PTF U300107 for Vault Registry 2.2.2

Product Number 5648-B28 - June 2, 1999

Affected CompIDs:
Superseded Items:
APARs Addressed:
IW00274     The RA Desktop has a problem with short reads in Java.
Other Additions:
Provide the capability to use an underscore character in an email address.
Provide the capability to handle passwords during reconfiguration.
Allow the update of ACLs during reconfiguration.

Before You Begin

Before installing the PTF, you must contact IBM to determine whether there are changes to the procedures or system requirements that supersede the information in this document:

  1. Go to the Vault Registry Web site:
  2. Select Library.
  3. At Product Documentation, review the latest Vault Registry product Readme file.
  4. Select Support.
  5. At Code fixes, click Vault Registry for AIX.
  6. At PTFs, click Vault Registry for AIX Version 2.2.2.
  7. In the PTF column of the table, find PTF U300107.
    1. Download PTF U300107 from the File Set column.
    2. Get the latest version of this document from the Readme column.


The instructions you need to follow depend on whether your system has been configured:

New application domains created after applying the fix will reflect the corrections provided by the fix.

For a Vault Registry System That Is Already Configured

For a Vault Registry system that has already been configured, complete the following steps to apply the PTF:

  1. Stop Vault Registry by issuing the runm command with the appropriate switches. See the Vault Registry System Operations Guide for instructions.
  2. Prepare the PTF files:
    1. Place the PTF files in a directory (for example, /local/ptf or /temp), and cd to that directory. The directory you choose is not important. However, after using the fix files, you should retain them as a precaution.
    2. Uncompress the PTFU300107.tar.Z file by issuing the following: uncompress PTFU300107.tar.Z
    3. Extract the files from the tar file by issuing the following: tar -xvf PTFU300107.tar
  3. Apply the fix:
    1. As root, issue the smit update_all command to begin the installation of the PTF files: smit update_all
    2. In SMIT, enter the directory where you placed the PTF files during Step 2a above (for example, /local/ptf or /temp).

      A screen appears, prompting you for further information. Normally you can take the defaults, but you may want to specify "No" to the Commit Software Updates? question.

    3. Complete the prompts and click OK.

  4. Verify the fix by issuing the following at the system prompt: lslpp -l | grep irg For each language that your Vault Registry system supports, you should see something similar to the following: APPLIED IBM Vault Registration APPLIED IBM VR Application English APPLIED IBM Vault Controller Strong
  5. For your existing application domains, make the underscore a permissible character in email addresses:
    1. As root, change to the following directory: cd /usr/lpp/irg/pkrf/en

      This is the default directory for English. Your system may have been modified to use a different directory.

    2. Open the following file for editing: ra_var_app_defs.js

      This file contains English language information for the sample application domains and for any domains that you have added to the file. If instead you added your own domains to a copy of this file, you must make the same edits to both copies.

    3. Find the line that reads: // Characters restricted by Certificate Confirmation: ~!@$%^&*`_{}[]'<>
    4. Remove the underscore (_) from the list, so that the corrected line reads: // Characters restricted by Certificate Confirmation: ~!@$%^&*`{}[]'<>
    5. Find the line that reads: var req_cert_dn_char = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ( )-:?.@=,+";
    6. Add an underscore (_) to the list; so that the corrected line reads: var req_cert_dn_char = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789 ( )-:?.@=,+_";
    7. Save the file and exit the editor.
  6. Edit the ra_var_app_defs.js files for any other languages that your application domains use.

    The default locations for those copies of the file are under /usr/lpp/irg/pkrf in the following directories:

    It is important to make sure that each copy of the file is updated. The locations for the file should be similar, because of the parallel directory structures.

  7. Start Vault Registry by issuing the runm command with the appropriate switches. See the Vault Registry System Operations Guide for instructions.

For a Vault Registry System That Is Not Yet Configured

For a Vault Registry system that has not been configured, complete the following steps:

  1. Install Vault Registry according to instructions in the Installation and Configuration Guide, but do not start the Configuration applet.
  2. Prepare the PTF files:
    1. Place the PTF files in a directory (for example, /local/ptf or /temp), and cd to that directory. The directory you choose is not important. However, after using the fix files, you should retain them as a precaution.
    2. Uncompress the PTFU300107.tar.Z file by issuing the following: uncompress PTFU300107.tar.Z
    3. Extract the files from the tar file by issuing the following: tar -xvf PTFU300107.tar
  3. Apply the fix:
    1. As root, issue the smit update_all command to begin the installation of the PTF files: smit update_all
    2. In SMIT, enter the directory where you placed the PTF files during Step 2a above (for example, /local/ptf or /temp).

      A screen appears, prompting you for further information. Normally you can take the defaults, but you may want to specify "No" to the Commit Software Updates? question.

    3. Complete the prompts and click OK.

  4. Verify the fix by issuing the following at the system prompt: lslpp -l | grep irg For each language that your Vault Registry system supports, you should see something similar to the following: APPLIED IBM Vault Registration APPLIED IBM VR Application English APPLIED IBM Vault Controller Strong
  5. Continue with the Vault Registry configuration procedures.