+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Y2K Fix for Digital Library Client for Windows Version | | | | This ZIP file contains a Y2K fix for the Digital Library Client for | | Windows Version | | | | | DO NOT APPLY THIS FIX IF YOU ALRADY HAVE A MORE RECENT CLIENT! | | DO NOT APPLY THIS FIX TO v2.4.x CLIENTS! | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Along with this text file, dl2011_y2kfix.zip contains the following files: FILE NAME SIZE TYPE DATE vic.exe 1,117KB Application 4/29/99 8:22PM vic.tlb 15KB Type Library 4/29/99 8:20PM INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: To apply these fixes you will need to replace some application files in your Digital Library installation area. We recommend that you use the Windows command line to copy these files, as the Windows Explorer sometimes will update shortcuts and other registry entries to point to the original file, even though you think you updated it. Back up your original VIC.EXE and VIC.TLB files. You will find these in your FRNROOT directory. This can be done with the following commands: x: CD \FRNROOT MD ORIG MOVE VIC.EXE ORIG MOVE VIC.TLB ORIG Copy the updated VIC.EXE and VIC.TLB files into the FRNROOT directory. This can be done with the following commands (this script assumes the new data is in your x:\TEMP directory): COPY x:\TEMP\VIC.EXE x:\FRNROOT COPY x:\TEMP\VIC.TLB x:\FRNROOT PLEASE REPLACE "x" WITH THE CORRECT DRIVE LETTER OF THE DISK DRIVE THAT CONTAINS YOUR DIGITAL LIBRARY PROGRAM FILES. The Y2K APAR that is fixed in this package is: IR39787: Two-digit date fields were being saved incorrectly Internally, Digital Library uses 4-digit years. However, Date-type fields in Index dialogs would show dates in the 2-digit year format. The Windows Client uses a "windowing" technique to assume the intended for 2-digit dates. Prior to the introduction of this fix, dates outside the "window" were improperly converted to dates within the window when indexing information was re-saved. Now the index dialog always shows previously- saved dates with 4-digit years. NOTE: The "windowing" technique remains as follows: In years through 1999: Dates from "00" to "14" are assumed to refer to "2000" through "2014"; dates from "15" to "99" are assumed to refer to "1915" through "1999". In years from 2000 through 2015: Dates from "00" to "85" are assumed to refer to "2000" through "2085"; dates from "86" to "99" are assumed to refer to "1986" through "1999". In years from 2016 through 2085: All dates are assumed to refer to "2000" through "2099".