IBM® WebSphere® Business Monitor Version 6.0.1
Interim Fix JR25046 Readme

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. 2004, 2005. All rights reserved. 

This is an interim fix for WebSphere Business Monitor Version 6.0.1. 

Locate your backup maintenance directory

Installing the interim fix

Fixes included in this interim fix

Locate your backup maintenance directory

If you do not already have a backup maintenance directory, complete the following steps.  If you have located your backup maintenance directory, go to Installing the interim fix


WebSphere Business Monitor currently does not use an update installer to install interim fixes and other maintenance.  Therefore, backups and a record of fixes must be maintained by the user.  We suggest the following steps as an example.  These steps will be referred to when installing the interim fix but are listed here for reference.

1.      Create a backup directory which is outside of the WebSphere library.  For example, C:\WBM_maint

2.      When applying interim fixes, create a folder or subdirectory with that interim fix name.  For example, C:\WBM_maint\IFJR25046

3.      Current WebSphere Business Monitor files as listed in the README should be copied into the directory to serve as a backup in the event the interim fix must be removed at a later date.  These backup files will be used to restore your system to an earlier maintenance level.  To avoid library errors, the file extensions should be modified.  For example, monschemagenerator.jar should become monschemagenerator.jar.old

4.      An additional informational file (IFJR25046.txt) is included in this interim fix zip file. This informational file should be stored in the backup directory for this interim fix along with any other backed up files.  This informational file includes a list of APARs fixed and files replaced.  For example, C:\WBM_maint\IFJR25046\IFJR25046.txt


Installing the interim fix

The following information describes how to apply this interim fix to your WebSphere Business Monitor installation.


To install the interim fix, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the 6.0-WB-Monitor-IFJR25046.zip file.
  2. Extract the files from the downloaded 6.0-WB-Monitor-IFJR25046.zip file into a temporary directory.  The rest of these instructions assume that the files have been extracted to C:\temp. (As an example)
  3. Create a new folder or subdirectory in the backup maintenance directory.  For example, C:\WBM_maint\IFJR25046
  4. Move the newly extracted IFJR25046.txt file into the directory.  For example, C:\WBM_maint\IFJR25046\IFJR25046.txt
  5. Stop the Monitor Server on the WebSphere Business Monitor Server machine.
  6. Locate your WebSphere Business Monitor library.  This may be located at C:\IBM\WebSphere\ProcServer\lib or <WebSphere Install Directory>\lib.
  7. Move monschemagenerator.jar from the library to your backup directory, changing or modifying the extension.  For example, C:\WBM_maint\IFJR22504monschemagenerator.jar.old
  8. Move the newly extracted monschemagenerator.jar into the library (step 2 above, C:\temp\monschemagenerator.jar).
  9. Start the Monitor Server on the WebSphere Business Monitor Server machine.

The interim fix JR25046 is now installed.

If you have a model with a Date or DateTime dimension defined, you must repeat the schemagen and redeploy the model before importing the cube views file.

Fixes included in this interim fix

This interim fix includes the fix associated with APAR JR25046.  Date and DateTime dimensions will now import into Cube Views.