These are instructions to use IBM WebSphere Business Integration Toolset Version 4.2.2 Test Fix 36050: Before applying this test fix, it is highly recommended that you backup plugin "" in %SM_PATH_ICS%\plugins (e.g. C:\IBM\WebSphereICS\Tools\WSWB203\plugins). In the case you want to uninstall the test fix, replace the new plugin "" with the backup. To install this test fix, please follow instructions in the correct order as follows: 1) Install WBI InterChange Server and Toolset base version 4.2.2 if it is not available on your machine yet 2) Install ICS and Toolset 4223 patches Please contact Tech Support to get both ICS and Toolset 4223 patches. 3) Run the given exe file (e.g. 4223_toolset_testfix36050.exe). Please notice that in the second step of the installing wizard, by default the installer enters the value of variable %CROSSWORLDS% as an installing directory name. If you installed WBI ICS and Toolset version 4.2.2 at another location, use the Browse button to select the correct location. The installer will do all installing work for you. Note that the path name "C:\IBM\WebSphereICS" assumes that IBM WebSphere Business Integration Toolset has been installed under an IBM WebSphere InterChange Server directory on the C drive.