IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for WebSphere V6.1


Readme for the update installer V6.1.0


Nov 8, 2007
























1      Abstract.. 3

2      Change History.. 3

3      Installing Updates.. 3

3.1        Unpacking Update. 3

3.2        Unpacking the Update Installer.. 3

3.3        Preparing Environment.. 4

3.4        Updating the Response File. 4

3.5        Preparing Installation.. 5

3.6        Cleaning Prepared Installation.. 6

3.7        Installing.. 6

3.8        Rolling Back Failed Installation.. 7

4      Uninstalling Updates.. 8

4.1        Unpacking the Update Installer.. 8

4.2        Preparing Environment.. 8

4.3        Updating the Response File. 9

4.4        Preparing Uninstallation.. 9

4.5        Cleaning Prepared Uninstallation.. 10

4.6        Uninstalling.. 11

4.7        Rolling Back Failed Uninstallation.. 12

5      Displaying Installed Updates.. 13

5.1        Unpacking the Update Installer.. 13

5.2        Preparing Environment.. 13

5.3        Updating the Response File. 13

5.4        Displaying Installed Updates. 13


1         Abstract


The Update Installer for IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for WebSphere V6.1 provides the following functionality:


This readme describes how to use the update installer.

2         Change History


6.1.0                January 11, 2007


3         Installing Updates


This section describes how to install Fix Packs and interim fixes.

3.1      Unpacking Update


The Fix Packs and interim fixes are distributed as tar files. Create a temporary directory, put the update package there and un-tar.


After un-taring the update package you should get the updates directory that contains the file with the *.update extension. For example:


            >tar xvf



3.2      Unpacking the Update Installer


Copy the update installer tar to the same directory were you un-tared the update package. This directory will typically contain the updates subdirectory. Un-tar the update installer package using the tar command, for example:


>tar xvf ITCAM_V61_UpdateInstaller.tar





The resulting directory structure will contain both, the update installer and the update file. For example:





3.3      Preparing Environment


Before running the update installer you should login as root (Administrator) or owner of the product directory. Then update the environment as below.


The update installer requires the Java Runtime Environment version 1.3.1 or higher. Either include the java command into PATH or define the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the Java Runtime Environment home directory.


For example, on UNIX or Linux, run:



            export JAVA_HOME


NOTE: If the JRE that comes with your application is version 1.3.1, do not use this JRE as the Java home. Instead, point to the JRE provided with the Data Collector installation. Run the following commands:


   export JAVA_HOME

These are the defaults for <DC_HOME>/_jvm/jre:

- UNIX and Linux: /opt/IBM/itcam/WebSphere/DC/_jvm/jre

- Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\DC\_jvm\jre

3.4      Updating the Response File


The update installer is a non-interactive silent installer that works based on the response file. The default name of the response file is and it is supplied with the update installer. Update the response file as follows:


Note: WebSphere Deployment Manager should be in running state.


Note: the response file is Java Properties file. Any backward-slashes should be doubled, for example:


product.location= C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\itcam\\WebSphere\\DC

3.5      Preparing Installation


To reduce the application server or Managing Server down-time the update installer allows to prepare installation while the product is running. This steps is optional but is recommended.


In order to prepare installation change to the directory where the update installer scripts are stored and run the following command:






UNIX or Linux:


./ -prepareInstall


If your response file is named differently then the default then specify it as a parameter:




silentUpdate.bat -prepareInstall


UNIX or Linux:


./ -prepareInstall


A typical output of the -prepareInstall command is:


>./ -prepareInstall

Update installer version 6.1.0

Logging details into C:\Program Files\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\DC\logs\update\update_20050916213723.log

Action: prepare install

Finished successfully

3.6      Cleaning Prepared Installation


If you decide to not install the update after you already run -prepareInstall then you can clean results of the ‘-prepareInstall’ command. In order to do that change to the directory where the update installer scripts are stored and run the following command:






UNIX or Linux:




If your response file is named differently then the default then specify it as a parameter:




silentUpdate.bat -cleanPrepared


UNIX or Linux:


./ -cleanPrepared


A typical output of the -cleanPrepared command is:


>./ -cleanPrepared

Update installer version 6.1.0

Logging details into C:\Program Files\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\DC\logs\update\update_20050916213723.log

Action: clean prepared

Finished successfully

3.7      Installing


It is recommended that you run the -prepareInstall command before installing the update, see the previous section for details.


Before installing the update you should stop the product that you will update, i.e. the application server being monitored or the Managing Server components.


After you stopped the product change to the directory where the update installer scripts are stored and run the following command.




silentUpdate.bat –install


UNIX or Linux:


./ -install


If your response file is named differently then the default then specify it as a parameter:




silentUpdate.bat -install


UNIX or Linux:


./ -install


A typical output of the -install command is:


>./ -install

Update installer version 6.1.0

Logging details into C:\Program Files\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\DC\logs\update\update_20050916213723.log

Action: install

Finished successfully

3.8      Rolling Back Failed Installation


If the -install command fails and the automatic rollback fails also then the runtime will be locked for the updates until the rollback is completed successfully. In order to complete the rollback successfully do the following:




silentUpdate.bat –rollback


UNIX or Linux:


./ –rollback


If your response file is named differently then the default then specify it as a parameter:




silentUpdate.bat -rollback


UNIX or Linux:


./ -rollback


A typical output of the -rollback command is:


>./ -rollback

Update installer version 6.1.0

Logging details into C:\Program Files\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\DC\logs\update\update_20050916213723.log

Action: rollback

Finished successfully


4         Uninstalling Updates


This section describes how to uninstall Fix Packs and interim fixes.

4.1      Unpacking the Update Installer


The all necessary uninstall information is stored to the product directory under the update sub-directory. You don’t need the original update package in order to uninstall it. So download the latest update installer and un-tar it:


>tar xvf ITCAM_V61_UpdateInstaller.tar





4.2      Preparing Environment


Before running the update installer you should login as root (Administrator) or owner of the product directory. Then update the environment as below.


The update installer requires the Java Runtime Environment version 1.3.1 or higher. Either include the java command into PATH or define the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the Java Runtime Environment home directory.


For example, on UNIX or Linux, run:



            export JAVA_HOME

NOTE: If the JRE that comes with your application is version 1.3.1, do not use this JRE as the Java home. Instead, point to the JRE provided with the Data Collector installation. Run the following commands:


   export JAVA_HOME

These are the defaults for <DC_HOME>/_jvm/jre:

- UNIX and Linux: /opt/IBM/itcam/WebSphere/DC/_jvm/jre

- Windows: C:\Program Files\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\DC\_jvm\jre

4.3      Updating the Response File


The update installer is non-interactive silent installer that works based on the response file. The default name of the response file is and it is supplied with the update installer. Update the response file as follows:




Note: WebSphere Deployment Manager should be in running state.




Note: the response file is Java Properties file. Any backward-slashes should be doubled, for example:


product.location=C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\itcam\\WebSphere\\DC

4.4      Preparing Uninstallation


To reduce the application server or Managing Server down-time the update installer allows to prepare uninstallation while the product is running. This steps is optional but is recommended.


In order to prepare uninstallation change to the directory where the update installer scripts are stored and run the following command:






UNIX or Linux:


./ -prepareUninstall


If your response file is named differently then the default then specify it as a parameter:




silentUpdate.bat -prepareUninstall


UNIX or Linux:


./ -prepareUninstall


A typical output of the -prepareUninstall command is:


>./ -prepareUninstall

Update installer version 6.1.0

Logging details into C:\Program Files\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\DC\logs\update\update_20050916213723.log

Action: prepare uninstall

Finished successfully

4.5      Cleaning Prepared Uninstallation

If you decide to not uninstall after you already run -prepareUninstall then you can clean results of the ‘-prepareUninstall’ command. In order to do that change to the directory where the update installer scripts are stored and run the following command:






UNIX or Linux:




If your response file is named differently then the default then specify it as a parameter:




silentUpdate.bat -cleanPrepared


UNIX or Linux:


./ -cleanPrepared


A typical output of the -cleanPrepared command is:


>./ -cleanPrepared

Update installer version 6.1.0

Logging details into C:\Program Files\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\DC\logs\update\update_20050916213723.log

Action: clean prepared

Finished successfully

4.6      Uninstalling


It is recommended that you run the -prepareUninstall command before uninstalling the update, see the previous section for details.


Before uninstalling the update you should stop the product that you will update, i.e. the application server being monitored or the Managing Server components.


After you stopped the product change to the directory where the update installer scripts are stored and run the following command:




silentUpdate.bat –uninstall


UNIX or Linux:


./ -uninstall


If your response file is named differently then the default then specify it as a parameter:




silentUpdate.bat -uninstall


UNIX or Linux:


./ -uninstall


A typical output of the -uninstall command is:


>./ -uninstall

Update installer version 6.1.0

Logging details into C:\Program Files\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\DC\logs\update\update_20050916213723.log

Action: uninstall

Finished successfully


4.7      Rolling Back Failed Uninstallation

If the -uninstall command fails and the automatic rollback fails also then the runtime will be locked for the updates until the rollback is completed successfully. In order to complete the rollback successfully do the following:




silentUpdate.bat –rollback


UNIX or Linux:


./ –rollback


If your response file is named differently then the default then specify it as a parameter:




silentUpdate.bat -rollback


UNIX or Linux:


./ -rollback


A typical output of the -rollback command is:


>./ -rollback

Update installer version 6.1.0

Logging details into C:\Program Files\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\DC\logs\update\update_20050916213723.log

Action: rollback

Finished successfully


5         Displaying Installed Updates

This section describes how to display a list of the installed Fix Packs and interim fixes.

5.1      Unpacking the Update Installer


Download the latest update installer and un-tar it:


>tar xvf ITCAM_V61_UpdateInstaller.tar





5.2      Preparing Environment


Before running the update installer you should login as root (Administrator) or owner of the product directory. Then update the environment as below.


The update installer requires the Java Runtime Environment version 1.3.1 or higher. Either include the java command into PATH or define the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point to the Java Runtime Environment home directory.


For example, on UNIX or Linux, run:



            export JAVA_HOME

5.3      Updating the Response File


The update installer is non-interactive silent installer that works based on the response file. The default name of the response file is and it is supplied with the update installer. Update the response file as follows:


Note: the response file is Java Properties file. Any backward-slashes should be doubled, for example:


product.location=C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\itcam\\WebSphere\\DC


5.4      Displaying Installed Updates


To display a list of the installed Fix Packs and interim fixes change to the directory where the update installer scripts are stored and run the following command:






UNIX or Linux:


./ -displayInstalledUpdates


If your response file is named differently then the default then specify it as a parameter:




silentUpdate.bat -displayInstalledUpdates


UNIX or Linux:


./ -displayInstalledUpdates


A typical output of the - displayInstalledUpdates command is:


>./ - displayInstalledUpdates

Update installer version 6.1.0

Logging details into

C:\Program Files\IBM\itcam\WebSphere\DC\logs\update\update_20060121163339.log

Action: display installed updates

Updates installed 21.02.06 16:43


Finished successfully