about support, see: o The file SUPPORT.TXT in the IBMCPPW directory. Or o The section called What If I Still Have Questions in the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) information in the Online Information Notebook. NOTE: The User's Guide refers to a 60 day Getting Started Support Period for the U.S. and Canada. The Getting Started Support is no longer available. Similar technical support is available via the Personal Systems Support Line fee offering. Trademarks The following terms are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM DB2 Open Class OS/2 VisualAge Other terms used in this README, which may be denoted by a double asterisk(**), are trademarks or service marks of others. Excel, Windows, Windows NT, Win32, Windows 2000 are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. PostScript is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Contents 1.2 Prerequisites for WIndows 2000 Windows NT and Windows 95 1.3 Installation 1.3.1 Important Note - Before You Install On Windows 95 1.3.2 Installing This Product 1.3.3 Known Problems During Installation 1.3.4 Known Problems During Deinstallation on Windows NT 2.0 LATE-BREAKING NEWS 2.1 License Information Notes 2.2 General 2.2.1 Windows NT 2.2.2 Windows 95 2.2.3 WIndows 2000 2.3 Compiling and Linking 2.3.1 Usage Notes 2.3.2 Restrictions 2.3.3 Known Problems 2.4 Working with Resources 2.4.1 Usage Notes 2.4.2 Known Problems 2.5 Using the User Interface Class Libraries 2.5.1 Portability Differences between Windows and OS/2 2.5.2 Restrictions and Known Problems 2.5.3 Specific Class Information 2.6 Using the Data Type and Exception Class Libraries 2.6.1 Usage Notes 2.6.2 Factors Affecting Performance With IString 2.7 Using the Collection Class Libraries 2.7.1 Restrictions 2.8 Using the Compound Document Framework Class Libraries 2.8.1 Installation On Windows NT 2.8.2 Usage Notes 2.9 Using the Editor 2.9.1 Usage Notes 2.9.2 Known Problems 2.10 Using WorkFrame 2.10.1 Differences from OS/2 and Restrictions 2.10.2 Usage Notes 2.10.3 Known Problems 2.11 Using the Visual Builder 2.11.1 Known Problems and Restrictions 2.12 Debugging 2.12.1 Usage Notes 2.12.2 Known Problems on WIndows 2000, Windows NT and Windows 95 2.13 Using the Performance Analyzer 2.13.1 Usage Considerations 2.13.2 Restrictions and Known Problems 2.14 Using the Data Access Builder 2.14.1 Prerequisites 2.14.2 Usage Notes 2.14.3 Creating a SOM library of Multiple Classes 2.14.4 Features 2.14.5 Known Problems 2.14.6 Known Problems on DB2 That Affect the Data Access Builder 2.14.7 Using the Data Access Builder with the AS/400 2.15 Using the Browser 2.15.1 Known Problems 2.15.2 Permanent Restrictions 2.16 SOM 2.16.1 Known Problems 3.0 SAMPLES 3.1 General Information 3.1.1 Usage Notes 3.2 SOM/WorkStation DSOM Samples 3.2.1 Known Problems and Restrictions 4.0 Information Pertinent to version 3.5.9 4.1 IBM Open Class Changes 4.2 Microsoft SDK changes 4.3 Win32 SDK Online Help 4.4 Known Problems 4.4.1 Win95 Visual Builder problem 5.0 DOCUMENTATION 5.1 Printing 5.1.1 Known Problems With Printing 5.1.2 How to Print 1.0 Introduction The VisualAge for C++ for Windows product runs on Windows NT**, Windows 2000 and on Windows 95 on Intel machines. The product generates code that runs on Windows 2000, Windows NT, and Windows 95. Unless otherwise described, Windows refers to Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows 95, while Windows 2000 refers to Windows 2000 Professional. 1.1 Contents The contents of this product are: o Compiler (ICC) o Linker (ILINK) o Tools and utilities for defining and creating Windows resources, such as dialogs and bitmaps o Tools and utilities for creating and displaying online help text o Message compiler o System header files and libraries o Library Manager (ILIB) o Open Class Library, header files, and DLLs for: - Data Type and Exception classes - Collection classes - User interface classes - Compound Document Framework classes o Editor o WorkFrame o Visual Builder o Debugger o Performance Analyzer o Data Access Builder o Browser o SOM WorkStation and SOM Developer's Toolkit Version 2.1 o Publications in online and PostScript format 1.2 Prerequisites for Windows 2000, Windows NT and Windows 95 o Windows NT 4.0 is required. This product will not run on earlier versions of Windows NT. Or o Windows 95 o The disk space required for Windows is below: - Minimal install of the product requires 48MB. - The entire product including the documentation requires 370MB. 1.3 Installation This section describes important information about installing the product. To view the Installation Guide prior to running the install program, type the following: x: (Where x: is the drive containing the CD-ROM) cd ibmcppw\bin iview ..\help\cppwigde.inf Following the installation of the product, you can view details about installation and deinstallation. Select the Install Guide on the At a Glance cascade menu in the Help pulldown in any component, such as WorkFrame or the Browser. 1.3.1 Important Note - Before You Install On Windows 95 This section describes what you need to do before you install the product on Windows 95. Required Tasks Before You Install the Product Before you install, you must increase the system environment size. The VisualAge for C++ for Windows product updates a number of system environment variables during installation and the default system environment size is too small. The required changes are described below. C:\CONFIG.SYS change Use the editor of choice to add the following line to your C:\CONFIG.SYS file. Create the file with this line if the file does not exist. SHELL=C:\WINDOWS\COMMAND.COM /p /e:20000 This line sets the environment size to 20,000 bytes, which is sufficient for the VisualAge for C++ product. If you have other products that use a significant amount of environment space, you may need to increase this value. You may also want to use a smaller value on systems that are constrained by memory. This change will set the environment size for programs run directly from folders. NOTE: The above assumes that Windows 95 was installed in the C:\WINDOWS directory. If you installed in another directory, substitute the directory name. MS-DOS Prompt change Start an MS-DOS Prompt. If you are using the Start button, select 'Programs' and then 'MS-DOS Prompt'. Open the MS-DOS Prompt Properties window by doing one of the following: o Opening the system menu by clicking on the MS-DOS icon at the top-left corner of the MS-DOS Prompt, and then selecting the 'Properties' item Or o Selecting the 'Properties' icon on the Toolbar if the Toolbar is active. Switch to memory page by selecting the 'Memory' tab at the top. Within the 'Conventional memory' area is a drop-down entry field. Click on the arrow, scroll down until the '4096' entry is visible and select it. Now click on the OK button at the bottom of the Properties sheet. This change sets the environment size for each MS-DOS prompt started. 1.3.2 Installing This Product Refer to the Installation Guide for details. To view the Installation Guide prior to running the install program, type the following: x: (Where x: is the drive containing the CD-ROM) cd ibmcppw\bin iview ..\help\cppwigde.inf Following the installation of the product, you can view details about installation and deinstallation. Select the Install Guide on the At a Glance cascade menu in the Help pulldown in any component, such as WorkFrame or the Browser. The default path where the files are installed is IBMCPPW. Installing Files for Compound Document Framework Classes Refer to the section called Using the Compound Document Framework Class Libraries for information about installation. 1.3.3 Known Problems During Installation o We recommend that you do not minimize the install window during the installation. The setup screen sometimes freezes if it is minimized while the installation is running. If the hard drive runs out of space, you cannot continue with the installation because when you restore the window, the error dialog is no longer shown. You need to ensure you have enough hard disk space available, and then restart the installation. 1.3.4 Known Problems During Deinstallation on Windows NT o On Windows NT and Windows 2000, a problem exists when you try to deinstall the product after you have more than one install image on the same machine. This applies only to a full install of the product onto your hard disk. You can successfully deinstall one image, and you receive an error message when you try to deinstall the second image. Some files needed by the deinstall program have been deleted. Copy all the files from the CD-ROM directory called IBMCPPW\INSTALL\UTILS, to the \WINNT\VACPPINS directory where the operating system is installed. Run the deinstall again. 2.0 Late-Breaking News This sections describes late-breaking news and restrictions. 2.1 License Information Notes The License Information booklet includes the terms and conditions for redistributing files. The list of files that you can redistribute is contained in the file called REDISTR.TXT. Note that currently you cannot rename CPPWOT3.DLL and ILIBIPF32.DLL. 2.2 General This section describes news and restrictions that apply to more than one component in the product. o The Online Information notebook is more current than the PostScript files and the printed books. 2.2.1 Windows NT o Windows NT has a known problem in screen saver code. When the used environment space reaches a certain size, the WINLOGON.EXE program traps. When this program traps, Windows NT stops the machine. Only a power off/on sequence can clear this. If you are using the Screen Saver feature, you are strongly encouraged to disable the Screen Saver feature either immediately or if you encounter this problem in the future. 2.2.2 Windows 95 o Sometimes the VisualAge for C++ tools have unpredictable behavior when the Windows 95 system experiences virtual memory problems. Virtual memory problems such as full swap space can produce system lockups and abnormal terminations without system notification. It is recommended that you run the VisualAge for C++ tools with at least 40MB of free space available for your swap file. o When you bring up the MS-DOS command prompt and type in the letter of the drive where you installed the product, you are placed into the following path. drive:\IBMCPPW\IBM VA FOR C++ FOR WINDOWS The path is not correct. Change the directory to the appropriate working directory. o Sometimes the Windows 95 pointer is displayed as both a pointer and an hour glass. You can proceed to do other tasks. It appears that you can not take any action until the hour glass disappears, but this is not the case. o The PSTAT and WinPerf programs are not available. 2.2.3 Windows 2000 The Debugger that is shipped in the product is not supported on Windows 2000. Use IBM Distributed Debugger V8.5 instead. This version (3.5.9) uses a new version of the Microsoft SDK. Consequently the tools supported are different. 2.3 Compiling and Linking This section contains important information about compiling and linking. This version contains an improved linker which has fewer limitations and may be faster in some cases. This linker is based on the V3.6 linker. Executing ILINK without any parameters will return an banner indicating this is a V3.6 linker. On Windows 95 a base address of lower than 0x400000 can not be specified when generating an executable due to a systems limitation. If the /base:0xADDRESS option is used (where ADDRESS < 0x400000), the linker option /NOFIXed must also be used. Doing so will allow the system to determine and relocate the application as required. The error message "LNK2029: unresolved external" may contain a meaningless mangling prefix in the referenced names. To demangle them, delete the characters "__imp_" at the beginning of the symbol. The linker will only handle one resource file (.res) at a time. An error message will be issued if two or more resource files for an application linked. The linker now will no longer issue a warning when a dll is created without ".dll" in the extension. 2.3.1 Usage Notes o System Header Files and Libraries The system header files have been modified to work with the compiler. The libraries are shipped with no changes from the versions supplied by Microsoft. o Working with NMAKE If nmake finds more than one rule in a makefile that can be used to build a certain target, it will use the rule found last. o By default, VisualAge for C++ links to the KERNEL32.LIB system import library. Any other system import libraries must be linked manually. For a list of the mapping of Windows APIs to system import libraries, refer to the file called WINAPI.TXT in the \IBMCPPW\HELP directory on the CD-ROM. There are entries that are identical except one ends with "A" and other ends with "W". For example, there is a windows API called StartService. In the WINAPI file there are two entries - StartServiceA and StartServiceW. You can ignore the trailing A or W. o Structured exception handling is not ported to VisualAge for C++ on other platforms. You should avoid using structured exception handling in applications you want to port. 2.3.2 Restrictions o In Windows 95 only, nmake does not handle filenames that contain spaces. You may need to use the short version of the filename, which you can find using the "dir" command. o If you link statically, do not terminate your process with ExitThread or ExitProcess APIs, because the run-time termination will not occur, and buffers will not be flushed. If you link dynamically, the same restriction applies only to Windows 95 and ExitThread. For portability, always use the exit library function. o Do not pass file handles between different library environments. For example, do not open a file in the EXE (with fopen, open, or any other library function) and then pass it to a DLL if both of them link statically to the run time. o If you use Thread Local Storage in C++, a restriction in Windows 95 can affect you. No initialization or termination code is run for variables within a thread. __thread int i = 5; /* OK, statically initialized */ __thread int j = f(); /* f() not called in Windows 95*/ In both Windows NT and Windows 95, the order of thread termination is not predictable. In a DLL, this means the following. PROCESS_DETACH notification can occur on a thread other than thread 1. Termination code registered with the atexit() function, as well as destructors of static C++ objects, will run on the thread in which the PROCESS_DETACH notification occurs. 2.3.3 Known Problems o The C++ compiler may not work when you are compiling C++ source that is located on the Z: drive. The C++ compiler may terminate with a General Protection Fault and a Register Dump. This problem can be avoided by moving the source to a directory that is not located on the Z: drive or by using the /Ft- command-line option. o The ILINK option /OPTFUNC will incorrectly remove functions that are only referenced from a COFF object. This is likely to be a problem when building a DLL but unlikely when building an EXE. o According to the documentation, ILINK will search directories given on the command line before searching directories specified by the LIB environment variable. Currently the reverse is true. o When linking a dll created by this product with a dll created by another compiler and using a single icc command, such as the example below where "ibm.obj" is the source object of "ibm.dll" and "microsoft.lib" is the import library of the "microsoft.dll". icc /ge- ibm.obj microsoft.lib The following error message may be returned: "Fatal error : invalid object 'microsoft.dll' at offset xxxx xxxx" The following workarounds may be used to avoid the problem: 1. Add the linker flag of "/B" in front of any Microsoft import library. Thus icc will only pass those libraries to ilink, 2. Provide an export object file for linking a dll. In this case, icc will not call ilib for generating xxx.exp file, 3. Use ilink to link the xxx.dll instead of icc. 2.4 Working with Resources This section contains important information about working with resources. 2.4.1 Usage Notes o The additional command-line options for ibmpcnv are: -B : Input file is a bitmap -C : Input file is a cursor -I : Input file is an icon -P : Input file is a pointer If -D is specified, the above options are ignored and ibmpcnv converts files with .ico, .bmp, .cur, .ptr extension in the "filein" dir. The above options are added because ibmpcnv is sensitive to file suffixes. It only convert files with .ico, .bmp, .cur, .ptr suffixes. It uses the suffix to determine the type of resource image. o The IBM Resource Compiler (IRC) has the command line option -k codepageId to support compiling resources in the specified codepage. o To view books in .INF format from the command line use iview which is a 32-bit upgrade of the xview tool referenced in the IPF User's Guide and IPF Programmer's Guide and Reference. In addition libipfx.dll has been upgraded to libipf32.dll. 2.4.2 Known Problems o Message Compiler Bug Comments are allowed in the input message (.mc) file. Comments must begin with a semicolon (;) in the first column and are terminated by the end of the line. As the User's Guide states, comments that exist by themselves on a line are copied, as is, to the output include (.h) file. However, the semicolon is not converted to the C end-of-line comment syntax (//). The semicolon is stripped from the beginning of the comment line. You will have to manually update your include file to add the slashes to indicate to the compiler that the line is a comment. o The resource compiler cannot decompile a binary resource file with a MENUEX resource defined in it. The resource workshop will treat the resource as a MENU resource. When you see "__VERSION 1" and "__OFF 4" defined under the MENU resource, it means that it is a MENUEX resource. The menu items may not be decompiled correctly in this case. o In the DBCS environment, when you save a file as a resource file, the resource workshop will work very slowly. To improve this, set the "Foreground and Background Application Equally Responsive" in the Tasking setup under System setup in the Control Panel. o If you install the product to the root directory of a partition, such as E:, then the IPF Compiler will not work unless you make the following changes to your environment: - On Windows 95, the variable "IPF_PATH32" is set to "E:\" in the autoexec.bat file. Remove the backslash and change the setting to "E:". - On Windows NT, the variable "IPF_PATH32" is set to "E:\" in the registry. Remove the backslash and change the setting to "E:". You can use System tool in the Control Panel window. o If you have coded empty help resources you need to add a line of null terminators to ensure the proper processing of these tags. See the following examples. 100 HELPTABLE { 10, ID_SUBTABLE, 20 } ID_SUBTABLE HELPSUBTABLE { 0,0 /* Null termination string here for empty table */ } 100 HELPTABLE { 0,0,0 /* Null termination string here for empty table */ } 2.5 Using the User Interface Class Libraries The following information refers to the User Interface Classes contained in the IBM Open Class Library. These notes are in addition to what is documented in the Open Class Library User's Guide and the Open Class Library Reference manuals. 2.5.1 Portability Differences between Windows and OS/2 Refer to the Portability section of the Open Class Library User's Guide and the platform support information contained in the function descriptions of the Open Class Library Reference, Volumes I - IV. 2.5.2 Restrictions and Known Problems This section describes the restrictions and known problems, including documentation problems. Colors The following member overrides were added to query and set the background color of the font and file dialogs: In ifontdlg.hpp: virtual IColor backgroundColor () const; virtual IFontDialog &setBackgroundColor (Const IColor& color); In ifiledlg.hpp: virtual IColor backgroundColor () const; virtual IFileDialog &setBackgroundColor (Const IColor& color); Graphics The set of pen types, styles, and patterns that can be set through IGraphicBundle is limited on Win32s and Windows 95. On these environments, the best available approximation is chosen. Due to a limitation in the Graphic Device Interface (GDI) on Windows 95, only the pen patterns IGraphicBundle::filled and IGraphicBundle::hollow are supported. Multimedia USE OF IMMDEVICE::MODE IN NOTIFICATION HANDLERS As part of its execution, IMMDevice::mode generates a notification event. When writing a notification handler, you should keep this in mind. Consider the following code, which is part of a dispatchNotificationEvent routine: IMMNotifyEvent* notifyEvent = (IMMNotifyEvent*)(event.eventData().asUnsignedLong()); if (notifyEvent->command() == IMMNotifyEvent::play) { panel.playbtn.unlatch(); if (panel.playerDevice == CDID) if (panel.cdPlayer->mode() == IMMDevice::playing) { panel.playbtn.latch(); } } In this example, the mode function is called within the if clause. But consider the following, where it is moved outside: IMMNotifyEvent* notifyEvent = (IMMNotifyEvent*)(event.eventData().asUnsignedLong()); if (notifyEvent->command() == IMMNotifyEvent::play) { panel.playbtn.unlatch(); } if (panel.playerDevice == CDID) if (panel.cdPlayer->mode() == IMMDevice::playing) { panel.playbtn.latch(); } This causes the following set of events to occur: 1. The "mode()" command generates a notify event 2. The notify event re-enters "dispatchNotificationEvent()" 3. Since the "mode()" command is not inside the if clause, it is executed again 4. Loop through steps 1-3 recursively until a stack overflow occurs Care should be taken when using the "mode()" command in this situation. RECORDING IN THE 32-BIT WINDOWS ENVIRONMENT In 32-bit Windows, the only device that supports recording is WAVEAUDIO (IMMWaveAudio). In addition, certain recording parameters can only be specified when opening a new data file for recording. Once recording has begun, they cannot be altered. This also applies when adding recorded material to an existing file. The IBM Open Class functions that get or set these parameters are listed below: o IMMConfigurableAudio::setBytesPerSecond o IMMConfigurableAudio::setBitsPerSample o IMMConfigurableAudio::setBlockAlignment o IMMConfigurableAudio::setChannels o IMMConfigurableAudio::setFormat o IMMConfigurableAudio::setSamplesPerSecond o IMMConfigurableAudio::bytesPerSecond o IMMConfigurableAudio::bitsPerSample o IMMConfigurableAudio::blockAlignment o IMMConfigurableAudio::channels o IMMConfigurableAudio::format o IMMConfigurableAudio::samplesPerSecond If the setters are used on a device that already contains recorded material, an exception is thrown. The use of either the setters or getters on a device that does not support recording (for example, any device other than IMMWaveAudio in 32-bit Windows) throws an exception. Use IMMDevice::supportsRecord to determine if the getters can be used. It is recommended that you maintain a "new record file" flag for use of the setters. Once recording has initiated, this flag should be set to false and access to the setters should be disabled. NEW MEMBER FUNCTIONS IN IMMAUDIOCD The following functions were added to IMMAudioCD, but are not in the product documentation: The following function returns the current table of contents entry. public: unsigned long IMMAudioCD::currentContentsEntry() const The following function returns the current track. public: unsigned long IMMAudioCD::currentTrack() const 32-BIT WINDOWS SUPPORTED MEMBER FUNCTIONS IN IMMPLAYABLEDEVICE The following functions in IMMPlayableDevice are listed as not supported under 32-bit Windows, when in fact they are: public: IMMPlayableDevice& IMMPlayableDevice::startPositionTracking(const IMMTime &time, CallType call) public: IMMPlayableDevice& IMMPlayableDevice::stopPositionTracking(CallType call) USE OF IMMDIGITALVIDEO::SETDESTINATION When using ICoordinateSystem::originLowerLeft, the setDestination rectangle specified is mapped relative to the lower-left corner of the video window. This may cause clipping of the video image. COMPOUND DEVICES IN 32-BIT WINDOWS In general, 32-bit Windows MCI compound devices (those that require a file for data, such as WAVEAUDIO, SEQUENCER, and DIGITALVIDEO) have limited function until they are loaded with a file. Because of this, it is recommended that actions on these devices be limited until a file is loaded, using the IMMFileMedia::load member function. MCI_LOAD EMULATION In 32-bit Windows, device element (data file) for a compound device can only be specified when the device is opened. The MCI_LOAD function is not supported, so the device element cannot be changed after that time. The following protected virtual functions are used to emulate the MCI_LOAD command, allowing an IBM Open Class multimedia object change its filename: virtual IMMDevice &saveDeviceSettings (), &restoreDeviceSettings (Boolean newRecordMode = false); For compound devices, when IMMFileMedia::load is called, the following events occur to emulate MCI_LOAD: 1. All classes in the object's hierarchy are requested to save pertinent parameters or settings using saveDeviceSettings. 2. The current device associated with the object is closed. 3. A new device is opened with the new filename, and is associated with the object. 4. All classes in the object's hierarchy are requested to restore pertinent parameters or settings using restoreDeviceSettings. Derived classes should use these classes as necessary. The final statement before the return should be a call to the parent's same function, allowing all inherited classes to save or restore settings. IMMDEVICE::SETVOLUME LIMITATION The 32-bit Windows MCI does not support MCI_OVER so the "over" parameter is ignored. IMMDEVICE::SENDCOMMAND LIMITATION The 32-bit Windows mciSendCommand function does not support the passing of an arbitrary user parameter, so this capability is not available. 2.5.3 Specific Class Information IAcceleratorKey and IAcceleratorTable Accelerator keys have the following restrictions on Windows NT and Windows 95: o If you assign a key to run both an application command and a system command, the assignment to the application command is ignored. The distinction on the type of command event generated when the key is pressed is determined by the Windows presentation system based on the command identifier. If the system menu contains an item with the same identifier, the accelerator key generates a system command event. Otherwise, it generates an application command. o Assigning a key to generate a help request causes the key to generate an IC_ID_HELP command. IFrameHandler processes the command as a help request. You must do one of the following: - The accelerator table with this key must be assigned to a canvas, container, or frame window for the IFrameHandler to process this command. Or - You must create a command handler that sends the command event up the chain of the owner window, and attach this handler to the window with the accelerator table. IBaseComboBox Horizontal scrollbars are only supported for simple combo boxes in Windows NT newshell applications. This is due to a Windows bug. They are supported for all combo box types in Windows 95 applications. Horizontal scrollbars are not supported in Windows NT oldshell applications. IContainerControl When calling IContainerControl::refresh after calling IContainerControl::setRefreshOff, refresh should be called with a true parameter. This solves any painting problems that occur after calling IContainerControl::setRefreshOff. IContainerControl::ColumnCursor The documentation for this class in the Open Class Library Reference is incorrect as the columns are iterated in the expected order. The Windows information for this class should then read as follows: WINDOWS INFORMATION: The native Windows container has a required first column. If an IContainerColumn object is not inserted for this required column, the cursor does not iterate them. See the IContainerColumn documentation for more details. IFileDialog The SAVE AS DIALOG fails to save a file to a network drive under the following circumstances: 1. Windows 95 environment 2. File already exists 3. Network drive is an HPFS drive The error that is reported states that the path does not exist. However, this scenario does work when the network drive is a FAT drive. An ICommandHandler cannot be used to handle events for an IFileDialog. Currently, command and systemCommand events are not passed to handlers but are routed directly to the default file dialog procedure. IFont If an IFont object is being used for a printer, plotter, FAX, or other non-display device, some of the attribute-setting functions assume a display presentation space (device context) for use in recalculating the font metrics. There is no way to pass a presentation space as a parameter to the these functions. The result is that pointSize returns an incorrect size for the actual presentation space afterward. There is no problem for IFont objects used with display presentation spaces. The IFont member functions involved are listed below: setBold setItalic setUnderscore setAllEmphasis useBitmapOnly setDirection A solution is to save the pointSize across a call to one of these functions. This solution is only needed if the font is not being used for a display. For example: size = pointSize(); setBold(); setPointSize(size, printerPs); IInfoArea Menu items that have a submenu do not display text in an information area. IKeyboardEvent The IKeyboardEvent::sysRq enumerator is not supported on the Windows platform. IMultiLineEdit Due to a 16-bit Windows limitation, importing a large file into a MLE does not work properly. Windows 95 implements some window management features in 16 bits. The use of 16 bits imposes some restrictions on parameters in functions and messages and places limits of about 64 kilobytes of text. IThread If you are building a statically linked (Gd-) multithreaded application for Windows 95, restrictions apply. You should use only the IThread constructors to create threads that contain IWindow objects or are referenced using IThread. You should avoid using the CreateThread 32-bit Windows function or the beginthread C library function to create threads. The following IThread constructor may not function correctly when applied to a thread created with the CreateThread or beginthread functions: IThread ( const IThreadId& threadID, const IThreadHandle& threadHandle = IThreadHandle::noHandle ); This restriction does not apply to Windows NT applications or to dynamically linked Windows 95 applications. 2.6 Using the Data Type and Exception Class Libraries 2.6.1 Usage Notes A new capability has been added to ITrace to enable capturing trace output to a file. To direct ITrace output to a file, set the following environment variables before starting the application. SET ICLUI_TRACETO=FILE <- causes the next environment to be checked and used SET ICLUI_TRACEFILE= <- trace output will be place into 2.6.2 Factors Affecting Performance With IString When the IString class is enabled for internationalization, performance may be degraded. Factors that affect performance are: o Strings that are thousands of bytes long o Frequency of string parsing and indexing. 2.7 Using the Collection Class Libraries 2.7.1 Restrictions Copying Key Collection Class objects If you use your own copy constructor to add an object to a key collection, be sure that the key of the object is not changed. Changing the key can cause unpredictable results, including program traps. In general, it is recommended that you use the default copy constructor, rather than defining your own. The Key collection classes can be recognized by the word "key" in their name. For example IKeyBag and IKeySetAsBSTTree. 2.8 Using the Compound Document Framework Class Libraries This section describes important information about the the Compound Document Framework Class Libraries. 2.8.1 Installation On Windows NT To insert a CDF server into an OLE container or to activate a CDF server within an OLE container, you must do the following. Set the system path to point to the DLLs in the \IBMCPPW\BIN directory. 2.8.2 Usage Notes o You need the following program: - UUIDGEN.EXE from the Win32 Development Toolkit. It is in the \IBMCPPW\SDK\BIN directory. o If your application model needs to stream input or output from an ICLUI or user-defined class which does not define stream operators, you can define your own operators. When you define operators you need to include a prototype statement in your .HPP file, or you will receive the message about INCLUDE\IBASSTRM.C. For example, if the .CPP file contains: IBaseStream& operator>>=(IPoint pt, IBaseStream& strm) {....} The .HPP file needs to contain: IBaseStream& operator>>=(IPoint pt, IBaseStream& strm); 2.9 Using the Editor This section contains important information about using the Editor. 2.9.1 Usage Notes o In Windows 95, when entering characters using the Alt key + numeric pad, use Alt + 0 + the character code for the character you are entering. o In the Font selection window, some font selections will indicate the availability of extended font styles, such as Italics or Bold. The Editor ignores extended font style selections, and uses only the underlying (Regular) font. To set additional font effects, use the Token Attributes window, available from the Options pull-down menu. o If the Editor window does not appear, or it is unusable when it does appear, erase the LPEX.ini file, then restart the Editor. The LPEX.ini file can be found in the directory where Windows is installed. 2.9.2 Known Problems o When using the Editor on Windows 95, certain character effect combinations such as bold and italics may not be readable in some fonts or font sizes. o On Windows 95, you cannot use the Save As dialog to save to an existing file on a remote HPFS drive. 2.10 Using WorkFrame This section contains important information about using WorkFrame. 2.10.1 Differences from OS/2 and Restrictions o No project inheritance or Tool Setup is available. Actions (tools), and types are defined in the product solution file, which is called vacpp.iws. o WorkFrame does not support user defined types. o Environment variables can be defined through the Project Settings notebook. o Options defined by using the option dialogs are stored on a per-project basis in the options file for the project. The options file has the extension .iwo. You can access the option dialogs using the Options pulldown menu in a project view. If you delete the options file, you can recover by using the editor to create a new options file. Use the same file name with an asterisk for the extension. Then use the options dialogs to reset your options for the project. Other project specific information e.g. project settings, is kept on a per-project basis in the project's project file. The project file has the extension .iwp. o Note: You should not directly change the above configuration files, such as the *.iws, *.iwp, and *.iwo files. o No drag and drop is available o A details view of the project is not available, but icon and tree views are supported. o Monitored actions are implemented through the Editor rather than WorkFrame. The monitor is an Editor monitor, not a WorkFrame monitor. 2.10.2 Usage Notes o The IBUILD and IMKMK commands have been updated to remove the limit on the number of parameters they will accept. There is now NO restriction on the number of parameters for IBUILD and IMKMK. 2.10.3 Known Problems o In notebooks, the help that is displayed from the Help pushbuttons may depend on what has focus. If a notebook tab has focus, sometimes no help is displayed from the Help pushbutton. In most cases for the Options notebooks, holding down the left mouse button and pressing F1 over the notebook Help pushbutton will display general help. o Pressing F1 when focus is on a notebook tab sometimes changes notebook files instead of displaying help. o Keyboard navigation and accelerators don't work properly for some dialogs. o Opening options notebooks and changing options for two projects at the same time may cause problems. o If multiple .EXE files are selected to Run Monitored at the same time, only one of them will be run multiple times. o If the option to create a dependency file is specified, not all dependencies are put into this file; some are left in the makefile. o Occasionally when running on Windows 95, WorkFrame windows will not respond to the mouse. To correct this, click on the desktop and then click on the WorkFrame window again. o When you use WorkFrame for several hours, sometimes you receive a warning about low virtual memory. The log file for the monitor operations becomes too large. To avoid the problem, you need to exit from the project monitor window occasionally. The exit action erases the log file. o When you build and run applications that use HLP and INF files from WorkFrame, a problem exists. The application seems to build correctly. When you run the application, you receive a message saying that the HLP file and the INF file cannot be found. You need to do the following. In the WorkFrame settings, set the Help environment variable to point to the HELP subdirectory. Then build and run your application again. 2.11 Using the Visual Builder This section contains important information about using the Visual Builder. 2.11.1 Known Problems and Restrictions o Part files (.vbb) from the OS/2 release can be loaded and saved under this release, but part files saved in this release cannot be loaded in the OS/2 release. When you load an OS/2 part file, Visual Builder asks you if you want to convert it to the Windows format. If you answer YES to this message, the part file is converted and it will no longer be readable on OS/2. If you want to keep a copy of your OS/2 part files, back them up before loading them into the Windows release. o When using the native details-view container, you will have problems selecting container columns other than column 1 directly from the free-form surface. To edit the unreachable container columns, do the following: 1. Select the container. 2. Click mouse button 2. The contextual menu for the part appears. 3. Select VIEW PARTS LIST. The Parts List window appears. 4. Double-click the icon that represents the container column you want to edit. The settings window opens for the part. o If you use container columns in a native Windows container, set the container to details view only. Using any other container view might cause Visual Builder to close without warning, and you could lose unsaved updates to your part. o Situations exist where use of a native progress indicator sometimes causes the Builder to shut down. To avoid this problem, set the pmCompatible style to ON to use the CUA progress indicator. o Minor changes have been made to the Visual Builder User's Guide since it was printed. For the most current information, see the online version of the book. The sections affected are as follows: Starting Visual Builder Learning to Use Parts Constructing Containers and Notebooks Hints and Tips o Minor changes have been made to the Visual Builder Parts Reference since it was printed. For the most up-to-date information, see the online version of the book. Portability information has been added to include features that are unique to Windows or ignored by the Windows compiler. 2.12 Debugging This section contains important information about debugging. N.B. The debugger shipped in the product is not supported on Windows 2000 2.12.1 Usage Notes o To enable debug on demand, add the directory for your program to the PATH environment variable or start the program from its directory. To run debug on demand, enter the command: DOD path_name The User's Guide incorrectly states that you need to enter DOD path_name \idebug. 2.12.2 Known Problems on Windows NT and Windows 95 o You cannot use the Step Over or Step Debug functions to step into a structured exception handling __finally block. o Attaching to the debugger itself causes unpredictable results. o For applications running under the debugger, asynch exception handling is disabled. If the application uses a signal to register an asynch handler, there is no way to detect the exception and invoke the handler. o Toggling breakpoints at an execution line clears all breakpoints on that line. o A stack entry is missed when you single step into a one line function, for example constructor code. o On Windows 95, the system hangs in one situation when a breakpoint is hit. The situation is when you are debugging a GUI application and you resize one of the windows of the application. o On Windows 95, multithread application requires closing the debugger (F3) twice for complete clean up. o On Windows 95, make sure all change address breakpoints are deleted before closing the debugger. The system hangs if any change address breakpoint remains on the stack when the program being debugged runs to completion. o On Windows 95, not all exception signals are passed on to the debugger. For some illegal operations, the debugger is not able to catch the exception for the offending application. o Closing the application using the system menu, while the application is stopped by the debugger, produces unpredictable results on Windows 95. o Due to system limitation on Windows 95, the debugger is not able to step over certain system services such as WaitForSingleObject. o Some hexadecimal values may not be displayed correctly in the Character column of the Storage window. To fix this, set the LC_ALL environment variable to the ANSI locale (codepage) which corresponds to the country/language setting of your machine. For example, for US English: SET LC_ALL=En_US.IBM-1252 You can find the correct locale name in the "Compiled locales supplied with VisualAge for C++" table in the Programming Guide. You should use the locale name whose number is in the range of 1250 to 1257. 2.13 Using the Performance Analyzer This section contains important information about using the Performance Analyzer. 2.13.1 Usage Considerations o To activate file access tracing, do both of the following: 1. Link _KERNEL.LIB into your program. 2. Set environment variable PA FILEACCESS to ON. (Note that the environment variable contains a blank.) Performance Analyzer queries this environment variable each time it displays the Trace Generation window. When the file access tracing is activated and the traced program calls a Win32 function that uses a file handle, the Performance Analyzer keeps track of the file handle associated with the call. When the Performance Analyzer displays information about the call, it qualifies the Win32 function name with the associated file name in parentheses. For example, in the Call Nesting diagram, the CreateFile function could appear as CreateFile(MyFile.dat). The Win32 functions that use file handles are: CloseHandle CreateFile FlushFileBuffers GetFileInformationByHandle GetFilePointer GetFileSize GetFileTime GetFileType LockFile LockFileEx ReadFile ReadFileEx SetEndOfFile SetFilePointer SetFileTime UnlockFile UnlockFileEx WriteFile WriteFileEx o If you are running a multithreaded application that creates threads after existing threads of execution have been terminated, the operating system may reuse the thread numbers that corresponded to the terminated threads. If this occurs, the Performance Analyzer may report fewer threads than were actually executed. o If the object file containing the first executable function is not traceable, part or all of your application will run before the TRACE GENERATION window is displayed. If this is the case, the Performance Analyzer will run to the first traceable function, halt execution, and then display the TRACE GENERATION window. o To enable the Performance Analyzer in WorkFrame do the following: - The best way to enable the performance analyzer is to use the option in Build Smarts. This will correctly set up both the compiler and linker options. - Enabling the option in the compiler dialog will only turn on the compiler /Gh option, but will not add the required CPPWPA3.OBJ at link time. o The following feature is available but is not documented: When preparing a program for the Performance Analyzer, you can also compile with option /Tn+ (generate partial debug information) rather than option /Ti+ (generate complete debug information). The /Tn+ option usually produces smaller executables than the /Ti+ option. However, if you use the /Tn+ option, then the Performance Analyzer will not be able to determine the name sof the functions that have internal linkage. These include non-member functions declared as static and functions declared as inline. In the Performance Analyzer diagrams, these functions will appear as hex addresses. 2.13.2 Restrictions and Known Problems o The first function traced (usually main) cannot be set as a trigger or disabled. o Six system calls used by the Performance Analyzer are not traced in your program when the _KERNEL.DLL intercept library is used. These are: InitializeCriticalSection, EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress, and GetCurrentThreadId. o After generating a trace file, you may not be able to erase or rebuild your executable while the Performance Analyzer is running. You may have to exit the Performance Analyzer and then rebuild your executable. o If your program contains a function preceded by an underscore (_), the Performance Analyzer will display the function without the underscore in the trace file. o The pattern recognition feature (on the CALL NESTING diagram) has the following limitations: - The Performance Analyzer only searches for patterns in the first 32,768 events in the selected thread. - The maximum number of patterns for which the Performance Analyzer searches is 8191. When the Performance Analyzer reaches either of these limits, it stops searching for patterns. o The compiler should only produce profile hooks for user-defined functions. Currently the compiler produces profile hooks for several compiler-generated functions in addition to user-defined functions. These compiler-generated functions will appear in the trace file as unrecognizable names made up of random characters. o If you are analyzing a C++ program in the DYNAMIC CALL GRAPH or STATISTICS diagram and select PROJECT > EDIT FUNCTION while a class or an executable is highlighted, the Performance Analyzer will not invoke the editor. The Performance Analyzer will only display source code in the editor if the highlighted item is a function. 2.14 Using the Data Access Builder This section contains important information about using the Data Access Builder. 2.14.1 Prerequisites o There are no database prerequisites to run the Data Access Builder. If you want to use a DB2 database, you must install DB2 for the Windows NT or Windows 95 platform. 2.14.2 Usage Notes o An SVGA screen is recommended to run the idata tool. o Only 32-bit datasources are displayed in the database selection list. o The 32-bit Driver manager is \WINNT\SYSTEM32\ODBC32.DLL. o You do not have to use the "Register Database" option each time a database product is installed or removed. This option is needed if you: - Add DB2 - Remove DB2 - Go from none to at least one ODBC data source - Go from at least one ODBC data source to none Using the IDatastore Class in a Windows NT Application You must do the following if your application uses the IDatastore class on any database other than the one which you used for the Data Access Builder to generate the code. You must bind the file CPPWACL2.BND to all the databases accessed by your application. This allows IDatastore to connect, disconnect, and complete transactions against the database. To bind the file, enter the following commands: DB2START DB2 CONNECT TO database DB2 BIND D:\IBMCPPW\BND\CPPWACL2.BND DB2 TERMINATE where database is the name of your database and D:\IBMCPPW is the path where you installed the code. 2.14.3 Creating a SOM library of Multiple Classes A C procedure called SOMInitModule is implicitly generated during SOM code generation when you check the makefile option or the automatic link option. These two options imply that a SOM DLL, which requires the existence of this procedure, is created. If you do not want to create a SOM DLL, make sure that the options are not checked. If not, you will receive multiple definition errors for this routine when linking multiple SOM OBJ files together. 2.14.4 Features o Data Access Builder also supports the following ODBC drivers: - dBase - Excel - SQL Server - Text For configuration information for the above drivers, use WINHLP32 to view the driver's HLP file, that is found in the \ibmcppw\odbc32 or \ibmcppw\odbc16 directory. For example, for information on the dBase driver, type: winhlp32 ibdbf08.hlp o A new "Save window size" option is added to the View pulldown menu. The option restores the size and the position of the Data Access Builder on restart. The option is off by default. o On Windows 95, use the 'clean95' option in the generated makefiles, rather than the 'clean' option which should be used on Windows NT. 2.14.5 Known Problems o Data Access Builder is limited to accessing a finite number of tables (in the order of tens of thousands, depending on virtual memory size), in any one database. If you access a database with more than this number of tables, tables after the limit will not be displayed in the tables listbox. Aliasing these tables so that they appear closer to the beginning of the list of tables does not provide a workaround; a trap will occur when you try to generate classes. To avoid this problem, use the filter provided in the Create Classes dialog to view a subset of the tables according to their owner, name, and type. o If an invalid class or attribute name is entered in the class settings notebook, the previous value is restored as designed, but no warning is issued. o If a data identifier is mapped to a nullable column, database operations with the data identifier set to null will not work. o The help button on the class settings notebook does not work when the notebook page has focus. Use the F1 key to obtain the help for the page. o After creating a class, the mouse pointer remains in the busy state until the mouse is moved. Move the mouse after creating a class to exit the busy state. 2.14.6 Known Problems on DB2 That Affect the Data Access Builder o Loading tables with a foreign key column name greater than 15 characters will cause the Data Access Builder to crash. o DB2 user-defined types based on character types are not mapped correctly. o DB2 maps DECIMAL to the C/C++ data type double which may result in round-off errors and loss of precision. Data Access Builder also maps DECIMAL to the date type double. 2.14.7 Using the Data Access Builder with the AS/400 o We recommend using the OWNER field while filtering. The owner field must be specified in UPPER CASE. o AS/400 does not yet support Windows NT Japanese version code page 943. As a work around, set the DB2CODEPAGE environment variable to 932 before trying to connect to the AS/400. o You must create a collection named NULLID on the AS/400 system. o If you are using a US/ENGLISH system with code page 1252 and you are interacting with a V3R1 AS/400 System, then you must load PTF SF24582 onto the AS/400. 1252 is the default code page for US/ENGLISH systems. 1252 cannot interact with AS/400s supporting V2R3. In this case, you should change the DB2CODEPAGE environment variable to 850 before connecting to the AS/400 system. 2.15 Using the Browser This section contains important information about using the Browser. 2.15.1 Known Problems 1. When printing on Windows 95, if you have your printer configured to print to a file, a Print To File dialog will be shown to prompt you for the file name. This dialog will show beneath other windows, but you can access the dialog from the Task bar or you can move the other windows aside. Enter the file name and the Browser continues with the printing request. 2.15.2 Permanent Restrictions 1. You can use PDB files generated by the VisualAge C++ for OS/2 version 3.0 product in this Browser. You cannot use PDB files generated by VisualAge for C++ for Windows and use them on OS/2, nor can you use PDL or PDE or PDD files across systems. 2. If you browse a program that contains .OBJ files created from C source files, the Browser Files Dialog informs you that the .PDB files for the C files cannot be found. Ignore this message and select the Load button. Note that no Browser information exists for the C files. 3. If you choose to Generate Browser information, the compiler creates a PDB file even if the compilation fails. The file sometimes contains incorrect data. The browser cannot always detect this problem. 4. In the list of file names that are fully-qualified, the list contains the names after compilation and not necessarily the names on your system. For example, if you List All Files in any of the VisualAge for C++ libraries, the files may appear to be located in C:\IBMCPPW. If the browser cannot find the files it searches the path defined in the Browser Settings notebook. 5. The browser loads all the information from a program (.EXE or DLL), including information from any LIB files used. If the project that builds the .EXE or DLL does not contain the project that builds the LIB file, the Refresh function in the Browser cannot refresh the information and the information is not displayed. 6. If you load some browser information with QuickBrowse and some with compiler-generated .PDB files, you sometimes get the message "An error occurred while loading the file filename.pdb". Either delete the .PDB files and load only QuickBrowse information, or rebuild your project to generate .PDB files for all of your source files. If the problem persists, contact VisualAge for C++ Service and Support. 7. QuickBrowse does not correctly identify SOM classes. 8. If you try to run the Browser on the executable files for the VisualAge for C++ sample projects, you may see the message "Will not QuickBrowse the following files after analysis of the make file." If you see this message, choose Cancel, exit the Browser, and the do one of the following: o Rebuild the project. o Rename the target of the project. o Delete the target of the project. You can then browse the project. 9. Due to the 16-bit GDI coordinate system used by Windows 95, the Browser is unable to render highly complex graphs that can be rendered on OS/2 or Windows NT. If the Browser encounters such a situation, a message is displayed, and possible workarounds are suggested in the on-line help for the message. Unfortunately, there will be some complex graphs which cannot be displayed on Windows 95, even after all workarounds have been tried. 2.16 SOM This section contains the important information about using the SOM toolkit. 2.16.1 Known Problems o When using the DTS hh emitter: - Sometimes it generates duplicate constructors. - Sometimes it causes a runtime heap error R6018. o The following code causes an access violation on Windows NT: SOMClass * pClass = NULL; somId aClassId = somIdFromString( "MyClass"); Class = SOMClassMgrObject->somFindClsInFile(aClassId, 0, 0, "mydll"); 3.0 Samples This section contains important information about using the samples. 3.1 General Information 3.1.1 Usage Notes Because all samples are enabled for Performance Analyzer, CPPWPA3.DLL must be present to Run the sample and CPPWPA3.OBJ must be present to Build the sample without errors. These objects are automatically installed if you install the Performance Analyzer component. Otherwise, copy the CPPWPA3.DLL from the /BIN directory and the CPPWPA3.OBJ from the /LIB directory of the CD-ROM to the corresponding directories on your system. Copying CPPWPA3.DLL and CPPWPA3.OBJ simply allows you to invoke Run and Build without errors. To use the Performance Analyzer or any other component with the samples, you must install those components. 3.2 SOM/WorkStation DSOM Samples This section contains important information about the samples. 3.2.1 Known Problems and Restrictions o The Build Notes give you a generic description, which is different from the way the samples are built. You need to consult the individual readme.txt files for specific information. Click on the "View Readme" selection box to see the readme file in an editor. Also, refer to the rest of this section for additional information. o Building and Running Samples: General Information - Sometimes problems exist when VisualAge for C++ is installed in an environment that has another compiler already installed. Check your PATH, INCLUDE, and LIB environment variables to ensure that you are using the correct executables, include files, and libraries. - Selecting the "Project/Build Normal" will not work because WorkFrame does not currently support rules for compiling IDL files. Instead, you need to select "Project/Make" to use the makefile "vac.mak" that has been supplied. Or you can right click on "vac.mak" and choose "make" from the pop-up menu. - Only "Project/Make" and "Project/Run" are supported by WorkFrame. o Building and Running Samples: Sample Specific Information - ALL DSOM SAMPLES (location: samples\som\somd\cpp\* ) After running each WorkStation DSOM sample, you need to kill the daemon "somdd" before you can run another sample. Close the window where somdd is running. - Event (location: samples\som\somd\event ) There is a potential race condition in starting the four interacting programs for this sample. You can start the programs manually by executing the commands in run.bat one at a time from the Project Monitor or from the command line. - If the client for a DSOM sample is invoked without starting the daemon or server first, the client hangs and cannot be terminated by a CTRL-C. It has to be terminated explicitly from the "Task Menu" by invoking "End Task". 4.0 This section contains important information pertinent to version 3.5.9 which includes a new version of Microsoft SDK. 4.1 IBM Open Class This package contains fixes for the Open Class component of VisualAge C++ for Windows, version 3.5. This fix pack level makes use of a more recent version of the MS SDK. Due to some SDK changes we needed to implement various changes to Open Class (see below). The following list of items describes the change made to Open Class since the last official Fixpak WTO356: 4.1.1 All open class applications will require the /DNO_STRICT compiler option or have an Open Class header defined before the MS headers. This change may require a change to the users build procedure if an Open Class header is not first in the list. The error message you will get when you compile is: Error: Use of IBM Open Class Library requires /DNO_STRICT compiler option. If you get this error message, please add the "/DNO_STRICT" compiler option to your make or build file and try again. 4.1.2 MS COM interface class IFont has been renamed to: __IWinFont Be advised that if you need to inherit from the MS version of IFont, you should use __IWinFont. 4.1.3 The IFileDialog class now includes a new style, IFileDialog::explorer. The new style can be used to create "Windows Explorer" file dialogs. This style is not on by default, but to make it so, add the following in the begining of your "main()" function: IFileDialog::setDefaultStyle( IFileDialog::classDefaultStyle | IFileDialog::explorer ); Using the "Windows Explorer" file dialog has one side effect. The IFileDialog::Settings::setPosition() function becomes a NO-OP on Windows. This is because the "Windows Explorer" file dialog is always positioned at 0,0 (top left corner) of the owner frame's client area. 4.1.4 IFileDialog will now present a Windows 2000 compliant Dialog box if you are running on Windows 2000 and have specified the IFileDialog::explorer style mentioned in point 4.1.3 above. 4.1.5 The IFileDialog::Settings class includes a new function to add file types in the filter list. The signature of the function is same as the function included with IBM OpenClass found in VAC++ v4. Basically the new function is as follows: IFileDialog::Settings& IFileDialog::Settings::addFileType( const char* fileType, const char* filter=0) Here is an example of using this function: IFileDialog::Settings settings; settings.setOKButtonText( "Open" ); settings.setTitle( "Select file to view" ); settings.addFileType( "Object Files (*.obj)", "*.obj" ); settings.addFileType( "Source Files (*.c, *.cpp)", "*.c;*.cpp" ); settings.addFileType( "Header Files (*.h, *.hpp, *.inl)", "*.h;*.hpp;*.inl" ); settings.addFileType( "All Files (*.*)", "*.*" ); IFileDialog sampleDialog( IWindow::desktopWindow(), 0, IFileDIalog::defaultStyle, settings ); .... Both the 'fileType' and 'filter' must be specified (non NULL) for the filter to be added. Multiple filter extensions can be specified as long as they are separated by semicolors (';') as shown above. 4.1.6 PM Compatible Container Changes There were changes made in the IContainerControl::objectUnderPoint() function in post fixpack 62, which is FP6 with level 2 changes. Consideration must be taken when calling this function for pmCompatible containers in details view. For these type of containers, the point must be relative to the details view window and not the container. Having a mouse handler or menu handler attached to the container, and calling the IMouseEvent::mousePosition() or IMenuEvent::mousePosition() will result in the correct point being returned. However, mapping a point from desktop coordinates to the coordinates required by IContainerControl::objectUnderPoint() you will need to do something like the following: IContainerControl* ctrlWin; // The container control IPoint pos; // The current mouse position in // desktop coordinates. IPoint pt = IWindow::mapPoint( pos, IWindow::desktopWindow()->handle(), ctrlWin->handle() ); // // Adjust the point if in details view and it's // PM compatible. This is to account of the // change in the IContainerControl::objectUnderPoint // function. // if ( ctrlWin->isPMCompatible() && ctrlWin->isDetailsView() ) { // If origin lower left we need to add the height of the // cnr title otherwise we subtract. IPair::Coord coef=-1; if ( ICoordinateSystem::isConversionNeeded() ) coef=1; if ( ctrlWin->areDetailsViewTitlesVisible() ) pt.setY( pt.y() + coef * ctrlWin->detailsTitleRectangle().height() ); if ( ctrlWin->isTitleVisible() ) pt.setY( pt.y() + coef * ctrlWin->titleRectangle().height() ); } 4.2 Makefile changes In the version of Microsoft Platform SDK supplied with this release, the files: include\BkOffice.Mak include\Copyfile.Mak include\INetSDK.Mak include\Win32.Mak contain structures: !ELSEIF !ELSE IFDEF which are not recognized by the nmake supplied. If you have makefiles that include any of these, then you will need to modify them to the two line structure: !ELSE !IF !ELSE !IFDEF and add the corresponding !ENDIF. 4.3 Win32 SDK Online Help Win32 SDK Online Help in the User Guides of Online Information is inoperable. Please see "Platform SDK Documentation" of "Microsoft Platform SDK" 4.4 Known problems 4.4.1 On Windows 95, termination of Visual Builder causes a memory fault. 5.0 Documentation This section contains important information about the documentation. NOTE: The online versions of the documentation are more current than the PostScript publications. To view the publications online, open the icon representing the Online Information Notebook, select the radio button for a publication, and click on the View pushbutton. 5.1 Printing 5.1.1 Known Problems With Printing o Problems exist with printing because of the large amount of printer memory required to load the large files. If you do not have enough printer memory, you cannot print the large files. 5.1.2 How to Print To print the PostScript files on a workstation-connected PostScript printer, copy the file to the printer destination. The required fonts are imbedded in the files. You can also print these files on a host-connected PostScript printer; make sure you upload them in binary format.