IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for, version 6.0.9 notes

This document contains the following sections:
Enhancements and fixes
New and modified connector properties
New or modified files
Upgrade notes

This table lists the enhancements and fixes in fix pack version 6.0.9.
188817ALE Module
Symptom: When the IDoc business object is being created, empty fields between populated fields are assigned the value CxBlank, and trailing empty fields are given the value CxIgnore.
Resolution: A new connector property, AllBlankFieldsToCxIgnore, has been introduced. When this property is set to 'Yes,' all the empty fields are set to CxIgnore; if the property is set to 'No,' the adapter behavior remains the same. The default value for this property is 'No'.
295661HDR Module
Symptom: The adapter uses the RFC_READ_TABLE function to retrieve information from SAP, but the adapter encounters issues when using this function on Unicode systems. To address this problem, SAP suggests two options in its note #758278. One of the options is to use a custom RFC function instead of the RFC_READ_Table; however, the adapter does not support an option to specify a custom function.
Resolution: The adapter has been enhanced to support custom functions for the HDR module instead of the READ_RFC_TABLE. To enable this support, add the new property HDRCustomFunctionName to the connector properties and specify custom function as a value. Ensure that the custom function exists and is active.
Symptom: BIA_AleEventUtil does not copy the value for CorrelationId when moving a single message across the queues.
Resolution: Now the BIA_AleEventUtil.bat file populates the correlation Id when moving a single message across the queues
295270JR28362BAPI Module: Adapter loses connection to the SAP system
Symptom: While processing messages, the adapter loses its connection to the SAP system because a thread is taking too much time to release the connection handle.
Resolution: With this fix, the next thread waits until the first thread releases the connection handle so that the connection to SAP is maintained.
390864JR27867BAPI Module: Request process thread pauses
Symptom: The request process thread intermittently pauses, sometimes for minutes.
Resolution: With this fix, the thread does not pause and comes out of the loop as soon as it gets the connection handle.
495750JR28465BAPI Module: Request processing error
Symptom: Symptom: After an unrecoverable error, the adapter restarts, but while processing subsequent requests, it generates the following error: [MsgID: 17104] [Mesg: Exception caught in BusObjJavaInterface.DoVerbFor for Object . Reason: java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException]
Resolution: With the fix, events are processed normally by the adapter after it is restarted.
591084JR27638Adapter stop script
Symptom: When the adapter is manually stopped with the script, the adapter trace file shows unrecoverable error messages.
Resolution: The adapter does not produce unrecoverable error messages when it is manually stopped.
695163JR28296ALE Module: NullPointerException is generated
Symptom: During initialization in the ALE module, the adapter generates the following NullPointerException error when it cannot access the EventState.log file, but then continues normally. [MsgID: 26020] [Mesg: Error: Exception in method ALEPersistentStorage.(). Message: /EventState.log (Permission denied).] java.lang.NullPointerException at
Resolution: This problem occurred because the EventState.log file was not accessible. With the fix, after the adapter receives the exception it terminates. However, it is important to be able to read the EventState.log file to recover events and avoid duplication. Check the permissions in the EventState.log file as a possible cause for it not being accessible to the connector.
795625JR28326ALE Module: IDoc error messages
Symptom: When processing an IDoc, the adapter fails just before it puts the message in the archive queue. Upon recovery, it discovers the processed IDoc, but if the IDoc is the last one in the packet IDoc, the adapter puts two messages in the error queue. One message contains the following error information in the message body, and the other is an IDoc packet transferred from the EventQueue. [MsgID: 26101] [Mesg: Event Recovery: The last BO processed with a status of failure. The connector will send the failed message to the error queue. Please check the error queue for duplicate IDoc numbers before resubmitting. ]
Resolution: With the fix, during recovery the adapter now puts the unprocessed, or failed, IDoc in the error queue and then transfers the IDoc packet to the archive queue.

This table lists the enhancements and fixes in fix pack version 6.0.8.
There are no enhancements in this fix pack.
187166SAP ODA: Search for extension type IDocs is case sensitive
Symptom: The search for extension type IDocs by name does not return results if the search criteria is entered in lower case.
Resolution: Extension type IDocs can be searched by name in either lower or upper case.
287469JR25815The sap_es_return structure fails.
Symptom: The BAPI return structure is different from the standard RETURN.
Resolution: This error occurred because the BAPI return structure name ES_RETURN is different from the standard RETURN. The code has been updated to process the ES_RETURN structure of a BAPI.
387885BAPI Module: Adapter does not restart
Symptom: The adapter does not restart when an RFC_ERROR_SYSTEM_FAILURE error occurs.
Resolution: The adapter automatically restarts when this error occurs.

This table lists the enhancements and fixes in fix pack version 6.0.7.
186369JR12595Malformed IDocs in a packet are moved to the error queue.
Symptom: When the processing of an IDoc fails within a packet of IDocs, the entire MQ message is transferred to the archive_queue with idocProcessStatus equal to "partial." The malformed IDoc should be sent to the error queue.
Resolution: With this enhancement, when an IDoc within a packet of IDocs fails to be processed, the failed IDoc is sent to the error queue, and the entire MQ message is transferred to the archive queue.
185787JR24847JCO_ERROR_CONVERSION:A value of -1 cannot be converted to NUM.
Symptom: The adapter generates an error when trying to process a response with a return status of -1.
Resolution: The code has been updated so that the adapter no longer generates a JCO_ERROR_CONVERSION message when -1 is received in the response.
286393JR25166The adapter shows a misleading error when MQ JMS libraries are not installed.
Symptom: The adapter generates a misleading error when MQ JMS libraries are not installed: [Mesg: Error: Unable to find jCO.jar. Check that the file has been installed.].
Resolution: The error message has been updated and now reads: MQ JMS libraries are missing.
386557The RFC Server module causes an error when the value of UpdateStatus is true.
Symptom: When the RFC server module property is set to rfcserver, UpdateStatus is set to true, and no MQ Queues are defined, a NullPointerException exception is not handled properly. This occurs because a function intended for the ALE module is being run.
Resolution: When this configuration occurs, a NullPointerException exception does not occur. This function is called only when the ALE module is running and the MQ Queues are defined.
486567JR25207The adapter generates an error while moving a message to the Archive queue.
Symptom: When running the ALE module, the following error occurs: Mesg: ALEPersistentStorage.onArchive() : Unable to retrieve MQ Message for ID AB1AEE28038E4517BF773138 from the following queue: queue:///ICS_EUR030V3/ALE_EVENT_QUEUE_QL.] .].
Resolution: The threads that accessed the same data in memory are now synchronized, so that this problem no longer occurs.
586720A NullPointerException exception is generated when a null object is returned from the collaboration.
Symptom: A NullPointerException exception is not handled properly when a null object is returned from the collaboration as the response object.
Resolution: A more descriptive log message is recorded in the log file to help you determine the error: "A NullPointerException has occurred in the consumeSync method. This could be caused if the response object is null. Check your collaboration and try to send the object again."

This table lists the enhancements and fixes in fix pack version 6.0.6.
185629JR24746All of the BAPI table entries should be returned.
Symptom: If the BAPI table contains more rows than the number of child objects initially sent with the BAPI call, the adapter issues only a warning message.
Resolution: A new configuration property, ReturnAllBAPITableEntries, has been added to allow for the return of all BAPI table entries. This property can have a value of either True or False. If set to True, new instances of an object are created in the returned object for those table entries that were not initially sent in. If this property is set to False, or if it does not exist, the adapter issues a warning message indicating that the entries for the table with additional rows will be ignored.
284799JR24253Malformed messages are left on the event queue even after a poll call.
Symptom: A separate thread that is started to monitor new events manually placed on the event queue does not work properly.
Resolution: The event queue monitor thread has been fixed so that any new events manually placed on the queue are now polled. If these new messages are malformed, they are moved to the error queue. Malformed messages on the event queue at startup are also moved to the error queue. Two new configuration properties, StartEventQueueMonitor and EventQMonitorSleepInterval, have been added to help manage the event queue monitor thread. Malformed messages include those that have no business objects and those that do not have a JMS message type of Text. These messages are now moved to the error queue during run time or startup. Messages that are not formed properly, for example, messages with a "Byte" JMS message type and the incorrect codepage, will cause a JMS error and shut down the adapter. These messages need to be removed manually from the event queue. Two new configuration properties have been added for the monitoring of the event queue during run time. The new properties are StartEventQueueMonitor and EventQMonitorSleepInterval. The default behavior of the adapter without these two new configuration properties is for the event queue monitor thread to be inactive. The StartEventQueueMonitor property can have a value of True or False, with the default being False. If this property is set to True, the adapter will start another thread to monitor the event queue for any new messages that are introduced manually onto the event queue. The EventQMonitorSleepInterval property is used to determine how long the event queue monitor thread will sleep before checking the event queue for new events. The number is in milliseconds and is only active if the StartEventQueueMonitor property is set to True. The default value for the EventQMonitorSleepInterval property is 60000 milliseconds (1 minute). A scenario where the event queue monitor thread active is when a message needs to be resubmitted. A scenario where the event queue monitor inactive is when the event queue is used for flow control and there are many messages in the event queue.
385102Version 2.1.7 of the SAP JCo library is supported.
Symptom: SAP only provides version 2.1.7 of the JCo library. Earlier versions are not available from the SAP Web site.
Resolution: Version 6.0.6 of the adapter has been tested with version 2.1.7 of the JCo library; however, there is an open issue with version 2.1.7 on the Solaris platform. A technical flash that provides details about the issue is available and will provide the solution when the issue is resolved. You can find the flash on the WebSphere Adapters Product support page at
471497For the ALE Module, the Guaranteed Event Delivery feature of the Adapter Framework is supported.
Symptom: When the standard configuration properties for the Guaranteed Event Delivery mode are enabled for a JMS-enabled adapter, the following error message is generated: "The ObjectEventId is NOT set for the BO in GED mode." The standard configuration properties are DuplicateEventElimination and EnableOidForFlowMonitoring.
Resolution: Support for the Guaranteed Event Delivery mode has been enabled for the ALE module only.
185434JR24595For the ALE module, the EventState.log file is being cleared even if there are inconsistencies with the event queue.
Symptom: If the adapter starts and there is an entry in the EventState.log file, the entry is cleared for the following situations: when a corresponding event in the event queue is not found, when there are no business objects in the IDoc packet, and when the sequence number is not a valid value, that is, a number between 0 and the total number of business objects for the IDoc packet.
Resolution: The adapter shuts down so that the value in the EventState.log file can be evaluated. After the file has been checked, the value in the EventState.log needs to be cleared manually or the IDoc packet indicated in the EventState.log needs to be resubmitted.
285401JR24591For the RFCServer, when delivery transport of WebSphere InterChange Server is configured to be IDL and MQ series has not been loaded, the adapter generates a NullPointerException exception.
Symptom: The JMS libraries are being imported for the RFCServer module. Because MQ Series has not been loaded, the JMS libraries are not available and a NullPointerException exception is generated.
Resolution: The import of the JMS libraries has been removed, so the RFC Server module can be started without JMS.
385185JR24443The list of files that are changed by the fix pack is being provided in a separate file.
Symptom: The list of files that an installer changes is not known.
Resolution: A separate file, UpdateFilesList.txt, lists the files that are being changed by the installer.
473364For the ALE module, default values of the sap_idoccontrol object do not contain a space.
Symptom: The default values of the attributes in the sap_idoccontrol object delivered by the adapter contain a space. When using this object, the adapter generates an error when trying to set the value of the IDoc_creation_date attribute if the UseDefaults configuration property is set to true.
Resolution: The spaces have been removed from the default values of the sap_idoccontrol object.

This table lists the enhancements and fixes in fix pack version 6.0.5.
167961JR23200BAPI Module - Not all errors are being sent to the return status descriptor.
Symptom: When the adapter returns multiple errors, not all messages are sent to the return status descriptor.
Resolution: All of the error messages returned from SAP are concatenated and sent to the return status descriptor. Also a new feature has been implemented to return the business object when errors occur. To implement support of this feature, you must add a new connector-specific configuration property called IgnoreBapiReturn to your configuration file. When this property does not exist or is not set to true, the Return BAPI object is checked for success or failure. If a failure is detected, the error message or messages within the structure or table are returned in the return status descriptor. This is the default behavior of the new feature. When this property is set to true, the adapter ignores the Return BAPI structure or table. Processing completes as if it were successful and the business object is returned.
184332JR23877Extension Module - Implementation of the change pointer event detection mechanism has changed for SAP systems 4.7 and later
Symptom: On SAP versions 4.7 and later, the way the change pointer event detection mechanism is implemented has changed and needs to be modified to function properly.
Resolution: ABAP function module /CWLD/EVT_FROM_CHG_POINTR_LONG has been created to enable change pointer event detection on SAP 4.7 systems and later.
284152JR23884ALE Module - Modifying child business objects
Symptom: After changing the child business object name, the adapter generates the following error: [MsgID: 26040] [Mesg: Error: MQMessageParser.CreateAndFormatWorkUnit(): Formatting failed.
Resolution: Child business object names can be modified.
384090JR23704All - The SAP UNIX start script contains a JVMArgs variable that is not needed.
Symptom: The script contains a JVMArgs variable that is not needed by the adapter and is being incorrectly interpreted.
Resolution: The JVMArgs variable has been removed.
484350ALE Module - The adapter stops when events fail.
Symptom: During event processing When an event fails, the adapter stops.
Resolution: The adapter does not stop unless it encounters a JMS exception or error during event processing.
583240JR23309ALE Module - A null pointer exception is logged when the adapter stops.
Symptom: When the adapter stops, a null pointer exception is not handled properly, and the following error message is sent to the log: [MsgID: 23060] [Mesg: Error in MQServerSessionManager.terminate(), Error message : java.lang.Exception: MQServerSessionManager.stopSession() : java.lang.NullPointerException].
Resolution: A parameter was not being set properly in the terminate method, which caused the null pointer exception. This parameter is now properly set and does not cause an error to be sent to the log.
684065JR23691All - JCo version trace message is written to the log file multiple times
Symptom: When adapter monitoring is turned on, the following message is printed repetitively to the log file: [MsgID: 23044] [Mesg: SAP Middleware Info: JCo Version = "2.1.x (yyyy-mm-dd)".].
Resolution: This version of JCo is written once to the log at initialization.
783685JR23501RFC Server Module - The RFC Server module does not start.
Symptom: When the RFC Server module is started without MQ configuration properties being set, the adapter does not start.
Resolution: The RFC Server module starts successfully.
883471JR23503BAPI Module - The adapter logs an error when SAP returns a structure containing no data.
Symptom: When data is sent to an SAP table and SAP returns a structure containing no values, an exception is generated and the adapter logs an error.
Resolution: The adapter checks to see whether data exists in the table and does not cause an error to be logged.
973364ALE Module -Default values of the control record contain a space.
Symptom: Default values of the attributes in the control record contain a space. When using this object, the adapter causes an error when trying to set the value of the Creation_date attribute.
Resolution: The spaces have been removed from the control record default value.
1068011JR23459ODA - Maximum length of TIMS data types is set incorrectly
Symptom: When generating business objects for the BAPI module, some of the TIMS data type fields' maximum length values are set incorrectly to 5.
Resolution: All TIMS data type maximum length values are set to 8 for hh:mm:ss.

This table lists the enhancements and fixes in fix pack version 6.0.4.
There are no enhancements in this fix pack.
183523All - Currency support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 ES (32-bit), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 AS (32-bit), and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 WS (32-bit)
Symptom: The adapter does not support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 ES (32-bit), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 AS (32-bit), and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 WS (32-bit) .
Resolution: The adapter now supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 ES (32-bit), Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 AS (32-bit), and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0 WS (32-bit) on WebSphere Business Integration Adapter Framework, version and later only.
283531All - Currency support for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (32-bit) and SUSE Linux Standard Server 9.0 (32-bit)
Symptom: The adapter does not support SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (32 bit) and SUSE Linux Standard Server 9.0 (32-bit).
Resolution: The adapter now supports SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (32-bit) and SUSE Linux Standard Server 9.0 (32-bit) on WebSphere Business Integration Adapter Framework, version and later only.
383532All - Currency support for Solaris 10
Symptom: The adapter does not support Solaris 10.
Resolution: The adapter now supports Solaris 10 (32-bit) on WebSphere Business Integration Adapter Framework, version and later only.
483244JR23307Extension Module - Unicode capabilities are overwritten
Symptom: Unicode capabilities are overwritten with transports for the 6.0.1 release.
Resolution: The transport contained in the latest file has corrected the programs that were causing the Unicode compatibility issues.
571798JR21998ALE Module - An insufficient stack error causes the adapter to stop.
Symptom: After processing many events, an insufficient stack error occurs and the adapter stops without an error message.
Resolution: The JCo server receives the error, and the adapter shuts down and restarts if it is configured to do so.
671169All - Enhanced RFC error handling
Symptom: This is an enhancement.
Resolution: This enhancement improves RFC error handling. Previously, the adapter was stopped when an RFC error occurred. Now, it stops only when a communication or technical error occurs.
767749JR22677ALE Module - The adapter continues polling when the MQ manager is stopped.
Symptom: When InterChange Server is used as a broker and you try to stop the MQ manager, the adapter continues polling.
Resolution: The adapter now stops when the MQ manager is stopped.
867179JR22045ALE Module - Insufficient stack error causes a message to stay on the work-in-progress queue
Symptom: If an insufficient stack size error occurs, the adapter shuts down. When the adapter is restarted and all events have been processed, a message remains on the work-in-progress (WIP) queue when no message is expected.
Resolution: When the adapter is restarted, messages in the WIP queue are moved to the Error queue. The messages on the Error queue can then be evaluated to determine if any further action is needed, for example, whether the messages need to be resubmitted.
966850JR21997ALE Module - Insufficient stack error causes a message to stay on the event queue
Symptom: If an insufficient stack size error occurs, the adapter shuts down. When the adapter is restarted and all events have been processed, a message remains on the Event queue when no message is expected.
Resolution: The JCo server handles the stack size error properly now and the message on the Event queue is processed correctly upon restart. The message is no longer left on the Event queue in an unexpected state.
1082921JR23336ALE Module - An informational message is not generated when the control record is missing application-specific information
Symptom: When application-specific information is missing from the control record, the adapter does not log a message or reason for the error.
Resolution: The following message is logged if the application-specific information is missing from the control record attribute: "MsgId: 26023 Error: App Spec Info missing! Check business object definition {1}. Attribute {2}."
1174047Extension Module - An informational message is not generated when the Namespace configuration property is missing
Symptom: When the Namespace configuration property is missing from the configuration file, the connector does not generate an informational message.
Resolution: When the Namespace configuration property is missing from the configuration file, the following message is written to the log: "Mesg: ID: 24031: You may be getting this error if the NameSpace application specific property is missing or set incorrectly. Please check your configuration file."
1249410ALE Module - Message is logged incorrectly
Symptom: When a failed IDoc is sent to the error queue, the following message is written to the log file: MessageId 30015: "Mesg: ID: (MSGID), has been moved to the archive_queue"
Resolution: MessageID 30015 is not written to the log file if it is sent to the error queue.

This table lists the enhancements and fixes in fix pack version 6.0.3.
166792JR21509ALE Module - OutOfMemory error occurs
Symptom: When the adapter is restarted, it generates an OutOfMemory error during event recovery for the ALE Module. The adapter is attempting to load the transaction IDs from all the event messages into memory. This action is performed to improve performance while the adapter is running.
Resolution: A new connector specific property, MaxInMemoryBufferSize, has been added to limit the size of the in-memory buffer used to improve performance. For more details about configuring this property, refer to the technote "Memory utilization for the IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for v6.0.0 (ALE Module)." With this fix, the adapter manages the memory properly.
248259JR22318Extension Module - Version 6.0 of the adapter does not trim blank spaces from the beginning and end of attribute values.
Symptom: Adapter version 4.7 trimmed blank spaces from the beginning and end of attribute values, and version 6.0 trims blank spaces only from the end.
Resolution: A new configuration property called TrimSpaces has been created for users that want to remove blank spaces at the beginning and end of the attribute values received from the SAP Extension Module. To use this new property, set TrimSpaces to Yes. Otherwise, the default behavior of trimming the trailing spaces will remain.
173110JR22318ALE Module - trace message 30015 is incorrect
Symptom: Trace message 30015 is displayed incorrectly because the message ID, 30015, is not specified correctly in the construction of the message.
Resolution: The trace message ID number, 30015, is properly specified during message construction.
272339JR22318RFC Server Module - MQ queue configuration is required to start the RFC Server module
Symptom: SAP MQ queue configuration is required to start the RFC Server module.
Resolution: Configuration is no longer required when starting this module.
372078JR22318All - SAP WebAS 6.40 is now supported by the adapter
Symptom: This is an enhancement.
Resolution: SAP WebAS 6.40 is now supported by the adapter.
471641JR22318ODA - Maximum length was incorrect for FLOAT data types
Symptom: The maximum length displayed in BAPI and RFC Server objects was incorrect for FLOAT data types.
Resolution: The maximum length is displayed properly.
571277JR21129All - Severity level of log messages is not sent to the broker
Symptom: The severity level of log messages is not sent to the broker.
Resolution: The log message utility sends the severity level of log messages to the broker.
671450JR22318ODA - Verb application-specific information is populated incorrectly
Symptom: The ODA updates the verb application-specific information with the actual BAPI name for namespace BAPIs instead of replacing the forward slash with an underscore. The adapter writes an error message if the BAPI name in the verb application-specific information cannot be found.
Resolution: The ODA replaces the forward slash with an underscore and no error message is logged.
771306JR22318ALE Module - An MQ message is not created from malformed IDocs
Symptom: For malformed IDocs, the adapter does not create an MQ message in the ALE error queue.
Resolution: The adapter sends the failed IDocs to the ALE error queue.
871156JR22318Extension Module - The adapter enters an endless loop.
Symptom: The adapter enters an endless loop when trying to set the business object values with the RFC data from SAP.
Resolution: The adapter does not go into an endless loop when trying to process a field from SAP that does not exist in a child business object.
970697JR22318Extension Module - Events stay inside the event table with status of "R."
Symptom: When an event fails in a poll cycle, the remaining events stayed inside the event table with a status of "R."
Resolution: The remaining polled events are processed.

This table lists the enhancements and fixes in fix pack version 6.0.2.
There are no enhancements in this fix pack.
160220JR21157ODA - The ODA fails to create a business object for a BAPI that contains identically named parameters.
Symptom: The ODA generates an error when attempting to create a business object from a BAPI that has an import parameter and an export parameter with the same name and based on a SAP structure. The ODA uses the parameter name to generate the attribute names. A business object cannot have two attributes with the same name. This scenario of a child object having the same name was not handled by the ODA.
Resolution: The attribute names for child objects generated by the ODA are now unique.
259037JR21157ALE Module - The adapter fails when the Dummy_key attribute does not exist.
Symptom: When the Dummy_key attribute does not exist in the business object, the adapter fails.
Resolution: The adapter processes the event successfully without dummy_key mapping.
347692JR21157ALE Module - Restart feature does not work.
Symptom: The restart feature does not restart the adapter correctly.
Resolution: The adapter restarts correctly. This fix needs to be implemented in conjunction with the Adapter Framework version or later.
445003JR21157ALE Module - Events are sent to the error queue
Symptom: When the connector was paused, events were sent to the error queue.
Resolution: The events remain inside the event queue to be processed again when the connector is restarted.

This table lists the enhancements and fixes in fix pack version 6.0.1.
144697JR20670ALL - Japanese characters are not supported.
Symptom: Japanese character encoding MS932 is not supported.
Resolution: A new configuration property, PartnerCharset, has been created to specify the partner character set encoding.
237323JR20575Extension Module - Events go to the archive table when the connector is paused and when events are unsubscribed.
Symptom: Events in the event table are moved to the archive table with a status of "3" when the connector is paused. A status of "3" indicates that the event could not be sent to the broker. Polling is still active even when the connector is paused and a poll call will attempt to send events to the broker even when a connector is paused. Also, unsubscribed events are being sent to the archive table. When the subscription is activated, all these events need to be moved back to the event table.
Resolution: Movement of events out of the event table has been updated. When the connector is paused, events are left in the event table with a status of "Q" rather than being moved to the archive table with a status of "3" after a poll call. This change requires that you import the transport from the file A new configuration property, ArchiveUnsubEvents, has been created to give you the option to leave unsubscribed events in the event table. For more information about this property, refer to the technote "New property, ArchiveUnsubEvents, added to the Adapter for"
144688JR20671ALL - The UNIX start script is incorrect
Symptom: The UNIX start script is incorrect.
Resolution: The script has been corrected.
260078JR20575ALE Module - The adapter hangs after sending a business object with carriage-return line-feed (CR LF) characters.
Symptom: The adapter hangs after sending a business object with CR LF characters.
Resolution: The adapter no longer hangs after sending a business object with CR LF characters.
360038JR20575Extension Module - The Event Linkage mechanism is not working on an SAP 4.7 system.
Symptom: The Event Linkage mechanism does not work on an SAP 4.7 system.
Resolution: The Event Linkage mechanism now works on a SAP 4.7 system. This change requires you to import the transport contained in the file.
444080JR20575ALE Module - When the connector is paused, some events disappear.
Symptom: When the connector is paused, some events disappear.
Resolution: A new return code, CONNECTOR_NOT_ACTIVE, sent back by the adapter framework was not being handled properly by the connector. Handling for this return code is added to the connector and now events remain.
537455JR20575ALE Module - The adapter fails with an MQ message format error.
Symptom: The adapter fails with an MQ message format error when processing IDocs with an empty text segment. The following error is generated: "MsgID: 26014, Mesg: Error: MqMessage format error! Could not determine name of parent object and/or data string for business object ,name specified here>."
Resolution: The adapter no longer fails with an MQ message format error.
659080JR20290RFC Server Module - The adapter stops with an invalid response from WebSphere Message Broker
Symptom: When the adapter stops when it receives an invalid response message from WebSphere Message Broker.
Resolution: The adapter no longer stops when it receives an invalid response message from WebSphere Message Broker.
758858JR20290ALE Module - NullPointerException is not being handled.
Symptom: The adapter generates a NullPointerException exception message when incorrect control record data is received.
Resolution: The adapter no longer generates a NullPointerException exception message when incorrect control record data is received.
858954JR20265RFC Server Module - The adapter stops when a business object is not supported.
Symptom: The adapter stops when a business object is not supported.
Resolution: An error is logged, and the adapter keeps processing.
937005JR20265Extension Module - Child business objects are not processed when the ABAP BAPI_Handler is used.
Symptom: Child business objects are not processed when the ABAP BAPI_Handler is used.
Resolution: Child business objects are processed when the ABAP BAPI_Handler is used.

This table lists new connector properties
#VersionPlatformAdd or RemoveProperty (Note that property names are case sensitive)
1 6.0.1 WIN;UNIX Add ArchiveUnsubEvents
2 6.0.1 WIN;UNIX Add PartnerCharset
3 6.0.3 WIN;UNIX Add TrimSpaces
4 6.0.3 WIN;UNIX Add MaxInMemoryBufferSize
5 6.0.5 WIN;UNIX Add IgnoreBapiReturn
6 6.0.6 WIN;UNIX Add EventQMonitorSleepInterval
7 6.0.6 WIN;UNIX Add StartEventQueueMonitor
8 6.0.6 WIN;UNIX Add ReturnAllBAPITableEntries
9 6.0.9 WIN;UNIX Add AllBlankFieldsToCxIgnore
10 6.0.9 WIN;UNIX Add HDRCustomFunctionName

This table lists new or changed files
#VersionPlatformAdd or Remove or ReplaceFile (Starting from %INSTALLDIR% directory)
To see a list of files that have been updated in this fix pack, refer to the file 'updatedFileList.txt' that comes with the fixpack.

Upgrade notes
No special upgrade notes are available for this version of the fix pack.

April 4th, 2008 6:00 PM
(C) 2008 IBM Corporation. Proprietary and Confidential. All Rights Reserved.