IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Version
Interim Fix 7 Readme


© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007. All rights reserved. 

This is an interim fix for IBM® WebSphere Business Modeler® Advanced Version

Installing the interim fix
Fixes included in this interim fix
Product notes

Installing the interim fix

Use the software update function to install WebSphere Business Modeler interim fixes.

To install the interim fix, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the file.
  2. Double-click the downloaded file, and extract the files into a temporary directory. The rest of these instructions assume that you extracted the files to C:\temp\.
  3. In WebSphere Business Modeler, click Help > Software Updates > Find and Install. A wizard opens.
  4. Select Search for new features to install, and click Next.
  5. On the "Update sites to visit" page, click New Local Site. The Browse for Folder window opens.
  6. In the Browse for Folder window, navigate to C:\temp\, and click OK. You return to the wizard, and the site that you specified is included in the Sites to include in search list.
  7. Select the site that you just added.
  8. On the Search Results page, click Select All to select both the product and the documentation features.
  9. On the Feature License page, read the license agreement for the feature that you are installing. To accept the agreement, click I accept the terms in the license agreement.
  10. On the Install Location page, click Finish. During the installation, you must confirm that you want to install an unsigned feature.
  11. When you are asked if you want to restart the workbench, click Yes.

The interim fix is now installed.

Fixes included in this interim fix

This is a cumulative interim fix for WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Version

Fixes included in Interim Fix 7

This interim fix includes the following fixes. The PMR number and APAR identifier associated with each fix are included.

PMR Number Related APAR Identifier Description
50199,6X8,760 JR27532 Corrects an issue where copy and paste of stop nodes results in later misalignment of upstream connections.
22583,442,000 JR27542 Not a fix for the issue, however, code implemented to detect and assist in reporting if this swimlane corruption issue occurs.

This interim fix includes the following fixes, which are associated with APAR JR27542.

Fixes included in Interim Fix 6

This interim fix includes the following fixes. The PMR number and APAR identifier associated with each fix are included.

PMR Number Related APAR Identifier Description
01973,758,758 JR26851 Ensures that new line characters are generated when specified in the content of the Description field for a Process procedure report template.
89135,442,000 JR27117 Corrects issues with modeling artifacts built through the Expression Builder.
86961,010,678 JR27177 Improves the message returned to users when a check out from CVS fails, including enhanced user feedback and recommended user actions.
34544,724,724 JR27249 Allows the opening of processes containing elements with leading or trailing blanks in their name.
30697,756,000 JR27255 Fixes a problem with repository labels being visible when the repositories in the diagram are hidden.
76545,500,000 JR27257 Improves the performance of some basic diagram editing operations.
91491,550,000 JR27260 Fixes incorrect behaviour in generated report templates where the font setting for a cell in the first row of a table is applied to all cells in the table.
09894,442,000 JR27316 Enhances the Repair process action, allowing WebSphere Business Modeler to open process models that have errors and were previously unviewable.
21728,442,000 JR27371 Fixes processing for corrupt data within a process model and allows the model to be published.

This interim fix includes the following fix, which is associated with APAR JR27380.

Fixes included in Interim Fix 5

This interim fix includes the following fixes. The PMR number and APAR identifier associated with each fix are included.

PMR Number Related APAR Identifier Description
20414,033,000 JR26659 Prevents an out-of-memory error during analysis of input and output paths.
27759,756,000 JR26709 Prevents the generation of an invalid error in the Check Paths for Stop Nodes confirmation dialog during the creation of simulation snapshots.
00146,69C,760 JR27118 Corrects a problem where the output of a third branch in a decision cannot be viewed or modified in the Attributes view.
JR27043 Corrects failure in report generation when queries have nested collation.
89176,442,000 JR27055 Prevents a null pointer exception that is surfaced to the user when attempting to perform CVS check-out while disconnected from CVS server.
89146,442,000 JR27132 Fixes a problem where the product hangs when switching to swimlane view by roles.
32219,019,866 JR27144 Corrects a problem in simulation validation that surfaces null pointer exceptions to the user.
31625,019,866 JR27145 Alleviates model corruption preventing user from opening a process model.
86412,010,678 JR27146 Corrects CVS committed elements from corruption due to rename actions.
89146,442,000 JR27161 Improves performance and scalability during project publishing action.

This interim fix includes the following fixes, all of which are associated with APAR JR27183.

Fixes included in Interim Fix 4

This interim fix includes the following fixes. The PMR number and APAR identifier associated with each fix are included.

PMR Number Related APAR Identifier Description
71849,033,000 JR26324 Corrects the display of gradient filled elements in a diagram that is embedded into a report exported to PDF.
JR26345 Avoids partial check-outs while performing the CVS team support check-out action, due to connection or other unknown failures on the client or server.
55957,999,000 JR26560 Corrects the displacement of the cursor to the beginning of the field when the first character is typed in a date or time field of the Process editor's attributes view duration tab for an unspecified Processing time or Resource wait time.
55958,999,000 JR26567 Corrects the behavior of collapsing sections of the Process editor's attributes view duration tab when focus is moved from element to element in the Process editor.
27469,756,000 JR26629 Corrects the display behavior for decision percentage labels, when toggling the Grid or Page break overlay, after setting the preference to hide in the Visual attributes page.
34118,724,724 JR26640 Eliminates an unexpected exception when exporting using WebSphere Business Monitor Development Toolkit.
27679,756,000 JR26651 Corrects the reporting of negative numbers for durations over 24 days within Profile specification reports for Simulation profile analysis.
01607,033,000 JR26657 Ensures that text that is vertically aligned in the Report template editor appears aligned in the generated report.
55268,070,724 JR26661 Corrects WSDL generation when a Technical specification contains callbacks.
65448,L6Q,000 JR26700 Provides a better end user message when an unexpected exception occurs when exporting using WebSphere process server export.
12826,019,866 JR26713 Corrects problems with generation of Process level details or Task by role reports due to incorrect handling of certain characters (!@#$%^&*(){}[]'";`).
28444,756,000 JR26756 Ensures persistence of Page layout data under migration for global elements that support page layout.
00145,69C,760 JR26869 Eliminates configuration issues reported by error markers on WebSphere Business Modeler features in the Manage configuration view.
75219,500,000 JR26871 Enhances the existing behavior for lock and unlock functionality while performing versioning actions for Clearcase.
46886,499,000 JR26886 Corrects the calculation of simulation figures when a task has a duration of less than one second.

This interim fix includes the following fixes, all of which are associated with APAR JR26940.

Fixes included in Interim Fix 3

This interim fix includes the following fixes. The PMR number and APAR identifier associated with each fix are included.

PMR Number Related APAR Identifier Description
25329,756,000 JR26217 Corrects problem with long save and import time when a cycle exists in a process model
01582,033,000 JR26325 Corrects problem with truncation in the Process procedure reports column heading
00002,I00,760 JR26353 Corrects a problem where an error message is incorrectly displayed after renaming an element with a single parenthesis when working in swimlane layout
JR26377 Allows manual ordering of elements in the project tree and allows user to save ordering
62755,442,000 JR26392 Adds user friendly messages for exceptions that are surfacing to the end user during and after import action failure.
54509,L6Q,000 JR26478 Fixes problem with the Process procedure report when double quotes are used
55269,070,724 JR26570 Improves error messages TEN06510E and TEN06520E by adding quotes to indicate replaceable strings
64595,442,000 JR26582 Removes the copy action from the context menu in the project tree for predefined queuries

This interim fix includes the following fixes, all of which are associated with APAR JR26643.

Fixes included in Interim Fix 2

This interim fix includes the following fixes. The PMR number and APAR identifier associated with each fix are included.

PMR Number Related APAR Identifier Description
41333,999,000 JR26319 Corrects process validation error when exporting for WPS.
49208,442,000 JR26347 Adds ability to auto-layout and maintain swimlane order.

This interim fix includes the following fixes, all of which are associated with APAR JR26381.

Fixes included in Interim Fix 1

This interim fix includes the following fixes. The PMR number and APAR identifier associated with each fix are included.

PMR Number Related APAR Identifier Description
65749,999,706 JR25993 Corrects failure to authenticate with a Publishing server when using long user ID and password combinations.
55048,999,000 JR26020 Corrects the ability to create expressions using simple type objects imported through Business service object import.
71850,033,000 JR26054 Enables scaling of SVG diagrams exported from the Process editor and embedded into a custom report.
71812,033,000 JR26092 Prevents a maximum path exception from occuring while attempting to perform Input and output paths static analysis on a connector in a process diagram.
04091,070,724 JR26101 Prevents a WebSphere process server export failure when attempting to reconcile duplicate inputs and outputs on import from a WSDL.
24835,756,000 JR26114 Adds missing references to SVG shapes of Business services on export to Monitoring toolkit.
25329,756,000 JR26217 Suppresses path cycle analysis to improve save and import times.

This interim fix includes the following fixes, all of which are associated with APAR JR26169.

Product notes

Delay when testing connection to Crystal Reports server

When testing the connection to a Crystal Reports server from the Preferences page, it might take several minutes for the connection test to complete.

Delay when selecting fields for Crystal Reports report template

When creating a new Crystal Reports report template using Detailed Process Data Source as the data source, you might experience a significant delay when selecting fields to display in the report template. On the Select Fields page of the Report template wizard, if you select all available fields using the >> button, it will take several minutes for the Fields to Display list to populate.

To avoid this delay, consider individually selecting fields that you want to display using the > button instead of selecting all the available fields at once using the >> button.

Close Report Designer before deleting Crystal Reports report template

If you delete a Crystal Reports report template from the project tree while the report template is open in the Report Designer, the deletion will not complete. Even though the report template will not appear in the project tree, the associated files will not be deleted and you will not be able to create a new report template with the same name as the deleted report template.

To avoid this situation, close the Report Designer before deleting a Crystal Reports report template.

Increase maxEdgesAndPaths to prevent maximum path exception

If you are experiencing a maximum path exception when performing Input and output paths static analysis on a connector in a process diagram, increase the value of maxEdgesAndPaths in the plugin.properties file contained in eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.btools.bom.analysis.statical. For larger processes, a good starting value is 160000. Note that it might take longer perform analysis on these larger processes.

Disabling path cycle analysis can improve performance

If you are experiencing long wait times when saving or importing, it might be due to the number of path cycles in your models and the time required to validate these path cycles. To improve performance, you can disable cycle path analysis by modifying the value of isCycleDetectionEnabled to "false" in the plugin.properties files found in the eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.btools.mode.bpel and eclipse\plugins\com.ibm.btools.mode.fdl folders.

Note: The detection of path cycles may have caused a lenghty validation messages to be generated and persisted on models created prior to interim fix 3. If you have applied the fix and restarted, the tool only executes the message trimming the first time after restarting. So, if you did not set the value to "false" then the existing messages will remain, however, they will be trimmed to reflect the value of maxCyclesToReport in the plugin properties files. If you wish to have the tool perform this start up processing again, remove the lines containing isBpelCycleMessagesTrimmed and isFdlCycleMessagesTrimmed from workspace.properties in your workspace directory under .metadata\.plugins\com.ibm.btools.blm.migration.workspace. Also, be aware that once the validation messages are removed, the diagram would have to be modified in a way to trigger the re-validation of path cycles, if path cycle detection is re-enabled.

Auto-layout can maintain swimlane order

WebSphere Business Modeler now allows you to maintain swimlane order during auto-layout. The behavior is enabled through the ordering dialog, available through the context menu of an open process diagram. Previously, the OK button would only be enabled if you changed the order; now it is enabled when the state of the auto-layout button changes.

Manual ordering of elements in the project tree view

You can now manually sort items within the Project Tree view, for example, to reflect frequency of use or relative importance of items within a catalog.

By default, items in the Project Tree view are sorted alphabetically within a container or catalog. When this default mode is enabled, the sort button in the Project Tree toolbar is pressed.

To enable manual sorting, click the sort button in the Project Tree toolbar to deselect it. The default order of items will change to chronological ordering, with most recently created items appearing last in a given container. To change the order of items within a container, select the item and drag it to the desired position within that container.

To move an item to a different container, for example to move a business item from one data catalog to another data catalog, first drop the item onto the catalog or logical node where you want it to be. The item will appear last in the new container. Then drag and drop the item to the desired position within the container.

There is a fixed order for item types within a catalog. For example, within the Process catalog, processes always come before tasks. Even if the logical nodes are not visible, you cannot change the order of these item types. For example, within the process catalog, even if you cannot see the separate containers for processes and tasks, you will not be able to reorder a task before a process.

The sorting mode and order of items is maintained when the product is restarted, and when catalogs are imported and exported. However, the ordering of items is not maintained when using project versioning. A catalog that is checked in and out again will revert to default alphabetical ordering.

Link-to-editor setting maintained on product restart

As an option in the Project Tree view, you can choose whether the navigation view selection is linked to the active editor. This means that when you are editing an item in an editor, that item is highlighted in the Project Tree. This is enabled by clicking the link-to-editor button in the Project Tree toolbar. Starting with this interim fix, the state of the link-to-editor button is maintained when you shut down and restart the product.

Show or hide repository connection

In a process diagram, you can now show or hide repository connections. To show or hide the connections, right-click the diagram and select Show > Repository Connections. This feature is particularly useful in the FileNet Business Process Management mode because of the recommended pattern of using repositories to pass data.

Alignment of text that has been vertically aligned in the Report template editor

The alignment fix, provided through the fix for JR26657, requires that the user multi-select the text elements that should be vertically aligned, perform one of the align actions, for example, Align top via the toolbar button, and save the template.

The current fix is only available if elements are specified with Arial or Times New Roman fonts. Future updates to this component will give consideration to all supported fonts.

Alleviating connection errors while checking out from a CVS repository

If you are checking out projects from a CVS repository and your environment is configured with pserver or extssh (ssh2 only), you can attempt to alleviate failing check-outs due to connection errors by increasing the Communication timeout preference. To increase the Communication timeout, navigate to Windows > Preferences > Team > CVS, and increase the value of Communication timeout.

If you are checking out projects from a CVS repository and your environment is configured with pserver or ext or extssh (ssh1 only), a complimentary fix which will be delivered as, will surface additional parameters to allow user-defined timeout values.

Lock and unlock behaviour for Versioning actions and Clear case repository

As of this interim fix, before showing the lock/unlock dialog, the Clearcase repository is queried for the lock status of the element being locked or unlocked. Based on the results returned the following actions are taken:

In all cases the OK and Cancel buttons are enabled, however if neither of the radio buttons can be selected, clicking either the OK or Cancel button will effectively cancel the operation.

Support for the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler FileNet Integration SupportPac

This support pack provides the FileNet Business Process Management mode and the FileNet Business Process Management export, both of which enable you to model processes that you can open with FileNet P8 Process Designer. For information on the SupportPac, refer to the BA77.pdf file included in the SupportPac ZIP file.

Swimlanes corresponding to deleted roles remain.

The fix for the problem where the product hangs when switching to swimlane view by roles, allows the user to open the swimlane layout of the diagram. The problem manifests when roles that no longer exist are being referenced. The swimlanes corresponding to the missing roles remain. Both the swimlane and the elements it contains are decorated with errors. To remove the swimlane, the user should perform an auto-layout.