This Release Note is specific to an enhancement made to the Shadow Server, the server portion of the Shadow Connect product. ====================================================================== SI-15685: Shadow Server Enhancement: Reduce the number of physical reads (I/O) for a VSAM Update or Delete. To implement this change: 1. FTP the sdlink.bin file to your mainframe. 2. Unterse the sdlink.bin file into a PDS. This PDS will contain 1 member - SDLINK. The PDS should have the following allocation: DCB=(DSORG=PO,RECFM=U,BLKSIZE=6000) SPACE=(CYL,(16,1,1)) 3. Backup up your current Shadow Server load library. 4. Copy the SDLINK load module into your current Shadow load library. 5. Shut down and restart the Shadow Server. ====================================================================== The contents of this media is a sequential file in EBCDIC format. It has been compressed using IBM's TRSMAIN program.