Fix Pack Notes for
WebSphere Business Integration
Adapter for e-Mail Version 5.5.1 (HP UX
Integrity Platform only)
The patch notes contain the following sections:
The following set of instructions is only for installing WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for e-Mail Version 5.5.1 on HP-UX v2 IA64 and HP-UX v3 IA64 Operating Systems:
WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for e-Mail version 5.5.1 uses full installer instead of fix pack installer. That is, you do NOT need install WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for e-Mail Version 5.5.0 first.
Installing adapter for e-Mail
1. Download the installer zip file and unzip the file to a local directory
2. Run setupHPIA64.bin*
Note: You can record the options you select when installing for subsequent silent installations. For more information see Installing silently.
* You may need to change permission of setupHPIA64.bin by using the command: chmod 755 setupHPIA64.bin
3. Follow Installer wizard prompts to complete installation of the Adapter for e-Mail. Note that the Installer will end or not proceed if any of the following occurs:
Declining the licensing agreement.
If the specified Installation directory does not contain Adapter Framework
Not providing
sufficient free disk space
Installing silently
1. Launch the Installer using the following command:
setupHPIA64.bin -options-record <install_settings_filename>
For example, you enter
setupHPIA64.bin -options-record mySettings.txt
2. Edit the file containing your settings (for example, mySettings.txt) by adding the following lines to the end of the file:
W destination.path=/opt/IBM/WebSphereAdapters
W <ICS Server value>
G replaceExistingResponse=yesToAll
G replaceNewerResponse=yesToAll
G createDirectoryResponse=yes
G removeExistingResponse=yesToAll
G removeModifiedResponse=yesToAll
For an example, see the settings.txt file bundled with the Installer.
3. To silently install, launch the Installer as follows:
setupHPIA64.bin -silent -options <install_settings_filename>
For example:
setupHPIA64.bin -silent -options mySettings.txt
You can uninstall WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for e-Mail version 5.5.1 by using an interactive (graphical) tool or silently (using scripts).
To launch the graphical Uninstaller:
- Run the following:
After you launch Uninstaller, follow and respond to the prompts presented by the wizard.
To launch a silent uninstall:
- Run the following executable:
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