IBM® WebSphere® Business Modeler Advanced Version
Interim Fix JR26345 Readme
© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. 2004, 2005. All rights reserved.
This interim fix attempts to alleviate connection errors a user may experience while checking out from a CVS repository. If a check-out fails to complete, ensure that the project has been removed from the workspace. Verify that the project is not in the WebSphere Business Modeler project tree view. If you are not confident about the project removal, verify that project is not in the Navigator. For example, navigate to Window > Open perspective > Other... > Resource, and verify that the project is not in the Navigator view.
If you are checking out projects from a CVS repository and your environment is configured with pserver or extssh (ssh2 only), you can attempt to alleviate failing check-outs due to connection errors by increasing the Communication timeout preference. To increase the Communication timeout, navigate to Windows > Preferences > Team > CVS, and increase the value of Communication timeout.
If you are checking out projects from a CVS repository and your environment is configured with pserver or ext or extssh (ssh1 only), there are several timeout properties that have been surfaced with this fix in your WebSphere Business Modeler installation under eclipse\plugins\org.eclipse.team.cvs.core_3.0.1\plugin.properties. The default values are as follows
If your environment is configured with pserver then adjust the pserverTimeout property with a higher value, for example 120000.
If your environment is configured with ext then adjust the extReadTimeout and extWriteTimeout properties with a higher values, for example 120000.
If your environment is configured with extssh (ssh1 only) then adjust the sshSocketTimeout, extReadTimeout and extWriteTimeout properties with a higher values, for example 120000.
Note: The adjusted values will not be in effect until WebSphere Business Modeler is re-started. If the WebSphere Business Modeler application hangs for an unreasonable amount of time after adjusting the properties above and during check-out, you may need to force the application to end. If this occurs, it is recommended that you return the property values to the defaults, and ensure that the project that you attempted to check out does not exist in the workspace, as directed above. You may need to contact your service provider if check-out problems persist.
To install the test fix, complete the following steps:
The interim fix is now installed.
To uninstall the test fix, complete the following steps:
The test fix is now uninstalled.