IBM(R) TXSeries(TM) CICS PTF APAR README for AIX(R), Windows(R), HP-UX (R) and Solaris(R) Systems
(C) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2007. All rights
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The TXSeries Program Temporary Fix (PTF) is a collection of cumulative product patches and recent software fixes. For TXSeries, separate PTFs exist for CICS and Encina(R). This PTF updates TXSeries CICS to version This README file lists the defects that have been fixed in the TXSeries CICS PTF for the AIX, Windows, HP-UX, and Solaris operating systems. This README also provides some important notes about TXSeries on the AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, and Windows operating systems.
Note: For information about obtaining and installing the TXSeries CICS, see the READPTF_<lang>.htm file for the PTF.
Contents of the TXSeries CICS PTF
Contents of previous PTF
These notes are for TXSeries CICS 5.0 on the AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, and Windows operating systems.
The exit is also called if no UserDefinition stanza entry exists for the user who is trying to log in. The exit is called after a successful password validation, and allows the exit to specify, in the stanza, a model UserID to copy settings such as TSL and RSL keys. This user is then installed into CICS.
The definitions for the user exit are included in cics_esm.h. The first function that is called is CICS_EAM_Init, which is passed a CICS_EAM_RegionData structure and a CICS_EAM_FnBuf structure. The CICS_EAM_FnBuf structure should be filled in with the addresses of the other necessary functions. If any of these functions are set to null, or the function does not return CICS_EAM_RETURN_OK, the region abends.
When a user logs in, the Authenticate function is called. This function is passed in a CICS_EAM_RegionData structure and a CICS_EAM_Logon structure. It includes the user ID and password that are to be authorized. The three valid return codes are CICS_EAM_RETURN_INVALID, CICS_EAM_PASSWORD_EXPIRED, and CICS_EAM_RETURN_OK. Any other code abends the transaction.
When a user requests to change a password, the Authenticate function is used to authenticate the password. If authentication succeeds, the ChangePassword function is called. Two structures are passed to this function: a CICS_EAM_RegionData and a CICS_EAM_ChangePassword. The CICS_EAM_ChangePassword structure contains the user ID, the new password, and the old password. The expected return codes are CICS_EAM_RETURN_OK, CICS_EAM_RETURN_INVALID and CICS_EAM_RETURN_FAIL. Any unrecognized return code abends the transaction. CICS_EAM_RETURN_INVALID can be returned if the new password is not a valid password. For example, if it is too short, or does not meet password restrictions.
After a user has been authenticated, and if the user is not already defined to CICS, the UserInstall function is called. Two structures are passed to this function: a CICS_EAM_RegionData and a CICS_EAM_NewUser. The CICS_EAM_NewUser structure contains the user ID that is installed. The member ModelID that is in CICS_EAM_NewUser must be set to an already-defined ID (maximum 8 characters), which is copied and installed as the new user ID.
For more information about this environment variable, see the AIX Performance Management Guide.
This section lists the APARs fixed in this PTF.
APAR # | Abstract |
IY39829 | Messages ERZ001005I and ERZ015033E are issued incorrectly when a CICS COBOL program issues a COBOL call to another program. |
IY74594 | When a file is created with both DECIMAL and BYTEARRAY type records using the CICSSDT to update, it hangs. |
IY75584 | CICSTCL fails with ERZ058405E/0163: The program'*' failed to execute, error number is '2' when SYSLIB longer than 228 bytes |
IY76124 | Abend U4199 in process CICSIP as a result of an EXC_E_ILLADDR on a SOCKET RECEIVE. |
IY76524 | TXSeries CICS region hung as CICSAM is unable to spawn CICS application servers. |
IY77062 | (Windows Systems)TXSeries for CICS on Windows receives EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on start if MAXTSHPOOL>32M. |
IY77164 |
Application server abends with A57A during transaction routing. |
IY77970 | (Solaris Systems) All MF COBOL transactions have been crashed with abend code A147 on Solaris 2.9. |
IY78602 | Incorrect APPLID after a CICSDELETE is done on a runtime CD, followed by a CICSUPDATE to both runtime and permanent on same CD. |
IY78798 | Receiving an INVREQ after an EXEC CICS WRITE if the file being written to is defined with both DECIMAL and BYTEARRAY fields. |
IY82019 | (Aix Systems) Replace non-reentrant functions used in CICS signal handler with appropriate reentrant functions. |
IY82791 | Tight CPU loop during terminal install when the terminal name is supplied and it conflicts with an existing terminal ID. |
IY82832 | U4802, region pool memory corruption. |
IY84871 | Application server hangs while FORCE-PURGING when SAFETYLEVEL attribute in RD.STANZA is set to NORMAL. |
IY85339 | When running sample JAVA transaction JPC1 receive ABEND A014 on the EXEC CICS RETURN. |
IY86512 | If user closes their terminal leaving the transaction still running, when the transaction completes they receive ABEND U1601. |
IY86598 | (Windows Systems)The CICSNP process gets an illegal exception while trying to connect using CTG. |
IY87972 | Region pool leak is observed on a CICS region configured with DB2 or ORACLE as file manager. |
IY92099 | Region pool memory leak in a CICS region using XA compliant database as file manager or resource manager. |
IY95046 | MAXAPPSERVERS in CSTD will show wrong growth statistic if CICSAS ends abnormally. |
IY95065 | TCA main mutex is uninitialized when FORCEPURGE, and results in U5701 when CICSAM wants to clear the same mutex. |
IY95077 | CICS cannot detect that the terminal is not active after network failure. |
IY95109 | CECI INQUIRE CONNECTION on an APPC connection is returning CONNSTATUS(1) when the connection is INSERVICE and ACQUIRED. |
IY95110 | Region pool leak during transaction FORCE PURGE cleanup in application server. |
IY95111 | When SAFETYLEVEL=NORMAL is set, COBOL programs receive SIGSEGV. |
IY95112 | Occasionally receive abend A11A when autoinstalling terminals because the generated TERMID confilcts with the models in the WD. |
IY95113 | CRSR transaction fails to ship remote transactions. |
IY95115 | Abend A57A due to unsuccessful condition 'FALSE' for function INFEV_STOPCLOCK after FORCE PURGE of another transaction. |
IY95116 | Improper terminal uninstallation when task in terminated abruptly. |
IY95118 | TXSeries CICS statistics report incorrect 'IN USE' region pool size. |
IY95119 | U5701 abend received when a COBOL program is repeatedly called from a C program with COBOL caching disabled. |
IY95503 | BDE_MUTEXLOCK fails during FORCEPURGE on HP-UX systems. |
IY95502 | Abend U4419 in process CICSIP as a result of an EXC_E_ILLADDR. |
This section lists the APARs that were fixed in the previous TXSeries CICS PTF releases:
This section lists the APARs fixed in this PTF.
APAR # | Abstract |
IY57612 | Autoinstall of terminal failing if it matches a default model type in the WD Stanza. |
IY63855 | Compatibility APAR to gracefully handle and abend inbound requests with Containers. |
IY64530 | APPC transactions cannot start on the region while most CICSAS processes are waiting for work. |
IY67228 | Problem with CICS authentication manager when a user has an expired password and he tries to logon. |
IY68157 | ERZ058003E received when attempting to connect to TXSeries CICS region via ECI or EPI when running on AIX 5.2. |
IY70040 | Various abends due to corruption of internal data structures. |
IY70247 | Task shared pool corruption after an abend A147. |
IY71407 | U5701 region abend while attempting to run a program repeatedly. |
IY71404 | Enhancements of CICSTRAN over the HANDLE CONDITION APIs with copybooks. |
IY71701 | When running the CDCN transaction to debug a program on a multi-processor machine, incorrect screens are received. |
IY71737 | Region crash during transaction backout/recovery with high CICS TG terminal install/uninstall activity. |
IY71954 | CEMT I FILE INDEXNAME option failed to populate NULL value. |
IY72271 | JAVA garbage collection produces a performance slowdown when JAVA is running under TXSeries CICS. |
APAR # | Abstract |
IY47705 | Newcopy option does not work with MicroFocus Server Express COBOL when compiled with cicstcl. |
IY55419 | ftos import option of CICSSDT on a flat file produces incorrect data when a SFS target file is not pre-defined. |
IY55507 | CICS region abends with U5655 due to a critical mutex being in unknown state. |
IY55893 | CICS region abends with U5701 during XPRecv timeout. |
IY55938 | cicsmap fails when hyphens are used in the DFHMDF macro field name for COBOL. |
IY56030 | APCT error for COBOL directory paths/program names having period chars. |
IY56258 | Running an ECI program that specifies a user ID and password via the RPC interface, the transaction is run under default user ID. |
IY56259 | The transaction ID is not included in EXEC trace output. |
IY56790 | CICSRL loops when the Oracle database goes down on AIX. |
IY57238 | Setting up file management for a remote DB2 server does not work with cicsddt. |
IY58698 | cicsddt ftod gives DB2 column type error when trying to create or add data to a table. |
IY59618 | CICSAS consumes high CPU after receiving SIGBUS signal. |
IY60894 | SIGSEGV and core dump following A147 abend in longjmp function. |
IY62406 | In EAM, rejection of user autoinstall after authentication is not logged. |
This section lists the APARs fixed in this PTF.
APAR # | Abstract |
IY49133 | Blank user ID is passed with programs that are started by way of STARTUPPROGLIST. |
IY49268 | Incorrect listener process ID is printed in symrecs record after listener termination. |
IY49429 | With DB2 as the file server, IVP transactions terminate abnormally. |
IY49684 | Subsequent EXEC CICS LINK fails, if preceded by a Program not found error. |
IY49979 | CICSTRAN fails if a COBOL source file has lines that contain more than 255 characters. |
IY49791 | CICS-STAT copybook does not work with IBM COBOL. |
IY50425 | JAVA transactions abends with A147 when SAFETYLEVEL RD attribute is set to NORMAL. |
IY52189 | Micro Focus COBOL programs abend with A583 when SAFETYLEVEL RD attribute is set to NORMAL. |
IY52238 | CICS region does not start if shorthand characters such as %H are present in the FD resource definition file. |
IY52342 | CEMT INQUIRE TRAN TRANID always returns a full listing. |
IY52721 | Date format for message ERZ010128E in console log is always MM/DD/YY instead of the locale specific format. |
IY53067 | Task private pool cannot extend beyond 256MB. |
IY53251 | Cannot debug applications by using CEDF when LC_MESSAGES=ko_KR. |
IY54655 | A 'DUPLICATE TERMID' error can be generated when connecting to a TXSeries region with many (>15000) terminals already installed. |
IY54680 | With Oracle 9i 64 bit, IBM COBOL cheese transaction fails with an ASRA. |
IY54448 | CICSSFSIMPORT command fails with ENC-SFS-0007 BAD FIELD NAME because index field is null. |
IY49944 | File DFHCJDB.MAP is required so that the CJDB JAVA debugging can be used. It was not included in the Solaris package. |
IY49946 | Message ERZ001033E says, "JDK3 is not installed on machine", instead of "JRE not installed on the machine". |
IY52264 | When EAM is used, User_Install is not called from CUC client. |
IY52917 | MicroFocus Animator session is to be detached after every program that is run in a transaction. |
IY53245 | CICS region abends with U6301 after the termination of a cicssl process. |
IY54951 | CICS region comes down when DB2 8.1 1PC is used with the new XA open string. |
IY54958 | CICS application server fails to load JVM; it looks for jvm.dll in wrong place. |
APAR # | Abstract |
IY44038 | TXSeries CICS should display command output in uppercase on terminals that are defined with Codepage 930, Japanese Katakana. |
IY45018 | CICS region abends U3466 because of a timing problem in which invalid address pointers are being used. |
IY45388 | The cicsam process has an excessive number of terminated threads that do not clean up. |
IY45497 | New format of file that is generated by cicsddt is not compatible with old applications. |
IY46148 | CICS JAVA programs throw an Unsupported Encoding Exception. |
IY46207 | CICS WLM DPL exit is not compatible with the CTG module. |
IY46321 | Incorrect handling of force purge request for XA registered transaction might cause a hang in the resource manager. |
IY46887 | SEGV is generated when a non-CICS COBOL program loads a CICS COBOL program. |
IY47179 | SEGV in POSTMORTEM prevents a valid region abend. |
IY47180 | CICS gets a segment violation when a non-CICS COBOL program calls a CICS COBOL program with a new EIB and COMMAREA. |
IY47668 | Invalid return code from TXSeries to the CICS Universal Client when attempting to install an existing terminal. |
IY47705 | Reintroduce DATA-CONTEXT as COBSW=+0l fails to disable RTScache. |
IY47922 | CICS abends with U4802 during shutdown while cleaning up XA resources. |
IY48288 | When LC_MESSAGES=C@LFT is specified in the /etc/environment file, CICS utility programs fail to start. |
IY49424 | CICSAS processes SIGSEGVs during task termination. |
IY49425 | With TSQAGELIMIT set, the aged temporary storage queues are not being deleted. |
IY49432 | U5655 abend occurs when CICS receives a signal with a ping response, which forces an assert of the process. |
APAR # | Abstract |
IY39066 | While the CICSTRAN command is running, an ERZ005019E error occurs when the source contains DBCS characters. |
IY39829 | Messages ERZ001005I and ERZ015033E are issued incorrectly when a CICS COBOL program issues a COBOL call to another program. |
IY40369 | CICSAS does not issue XA_CLOSE to disassociate RMs when it is terminated. |
IY40420 | Terminating Stash mutex at shutdown is not correct. |
IY40613 | LU0 is not available when CICS tracing is ON, resulting in region abends. |
IY40951 | Remove the requirement to be in root to run cicsmkcobol to build the ServerExpress runtime. |
IY41065 | Region pool storage is not released when IP client times out (on all platforms). |
IY41877 | CICS region abends with U5701 because of a timing problem between CICSAS and CICS log daemon. |
IY41891 | CICS region hangs on mutex after EXEC CICS INQUIRE TASK from the application. |
IY41898 | CADB transaction will not handle concurrent animator sessions. |
IY42061 | Animator hangs after the end of program execution. |
IY42123 | Access violation when CICS accesses a freed stash buffer. This causes process heap corruption, and the process fails. |
IY43299 | Abend A57A occurs after timeout is received on CPMI transaction. |
IY44314 | A CECI INQUIRE CONNECTION on an APPC connection is returning CONNSTATUS(1) when the connection is in service and acquired. |
IY44368 | CICSTFMT reports Signal 11, for a trace that was generated by CUC. |
IY44392 | Console mutex is held by dead application server, causing a region hang. |
IY44470 | A keyword overflow in the CFC header file (icccndeh.hpp) is causing compilation errors. |
IY44541 | Cannot set EXIT 33 on the program definition GUI panel. |
IY44550 | CICS goes down because RM_XA does not support asynchronous abort. |
IY44567 | Transactions that are running in a CICSAS process might abend ASRA following an initial ASRA abend that causes potential corruption. |
IY44570 | A CICS region terminates abnormally following an AKCS abend in CICSAM when an attempt to create CICSAS fails with BDE_TRANSIENT_ERROR. |
For more details about the defects that went into this PTF, see the TXSeries CICS PTF Readme, which is available on the "TXSeries CICS Version 5.0 PTF 3 Download page" of the TXSeries Support Web site: ( .
This section lists the APARs that are fixed in this PTF.
APAR # | Abstract |
IY31878 | Inquire Connection in TOR for APPC returns wrong values. |
IY33219 | CICSTERM fails when SafetyLevel is set to normal. |
IY34265 | Listener Process Name is wrong (bin.cics). |
IY34812 | Log is corrupt when CICS fails unexpectedly. |
IY35491 | INQUIRE TSQ resets the TSQ Read Index. |
IY35880 | Log record corruption occurred on CICS shutdown. |
IY35981 | PL/I programs do not work when migrated from TX 4.2 to TX 5.0. |
IY37032 | (Windows Systems) TSConfig - Online help for DefaultUserId needs to be updated. |
IY37060 | Keyboard locked because the FREEKB bit in the WCC is off because an EBCDIC ASCII conversion has occurred in CICSTELD. |
IY37371 | Running CICSMIGRATE with -M flag for multiple regions fails. |
IY38002 | ERZ046357E/0572 could not access values during cicsmigrate. |
IY38006 | External trace attribute was not found during cicsmigrate. |
IY38317 | Symrecs is being generated after region shutdown. |
IY38349 | (AIX Systems) TXSeries 5.0 AIX use of CICS_SFS_SIZE variable. |
IY38840 | PGMIDERR even if the program runs OK. |
IY39511 | (Windows Systems) CICSLU process terminates unexpectedly (unhandled exception). |
IY39514 | (Windows Systems) TXSeries Version 5.0 Windows Locale. |
IY39573 | CSMT is becoming filled with ERZ027016E messages. |
IY39577 | (AIX Systems) Change cicsteld process to spawning with Exec. |
IY39578 | (AIX Systems) Change cicsmkcobol to use cob instead of ld in CICS 5.0. |
IY39580 | (AIX or HP-UX Systems) CICSAS hangs because of fopen in the signal handler. |
IY39583 | CICAS leaks memory for each terminal install through RPC. |
IY39584 | CICSDDT ftod fails when encountering a hex 1A. |
IY39585 | CICS initialization is not detecting an invalid RegionPoolBase of 0. |
IY39586 | CPU time for trans is being accumulated, resulting in AICA. |
IY39590 | Ftos fails to process the data stream that contains an 0x1A character. |
IY39591 | (Windows Systems) CMF Improvements in Windows. |
IY39592 | (AIX Systems) CICS ppcgateway server cannot start when smitty is used. |
IY39593 | (Solaris or HP-UX Systems) Cannot restart all services when "cicscp -v start all" is used. |
IY39594 | Cobol:cics freemain DataPointer(Address of A1) causes abend A47B. |
IY39595 | Device name is garbled in failed autoinstall request. |
IY39599 | Trace system double deallocation causes various errors. |
For more details about the defects that went into this PTF, see the TXSeries CICS PTF Readme, which is available on the "TXSeries CICS Version 5.0 PTF 2 Download page" of the TXSeries Support Web site: ( .
The TXSeries CICS PTF is for AIX and Windows platforms only. It synchronizes the AIX and Windows platforms with the GA levels of TXSeries CICS 5.0 on HP-UX and Solaris platforms. Applying this PTF upgrades AIX and Windows platforms from to
This is a cumulative update for the CICS functions of the GA TXSeries 5.0 product for the AIX and Windows platforms. It contains:
Also included in this PTF are the following CICS 5.0 defects:
APAR Number | Abstract |
IY09951 | SMIT panel for CICS is corrupted. |
IY33194 | DATA-CONTEXT and DATA-RECOVERY in ServerExpress is to be supported. |
IY34123 | Dumping of Empty Ring Buffer occurs when trace is off. |
IY34124 | An internal error occurs when PD has bad path. |
IY34125 | XA transactions abend with A583 after a normal COBOL transaction is run. |
IY34130 | A CADB DISPLAY error occurs on Server Express. |
IY34170 | CICS region might not start because of a deadlock between CICSLM main and listener threads. |
IY34887 | PROG798 occurred at DBCS Field because SO (0X0F) is incorrectly inserted without SI (0X0E). |
For more details about the defects that went into this PTF, see the TXSeries CICS PTF Readme, which is available on the "TXSeries CICS Version 5.0 PTF 1 (AIX - NT) Download Page" of the TXSeries Support Web site: ( .