************************************************************************ Licensed Material - Property of IBM 5724-M24 (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2006, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Update WebSphere Business Monitor to iFix3 level ************************************************************************ This file contains the following sections. A. General information B. Updating WebSphere Business Monitor Server on Windows C. Updating WebSphere Business Monitor Server on AIX D. Updating WebSphere Business Monitor Dashboard on Windows E. Updating WebSphere Business Monitor Dashboard on AIX F. Updating WebSphere Business Monitor Development Toolkit G. Updating WebSphere Business Monitor in a Network Deployment cell ************************************************************************ A. General information ************************************************************************ If you are updating Monitor Development Toolkit, you can ignore the sections about updating Monitor Server and Dashboard. The following issues in WebSphere Business Monitor version are resolved in the iFix3 level: APAR JR27503 ------------ If you have more than 30,000 active monitoring context instances (whether in a single model or across multiple models) in a single Monitor server and if there is at least one time-based trigger in any of the models, then the on-time situation processing that is required to evaluate the triggers may cause event processing to halt. (NOTE: If your monitoring environment is subject to this condition, then after installing this interim fix, you will need to regenerate the monitor EAR file for each of the models using the updated toolkit. Then, you must update the models (applications) in the Monitor server (using the WebSphere Application Server administrative console), using the procedure described in "Updating a monitor model" in the WebSphere Business Monitor information center.) APAR JR27521 ------------ [Server] A column in the correlation index that is created for each monitoring context definition by the state.ddl script is incorrect. (The state.ddl script is generated during Step 1 of the Setup Wizard for monitor model deployment.) The column represents the monitoring context termination times, and was deprecated in version A new column was added for Daylight Savings Time compatibility. The deprecated column needs to be replaced with the new column in the correlation index. ************************************************************************ B. Updating WebSphere Business Monitor Server on Windows ************************************************************************ (NOTE: If you have installed Monitor Development Toolkit, this section does not apply. Proceed to "Updating WebSphere Business Monitor Development Toolkit.") Perform the following steps to update an existing installation of WebSphere Business Monitor Server version to the iFix3 level on the Windows platform. 1. Unzip to a directory. For example, C:\Monitor. 2. cd to C:\Monitor\update6021iFix3\monsrv 3. Run updateMonitorServer.bat. The script will ask if the update is running on a WAS ND Deployment Manager. Type "y" for "yes" or "n" for "no". Then the script will prompt you for the following information. To accept the defaults, press the Enter key. - WebSphere Business Monitor installation directory - WebSphere Process Server installation directory - WebSphere Process Server profile directory - server name 4. The output from the update tool will be logged in C:\Monitor\update6021iFix3\monsrv\logs\monsrv.log. The log file also will be copied to \update\\logs. Additionally, backups of replaced files will be copied to \update\\backups\monsrv. 5. If the update succeeded, the last message in the log file will say "Update finished". If the update failed, the last message in the log file will say "Update failed". ************************************************************************ C. Updating WebSphere Business Monitor Server on AIX ************************************************************************ Perform the following steps to update an existing installation of WebSphere Business Monitor Server version to the iFix3 level on the AIX platform. 1. Create a directory for the update tool. For example, /usr/Monitor 2. Copy the file to the directory you created in Step 1. 3. cd to /usr/Monitor 4. Decompress the file by running this command: gunzip -d This will replace the .gz file with a .tar file named 5. Extract the file by running this command: tar -xvf 6. cd to /usr/Monitor/update6021iFix3/monsrv 7. Run updateMonitorServer.sh. The script will ask if the update is running on a WAS ND Deployment Manager. Type "y" for "yes" or "n" for "no". Then the script will prompt you for the following information. To accept the defaults, press the Enter key. - WebSphere Business Monitor installation directory - WebSphere Process Server installation directory - WebSphere Process Server profile directory - server name 8. The output from the update tool will be logged in /usr/Monitor/update6021iFix3/monsrv/logs/monsrv.log. The log file also will be copied to /update/ Additionally, backups of replaced files will be copied to /update/ 9. If the update succeeded, the last message in the log file will say "Update finished". If the update failed, the last message in the log file will say "Update failed". ************************************************************************ D. Updating WebSphere Business Monitor Dashboard on Windows ************************************************************************ Perform the following steps to update an existing installation of WebSphere Business Monitor Dashboard version to the iFix3 level on the Windows platform. If you have installed Monitor Development Toolkit, this section does not apply. Proceed to "Updating WebSphere Business Monitor Development Toolkit." Note: If LDAP security is enabled: a. Disable LDAP security b. Complete the steps in this section. c. Reenable LDAP security. The update will fail without warning if security is not disabled. 1. Unzip to a directory. For example, C:\Monitor. 2. cd to C:\Monitor\\dashboard 3. Run updateDashboard.bat. It will prompt you for the following information. To accept the defaults, press the Enter key. - WebSphere Business Monitor installation directory - WebSphere Application Server installation directory - WebSphere Application Server profile directory - WebSphere Portal installation directory - password for the Portal Admin user (wpsadmin) 4. The output from the update tool will be logged in the C:\Monitor\update6021iFix3\dashboard\logs\dashboard.log. The log file also will be copied to \update\\logs. Additionally, backups of replaced files will be copied to \update\\backups\dashboard. 5. If the update succeeded, the last message in the log file will say "Update finished". If the update failed, the last message in the log file will say "Update failed". ************************************************************************ E. Updating WebSphere Business Monitor Dashboard on AIX ************************************************************************ Perform the following steps to update an existing installation of WebSphere Business Monitor Dashboard version to the iFix3 level on the AIX platform. Note: If LDAP security is enabled: a. Disable LDAP security b. Complete the steps in this section. c. Reenable LDAP security. The update will fail without warning if security is not disabled. 1. Create a directory for the update tool. For example, /usr/Monitor 2. Copy the file to the directory you created in Step 1. 3. cd to /usr/Monitor 4. Decompress the file by running this command: gunzip -d This will replace the .gz file with a .tar file named 5. Extract the file by running this command: tar -xvf 6. cd to /usr/Monitor/update6021iFix3/dashboard 7. Run updateDashboard.sh. It will prompt you for the following information. To accept the defaults, press the Enter key. - WebSphere Business Monitor installation directory - WebSphere Application Server installation directory - WebSphere Application Server profile directory - WebSphere Portal installation directory - password for the Portal Admin user (wpsadmin) 8. The output from the update tool will be logged in the /usr/Monitor/update6021iFix3/dashboard/logs/dashboard.log. The log file also will be copied to /update/ Additionally, backups of replaced files will be copied to /update/ 9. If the update succeeded, the last message in the log file will say "Update finished". If the update failed, the last message in the log file will say "Update failed". ************************************************************************ F. Updating WebSphere Business Monitor Development Toolkit ************************************************************************ Perform the following steps to update an existing installation of WebSphere Business Monitor Development Toolkit from version to the iFix3 level on the Windows platform. The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and, if installed, the Integrated Test Environment (ITE), which includes Monitor Server, will be updated. Note: If you are updating the Monitor Development Toolkit on a Windows 2003 machine, you must update the Data Execution Prevention (DEP) settings before performing the Toolkit update. If you do not update the Data Execution Prevention settings, the Toolkit update will fail. To update the Data Execution Prevention settings, right-click on My Computer, then select Properties. Select the Advanced tab, then in the Performance section, select Settings. Then select the Data Execution Prevention tab. Next, perform either step A or step B. A. Select "Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only" and click Apply. B. Select "Turn on DEP for all programs and services except those I select:" and add these programs to the list: %WID_HOME%\wid.exe %WID_HOME%\rationalsdp.exe %WID_HOME%\setup\lum\wid\enroll.exe Then click Apply. Reboot your machine after making these changes and prior to updating the Toolkit. 1. Unzip to a directory. For example, C:\Monitor. 2. cd to C:\Monitor\update6021iFix3\toolkit 3. Run updateDevToolkit.bat. It will prompt you for the following information. To accept the defaults, press the Enter key. - WebSphere Business Monitor installation directory - cell name - node name 4. If you have the Monitor ITE installed, you will be prompted for your WPS userid and password during the course of the installation. When you see the following messages, press Enter. Then you will see the prompts for your WPS userid and password. Press [Enter] and then you will be prompted to enter a user name and password ... 5. The output from the update tool will be logged in C:\Monitor\update6021iFix3\toolkit\logs\toolkit.log and C:\Monitor\update6021iFix3\monsrv\logs\monsrv.log. The log files also will be copied to %WID_HOME%\WBMonitor\update\\logs. Additionally, backups of replaced files will be copied to %WID_HOME$\WBMonitor\update\\backups\monsrv and %WID_HOME$\WBMonitor\update\\backups\toolkit. 6. After completing the update, the tool will ask you whether you want it to automatically launch WID with the -clean option, as required the first time WID is started after the update. Enter "y" if you want the launch to occur. Otherwise, the log file will be updated with the instructions for launching WID manually with the -clean option. 7. If the update succeeded, the last message in the log file will say "Update finished". If the update failed, the last message in the log file will say "Update failed". ************************************************************************ G. Updating WebSphere Business Monitor in a Network Deployment cell ************************************************************************ Take the following precautions when updating WebSphere Business Monitor version to the iFix3 level in a Network Deployment cell. 1. Perform the update procedures described above for each WebSphere Business Monitor installation in the cell. 2. Ensure that all federated nodes are updated. If you do not, your system will function unpredictably.