IBM(R) TXSeries(TM) Encina(R)

Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2006. All rights reserved.
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About this document

The TXSeries(R) Program Temporary Fix (PTF) is a collection of cumulative product patches and recent software fixes. For TXSeries, separate PTFs exist for CICS(R) and for Encina(R). Installing this PTF updates TXSeries Encina to Version This README file lists the APARs that have been fixed in the TXSeries Encina PTF, and gives important notes for all supported platforms.

Note: For information about the TXSeries Encina PTF installation procedures and prerequisites, refer to READPTF_<lang>.htm file that is included in the PTF image.

Table of contents

Important notes

Obtaining the PTF

Downloading the PTF from the IBM FixDist service (AIX only)
Contents of TXSeries Encina PTF 1

Important notes

Obtaining the PTF

You can obtain the Encina PTF by doing one of the following:

Downloading the PTF from the IBM FixDist service (AIX only)

This section contains guidelines for using the IBM FixDist service to obtain the Encina PTF. FixDist enables you to download AIX software fixes directly from an IBM anonymous FTP server. To use FixDist to obtain the Encina PTF, you must have the FixDist application installed on your machine. (If the FixDist application is not already installed on your machine, download it by anonymous FTP from the IBM AIX software FTP site.)
Note: This section does not provide complete instructions for using FixDist. For complete instructions for using FixDist, see the FixDist User's Guide, which is available in HTML and PostScript format, and can be downloaded by anonymous FTP from the IBM AIX software FTP site.

To use FixDist to download the Encina PTF, complete the following steps:

  1. Create a temporary directory on your machine. Make sure it is large enough to hold the PTF file.
  2. Use FixDist to download and unpack the PTF file, referring to the FixDist User's Guide for complete instructions if necessary. Be sure to use the following guidelines when downloading the patch with FixDist:
  3. Follow the installation instructions to install the PTF on your system.

Contents of Encina PTF 1

APAR Number


IY72623 EXTFH interface provided for ACUCOBOL-GT
IY75822 Showprocinfo hangs with Japanese language locale.
IY87042 Jenconsole does not pick up renamed log volume names.
IY87043 Encina server terminates with error message "TC SERIAL ABORTWITHCODE: LOOPED 121 TIMES ERROR MESSAGE"
IY87044 SFS server crash due to null pointer de-referencing when data segment size is low.
IY85726 In AIX 5.3, message "LVM_NOMIRRCOPIES" logged into AIX error log.
IY87023 SFS server crashes on reaching 64k transaction ID limit when using sfs_ListFile.
IY85657 While using non-transactional RPCs, if the monitor server is restarted, client applications are unable to bind to the new instance of server with error DCE-rpc-066.
IY85740 CICS application manager hangs while performing recovery.
IY87082 SFS client displays error "ENC-sfs-0051: Unknown file system name" on Windows platform when malloc fails.
IY85710 Logname exchange between ppcgwy and IMS fails during force XLN.
IY82770 Memory leak in monitor application while binding through OTS.
IY85858 Allow JAVA and Encina signal handler interoperability on Solaris.
IY85859 Encina Monitor sets TMXA_CLOSE_ON_THREAD_EXIT option for all RMs. This option not valid for single association.
IY85860 EMA_TERMINATE API needs to be added in the libEncMonServ library.
IY85861 Memory leaks in PA RPC Handle hash table.
IY85862 Unable to install more than 3 PTFs on Solaris.
IY85863 Enconsole panel throws Java exceptions when starting and stopping servers and does not display the serious messages as well.
IY85865 Cannot restore SFS backup files greater than 2GB in size.
IY85864 Incorrect PA randomization on Windows XP.
IY85866 DRPCGWY is not able to handle RPC definitions when the size exceeds 16K.
IY85867 DRPC gateway startup fails with DCE-rpc-0012 (address in use).
IY85868 The combination of a 5.0 client with a 4.x server does not work for monitor applications because of the design changes in the binding models from 4.2 to 5.0.
IY85869 xa_prepare returns XAER_PROTO in the case of dynamic registration.
IY85870 Fatal error in the monitor when getting top ancestor of an invalid tid. This problem occurs when the MAS is built to use static association with the RM.
IY85871 Encina Com Wizard/comTidl compiler generates bad code when migrating from TX4.2 Gradient DCE to TX5.0 IBM DCE.
IY85872 Incorrect compiler directive in code generated by COM wizard.
IY85873 The 6 digit PIDs were getting truncated in the Encina trace.
IY85874 The RPC call that takes conformant array as its argument is failing and returns error.
IY85875 DRPCIDL refers to a local AFS directory for one of its dependent libraries on the AIX platform.