Fix Pack Notes for
WebSphere Business Integration Data
Handler for XML Version 2.7.3 (HP UX
Integrity Platform only)
The patch notes contain the following sections:
The following set of instructions is only for installing WebSphere Business Integration Data Handler for XML Version 2.7.3 on HP-UX v2 IA64 and HP-UX v3 IA64 Operating Systems:
WebSphere Business Integration Data Handler for XML Version 2.7.3 uses full installer instead of fix pack installer. That is, you do NOT need install WebSphere Business Integration Data Handler for XML Version 2.7.0 first.
Installing Data Handler for XML
1. Download the installer zip file and unzip the file to a local directory
2. Run setupHPIA64.bin*
Note: You can record the options you select when installing for subsequent silent installations. For more information see Installing silently.
* You may need to change permission of setupHPIA64.bin by using the command: chmod 755 setupHPIA64.bin
3. Follow Installer wizard prompts to complete installation of the Data Handler for XML. Note that the Installer will end or not proceed if any of the following occurs:
Declining the licensing agreement.
If the specified Installation directory does not contain Adapter Framework
Not providing
sufficient free disk space
Installing silently
1. Launch the Installer using the following command:
setupHPIA64.bin -options-record <install_settings_filename>
For example, you enter
setupHPIA64.bin -options-record mySettings.txt
2. Edit the file containing your settings (for example, mySettings.txt) by adding the following lines to the end of the file:
W destination.path=/opt/IBM/WebSphereAdapters
W <ICS Server value>
G replaceExistingResponse=yesToAll
G replaceNewerResponse=yesToAll
G createDirectoryResponse=yes
G removeExistingResponse=yesToAll
G removeModifiedResponse=yesToAll
For an example, see the settings.txt file bundled with the Installer.
3. To silently install, launch the Installer as follows:
setupHPIA64.bin -silent -options <install_settings_filename>
For example:
setupHPIA64.bin -silent -options mySettings.txt
You can uninstall WebSphere Business Integration Data Handler for XML Version 2.7.3 by using an interactive (graphical) tool or silently (using scripts).
To launch the graphical Uninstaller:
- Run the following:
After you launch Uninstaller, follow and respond to the prompts presented by the wizard.
To launch a silent uninstall:
- Run the following executable:
<Adapter_install_location> _uninst_XMLDataHandler/ silent
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