IBM® WebSphere® Business Monitor Version 6.0.2
Fixpack 1 Readme

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. 2004, 2005. All rights reserved. 

This is a fixpack for WebSphere Business Monitor Version 6.0.2. 

Locate your backup maintenance directory

Installing the fixpack

Fixes included in this fixpack

Locate your backup maintenance directory

If you do not already have a backup maintenance directory, complete the following steps.  If you have located your backup maintenance directory, go to Installing the fixpack


WebSphere Business Monitor currently does not use an update installer to install interim fixes and other maintenance.  Therefore, backups and a record of fixes must be maintained by the user.  We suggest the following steps as an example.  These steps will be referred to when installing the interim fix but are listed here for reference.

1.      Create a backup directory which is outside of the WebSphere library.  For example, C:\WBM_maint

2.      When applying interim fixes, create a folder or subdirectory with that interim fix name.  For example, C:\WBM_maint\fixpack1

3.      Current WebSphere Business Monitor files as listed in the README should be copied into the directory to serve as a backup in the event the fixpack must be removed at a later date.  These backup files will be used to restore your system to an earlier maintenance level.  To avoid library errors, the file extensions should be modified.  For example, monschemagenerator.jar should become monschemagenerator.jar.old

4.      An additional informational file (fixpack1.txt) is included in this fixpack zip file. This informational file should be stored in the backup directory for this fixpack along with any other backed up files.  This informational file includes a list of APARs fixed and files replaced.  For example, C:\WBM_maint\fixpack1\fixpack1.txt


Installing the fixpack

The following information describes how to apply this fixpack to your WebSphere Business Monitor installation.  Installation requires actions on WebSphere Integration Developer and the Monitor Dashboard Client machines.


To install the fixpack, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the 6.0.2-WB-Monitor-Fixpack1.zip file.
  2. Extract the files from the downloaded 6.0.2-WB-Monitor-Fixpack1.zip file into a temporary directory.  The rest of these instructions assume that the files have been extracted to C:\temp. (As an example)
  3. Create a new folder or subdirectory in the backup maintenance directory.  For example, C:\WBM_maint\Fixpack1
  4. Move the newly extracted Fixpack1.txt file into the directory.  For example, C:\WBM_maint\Fixpack1\Fixpack1.txt


To install the fixpack on WebSphere Integration Developer, complete the following steps:

  1. Install WebSphere Integration Developer iFix001, if it is not already installed or superseded by another WebSphere Integration Developer fixpack that has been installed.
    1. WID 6.0.2 iFix001 must be installed prior to installing this patch. WID 6.0.2 iFix001 is shipped with the WebSphere Business Manager product, however the installation instructions in the WID 6.0.2 iFix001 are wrong. Please use the following steps to correct the WID 6.0.2 iFix001 installation instructions.
    2. The external website for WebSphere Integration Developer contains the correct instructions: http://www3.software.ibm.com/ibmdl/pub/software/websphere/studiotools/wid/install_instructions/602_interim_fix001/install_602_interim_fix001.html#4.0
    3. Download the iFix001 per the instructions.
    4. You  may install the iFix001 you downloaded, or use the one shipped on the WebSphere Business Monitor CDs.  If you use the one the WebSphere Business Monitor CDs, then open the zip file you downloaded and follow the instructions in  wid\install_local_602_interim_fix001.html. The location of the iFix in this case is the CD shipped with WebSphere Business Monitor containing the iFix.

Below, let %WID_DIR% represent where WebSphere Integration Developer (WID) v6.0.2 is installed.


  1. Terminate WebSphere Integration Developer.
  2. Determine where WebSphere Integration Developer is installed.
  3. Navigate to Start>Programs>IBM WebSphere>Integration Developer V6.0.2>WebSphere Integration Developer V6.0.2
  4. Right mouse to get the context menu.
  5. Click on Properties.  The Target field identifies the command to launch WID and therefore where WID is installed (everything before “\wid.exe”)
  6. Cancel the WID Properties dialog.
  7. Open a Windows command window

CD  %WID_DIR%\WBMonitor\mme\eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.wbimonitor.xml.expression_6.0.2

  1. Move the current monExpression.jar from this directory to your backup directory, changing or modifying the extension. For example, C:\WBM_maint\Fixpack1\monExpression.jar.old
  2. Move the newly extracted monExpression.jar into the WebSphere Integration Directory %WID_DIR%\WBMonitor\mme\eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.wbimonitor.xml.expression_6.0.2 (step 2 for installing the fixpack above, C:\temp\monExpression.jar)
  3. In the command window, launch WID with the “-clean” option to cause it to reload the plugins %WID_DIR%\wid.exe –clean. This will take several minutes to complete (approximately 10 minutes)


Fixpack 1 is now installed into WebSphere Integration Developer.


To verify the installation of the fixpack on WebSphere Integration Developer, complete the following steps:

  1. Open an existing Monitor Model or create a new Monitor Model.
  2. In the monitor model, go to an existing trigger or create a new trigger.
  3. In the Trigger Condition entry panel, press control space to get the content assist, then expand Functions. The three new “adjust-*-timezone()” methods should now be available. If you do not see these 3 functions (adjust-date-to-timezone, adjust-dateTime-to-timezone, and adjust-time-to-timezone), repeat the instructions and ensure you launched WID with “-clean”.  “-clean” is required to enable these functions.


To install the fixpack on the Monitor Dashboard Client, complete the following steps:

  1. Locate your WebSphere Business Monitor Dashboard war file, dashboardjsr168.war.  This may be located at C:\IBM\WebSphere\PortalServer\InstallableApps, which is the installation level file, or you may already have applied maintenance to this file and have backups in other C:\WBM_maint directories.
  2. Move the current dashboardjsr168.war from the library or maintenance directory to your backup directory, changing or modifying the extension.  For example, C:\WBM-maint\Fixpack1\dashboardjsr168.war.old
  3. Start the Portal Server on the WebSphere Business Monitor Dashboard Client machine.
  4. Bring up the Portal Administration screen using your web browser. The URL is usually http://<hostname>:9081/wps/portal.
  5. Click ‘login’ in the upper right corner of the window.
  6. Type in your userid and password to log into portal.
  7. Select ‘Administration’.
  8. In the left column, select ‘Portlet Management’.
  9. Under ‘Portlet Management’, select ‘Web Modules’.
  10. Find ‘dashboardjsr168.war’. Do this by entering ‘dashboard’ into the Search text area. The type of search should be ‘File name starts with’. Click the ‘search’ button.  The ‘dashboardjsr168.war’ file should appear in the list.
  11. Beside the ‘dashboardjsr168.war’ file, click the update web module icon. Use the hover-text to help with this.
  12. Browse to the newly extracted “dashboardjsr168.war’ file (step 2 in the Monitor Server steps above, C:\temp\dashboardjsr168.war).
  13. Click ‘Next’, and a list of portlets found within the ‘dashboardjsr168.war’ file appears.
  14. Click ‘Finish’ and the war file should be updated.
  15. Recycle the Portal Server.


Fixpack 1 is now installed on the Monitor Dashboard Client.


Fixpack 1 installation is now complete.


Fixes included in this fixpack

This fixpack includes fixes associated with the following APARs and defects.



Inconsistency in Handling Timezones


Instances View: Error When Filter on a Time Metric


Instances Filter Fails When One Metric is a Substring of Another


Instances Filter:  Value with 'Is null' should be blank or zero