IBM(R) TXSeries(TM) CICS PTF APAR README for AIX(R), Windows(R), HP-UX (R) and Solaris(R) Systems
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The TXSeries Program Temporary Fix (PTF) is a collection of cumulative product patches and recent software fixes. For TXSeries, separate PTFs exist for CICS and Encina(R). Installing this PTF updates TXSeries to version This README file lists the defects fixed in the TXSeries CICS PTF for the AIX, Windows, HP-UX and Solaris operating systems. This README also provides some important notes about TXSeries on the AIX, Solaris, HP-UX and Windows systems.
Note: For information about obtaining and installing the TXSeries CICS, see the READPTF_<lang>.htm file for the PTF.
Contents of the TXSeries CICS PTF
Contents of previous PTF releases
Contents of the TXSeries CICS PTF
Contents of the TXSeries CICS PTF
Contents of the TXSeries CICS PTF
The following are important notes about TXSeries CICS 5.0 on the AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, and Windows systems.
The exit is also called if there is not a UserDefinition stanza entry for the user trying to log in. The exit is called after a successful password validation, and allows the exit to specify a model UserId in the stanza to copy settings such as TSL and RSL keys. This user is then installed into CICS.
The definitions for the user exit are included in cics_esm.h. The first function called is CICS_EAM_Init, which is passed a CICS_EAM_RegionData structure and a CICS_EAM_FnBuf structure. The CICS_EAM_FnBuf structure should be filled in with the addresses of the other necessary functions. If any of these functions are set to null, or the function does not return CICS_EAM_RETURN_OK the region abends.
When a user logs in the function Authenticate is called. This is passed in a CICS_EAM_RegionData structure and a CICS_EAM_Logon structure. This includes the userid and password to be authorised. The three valid return codes are CICS_EAM_RETURN_INVALID, CICS_EAM_PASSWORD_EXPIRED and CICS_EAM_RETURN_OK anything else abends the transaction.
When a user requests to change their password, first the password is authenticated using Authenticate, and if authentication succeeds then ChangePassword is called. This is passed two structures: a CICS_EAM_RegionData and a CICS_EAM_ChangePassword. This contains the userid, the new password, and the old password. The expected return codes are CICS_EAM_RETURN_OK, CICS_EAM_RETURN_INVALID and CICS_EAM_RETURN_FAIL. CICS_EAM_RETURN_FAIL or any unrecgonised return code will abend the transaction. CICS_EAM_RETURN_INVALID can be returned if the new password is not a valid password, for example if it is too short, or does not meet password restrictions.
After a user has been authenticated, and if the user is not already defined to CICS the function UserInstall is called. This is passed two structures: a CICS_EAM_RegionData and a CICS_EAM_NewUser . This will contain the userid that is installed. The member ModelID in CICS_EAM_NewUser needs to be set to an already defined id (maximum 8 characters), which is copied and installed as the new userid.
This section lists the APARs fixed in this PTF.
APAR # |
Abstract |
IY44038 |
TXSERIES CICS Should display command output in uppercase on terminals defined with Codepage 930, Japanese Katakana. |
IY45018 |
CICS region abends U3466 due to a timing issue in which invalid address pointers are being used. |
IY45388 |
The cicsam process has an excessive number of terminated threads which do not clean up. |
IY45497 |
New format of file generated by cicsddt not compatible with old applications . |
IY46148 |
CICS JAVA programs throw Unsupported Encoding Exception. |
IY46207 |
CICS WLM DPL exit is not compatible with CTG module. |
IY46321 |
Incorrect handling of force purge request for XA registered transaction may cause a hang in the resource manager. |
IY46887 |
SEGV generated when non CICS COBOL program loads a CICS COBOL program. |
IY47179 | SEGV in POSTMORTEM prevents valid region Abend. |
IY47180 |
CICS gets a segment violation when non CICS COBOL program calls a CICS COBOL program with new EIB and COMMAREA. |
IY50913 |
Invalid return code from TXSeries to the CICS Universal Client when attempting to install an existing terminal. |
IY47922 |
CICS abends with U4802 during shutdown while cleaning up XA resources. |
IY48288 |
When LC_MESSAGES=C@LFT is specified in the /etc/environment file CICS utility programs fails to start. |
IY50858 |
CICSAS process SIGSEGV'S during task termination. |
IY50920 |
With TSQAGELIMIT set the aged temporary storage queues are not being deleted |
IY49432 |
U5655 abend occurs when CICS receives a signal with a ping response forcing an assert of the process |
This section lists the APARs fixed in the previous TXSeries CICS PTF release:
APAR # |
Abstract |
IY39066 |
ERZ005019E error when running CICSTRAN command when the source contains DBCS characters |
IY39829 |
Messages ERZ001005I and ERZ015033E are issued incorrectly when a CICS COBOL program issues a COBOL call to another program |
IY40369 |
CICSAS does not issue XA_CLOSE to disassociate RM's when it is terminated |
IY40420 |
Terminating Stash mutex at shutdown is not correct |
IY40613 |
LU0 not available when CICS tracing is ON resulting in region abends |
IY40951 |
Remove the requirement to be in root to run cicsmkcobol to build the ServerExpress runtime |
IY41065 |
Region pool storage not released when IP client times out, on all platforms |
IY41877 |
CICS region abends with U5701 due to timing issue between CICSAS and CICS log daemon |
IY41891 |
CICS region hangs on mutex after EXEC CICS INQUIRE TASK from application |
IY41898 |
CADB transaction will not handle concurrent animator sessions |
IY42061 |
Animator hangs after the end of program execution |
IY42123 |
Access violation from CICS accessing a freed stash buffer which results in process heap corruption and the process fails |
IY43299 |
Abend A57A after timeout is received on CPMI transaction |
IY44314 |
CECI INQUIRE CONNECTION on an APPC connection is returning CONNSTATUS(1) when the connection is inservice and acquired |
IY44368 |
CICSTFMT reports Signal 11, for trace generated by CUC |
IY44392 |
Console mutex held by dead application server resulting in region hang |
IY44470 |
Keyword overflow in CFC header file (icccndeh.hpp) causing compilation errors |
IY44541 |
Unable to set EXIT 33 on pragram definition GUI panel |
IY44550 |
CICS goes down as RM_XA doesn't support asynchronous abort |
IY44567 |
Transactions running in cicsas process may abend ASRA following an initial ASRA abend that causes potential corruption |
IY44570 |
CICS region terminates abnormally following AKCS abend in CICSAM when attempt to create CICSAS fails with BDE_TRANSIENT_ERROR |
For more details about the defects that went into this PTF, please see the TXSeries CICS PTF Readme, which is available on the "TXSeries CICS Version 5.0 PTF 3 Download page" of the TXSeries Support Web site:
This section lists the APARs fixed in this PTF.
APAR # |
Abstract |
IY31878 |
Inquire Connection in TOR for APPC returns wrong values |
IY33219 |
CICSTERM fails when SafetyLevel is set to normal |
IY34265 |
Listener Process Name is wrong (bin.cics) |
IY34812 |
Log corrupt when CICS fails unexpectedly |
IY35491 |
INQUIRE TSQ resets the TSQ Read Index |
IY35880 |
Log record corruption on CICS shutdown |
IY35981 |
PL/I programs does not work when migrated from TX 4.2 to TX 5.0 |
IY37032 |
(Windows Systems) TSConfig - Online help for DefaultUserId needs to be updated |
IY37060 |
Keyboard locked due to the FREEKB bit in the WCC being set off |
IY37371 |
Running CICSMIGRATE with -M flag for multiple regions fail |
IY38002 |
ERZ046357E/0572 could not access values during cicsmigrate |
IY38006 |
External trace attribute not found during cicsmigrate |
IY38317 |
Symrecs getting generated after region shutdown |
(AIX Systems) TXSeries 5.0 AIX use of CICS_SFS_SIZE variable |
IY38840 |
PGMIDERR even if the program runs OK |
IY39511 |
(Windows Systems) CICSLU process terminates unexpectedly (unhandled exception) |
IY39514 |
(Windows Systems) TXSeries V5.0 Windows Locale |
IY39573 |
CSMT getting filled up with ERZ027016E messages |
IY39577 |
(AIX Systems) Change cicsteld process to spawning with Exec |
IY39578 |
(AIX Systems) Change cicsmkcobol to use cob instead of ld in CICS 5.0 |
IY39580 |
(AIX or HP-UX Systems) Cicsas hangs because of fopen in our signal handler |
IY39583 |
Cicsas leaks memory for each terminal install through RPC |
CICSDDT ftod fails when encountering a hex 1A |
IY39585 |
CICS initialization not detecting invalid RegionPoolBase of 0 |
IY39586 |
CPU time for trans are being accumulated, resulting in AICA |
IY39590 |
Ftos fails to process the data stream containing 0x1A character |
IY39591 |
(Windows Systems) CMF Improvements in Windows |
(AIX Systems) CICS ppcgateway server is unable to start using smitty |
IY39593 |
(Solaris or HP-UX Systems) Unable to restart all services using "cicscp -v start all" |
IY39594 |
Cobol:cics freemain DataPointer(Address of A1) leads abend A47B |
IY39595 |
Device name garbled in failed autoinstall request |
IY39599 |
Trace system double deallocation leads to various errors |
For more details about the defects that went into this PTF, please see the TXSeries CICS PTF Readme, which is available on the "TXSeries CICS Version 5.0 PTF 2 Download page" of the TXSeries Support Web site:
The TXSeries CICS PTF is for AIX and Windows platforms only, to synchronize with the GA levels of TXSeries CICS 5.0 on HP-UX and Solaris platforms. Applying this PTF upgrades from to on AIX and Windows platforms.
This is a cumulative update for the CICS functions of the GA TXSeries 5.0 product for the AIX and Windows platforms and contains the following:
Also included in this PTF are the following CICS 5.0 defects:
APAR Number |
Abstract |
IY09951 |
SMIT panel for CICS is corrupted. |
IY33194 |
DATA-CONTEXT and DATA-RECOVERY in ServerExpress to be supported |
IY34123 |
Dumping of Empty Ring Buffer is happening when trace is off |
IY34124 |
Internal error when PD has bad path |
IY34125 |
XA transactions abend with A583 after a normal COBOL transaction is run |
IY34130 |
CADB DISPLAY error on Server Express |
IY34170 |
CICS region may not start due to deadlock between CICSLM main and listener threads |
IY34887 |
PROG798 occurred at DBCS Field because SO (0X0F) is incorrectly inserted without SI (0X0E) |
For more details about the defects that went into this PTF, please see the TXSeries CICS PTF Readme, which is available on the "TXSeries CICS Version 5.0 PTF 1 (AIX - NT) Download Page" of the TXSeries Support Web site: