IBM MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Transaction Server Version 1.1.3 - ReleaseNotes.TXT © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004. All rights reserved.US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. =============================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================== This README file contains: About this PTF release - Product fix history - Interim fixes contained in this release - Backward compatibility - Product compatibility Installation, migration, upgrade, and configuration information - Hardware and software requirements - Installation, migration, upgrade, and configuration notes Uninstallation information Contacting customer support Notices and trademarks =============================================================== About this PTF release =============================================================== This PTF release of IBM MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS, Version 1.1.3, impacts both the Adapter builder component and the Server run time component. The MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Transaction Server v1.1.3 PTF release addresses interim fixes. This PTF release also includes 2 functional enhancements: - BMS Importer - Link3270 bridge adapters The functional enhancements are described fully in the MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Transaction Server Version 1.1.3 documentation and in the online help. Check the Summary of Changes section of the product documentation for a description of what has changed for version 1.1.3. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Product fix history -------------------------------------------------------------------- Adapter builder fix history: The following interim fixes and CSDs have been incorporated into version 1.1.3 of the MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Adapter Builder : PTF U200229 APAR IC40006 The CSD will bring your MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Adapter Builder version 1.1 installation up to service level 1.1.3. Note:APAR PQ84425 has been incorporated into the MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS server run time and is required to use the service level version of the Adapter builder. ------------------------------------------------------------ Server runtime fix history: The following interim fixes and CSDs have been incorporated into version 1.1.3 of the MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Server runtime: PTF UQ87759 APAR PQ84425 The PTF will bring your MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Server runtime version 1.1 installation up to service level 1.1.0-3 Note:APAR IC40006 has been incorporated into the MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Adapter Builder (CSD03) and is required to use the service level version of the MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Server Run Time component. Contact your IBM representative for information on how to obtain version 1.1.3. of the MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Adapter Builder Contact the IBM Support Center to obtain the current "PSP Bucket". PSP Buckets are identified by UPGRADEs, which specify product levels, and SUBSETs, which specify the FMIDs for a product level. Interim fixes contained in this release --------------------------------------------------------------- The following information lists the defect or feature number and describes the defect or feature. All of the defects and features described have been addressed in this PTF release of MQSI Agent for CICS: Builder Defects defect 2871 - Modify data tag code generated incorrectly when 2879 enclosed in IF-THEN-ELSE statement. 2912 defect 2857 - Builder modifies text format within long 2916 description field incorrectly defect 2901 - ENTER key is not set on the Deploy Panel as the default button. defect 2902 - 50 consecutive characters in Advanced SQL mapping causes an OutOfMemoryError defect 2903 - A SPACE is not recognized in Advanced SQL window. It does not activate the APPLY button. defect 2899 - Unbalanced quotes in a literal (' "S ') causes 2976 an OutOfMemoryException error. defect 2900 - Fields are still available for selection and generation even after wiring has been deleted. defect 2814 - A warning message is needed for Screen qualifiers > 160 characters. This will cause a COBOL compile error. defect 2817 - CTRL-SHFT helplist in mapping expression is not inserting the field name properly when the cursor is positioned inside a subscript. defect 2910 - Cannot delete the last mapping expression if more than one mapping expression exists. defect 2890 - Export to write protected media causes MQSI Agent for CICS to hang. defect 2824 - In Advanced Mapper, after selection from the CTRL-SHIFT HelpList, the syntax error message is displayed (even if no error exists). The APPLY key is not enabled, you must press a key (i.e., - SPACE, DELETE)in order to clear the message and enable the APPLY key. defect 2887 - It is not possible to use the same name in substructures of a message. defect 2888 - Dead code remains in mapper after deleting the mapping expression. defect 2917 - Upgrade Java Runtime Environment shipped with the builder 2959 from version 1.2.2 to version 1.3.1,to remain on supported version defect 2918 - Identifier field is used in drop-down boxes on Adapter Tab objects, should be Name field instead. defect 2919 - Message name needed as part of Identifier field on element qualifiers to distinguish between like named qualifiers. defect 2935 - Rebrand to use new splash screen and logos defect 2931 - Casting problem encountered when working with commas and decimal points. defect 2953 - An index value of a space is not generating a Syntax error. defect 2854 - Values entered in the text offset and text length fields are not being saved properly. defect 2907 - Using a cast operation while mapping a target screen field produces a compile error. defect 2964 - Using CNTL + Shift helplist in an indexed field while performing an advanced mapping results in a syntax error Runtime Defects defect 2862 - DFHMADPL module is not cleaning up LU nodes properly during FEPI adapter system error processing defect 2942 - A second FEPI receive is required to retrieve IMS DFS data defect 2943 - Non-USA currency fields are incorrect in the FEPI Navigator defect 2944 - MQSeries queue name descriptions are incorrect defect 2949 - CICS system name is not included in the Error File dump Program Builder Features Feature 2894 - Add scroll bars to Advanced SQL mapping window, also to CTRL-SHIFT pop-up. Currently , the user must enlarge the window manually. Feature 2892 - Reorder Mapping Operations >. 2961 2963 Feature 2904 - COBOL Message Importer should allow Message to be imported as more than 1 mode. Combination of Request, Reply and Undefined to be valid. Feature 2905 - COBOL Message Importer should ask user if he/she wants to Continue Importing Feature 2906 - Ability to turn Java Garbage Collection tracing on and set MIN and MAX Java Heap sizes (ciamqab.bat) Backward compatibility --------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.1.3 of MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS supercedes all prior versions. Product compatibility =============================================================== Installation, migration, upgrade, and configuration information =============================================================== Hardware and software requirements --------------------------------------------------------------- See the chapter on Planning to install the builder in the Using the Control Center documentation for hardware and software requirements for the Adapter Builder. See the chapter titled About MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Transaction Server run time for hardware and software requirements for the server runtime. Installation, migration, upgrade, and configuration notes --------------------------------------------------------------- Installing the Adapter builder component: The installation of the adapter builder PTF requires approximately 40MB of disk space. ==>Installing this PTF: 1. Shut down the IBM MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Adapter Builder Control Center. 2. Ensure you are logged on as an Administrator 3. Run setup.exe 4. You will be presented with the "Welcome" dialog. Select the "Next>" button. 5. You will be informed that the install will update Windows Installer files and remove any prior releases of MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS. You can either Continue or Cancel the install at this point. If you continue, proceed to step 6. 6. Type in or choose the directory where you have installed the base product and then select the "Next>" button. 7. From the "Ready to Install" dialog, verify that the installed components are correct and then select the "Next>" button to Proceed. 8. Any prior releases are removed before the CSD03 release is installed. No data will be lost. 9. Verify the installation was successful on the "Installation Summary" dialog. 10. Select the "Finish" button to complete the installation of the CSD. Installing the Server run time component: ==>Applying this PTF: To install this version of the MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Transaction Server, follow standard SMP/E processing. MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS is delivered with build time templates. These templates are delivered with both the builder and the run time components. These build templates are default versions of program code and JCL that require some customization to operate in your development environment. Typically, these templates will be customized on the OS/390 server and the customized versions will be moved to every client machine intending to generate and deploy CICS MQ adapters. For more information on the build time templates, see the relevant sections in the "Using the Control Center" book and "Run Time User's Guide" -------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration - Server run time -------------------------------------------------------------------- When applying the PTF to the host: ==> Obtain the build time templates that have been customized on the OS/390 server. If using the IVP for testing a FEPI adapter, you must: ==> re-customize and rerun the IVP Properties file update job (DFHMAID3) ==> re-compile DFHMAIP1 and DFHMAIP5. The mapset DFHMAS1 must be reassembled and the program DFHMASP1 must be recompiled before attempting to run the Simulator. For more information on the Simulator, see the relevant sections in the "Run Time User's Guide". If using the IVP for testing a Link3270 adapter, you must: ==> Customize and run the IVP Link3270 Repository file update JCL (DFHMAID4) ==> re-compile DFHMAIP1 and DFHMAIP6. =============================================================== Uninstallation information =============================================================== For information how to uninstall the Adapter Builder component of MQSI Agent for CICS, see the section titled "Remove the builder" in the MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS - Using the Control Center documentation. The server runtime component of MQSI Agent for CICS is SMP/E compliant. Follow standard SMP/E procedures for removing product libraries. =============================================================== Contacting customer support =============================================================== For support of the MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Transaction server product, perform the following steps: 1. Go to 2. Click "Support" in the frame on the left 3. Enter criteria for support 4. Click Submit For addtional information on this PTF release, see the following APARs: 1. For the Adapter builder component: APAR IC40006 2. For the Server run time component: APAR PQ84425 Please visit the MQSeries Integrator Agent for CICS Web site for the most up to date product information: You should visit the website on occasion, as it will be updated periodically with links to information that can help you use the product. =============================================================== Notices and trademarks =============================================================== The following terms are trademarks of IBM Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: CICS, IBM, MQSeries, SupportPac, WebSphere, WebSphere MQ Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. ################### end of readme.txt ##################