IBM® WebSphere® Business Modeler Advanced Version 6.0.1
Interim Fix 1 Readme

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. 2006. All rights reserved. 

This is a interim fix for WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Version 6.0.1. 

Installing the interim fix
Fixes included in this interim fix

Installing the interim fix

The following information describes how to apply this interim fix to your WebSphere Business Modeler installation.

To install the interim fix, complete the following steps:

  1. Download the 6.0.1-WB-ModelerAdv-IF0000001.zip file.
  2. Double-click the downloaded 6.0.1-WB-ModelerAdv-IF0000001.zip file, and extract the files into a temporary directory.  The rest of these instructions assume that the files have been extracted to C:\temp\.
  3. Start WebSphere Business Modeler.
  4. Click Help > Software Updates > Find and Install. The Install/Update wizard opens.
  5. Select Search for new features to install and click Next.
  6. On the Update sites to visit page, click New Local Site. The Browse for folder window opens.
  7. In the Browse for folder window, navigate to C:\temp\6.0.1-WB-ModelerAdv-IF0000001 and click OK. You return to the wizard, and the site that you specified is included in the Sites to include in search list.
  8. Select the site that you have just added and click Next.
  9. On the Search Results page, click Select All.
  10. Click Next.
  11. On the Feature License page, read the license agreement for the feature you are installing. When are you are finished, accept the agreement by clicking I accept the terms in the license agreement, and then click Next.
  12. Click Finish on the Install Location page.
  13. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. During the installation, you must confirm that you want to install an unsigned feature.
  14. When you are asked if you want to restart the workbench, click Yes.

The interim fix is now installed.

Fixes included in this interim fix

This is a cumulative interim fix for WebSphere Business Modeler Advanced Version 6.0.1.

Fixes included in Interim Fix 1

This interim fix includes the following fixes. The PMR and APAR numbers associated with each fix have been included.

PMR Number Related APAR Identifier


73505,005,00 JR23291 Corrects calculation of Process Cost in the Activity Cost Aggregated Dynamic Analysis
39236,531,864 JR23567 Enables the migration of role availability from Version 4.2.4.
39312,531,864 JR23614 Removes the tilde (~) from names that are truncated during import from Version 4.2.4 and replaces it with an underscore (_).
39312,531,864 JR23615 Prevents the creation of elements beginning with the tilde (~) character.  Existing elements that begin with a tilde must be manually changed.
39375,531,864 JR23616 Improves import performance from Version 4.2.4 for large models.
07445,800,624 JR23679 Corrects import behavior that propagated errors caused by corrupted models.
  JR23666 Corrects the display and printing of process detail catalogs when a project has multiple data catalogs.
  JR23665 Updates to translated GUI for the Korean language.
  JR23681 Enables alignment icons in report designer.
39377,531,864 JR23702 Allows use of relative graphic paths in reports.
14547.693.693 JR23747 Corrects behavior of the starts-with query function.

This interim fix includes the following fixes, all of which are associated with APAR JR23796: