IBM® WebSphere® Business Modeler Advanced Version
Interim Fix 2 Readme
© Copyright International Business
Machines Corporation. 2004, 2005. All rights reserved.
This is a interim fix for WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Version 6.0.
Installing the interim fix
Fixes included in this interim fix
The following information describes how to apply this interim fix to your WebSphere
Business Modeler installation.
To install the interim fix, complete
the following steps:
- Download
the 6.0-WB-ModelerAdv-IF0000002.zip file.
- Double-click the
downloaded 6.0-WB-ModelerAdv-IF0000002.zip file, and extract the files into a
temporary directory. The rest of these instructions assume that the
files have been extracted to C:\temp\.
- Start WebSphere Business
Click .
The Install/Update wizard opens.
- Select Search for new features to install and
click Next.
- On the Update sites to visit page, click New Local Site. The Browse for folder window opens.
- In the Browse for folder window,
navigate to C:\temp\6.0-WB-ModelerAdv-IF0000002.
Click OK. You return to the wizard, and the site that you specified is included
in the Sites to include in search list.
- Select the site that you have just added and click Next.
- On the Search Results page, click Select All.
- Click Next.
- On the Feature License page, read the license agreement for the
feature you are installing. When are you are finished, accept the agreement
by clicking I accept the terms in the license agreement,
and then click Next.
- Click Finish on the Install Location page.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the
installation. During the installation, you must confirm that you want to
install an unsigned feature.
- When you are asked if you want to restart the
workbench, click Yes.
The interim fix is now installed.
This is a cumulative interim fix for WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Version 6.0. In addition to the most
recent fixes, it includes the fixes from all of the previous WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Version 6.0 interim fixes.
Fixes included in Interim Fix 2
This interim fix includes the following fixes. The PMR and
APAR numbers associated with each fix have been included.
PMR Number |
Related APAR Identifier |
Description |
06720,756,000 |
JR23041 |
Correct a problem for generating a report from the process editor for the customer process model. |
07980,999,000 |
JR23071 |
Correct display of elements in report diagram being filled with solid black after performing generate and export report from process editor. |
JR23110 |
Further correction for line wrap of long strings in reports. |
Fixes included in Interim Fix 1
This interim fix includes the following fixes, all of which are associated with APAR JR23014:
- Provide a prompt to save a changed simulation profile before running a simulation
- Correct refreshing of swimlane view after connecting a task to a repository in basic mode
- Allow carriage returns and line wrap of long strings in reports
- Correct truncation of data in reports
- Show individual resources for resource templates
- Remove error windows that appear when Modeler and Rational Software Architect perspectives are both open
- Dislay broken references to deleted classifier values
- Correct an error caused by undoing the creation of a metric
- Correct an error generated when importing a business measures events catalog
- Correct a problem with versioning after updating a model
- Correct error when using business item instances for default values of a global repository
- Correct behavior when rerunning a dynamic analysis
- Correct a problem with evaluating some expressions during simulation
- Correct problems with applying recurrence periods to intervals in a timetable
- Correct displayed values for aggregated costs and revenues in the simulation control panel
- Straighten separator line in swimlane view
- Correct a problem with renaming a project
- Preserve project tree contents if a save operation is unsuccessful
- Enable context-sensitive help for simulation views
- Include token creation costs in dynamic aggregated analysis results
- Display timetables correctly after publishing
- Correct problems with layout when publishing from basic mode
Product notes
Restrictions on naming metrics, counters, and stopwatches in business measures editor
When you are creating business measures models, you should avoid using the predefined names indicated in the following list when naming metrics, counters, and stopwatches
in global processes or in local processes and loops. If you use one of these names, errors can occur during import, export, or versioning of a project.
- Caller MC Definition Id
- Caller MCIID
- Caller Table Physical Name
- Elapsed Duration
- Is Delayed
- Process Instance Decription
- Process Instance ID
- Process Instance Name
- Process Instance Parent ID
- Instance Parent ID
- Instance Decription
- State
- Start Time
- Working Duration
Setting values for complex attributes in situation events
If you have a situation event with a complex attribute (for example, an attribute whose type is a business item), you can set the values of the complex attribute after adding the situation event to a business measure such as a KPI. To do this, complete the following steps:
Right-click the attribute and select Add instance value.
- Enter a name for the instance.
- Expand the instance and enter a value or calculation for each attribute by right-clicking the Attribute calculation cell and clicking the button that is displayed.
Limitation on sharing workspaces between WebSphere Business Modeler Basic and WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced
If you upgrade from WebSphere Business Modeler Basic to WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced, you should not use the same workspace, or projects will not behave as expected. Instead, if you want to use a project that you modeled in WebSphere Business Modeler Basic after upgrading to WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced, you should export the project from the Basic workspace and then import it into Advanced, or use versioning to access the project from the different workspaces.