This Release Note is specific to an enhancement made to the Shadow Server, the server portion of the Shadow Connect product. ====================================================================== SI-15685: Shadow Server Enhancement: Reduce the number of physical reads (I/O) for a VSAM Update or Delete. To implement this change: 1. FTP the install.bin and sdlink.bin file to your mainframe. 2. Unterse the install.bin file into a PDS. This PDS will contain 1 member - SDLINK. The PDS should have the following allocation: DCB=(DSORG=PO,RECFM=U,BLKSIZE=6000) SPACE=(CYL,(16,1,1)) Discard the SDLINK member specified in install.bin and use the separately provided SDLINK member downloaded from the patch to replace the one that came with install.bin 3. Expand the sdlink.bin into a load library 4. Backup up your current Shadow Server load library. 5. Replace the SDLINK member in the original LOAD library with the SDLINK member supplied in the patch 6. Shut down and restart the Shadow Server. ====================================================================== The contents of this media is a sequential file in EBCDIC format. It has been compressed using IBM's TRSMAIN program.