IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Version
Interim fix for compatibility with WebSphere Integration Developer Version


© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007. 

This is an interim fix for IBM® WebSphere Business Modeler® Advanced Version and WebSphere Business Modeler Basic Version It is only applicable when you are running WebSphere Business Modeler as a set of plug-ins for WebSphere Integration Developer Version This fix is not required if you are running WebSphere Business Modeler as a stand-alone application, or if you are still running WebSphere Integration Developer Version

The fix corrects a problem which causes the Business Integration perspective to disappear when WebSphere Integration Developer is upgraded to Version

Installing the interim fix

Install this interim fix in two stages.

In stage one, install a new set of plug-ins into WebSphere Integration Developer using Update Manager. It is important that you complete stage one before beginning stage two.

In stage two, run a batch file that carries out an additional update and clean-up to the plug-ins that you installed in stage one.

Important: Both stages must be completed in sequence in order for WebSphere Integration Developer and WebSphere Business Modeler to be updated correctly.

Stage One - Installing the new plug-ins

To install the plug-ins for the interim fix, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the WB-Modeler_6021-WID_6022-IF001A.zip file.
  2. Double-click the downloaded WB-Modeler_6021-WID_6022-IF001A.zip file, and extract the files into a temporary directory. The rest of these instructions assume that you extracted the files to C:\temp\modelerFix.
  3. In WebSphere Business Modeler, click Help > Software Updates > Find and Install. A wizard opens.
  4. Select Search for new features to install, and click Next.
  5. On the Update Sites to Visit page, click New Local Site. The Browse for Folder window opens.
  6. In the Browse for Folder window, navigate to C:\temp\modelerFix, and click OK. The Edit Local Site window opens.
  7. In the Name field, enter a name for the site. For example, you can enter the name modeler-fix.
  8. Click OK to return to the wizard. The site that you specified is included in the Sites to include in search list.
  9. Select the site that you just added.
  10. On the Search Results page, click Select All to select both the product and the documentation features.
  11. On the Feature License page, read the license agreement for the feature that you are installing. To accept the agreement, click I accept the terms in the license agreement.
  12. On the Install Location page, click Finish. During the installation, you must confirm that you want to install an unsigned feature.
  13. When you are asked if you want to restart the workbench, click Yes.

Stage one of applying this interim fix is now complete.

Stage Two - Running the update batch file.

To run the batch file that completes the update process for this fix:

  1. Download the WB-Modeler_6021-WID_6022-IF001B.zip file.
  2. Double-click the downloaded WB-Modeler_6021-WID_6022_Fix001B.zip file, and extract the files into a new folder at the top-level of the WebSphere Integration Developer directory. Usually this top-level directory is named \602\ in a path such as C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\ID\602\. In addition to the folder you are creating, this top-level folder should contain folders with the following names:
    • bin
    • eclipse
    • sdpisv

    The rest of this task assumes that you extracted the files to C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\ID\602\stage2update.

  3. Open a command prompt.
  4. In the command prompt, change your directory to the stage2update folder.
  5. Type the following command:
    wid_plugins_update.bat Modeler_Install_Location
    Where Modeler_Install_Location is the fully qualified location that you originally installed WebSphere Business Modeler as a set of plug-ins. For example, if you used the WebSphere Integration Developer Update Manager to install WebSphere Business Modeler into C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\ID\602\sdpisv then you should use the command:
         wid_plugins_update.bat c:\progra~1\IBM\WebSphere\ID\602\sdpisv
    Note: You must write the path names without spaces, so if you have installed the product in the Program Files directory, you must use the shortened form of the folder name.
  6. Restart WebSphere Integration Developer using the -clean option:
    1. Open a command prompt.
    2. Change to the directory where WebSphere Integration Developer is installed.  For example, the default installation location is C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\ID\602.
    3. Run the following command:
           wid.exe -clean
      WebSphere Integration Developer opens.
  7. In the Business Integration perspective, click the Window menu and select Reset Perspective.

The installation of the fix is now complete.