--------------------------------------------- Release notes for Cyclone Interchange --------------------------------------------- The following information supplements the user documentation. Contents -------- 1. Installing the JAR file 2. resolved issues 3. resolved issues 4. resolved issues 5. resolved issues -------------------------- 1. Installing the JAR file -------------------------- Use this procedure to install the JAR file upgrade for a version 4.1.2.x of the application that is already is use. This procedure does not apply to a new installation of the application. Step 1. Close all system applications, including the Server application, Administrator, Tracker and Document Generator. Step 2. Rename the cyclone.jar file in the application's lib directory. For example, cyclone.jar_[old version number]. You must rename the cyclone.jar file on the computer running the Server application as well as all computers running client applications. Step 3. Copy the new cyclone.jar file to the lib directory of all server and client computers. Step 4. Restart the Server application. -------------------------- 2. resolved issues -------------------------- Issue 6140 ---------- The GlobalSupplyChainCode in the fromRole and toRole elements in a Cyclone generated RosettaNet MDN are incorrectly populated. The values are now pulled from the service content of the inbound document, reversed and placed in the acknowledgment. Issue 6180 ---------- The ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier in Cyclone generated RosettaNet MDNs are incorrectly populated. The values are now pulled from the service content to ensure that the ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier value in the original message's service content and the ProprietaryDocumentIdentifier value in the receipt's service content are identical. -------------------------- 3. resolved issues -------------------------- Issue 6110 ---------- In the RNIF MDN, the tag that is present in both "ReceiptAcknowledgement.fromRole. PartnerRoleDescription" and "ReceiptAcknowledgement.toRole. PartnerRoleDescription" tag structure is empty. The values in those tags should be the same as in the respective tags in the Service Header: "fromRole.PartnerRoleDescription. GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode" and "toRole.PartnerRoleDescription. GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode" respectively. These required elements are now populated correctly in the RNIF Ack. -------------------------- 4. resolved issues -------------------------- Issue 5858 ---------- RNIF Acks - Sender/Receiver (one of many) is not properly populated in the MDN. The ServiceHeader.ProcessControl. ServiceRoute.from(to)Service.BusinessServiceDescription. GlobalBusinessServiceCode in the RNet Ack are not properly inverted. This issue has been resolved. Issue 5945 ---------- The RNIF 1.1 receivedDocumentDateTime in the acknowledgement is the wrong format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'.'SSS'Z'). It has been changed to match the format specified by the RNIF spec (CCYYMMDDThhmmss.sssZ). Issue 5979 ---------- Requesting signed ACKs when trading RNIF 1.1 is being ignored, Acks come back unsigned. The code has been changed to allow the Partner settings to control whether or not a RosettaNet signal gets signed. Issue 6101 ---------- The "fromRole.PartnerRoleDescription.ContactInformation" is not present in a RNIF MDN. The three required elements are now populated from the Company contact(Identity tab), the phone number (Identity tab) and the alert e-mail address (Preferences tab). -------------------------- 5. resolved issues -------------------------- Issue 5647 ---------- The system rejected inbound documents sent by Templar 5.0 that did not have the "smime=" element in the header. This has been resolved by allowing the unpackager to process inbound documents that do not have the optional smime-type parameter. Issue 5663 ---------- The system did not parse RosettaNet documents that contained characters with umlaut marks above them. This issue has been resolved. Issue 5804 ---------- The system used the print string of the RosettaNet DigestAlgorithm object to write the digest algorithm to the receipt acknowledgement. This issue has been resolved by modifying the system's RosettaNet implementation to adhere to the specification. Issue 5816 ---------- For RosettaNet documents the system used the BusinessActionCode from the MCD to set the GlobalTransactionCode and GlobalBusinessActionCode in the RNIF 1.1 service header. This only affected users of MCD 1.0 and RNIF 1.1. This issue has been resolved by changing the system's RosettaNet implementation to use the BusinessActivityName from the MCD to set the GlobalTransactionCode. ----------------- End release notes -----------------