IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager(R) IFIX Number: IF00001 APAR(s) Fixed in Previous Release(s): Required Release Level: 7.1.1 Date: (mm/dd/yy): 12/22/09 Abstract: Contains fixes for several APARs. Please refer to description for APAR details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This README file contains the latest information about installing Tivoli Provisioning Manager updates. Updates provided in this Interim Fix are Cumulative, that is, an Interim Fix with a higher number replaces all previous versions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents 1.0 Update Installation Instructions 1.1 Pre-Installation Steps 1.2 Installation Instructions 1.3 Post-Installation Instructions (Mandatory) 1.4 Un-Installation Instructions 2.0 Important Notes 3.0 Troubleshooting 4.0 About this fixpack ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1.0 Update Installation Instructions These installation instruction apply to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager. 1.1 Pre-Installation Steps -------------------------- 1. Verify that Tivoli Provisioning Manager 7.1.1 server is operational. On the web interface, ensure that you can run the workflow named "no_operation". If the workflow was successful, the deployment engine is working correctly and you can continue with the next step in the preinstallation tasks. If the workflow was not successful, check the workflow log and see the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Troubleshooting Guide to resolve the error before you proceed with the next step in the preinstallation tasks 2. For users applying IFIX to a TPM server which has been migrated from 5.1.1.x level to 7.1.1. Please follow the steps mentioned in the "Updating the provisioning server host name on the administrative workstation" topic in the Migration Guide. 3. For TSAM 7.2 users applying this IFIX to their embedded TPM server, modification of the IFIX is needed before applying it. Open the IFIX and remove the vmware_virtual_infrastructure.tcdriver file. This file is located in the /drivers directory in the IFIX packaging. 4. Open a command window. Log on to the provisioning server as "tioadmin". Go to the tools directory. Run the following comand For AIX, Linux or Solaris: . $TIO_HOME/tools/ . $TIO_HOME/tools/ For Windows: %TIO_HOME%\tools\cancel-all-in-progress.cmd %TIO_HOME%\tools\clean-up-deployment-requests.cmd 5. Before applying the update, ensure that the Tivoli Provisioning Manager, WebSphere Application Server(WAS), are stopped. Refer to the documentation provided with each of these products for detailed starting and stopping instructions. 6. Verify that Tivoli Directory Server and the database are started. 1.2 Installation Instructions ----------------------------- 1. Installation user: For AIX, Linux or Solaris: Log on to the system as root as follows, su - root For Windows: Log on to the system with the tioadmin user. 2. Before applying the update, ensure that TIO_HOME is set then ensure JAVA_HOME is set by executing the following: For AIX, Linux or Solaris: export TIO_HOME=/opt/IBM/tivoli/tpm . $TIO_HOME/tools/ For Windows: %TIO_HOME%\tools\setupCmdLine.cmd 3. Create a temp directory and download the update package into this directory, where is the newly created directory. Ensure that you create this temp directory outside of TIO_HOME directory, in order for the install process to successfully complete. 4. Download the IFIX file Unzip the file in the temp directory created in step 3. For example: c:\temp\temifix\ or /tmp/tpmifix/ This will lay down the following file and folder to the temp directory. a. tpm_web/ ( stores tpm_pmp delta zip file) b. tpm_core/ ( location containing all TPM backend delta changes including tcdrivers) 5. Verify your downloaded files by validating their checksum values. a. Ensure that you have downloaded the .md5 file that corresponds to each .zip or tar file from the upgrade download page. b. For Windows: Open a Cygwin window c. Ensure that the .zip and .md5 files must be in the same directory when the md5sum check is run. To validate the file, run the command: For Windows: md5sum -c For Linux or Aix : To validate the file, run the command: Linux: md5sum -c AIX: csum -i 6. Core Components Upgrade: Change directory to "tpm_core" folder and run the following command to upgrade the TPM CORE (deployment engine runtime) to the ifix level: a. Run following install command i. Open Open a command window as Administrator     Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt right click "Run as..." and choose Administrator. ii. Run following install command winCoreCompUpgrade.bat -WASadmin was_adminID -WASadminPWD was_admin_pwd -DBAdmin db_adminID -DBAdminPWD db_admin_pwd - DB2Inst db2_instance e.g winCoreCompUpgrade.bat -WASadmin wasadmin -WASadminPWD ******** -DBAdmin db2admin -DBAdminPWD ******** -DB2Inst ctginst1 winCoreCompUpgrade.bat -WASadmin was_adminID -WASadminPWD was_admin_pwd -DBAdmin db_adminID -DBAdminPWD db_admin_pwd -DB2Inst db2_instance e.g winCoreCompUpgrade.bat -WASadmin wasadmin -WASadminPWD ******** -DBAdmin db2admin -DBAdminPWD ******** -DB2Inst ctginst1 - Step apply to DB2 -WASadmin was_adminID -WASadminPWD was_admin_pwd -DBAdmin db_adminID -DBAdminPWD db_admin_pwd e.g -WASadmin wasadmin -WASadminPWD ******** -DBAdmin ctginst1 -DBAdminPWD ******** - DB2 - Step apply to Oracle -WASadmin was_adminID -WASadminPWD was_admin_pwd -DBAdmin db_adminID -DBAdminPWD db_admin_pwd CDSOraclePWD oracle_admin_pwd e.g -WASadmin wasadmin -WASadminPWD ******** -DBAdmin sys -DBAdminPWD ******** -CDSOraclePWD ******** - Oracle Where was_adminID is the WebSphere Application Server administrator ID. was_admin_pwd is the password for the WebSphere Application Server administrator. db_adminID is the database instance owner that was used to install Tivoli Provisioning Manager. db_admin_pwd is the password of the database instance owner that was specified during Tivoli Provisioning Manager installation. db2_instance is the DB2 instance name oracle_admin_pwd is the CDS oracle password 5. WebComponents Upgrade: User login when running webcomponents upgrade: For AIX, Linux or Solaris using a windows machine as Admin Workstation: Log on to the windows system with the administrator user For AIX, Linux or Solaris that has a Admin Workstation on server: Log on to the system as root as follows, su - root For Windows: Log on to the system with the administrator user 6. Change directory to "tpm_web" folder and copy the tpm_pmp delta zip ( to the maximo admin workstation, and runs PSI installer on the maximo admin workstation to install tpm_pmp delta to the Websphere component. a. Login as tioadmin on TPM server, cd /tools and run tio.cmd/sh start was b. Make sure the LDAP is started 7. - Window System (**Note - TPM 7.1.1 is shipped with multi-platform admin workstations supported) -- make sure the maximo workstation deployment engine is started a. %ProgramFiles%\IBM\Common\acsi\setenv b. %ProgramFiles%\IBM\Common\acsi\bin\listIU c. if (b) return nothing try to restart the "IBM ADE Service" from service window (services.msc) 8. Calling the PSI is as the following via GUI: Location of solutionInstallerGUI For AIX, Linux or Solaris: . $MAXIMO_HOME/bin/ For Windows: C:\IBM\SMP\bin\solutionInstallerGUI.bat a. Run soultionInstallerGUI.bat/sh - GUI will popup. b. Select language > OK c. Click Next at introduction d. Select the file location of "" at Choose PSI Package page e. Click Next at Package Validation Results f. Click each tab of "Maximo DB", "WebShere Admin", "WebSphere Remote", enter Maximo DB userid & password, WebSphere Admin username & password, and WebSphere Remote username & password g. Click Next, Do not select Supported Package Options: leave both "Defer Maximo Application Redeployment" and "Defer the Upgrade of the Maximo Database" checkbox unchecked h. Click Next at Pre-Install Summary i. Deployment Progress is displayed j. Click Next at Package Suucessfully Deployed page k. Click Done at Install Another Package Page 9. After ifix is updated, please verify the IFIX a. Start TPM server b. Run tioStatus.cmd/ c. Login to Maximo UI d. Run a workflow ( ie. no_operation) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.0 Important Notes If TPM 7.1.1 uses MBS version, apply the steps in Section 2.1 to upgrade the MBS Version to If TPM 7.1.1 uses MBS version, ignore the steps in Section 2.1. No upgrade is necessary on MBS. Check the MBS version that TPM 7.1.1 runs on: a. Logon to the TPM Web GUI, click on "Help > System Information". b. Check the "Base Services" for the MBS version. If it says MBS, proceed the steps in Section 2.1 If it says MBS, ignore the steps in Section 2.1. 2.1 Users of MBS -------------------------- 1. Fix for users of MBS installed on TPM 7.1.1 IF00001. As "tioadmin" user, perform the following steps before starting TPM: a. Take a backup image of the server b. Stop TPM c. Download d. Unzip the patch zip file in TIO_HOME *Important Unix Machine, file owner must be set tioadmin e. Start TPM 2. Disabling default fetch limit (global variable) Note: The fetch limit is introduced in MBS (Currently TPM has MBS TPM users should disable this fetch limit as it may break some TPM functions if it is not disabled. a. From Maximo UI, navigate Go To > System Configuration > Platform Configuration > System Properties b. Select "filter" button and search for "mxe.db.fetchStopLimitEnabled" variable c. Expand variable, and set Global Value to "0" (in expanded table) d. Click "Save" button e. Select "mxe.db.fetchStopLimitEnabled" (checkbox next to variable must be "checked") f. At top-left of UI, select drop-down "Select Action" and then select "Live Refresh" g. Verify both "Global Value" and "Current Value" are set to "0" (this may require a second pass-through of step f to ensure that the "Current Value" is updated to 0) 2.2 OEM Install -------------------------- As part of this IFix, installing the agent in stand-alone OEM mode will NOT support overriding the CIT install directory. 3.0 Troubleshooting 3.1 TPMfOSD - WinPE Network Boot CD Binaries --------------------------------------------------- Symptoms When a network boot cd obtained from TPMfOSD is mapped to an endpoint, the following error is given on the endpoint after rebooting: Found value 0 in CMOS Default environment found on media: WPE Error raied by GetSharedSize in utils.rbc, line 3182 {DL5:749] Error in shared repository (called from NTBootWPE (utils.rbc:10022)) (called from SelectEnvFromBootMedia (startup.rbc:1169)) (called from --toplevel-- (startup.rbc:1375)) Causes WinPE network boot cd binaries gets corrupted when trying to download through the link given rather than using Web interface extension. Resolving the problem Use the Web interface extension option given rather than the link provided to download the binaries on local computer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trademarks and Service Marks The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of IBM Corporation in the United States and other countries: IBM WebSphere Tivoli DB2 Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. ************************************************************************** ** COPYRIGHT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION 2009 ** ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ************************************************************************** Note to US Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication, or disclosure is subject to restriction set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. End of README File