IBM Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator readme file for UNIX or Linux


Copyright statement
About this fix pack
Enhancements/changes included in this fix pack
Umask modification
Integration with Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager
Cancel software distributions
Discovery of 64-bit Windows systems based on registry keys
Quicker discovery of new agents
SBP size limit increased from 2 GB to 4 GB
Upgrade CIT to 2.6 version
Compliance check enhanced
Hide sensitive information in SPBHandler log and trace files during a deployment
Enhance Weblogic discovery using Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager
Fixes included in this fix pack
Product compatibility
Preinstallation tasks
Installation requirements
Common directory paths
Installation tasks
Installing the fix pack
Recovering from installation errors
Post-installation tasks
Upgrading the common agent
Upgrading the Automation Package Developer Environment and Software Package Editor
Downloads and updates
Documentation updates
Installation Guide updates
Migration and Coexistence Guide updates
Information center updates
Known problems
On Solaris platforms an Out Of Memory error occurs and the Web interface pages fail to load
On AIX platforms a software package editor error occurs
Installing the common agent on UNIX endpoints
Upgrading TCA on computers with Windows Vista and Windows 2008
TCA information not updated for Linux computers
Target computer clean up does not occur after canceling SPB installation
Failure when distributing for a second time using SDI the same software product or file on a SUSE Linux 9 or 10 target computer
Files with group write permissions in WAS_HOME directory after installing the fix pack
Contacting customer support
Additional license information
Notices and trademarks

Copyright statement

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in the section Notices and trademarks.

© Copyright IBM® Corporation 2010. All rights reserved. May only be used pursuant to a Tivoli® Systems Software License Agreement, an IBM Software License Agreement, or Addendum for Tivoli Products to IBM Customer or License Agreement. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without prior written permission of IBM Corporation. IBM Corporation grants you limited permission to make hardcopy or other reproductions of any machine-readable documentation for your own use, provided that each such reproduction shall carry the IBM Corporation copyright notice.

No other rights under copyright are granted without prior written permission of IBM Corporation. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

About this fix pack

This fix pack only applies to a regular installation of Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator (an installation with IBM WebSphere® Application Server as the application server). Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator must be at version A fix pack is not available for a Fast Start installation.

Enhancements/changes included in this fix pack

The enhancements and changes included in this fix pack are:

Umask modification

Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator version 5.1.1.x has a more rigorous security standard than prior releases. As part of this standard, file permissions are more restrictive, for example a umask 022 enforcement with revocation of group write privileges has been implemented. This fix pack includes changes to enforce this higher level of security as part of the fix pack upgrade process. An option is available in the fix pack installer to bypass these steps and perform them at a later time.

Before starting with the installation of Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator version, ensure that you set the umask value with 022 for the root profile. If this umask value is not set, the installation process does not complete successfully and displays an error message.

To fix the permissions of the already existing resources in your environment you can:

In both cases, a file containing the list of the resources needed to be fixed is generated automatically. This file is used each time you run the stand-alone script for fixing the resource permissions.

The file with the resource list is created by scanning the following directories on the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator server:


With this fix pack also a recovery script, named, is provided to be used for recovering the permission changes done to the resources, if necessary.

Both and scripts are located inside the fix pack image. After unpacking the files, the scripts are stored under the following directory:


Running these scripts without any parameters will print out the usage information.

Integration with Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager

In environments where IBM Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM) is used as the primary tool for discovering IT assets and their configuration, Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator provides a discovery configuration named Change And Configuration Management Database Discovery to extract data from Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager and import it into Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator. With Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator version or earlier versions, this integration was supported for Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager version 7.1. For details about the Change and Configuration Management Database discovery, see the following Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic:

With this fix pack, the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager integration has been extended to support Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager 7.1.2 or later versions. The Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager Discovery is performed by running the discovery configuration named TADDM Discovery Using Rest. This discovery configuration uses the REST (Representational State Transfer) protocol, and does not require JAR files being copied from the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager server to the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator server. To run the discovery, see the following Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic:

Cancel software distributions

You can now cancel a software distribution to all target computers, while the software package is already being distributed to the target computers. The feature provided is based on the four possible states that a target computer might have during the deployment of a software distribution.

This feature supports the cancelation of simple and single software modules only.
Table 1. Software distribution cancellation depending on the target computer state
Current® state of your target computer If you cancel the software distribution
Computer has not started downloading the job Job is canceled with no effect on the computer
Computer has started downloading the job Job is canceled with no effect on the computer
Computer has started processing the job Job is canceled if the actual installation phase has not already started
Computer has terminated processing the job Computer is rolled back to its previous state

To cancel a software distribution, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Web interface, click Task Management -> Track Tasks.
  2. Identify and select the software distribution task that you want to cancel.
  3. Select the action menu for the task to be canceled and click Cancel.

To enable this feature, ensure that the following new configuration parameter is set to true:


To set the new configuration parameter to true, perform these steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, expand System Management.
  2. Click Global Settings.
  3. Click the Variables tab.
  4. Select Add Variable from the Edit menu.
  5. In Key enter SDI.Cancel.Through.
  6. In Value enter true.
  7. Click Save.

This feature is disabled by default. If you want to disable the feature later, ensure that you set the parameter to any value different from true.

Discovery of 64-bit Windows systems based on registry keys

Most Windows software signatures have been modified to correctly discover the 32-bit Windows systems against the following registry key:


According to the changes performed by Microsoft® on the wow64 emulator of the 64-bit Windows systems, it is now possible to discriminate between Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit scanned systems.

The signature definition for the following operating systems has been modified accordingly:

A post-installation step is required for the change to become effective because the XML files are installed by this fix pack, but not imported. Move to the %TIO_HOME%\tools directory and run the following command:

importSoftwareSignature.cmdá "C:\Programá Files\ibm\tivoli\tpm\xml\
samplebook\IBM-software-custom-signature.xml" true

Quicker discovery of new agents

You can now install a Tivoli common agent (TCA) locally on the target computer, as a standalone installation, with the required configuration to automatically discover the computer right after the agent installation. In this way, you can discover the agent in a quicker way without running the IBM Tivoli Common Agent Discovery from the Web interface.

This mechanism can only be used to run an initial discovery of an agent and does not keep track of its status changes.

To enable this feature, the following new configuration parameter must be set to true:


The default value is set to false.

You can enable the feature in two different ways:

After having installed the standalone Tivoli common agent you can still trigger manually the quicker discovery from the target computer by running the following command from the agent directory:

On UNIX and Linux platforms
./ tpmAgentStatus sendStatus
On Windows platforms
agencli.bat tpmAgentStatus sendStatus

SBP size limit increased from 2 GB to 4 GB

A software package block bundles all the resources, which are necessary to perform the actions contained in a software package, into a standard zipped format. When the software package block is distributed to a target computer, it is not stored on the target computer, but is unzipped in the target directory. The maximum size of a software package block is now 4 GB.

Upgrade CIT to 2.6 version

Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator embeds Common Inventory Technology (CIT) 2.6 which supports also Windows 2008. The CIT version is upgraded by running an agentless CIT scan on a target computer without Tivoli common agent installed, or upgrading the subagent on the target computer with Tivoli common agent installed. In both cases CIT is upgraded to version 2.6.

Compliance check enhanced

You can now define a compliance check caching value to the compliance group based on your business needs. For example, if the patch scan you perform is regularly running once every month, you can specify a caching value of one month for the patch compliance group. Log on to the Web Interface as TPM administrator, select the compliance group that you intend to modify, and on the Variables tab of the compliance group, you can add a new variable by performing the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, expand Inventory.
  2. Click Manage Inventory > Groups.
  3. Click the group you want to work with.
  4. Click the Variables tab.
  5. Select Add Variable from the Edit menu.
  6. In Key enter compliance_check_caching_value_in_hours.
  7. In Component select Configuration compliance.
  8. In Value specify a value for the new variable. The value you specify must be in hours. For example, 1 week = 24 x 7 = 168 hours.
  9. (Optional) Enter a description for the variable.
  10. Click Save.

When a scheduled compliance scan and check is triggered, after the scan is complete, the compliance check will be run only on those computers in the group where the time between the last compliance check and the current time exceeds the compliance check caching value that you have defined for the group. Therefore a new computer, which is added to the group, will be checked, while existing computers of the group might or might not be checked depending on the compliance check caching value.

Hide sensitive information in SPBHandler log and trace files during a deployment

The SPBHandler subagent has been disabled to write, to the RCA log and trace files, sensitive information transmitted to the subagent using the SRT parameters.

Enhance Weblogic discovery using Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager

During the TADDM discovery, Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator tries to detect all the Weblogic server parameters that are described in this section. One or more parameters might be unavailable at run time, for example when Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager (TADDM) was previously unable to discover the parameters from the target computers. In this case, these parameters are not replicated into Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator.

For the Weblogic server, the following attributes are now discovered:

Weblogic platform installation object


Weblogic server and administration server object


Weblogic Server J2EE deployed application software configuration data


JDBC connection pool configuration data


JDBC data source configuration data


JMS configuration data


Refer to the Tivoli Application Dependency Discovery Manager documentation and to the Weblogic Server documentation for details about these configuration parameters.

Fixes included in this fix pack

Version (Fix Pack 3) includes fixes addressed in version and customer Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs) from previous interim fixes.

  1. Go to the IBM Support Web site at
  2. In the Search all of support box, enter and click the search button.
  3. Click (HTTP).

Product compatibility

There is no refresh installation included as part of this fix pack. Only an existing version on any interim fix level can be upgraded to version Migration from version 5.1 and version 5.1.1 to version is not supported.

Fix pack applies to regular installations only
You can only apply the fix pack to a regular installation of Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator (an installation with WebSphere Application Server as the application server). A fix pack is not available for a Fast Start installation.
Software Package Editor compatibility
Software Package Editor and the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator installation must both be updated to version to work together properly.
If you have Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator components distributed in a multi-node installation, the fix pack must be applied to the application server node where Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator is installed and not on the IBM DB2® Universal Database server, LDAP server, or the directory server node.
Agent manager and common agent version

Preinstallation tasks

You must install and configure all components of Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator version before attempting the installation of Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Thoroughly review the following list of installation prerequisites before you proceed with the installation.

Installation requirements

This fix pack can only be applied to Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator version After the upgrade, when starting the provisioning server for the first time, ensure that all post-installation workflows initiated by a Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator upgrade are completed prior to stopping Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator and starting Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator
  1. Identify your current installation situation. Consider the following scenarios:
    New Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator installation
    Before you install this fix pack, you must first install Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator version For a regular installation, refer to the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Installation Guide.

    For Linux on IBM iSeries®, IBM pSeries®, or IBM zSeries® and Linux on AMD, you must perform the installation manually. Refer to the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Installation Guide for additional platforms for your operating system.

    Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator is currently installed

    If Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator is already installed, you upgrade from version to

    The fix pack can be applied to an existing regular installation of Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator. After verifying all the prerequisites described in this section, you can install the fix pack. A fix pack is not available for a Fast Start installation.

  2. Verify disk space requirements:

    Table 2. Disk space requirements for the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator node
    Location Disk space requirements
    Disk space for installation images 2 GB
    Disk space to extract files from installation images 2.5 GB
    / 250 MB
    Temporary files: /tmp 600 MB
    /usr 50 MB
    /var 1 MB
    /home 100 MB

    Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator installation directory

    The default location is: /opt/IBM/tivoli/tio

    IBM AIX®
    5 GB
    3.5 GB
    3.6 GB

    Agent manager installation directory:

    50 MB
  3. Ensure that the zip and unzip utilities are installed on the provisioning server, and that the zip executable file is in the system PATH. This is required so that the fix pack files can be extracted. If not already installed, download the RPM zip and unzip packages from the following locations:
  4. If the provisioning server is installed on AIX, ensure that the GNU tar utility is installed and is also in the system PATH. This is required so that the fix pack files can be extracted. If not already installed, download the GNU tar package from
  5. Log on to the provisioning server as administrator. If Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator is LDAP based, log on as user tioappadmin
  6. Verify that Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator is operational.

    Ensure that you can run the workflow named no_operation. For instructions about how to run a workflow, refer to the Running workflows from the Web interface topic in the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator version 5.1.1 information center.

  7. Verify the currently installed version of Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator. The fix pack is compatible with version

    To determine the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator version, in the Web interface, click the About link at the top right corner of the Welcome page.

  8. Verify data model requirements:

    Verify that the sample:all-objects access domain exists. If you removed this access domain after installing Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator, you must re-create it before installing the fix pack.

    1. Connect to the database:
      For DB2 Universal Database™
      db2 connect to database_name user database_user using password
      The name of the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator database. The default database name is tc.
      The database user name. If you installed version with the default installation path, the DB2 Universal Database user is tioadmin.
      The password for database_user.
      For example:
      db2 connect to tc user tioadmin using pa55w0rd
      For Oracle database
      sqlplus database_user/password@database_name
      The database user name. If you installed version with the default installation path, the Oracle database user is tiodb.
      The name of the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator database. The default database name is tc.
      The password for database_user.
      For example:
      sqlplus tiodb/pa55w0rd@tc
    2. Run the following command.
      For DB2 Universal Database
      db2 "select * from access_domain where name = 'sample:all-objects'"
      For Oracle database
      In SQL*Plus, enter:
      select * from access_domain where name = 'sample:all-objects'
      • If the command returns one record, then the access domain exists and no further action is necessary for this requirement.
      • If the command does not return any records, you must re-create the access domain. Proceed to the next steps.
    3. Create a new file called sampleAccessDomain.xml with the following lines:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
      <!DOCTYPE datacenter PUBLIC " -//Think Dynamics//DTD XML Import//EN"
         <access-domain name="sample:all-objects">
    4. Import the file that you created with the following command:
      $TIO_HOME/tools/ file:path/sampleAccessDomain.xml
      1. If you imported the sample data in venice.xml, you must remove the sample boot server called Rembo. If this boot server is in the data model during fix pack installation, the automation package migration fails. In the Web interface, click Inventory > Infrastructure Management > Boot Servers. Find the sample Rembo boot server and delete it.
      2. During installation of the fix pack, automation packages provided with Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator are updated. If you removed some of the automation packages provided with previous versions of Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator, but did not remove the data model objects associated with those automation packages, the update process fails.

        For each automation package that you have removed, ensure that the data model objects that were created by the automation package are also removed. For example, if you removed an automation package for a piece of software, any software catalog entries created by the automation package must also be removed. Information about the objects created by an automation package is in the xml subfolder of the automation package.

        Alternatively, you can reinstall all provided automation packages that you removed before you begin the fix pack installation.

    5. During the installation of the fix pack, the TCA- Upgrade software module is deleted as part of a clean-up action. If there are data model objects associated with this software module, the migration fails. One example of such an association is when the installable belonging to the TCA- software module is published to one or multiple depots.
      Unpublish the TCA- Upgrade installable files and manually delete the TCA- Upgrade software module.
  9. Verify passwords required to perform the fix pack installation.
  10. To ensure successful installation of the language pack, ensure that the user tioadmin has read, write, and execute permissions for all directories under $TIO_HOME/tioprofile.
  11. Cancel all running workflows and clear failed, deleted, and canceled workflows. Ensure that Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator is stopped. For more information, refer to the Administering Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator section in the Installation Guide.
    1. Open a command window.
    2. Go to the $TIO_HOME/tools directory.
    3. Run the following commands:
  12. The command marks all the in-progress deployment requests as abandoned (failed). The log files cancel-all-in-progress.log and clean-up-deployment-requests.log are created with the results of the commands.
  13. Check for /bin as an entry in the PATH environment variable for the shell that you are using. If /bin is defined towards the beginning of the list in the PATH environment variable and the java command resolves with a path of /bin/java, installation of the dynamic content delivery service fails.
    1. To confirm the location of Java™, run the command:
      which java

      If this command is not available on your system, run the following command instead:

      type java
    2. If the returned value is /bin/java, run the following command to display the contents of the PATH variable:
      echo $PATH
    3. If the first part of the path is /bin, update the PATH variable so that /bin does not resolve the java command. There are several options for making this change:
      • Move /bin to the end of the list of paths in the PATH variable. Normally the java command will resolve to /usr/bin/java.
      • Create a symbolic link for /bin/java under another directory and add that path to the front of the PATH variable. For example, if you have a link in /usr/bin to the java command, ensure that /usr/bin is at the front of the PATH variable or place /usr/bin before /bin in the list of paths.
  14. During installation, the installer runs the command df -Mk. On AIX, the GNU version of the df command does not support the -Mk option. Set the default df command to the native AIX version instead of the GNU version or change any existing symbolic link to point to the native AIX version for the fix pack installation.
  15. If you have a Linux on zSeries installation of Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator and you disabled the Java Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler after installation, you must enable the JIT compiler again and apply IBM Java SDK Version 1.4.2, Service Release 8. This Java SDK update fixes an issue with the reinit script that required you to disable the JIT compiler. The Java SDK update must be installed to successfully install the fix pack.
    1. Open the file $TIO_HOME/tools/ and comment out the following line:
      export JITC_COMPILEOPT=NALL{org/eclipse/osgi/framework/internal/core/
    2. Open the file $TIO_HOME/.tools/dcm/ and comment out the following line:
      export JAVA_COMPILER=nojit
    3. Download the 31-bit zSeries (IBM S/390®) version of the Java SDK Version 1.4.2, Service Release 8 from This version of the download should be used for both 31-bit and (s390) and 64-bit (s390x) installations.
    4. Install the Java SDK according to the Java SDK documentation. If an older service release is already installed, force installation of Service Release 8.
    5. Open the file $TIO_HOME/tools/ and change the value of JAVA_HOME to the directory where you installed the Java SDK.
  16. Back up your installation:
    The fix pack installation makes changes to the database, directory server, and files in the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator installation directory. These changes cannot be rolled back. If installation of the fix pack fails, you must restore a backup of the product before you applied the fix pack or reinstall the product, and then retry the fix pack installation.
    1. Back up your current installation. Use your own backup tools to perform a full system backup or refer to the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Installation Guide for instructions about how to back up Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator data.
    2. If the directory server or database is on a separate computer, also ensure that you back up that data.
    3. Save workflows that you created in the Web interface that you want to keep. If you create a new workflow in the Web interface, the workflow is saved in the data model and is associated with the automation package called default_automation_package by default. A copy of the workflow is not saved in the automation package file default_automation_package.tcdriver.

      The default_automation_package automation package can cause problems during the fix pack installation and is therefore deleted during the installation. If you want to save a workflow that you created in the Web interface, perform the following steps:

      Click Automation > Workflows

      1. Search for the workflow name.
      2. In the search results, click the workflow that you want to save.
      3. Click Edit > Export. The file is saved as a .wkf file.

      After the fix pack installation, you can add the workflow back into Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator by opening it in the workflow composer and compiling the workflow. If you have multiple workflows to import, you can add them to an automation package and install the automation package.

  17. Ensure that you have downloaded all the installation files required for the fix pack:
    Table 3. Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Downloads available from the Fix Pack Web page
    Operating System Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Components

    Upgrading from

    When you extract the file, the following components are displayed:
    • drivers
    • TPMPortletWrapper
    • TCA
    • languagepack
    • GA_preinstall_checklist
    • GA_install_guide
    • license
    • CDS
    • installer,
    which includes:
       - CDS\Win32\setup.exe  

    Upgrading from

    When you extract the file, the following components are displayed:
    • drivers
    • TPMPortletWrapper
    • TCA
    • languagepack
    • GA_preinstall_checklist
    • GA_install_guide
    • license
    • CDS
    • installer,
    which includes:
        - CDS/AIXPPC32/setup.bin

    Upgrading from

    When you extract the file, the following components are displayed:
    • drivers
    • TPMPortletWrapper
    • TCA
    • languagepack
    • GA_preinstall_checklist
    • GA_install_guide
    • license
    • CDS
    • installer,
    which includes:
        - CDS/SolarisSparc/setup.bin


    Upgrading from

    When you extract the file, the following components are displayed:
    • drivers
    • TPMPortletWrapper
    • TCA
    • languagepack
    • GA_preinstall_checklist
    • GA_install_guide
    • license
    • CDS
    • installer,
    which includes:
      - CDS/LinuxIA32/setup.bin
      - CDS/LinuxPPC64/setup.bin
      - CDS/LinuxS390/setup.bin

    Upgrading from,
    which includes:
        - CDS/HPUXIA64/setup.bin

  18. Verify your downloads by validating their checksum values:
    1. Ensure that you have downloaded the .md5 file that corresponds to each .zip file from the fix pack download page.
    2. For each download, run the following command:

      Linux or Solaris: md5sum -c filename.md5
      AIX: csum -i filename.md5

      where filename.md5 is the name of the file that contains the md5 sum and the name of the file. The md5 file must include only the .zip file name and not its full path.

      The command calculates the md5 sum for the file, automatically compares it with the value listed in the .md5 file, and returns OK if the values are the same. For this to work, the .zip and .md5 files must be in the same directory when the md5sum check is run.

      For example, to validate the file, run the command:

      Linux or Solaris: md5sum -c
      AIX: csum -i
  19. Create a temporary directory for the fix pack. In these instructions, the directory is called fp_temp. The temporary directory must meet these requirements:
  20. Extract the contents of both fix pack downloads (Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator and components) to the temporary directory. After you unpack the files, you can delete the zipped fix pack downloads to free space in the directory if necessary.
  21. Run the following command: chmod -Rf 755 fp_temp, where fp_temp is the temporary directory that you created.
  22. Ensure that Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator is stopped. For instructions, see the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Installation Guide, Common tasks for Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator installation, in the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Version 5.1.1 information center.
  23. Ensure that WebSphere Application Server is stopped. For instructions, see the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Installation Guide, Common tasks for Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator installation, in the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Version 5.1.1 information center.
  24. Ensure that the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator database server and directory server are still running. The database and directory server must be running during the fix pack installation process to complete the installation successfully.
    Tivoli Directory Server

    To verify the IBM Tivoli Directory Server on Windows:

    1. Open the Services control panel.
    2. Find the entry for the IBM Tivoli Directory Server instance.
    3. If the server instance is not started, right-click the server instance name and click Start.
    AIX or Linux
    ibmdirctl -D cn=root -w password status
    ibmdirctl -D cn=root -w password -h hostname status
    DB2 Universal Database

    To verify that DB2 Universal Database is running:

    1. Switch to the DB2 Universal Database instance owner. For example, if you are using the default instance owner db2inst1, run the command:
      su - db2inst1
    2. To start DB2 Universal Database, run the command:
      DB2 Universal Database is started if it is not running already. If the database is already running, the following message is displayed:
      SQL1026N  The database manager is already active
    Oracle database
    To check the status of the Oracle database and to start the database, if necessary:
    1. To log in as the oracle user, enter su - oracle.
    2. To check if the Oracle database listener is running, enter lsnrctl status. If the listener is running, detailed information about the listener is displayed. If the listener is not running, the following message is displayed:
      TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
    3. If the listener is not running, enter lsnrctl start to start the listener.
    4. To check if the Oracle database is running, enter sqlplus / as sysdba. If the database is running, a message similar to the following is displayed:
      Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release
      If the database is stopped, the following message is displayed:
      Connected to an idle instance.
    5. If the database is stopped, enter startup in SQL*Plus to start it.
  25. If you are applying the fix pack on System z®, perform the following changes before starting the installation:
    cd /opt/IBM/AgentManager/install
    cp -p 
    In the file update the following variables:
    where $hostname is the host name of the DB2 server or the primary HADR DB2 server. The host name must resolve in DNS and must be running.

Common directory paths

This readme file uses the following variables to represent directory paths.

Table 4. Path variables
Path variables Definition Default directory
AM_installdir Installation directory for the agent manager /opt/IBM/AgentManager
$DMS_HOME Installation directory for the device manager service /opt/IBM/tivoli/tpm/DeviceManager
DB2_installdir Installation directory for DB2 Universal Database
AIX: /usr/opt/db2_08_01
Solaris and Linux: /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1
IDS_installdir Installation directory for Tivoli Directory Server
$ORACLE_HOME Installation directory for Oracle $ORACLE_BASE/product/

The value of $ORACLE_BASE is the directory in which all Oracle software is installed, for example, /u01/app/oracle.

$WAS_HOME Installation directory for WebSphere Application Server
AIX: /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
Solaris and Linux: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
$TIO_HOME Installation directory for Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator
$TIO_LOGS Log file directory for Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator

Installation tasks

Installing the fix pack

  1. Ensure that you meet all the requirements as described in Preinstallation tasks.
  2. Ensure that the directory server and database are running. For instructions about checking the status of applications, see the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Installation Guide, Common tasks for Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator installation, in the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Version 5.1.1 information center.
  3. Ensure that Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator and WebSphere Application Server are stopped. For instructions, see the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Installation Guide, Common tasks for Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator installation, in the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Version 5.1.1 information center.
  4. Log in to the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator computer as root.
  5. Run the following command, depending on what is supported on your operating system:
    export TERM=ansi
    export TERM=xterm
    export TERM=vt100
  6. Change to the fp_temp directory.
  7. Run the following command to install the fix pack. Note that the installation options are case-sensitive.

    For DB2 Universal Database -WASadmin was_adminID -WASadminPWD
    was_admin_pwd -DBAdmin db_adminID -DBAdminPWD db_admin_pwd -TEMPDIR tempdir

    For Oracle database -WASadmin was_adminID -WASadminPWD was_admin_pwd 
    -DBAdmin sys -DBAdminPWD sys_pwd -CDSOraclePWD cds_schema_pwd -TEMPDIR tempdir
  8. If Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator is installed on Solaris, you must precompile all JavaServer Pages to ensure that the Web interface loads correctly. This step is needed as a result of a Java problem on Solaris operating systems. To precompile all JavaServer Pages, run the following command:
  9. If Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator is installed on Linux on zSeries and you are upgrading from version, you must update the file for Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator to start correctly. To update this file, open $TIO_HOME/tools/ and replace the following line:
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m
    $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xms512M -Xmx512M 
    then save and close the file.
  10. Verify that you can log on to the dynamic content delivery service console. If the message The specified username or password is incorrect is displayed, this might indicate that SOAP services were not started. Check the log file $TIO_LOGS/soap/desoap_start.log. For information about how to fix the SOAP services, refer to the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Installation Guide for your operating system.

Recovering from installation errors

The following main steps occur during the installation of the fix pack:

  1. Installation of fix pack files.
  2. Post-installation configuration such as migration of directory server data and migration of automation packages.
  3. Upgrade of the agent manager.
  4. Upgrade the dynamic content delivery service.
  5. Database schema updates to tables and views in the database.

To recover from an installation error:

  1. Record any error messages that you received and address the errors.
  2. Check the log files for information about the error and possible recovery actions.
    Writable to read-only LDAP migration
    Fix pack installer
    Data and LDAP migration
    The agent manager
    The dynamic content delivery service
    The device manager service
    Automation package installation
    Automation package data migration
  3. Refer to Known problems for possible installation errors and recovery actions.
  4. An uninstaller is not available for the fix pack. Restore your backup of the product before you start the fix pack installation.
  5. When you have fixed the source of the installation error, attempt the fix pack installation again.

Post-installation tasks

Upgrading the common agent

After you successfully completed the installation of the fix pack on the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator server, you must upgrade older versions of the common agent on the target computers.

If you have depot servers defined in your environment, ensure that you follow this order when upgrading the common agents:

  1. Upgrade the common agent installed on the depot servers.
  2. Publish the common agent upgrades on the depot servers.
  3. Upgrade the common agent on the target computers.

Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator supports upgrade paths from the following common agent levels:

You can upgrade the common agent from version or version to version (Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator in one of the following ways:

The steps to upgrade the common agents using the Software Distribution Infrastructure (SDI) are:

  1. Publish the TCA- Upgrade installable for the specific platform as shown in the following table. Make sure that it is published to a preferred upload server depot.
    Name Version Installation Files
    TCA- Upgrade TCA- AIX Upgrade Installable
    TCA- Upgrade TCA- HP-UX on Itanium® Upgrade Installable
    TCA- Upgrade TCA- HP-UX Upgrade Installable
    TCA- Upgrade TCA- Linux390 Upgrade Installable
    TCA- Upgrade TCA- Linux86 Upgrade Installable
    TCA- Upgrade TCA- LinuxPPC Upgrade Installable
    TCA- Upgrade TCA- Solaris Upgrade Installable
    TCA- Upgrade TCA- Solaris x86 Upgrade Installable
    TCA- Upgrade TCA- Windows Upgrade Installable
  2. Go to Software Management > Upgrade > Software Product to upgrade the targets.

The steps to upgrade the common agents using the deployment engine (DE) are:

  1. In the navigation pane, expand Inventory.
  2. Click Manage Inventory -> Computers.
  3. Identify and click the computer you want to upgrade.
  4. Click the Credentials tab.
  5. Ensure that no default service access point is defined in the Custom operations for endpoints field for the target on which you want to perform the upgrade.
  6. In the navigation pane, expand Software Management.
  7. Click Upgrade > Software Product.
  8. Select one or more target computers where you want to upgrade the common agent.
  9. (Optional) Schedule the task to run at a specified time.
  10. Click Submit.

If the Software Upgrade page does not load, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Task Management -> Favorite Tasks.
  2. In the Table Filtering list, select Workflow Task, and then click Create. Follow the instructions in the wizard to create your workflow task.
  3. On the Introduction page, click Next.
  4. On the Select Workflow page, type a name and a description for your task, and then select the TCA_Device_Upgrade.wkf workflow. Click Next.
  5. On the Define Workflow Parameters page, select DeviceID. Click Next.
  6. Review your choices on the Summary page, and click Finish.
  7. Run the favorite task that you just created.
  8. On the Favorite Tasks page, find the workflow task that you created and in that row click Actions -> Run. Follow the instructions in the wizard to run the task on multiple target computers.
  9. On the Select Target Systems page, select the target computers for the task. Click Next.
  10. On the Favorite Task Parameters page, edit the task parameters as required. Click Next.
  11. On the Schedule page, select Now to run the task immediately, or schedule the task to run at a specified date and time. Specify the notification settings for the task, and then click Next.
  12. Review your choices on the Summary page and click Finish.

The common agents installed from a Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator server version IF00002 or later are already at version However, they must upgrade the subagents to reach version at level. Follows these steps to upgrade the required subagents for each target computer:

  1. In the navigation pane, expand Inventory.
  2. Click Manage Inventory -> Computers.
  3. Using the mouse cursor on the target computer that needs to be updated, display the ID of the computer.
  4. Click Automation ->Workflows.
  5. Locate the TCA_Upgrade_Subagents workflow.
  6. Click Run -> Run.
  7. In the DeviceID field enter the ID displayed in step 3.
  8. Click Run.

You can run the workflow as a Favorite Task for multiple computers or a group.

The following table lists the versions of the agent components installed with Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator common agent version

Table 5. Scalable distribution infrastructure agent components and their versions
Component name Component version
TCA-Subagent CDS Axis 1.3.2102
TCA-Subagent CDS Client URL Handler 1.3.2102
TCA-Subagent CIT Scanner 5.1.5
TCA-Subagent Common Inventory Technology
TCA-Subagent DMS OSGi Client 1.8.2
TCA-Subagent DMS OSGi Client Extension for TPM 1.8.2
TCA-Subagent DMS OSGi Client Http Adaptor 1.0.0
TCA-Subagent DMS OSGi Client Https Adaptor 1.0.0
TCA-Subagent Event Administration 5.1.1000
TCA-Subagent JES 5.1.3000
TCA-Subagent SCM 5.1.3
TCA-Subagent SPBHandler 5.1.1000
TCA-Subagent SyncML Core 2.5.0
TCA-Subagent SyncML DM 2.5.0
TCA-Subagent Tivoli Provisioning Manager 5.1.3000

Upgrading the Automation Package Developer Environment and Software Package Editor

If the Automation Package Developer Environment is installed in Eclipse on a separate computer, perform the following steps to upgrade it.

  1. Ensure that Eclipse is not running.
  2. Copy the archive file $TIO_HOME/apde/ to the remote computer.
  3. Extract the contents of the archive file to the directory where the Automation Package Developer Environment is installed, for example, /opt/apde. The contents of the archive file are placed in the eclipse/plugins subdirectory.
  4. Start Eclipse with the -clean option to apply the plug-in changes:
    ./eclipse -clean
  5. Exit Eclipse.

Downloads and updates

Documentation updates

If you are applying the fix pack to a Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator version installation, refer to the following sources of documentation:

Installation Guide updates

The following updates apply to the Installation Guides for Version 5.1.1.

Required preinstallation step for AIX

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Preinstallation Step 5: Set up required users which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation Guide for AIXPreinstallation checklist for AIXPreinstallation Step 5: Set up required users

the following information:

The umask must be set to 002 for the root user.

should be modified as follows:

The umask must be set to 022 for the root user.

Required preinstallation step for Linux on Intel

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Preinstallation Step 5: Set up required users which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation Guide for Linux on IntelPreinstallation checklist for Linux on IntelPreinstallation Step 5: Set up required users

the following information:

The umask must be set to 002 for the root user.

should be modified as follows:

The umask must be set to 022 for the root user.

Required preinstallation step for Solaris

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Preinstallation Step 5: Set up required users which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation Guide for SolarisPreinstallation checklist for SolarisPreinstallation Step 5: Set up required users

the following information:

The umask must be set to 002 for the root user.

should be modified as follows:

The umask must be set to 022 for the root user.

Required preinstallation step for Linux AMD 64

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Required users and groups which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation guide for additional platforms: Linux AMD 64 (SLES 9 & Red Hat 4)Part 1. Preinstallation checklistSetting up required users and groupsRequired users and groups

the following information:

The umask must be set to 002 for the root user.

should be modified as follows:

The umask must be set to 022 for the root user.

Required preinstallation step for Linux on iSeries, pSeries and zSeries

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Required users and groups which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation guide for additional platforms: Linux on iSeries, Linux on pSeries and Linux on zSeriesPart 1. Preinstallation checklistSetting up required users and groupsRequired users and groups

the following information:

The umask must be set to 002 for the root user.

should be modified as follows:

The umask must be set to 022 for the root user.

Required verification by the installer script on AIX

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Requirement verification by the installer which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation Guide for AIXRecovering from installation errorsRequirement verification by the installer

the following information:

The umask must be set to 002 for the root user.

should be modified as follows:

The umask must be set to 022 for the root user.

Required verification by the installer script on Linux on Intel

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Requirement verification by the installer which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation Guide for Linux on IntelRecovering from installation errorsRequirement verification by the installer

the following information:

The umask must be set to 002 for the root user.

should be modified as follows:

The umask must be set to 022 for the root user.

Required verification by the installer script on Solaris

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Requirement verification by the installer which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation Guide for SolarisRecovering from installation errorsRequirement verification by the installer

the following information:

The umask must be set to 002 for the root user.

should be modified as follows:

The umask must be set to 022 for the root user.

Required verification by the preinstallation script on Linux AMD 64

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Requirement verification by the preinstallation script which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation guide for additional platforms: Linux AMD 64 (SLES 9 & Red Hat 4)Part 6. Recovering from installation errorsTroubleshooting installation errorsRequirement verification by the preinstallation script

the following information:

The umask must be set to 002 for the root user.

should be modified as follows:

The umask must be set to 022 for the root user.

Required verification by the preinstallation script on Linux on iSeries, pSeries and zSeries

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Requirement verification by the preinstallation script which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation guide for additional platforms: Linux on iSeries, Linux on pSeries and Linux on zSeriesPart 6. Recovering from installation errorsTroubleshooting installation errorsRequirement verification by the preinstallation script

the following information:

The umask must be set to 002 for the root user.

should be modified as follows:

The umask must be set to 022 for the root user.

Prerequisites to install Tivoli Common Agent on Red Hat Linux 5

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Installation Guide for Linux on Intel version 5.1.1 which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation Guide for Linux on Intel

the following information should be added:

To install the Tivoli Common Agent (TCA) on Red Hat Linux 5 target computers, the following compatibility packs are required:

On Red Hat Linux (x86 32- and 64-bit) version 5 target computers ensure that the enhanced security is disabled and there is no firewall. Perform the following steps to verify and disable the enhanced security, and then install the common agent:

  1. Run the getenforce command to determine if a firewall is enabled.
  2. Run the setenforce 0 command to disable it.
  3. Install the common agent.
  4. Run the setenforce 1 command to re-enable it.
  5. Ensure no other firewall is enabled.

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.0 64-bit operating systems, the 32-bit compatibility packages are required. You can verify that the 32-bit compatibility packages are installed by running the following command:

rpm -ql xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.2-1.EL.18

to display which files are installed with the specified RPM package.

If you have the 64-bit version installed, the following files are displayed:

If you have the 32-bit version installed, the following files are displayed:

If you have both versions installed, the following files are displayed:

Installation steps for Windows 2008 platforms

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Installation Guide for Windows version 5.1.1 which can be found navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation Guide for Windows

the following information should be added:

On Windows 2008 servers, the winCoreCompUpgrade.bat and solutionInstaller.bat files must be run from an administrator command window by performing the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager Windows 2008 server as tioadmin.
  2. Click Start->All Programs->Accessories->Command Prompt.
  3. Right click Run as... and select Administrator.
  4. Run winCoreCompUpgrade.bat and solutionInstaller.bat from the administrator window.

Installation Guide for Linux on System z update

In Chapter 2. Preinstallation checklist for Linux on System z, in section "Preinstallation Step 2: Verify operating system requirements" subsection "Required packages" the table "Required packages for Linux" needs to be modified as follows for the Red Hat operating system packages:

Install Cygwin before installing core components

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Installing Cygwin manually, which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityPerforming a new installationInstallation Guide for WindowsAppendix DInstalling Cygwin manually

the following information should be added:

Install Cygwin just before installing the core components. During a middleware installation Cygwin might cause an installation failure.

Migration and Coexistence Guide updates

The following updates apply to the Migration and Coexistence Guide for Version 5.1.1.

Software objects

In Appendix B. Object Mappings, section "Software objects" in the "Software terminology" table, the following information:

The size of a software package block cannot exceed 2 GB.

should be modified as follows:

The size of a software package block cannot exceed 4 GB.

Replication of Tivoli Configuration Manager cyrillic characters not supported

In Appendix E. Troubleshooting, section "Replication issues" the following information should be added:

If you perform an Inventory scan using Tivoli Configuration Manager collecting from the Tivoli endpoints data which includes Russian symbols, both Latin and Cyrillic characters, these are correctly displayed in the Tivoli Configuration Manager database.

After replicating the data to an English Tivoli Provisioning Manager server, the data displayed by the data model (DCM) might be truncated or missing. This is a product limitation due to the following reason: a cyrillic character might need more than one byte in the database.

Information center updates

The following updates apply to the information center.

Comma character not supported by the software configuration template parameter

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Configuring parameters to software configuration templates, which can be found by navigating as follows:

ReferenceSoftware catalogDefining software in the software catalogSoftware configuration templatesConfiguring parameters

to the current paragraph:

Prerequisite: The parameter names correspond to the parameter names in the workflows that are used to install and configure the software. If you are creating a new parameter, ensure that the parameter is supported by the workflows for the software.

the following information should be added:

When you define the value for a new parameter, ensure that you do not use the comma “,” character inside the value.

Nesting software packages not supported

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Nesting software packages, which can be found by navigating as follows:

Developing automationSoftware packagesCreating a software packageNesting software packages

the entire topic should be removed from the information center.

Changing the agent registration password update

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Changing the agent registration password, which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityConfiguring the environmentDistribution in branch officesTivoli Common Agent ServicesAgent registrationModifying registration password

add to the current procedure a new step 10 as follows:

Step 10: Update the file with the new password by following these steps:

  1. Switch to the tioadmin user. On UNIX and Linux systems, run the following command:
    su - tioadmin 
  2. Go to the TIO_HOME/tools directory and run the following command:
    encryptAMPasswordForDMS.cmd "%TIO_HOME%/cert/pwd"
    UNIX and Linux
    ./ "$TIO_HOME/cert/pwd"
  3. From the output of this command, take note of the TPM_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD and TPM_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD values.
  4. On UNIX and Linux platforms, switch back to the root user.
  5. Open the WAS_INSTALL_DIR/properties/ file and update the values for TPM_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD and TPM_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD with the values obtained in step 3.

Uninstalling the common agent updates

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Uninstalling the common agent, which can be found by navigating as follows:

Installing, configuring, and securityConfiguring the environmentDistribution in branch officesTivoli Common Agent ServicesUninstalling the common agent

add to the current topic the following three new subsections:

Uninstalling the common agent manually

You can also manually uninstall the common agent from a target computer by using the uninstaller in the home folder where the common agent was installed. To manually uninstall the common agent from the target computer:

On Windows
  1. Click StartSettingsControl PanelAdd/Remove Programs.
  2. On the Add/Remove Programs dialog, select the Tivoli Common Agent program and then click Remove. The program is uninstalled and its files and registry entries are removed.
  3. Manually delete the common agent installation directory from the target computer. The default installation directory on Windows is Program_Files_Dir\tivoli\ep, where Program_Files_Dir represents the value of the Windows registry entry.
  4. Delete the following files located in Program_Files_Dir\tivoli if they exist:
    • ep.reg
    • ep.bak
      • If you are uninstalling all common agents from the system, delete both the ep.reg and ep.bak files.
      • If you are uninstalling a specific common agent, delete the line in the ep.reg and ep.bak files that lists the installation directory of the common agent that you are uninstalling. For example, to uninstall the common agent installed in the /opt/tivoli/ep1 directory, delete the line that begins with:
         0 | cygnus0317b | /opt/tivoli/ep1 | | 0 | 1.4.2 
        | IBM Corp...
  1. Log on to the target computer as root.
  2. At a command prompt, change directory to the common agent installation directory. The default installation directory is:
    • AIX or HP-UX: /usr/tivoli/ep
    • Linux or Solaris: /opt/tivoli/ep
  3. In the _uninst directory, run the following command: ./ -console.
  4. Delete the following files if they exist:
    • ep.reg
    • ep.bak
      • If you are uninstalling all common agents from the system, delete both the ep.reg and ep.bak files.
      • If you are uninstalling a specific common agent, delete the line in the ep.reg and ep.bak files that lists the installation directory of the common agent that you are uninstalling. For example, to uninstall the common agent installed in the /opt/tivoli/ep1 directory, delete the line that begins with:
         0 | cygnus0317b | /opt/tivoli/ep1 | | 0 | 1.4.2 
        | IBM Corp...

    The elements are located in:

    AIX or HP-UX
    Linux or Solaris
  5. Manually delete the common agent installation directory from the target.

    From the tivoli subfolder, run the following command: rm -rf ep*.

    If ep is the only subfolder in the /opt/tivoli folder, you can also run the following command from the /opt directory: rm -rf tivoli.

Manually uninstalling TivGUID

TivGUID is a shared component and you must ensure that no other component or product is using it before you remove it from the system.

To manually uninstall TivGUID, perform the following steps:

On Windows
  1. Use Add or Remove Programs.
  2. Delete the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Tivoli\GUID registry key.
  1. List all installed TivGUID file sets with the following command:
    lslpp -L -c |grep tivguid
  2. Uninstall all prerequisite file sets.
  3. Uninstall the TivGUID with the following command
    installp -u tivoli.tivguid
  4. Delete the /etc/TIVGUID file.
On Linux
  1. List all installed TivGUID packages with the following command:
    rpm -qa |grep guid
    and note the version number.
  2. Uninstall the TivGUID with the following command:
    rpm -e TIVguid-version_number
  3. Delete the /etc/TIVGUID file.
On Solaris
  1. Remove the TivGUID folder with the following command:
    rm -rf /opt/tivoli/guid
  2. Delete the /etc/TIVGUID file.
  1. List all TivGUID packages with the following command:
    swlist |grep guid
  2. Uninstall the TivGUID packages with the following command:
    swremove TIVguid
  3. Delete the /etc/TIVGUID file.

Manually uninstalling Common Inventory Technology (CIT)

If you want to completely remove all the files installed with the common agent, remove the TivGUID directory and the CIT directory.

To manually uninstall CIT, perform the following steps:

  1. Delete the CIT directory. The CIT directory is located in the following path, depending on the operating system:
    Program_Files_Dir\tivoli, where Program_Files_Dir is the value of the Windows registry entry.
    AIX or HP-UX
    Linux or Solaris:
  2. Remove the cit.ini file. The cit.ini file is located in the following path:

Host name or IP address changes on computers with common agent

Add to the current Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center the following information:

If you change the host names or IP addresses on the target computers with Tivoli Common Agent (TCA) installed, to fully process these changes, run the following discoveries in the order specified:

  1. IBM Tivoli Common Agent Discovery.
  2. A discovery configuration that implements the Discover Computers using RXA discovery method. For example, this can be an existing Initial Discovery, or a discovery configuration that you create for the changed computers.

SBP size limit increased from 2 GB to 4 GB

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Software package formats, which can be found by navigating as follows:

Developing automation Software packages Software package formats

in the Software package block subsection, the following information:

The maximum size of a software package block is 2 GB.

should be modified as follows:

The maximum size of a software package block is 4 GB.

Compliance check enhanced

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Defining configuration compliance checks for a group, which can be found by navigating as follows:

Managing computers, inventory, and compliance Managing complianceCompliance checksCreating compliance checksDefining configuration compliance checks for a group

the following information should be added:

When you create a compliance check for a group of computers, you can define a compliance check caching value to the compliance group based on your business needs.

To set a compliance check caching value to your compliance group, perform these steps:

  1. In the navigation pane, expand Inventory.
  2. Click Manage InventoryGroups.
  3. Click the group that you want to work with.
  4. Click the Variables tab.
  5. Select Add Variable from the Edit menu.
  6. In Key enter compliance_check_caching_value_in_hours.
  7. In Component select Configuration compliance.
  8. In Value specify a value for the new variable. The value that you specify must be in hours. For example: 1 week = 24 x 7 = 168 hours.
  9. (Optional) Enter a description for the variable.
  10. Click Save.

Workflows for downloading Windows Update Agent

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Downloading Windows Update Agent, which can be found by navigating as follows:

Getting startedTutorialsManaging patches in small environments (Windows)Part 1: DiscoveryDownloading Windows Update Agent

replace the current step 2 of the procedure with the following information:

Find the appropriate workflow and click Actions > Run.

To download files for Windows 32-bit platforms, select the MS_SOA_GetWindowsUpdateAgent workflow.

To download files for both Windows 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, select the MS_SOA_GetWindowsUpdateAgents workflow.

Unable to run reports if Alphablox data source password is empty

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center section Other common problems, which can be found by navigating as follows:

Troubleshooting and supportKnown limitationsOther common problems

the following troubleshooting topic should be added:


If you leave the Alphablox data source password empty, when running any reports the operation ends with an error and no reports are generated.

The server.log file might contain the following error:

 Application Manager: Could not load application
 applicationstudio_examples_email (null ( null )) 
(java.lang.NullPointerException) ...
[ERROR] Web Application Server Adapter: 
java.lang.NullPointerException ...

While the console.log file might contain the following error:

 ERROR [WebContainer : 1] ( struts.BaseDispatchAction:
 COPJEE101E An unexpected user interface error occurred null. 
COPJEE101E An unexpected user interface error occurred null. 

This problem occurs using WebSphere 6 with Alphablox 8.4.

Resolving the problem

Have a non-empty string set as data source password.

Incorrect label for the virtual server template

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Creating a virtual server template, which can be found by navigating as follows:

Getting startedTutorialsManaging operating systems for AIX on pSeriesPart 2: Allocating a virtual serverCreating a virtual server template

the following step:

Click Virtual Storage Templates.

should be modified as follows:

Click Virtual Server Templates.

Implementing recommendations does not modify their state

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Installing patches from recommendations, which can be found by navigating as follows:

Getting startedTutorialsManaging patches in large environments (Windows)Part 4: ComplianceInstalling patches

the following information (step 5 of the procedure):

Return to the Compliance page for the group, and access the Issues and Recommendations page again. The status for the issues is now either Implemented or Failed.

should be modified as follows:

Return to the Compliance page for the group, and access the Issues and Recommendations page again. The status for the issues is now either Implementing or Failed. A successful implementation of the recommendations does not change their state.

Adding custom report views for the report wizard

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Adding custom views for the report wizard, which can be found by navigating as follows:

Managing computers, inventory, and complianceReportingCreating a new reportAdding custom report views

the following information:

  1. Open the report-views-custom.xml file in TIO_HOME/config.
  2. Add the name of your new view to the view id tag.
  3. Save your changes.
  4. Restart Tivoli Provisioning Manager.

should be modified as follows:

  1. Open the report-views-custom.xml file in TIO_HOME/config. If the file does not exist, create an xml file with the same name.
  2. Add the name of your new view to the view id tag.
  3. Save your changes to the file.
  4. Using the Web interface expand Reports in the navigation pane and select any report category.
  5. Select Update Report Views from the Edit menu.
  6. When the update is complete, you receive a confirmation message stating that the report views were successfully updated using the report-views.xml and report-views-custom.xml files.

Audit report table update

In the Tivoli Provisioning Manager version 5.1.1 information center topic Audit reports, which can be found by navigating as follows:

Managing computers, inventory, and complianceReportingPredefined reportsAudit reports

the current table:

Table 4. Audit 003 - What hardware changes were made by which user?

should be replaced by the following table:

Table 6. Audit 003 - What hardware changes were made by which user?
Output data Description
Computer ID The computer ID.
Computer Name The name of the computer.
Hardware Name The hardware name.
Type The type of hardware.
Audit User Name The user responsible for the hardware change.
Audit Time The time that the hardware change occurred.
Operation The type of hardware change that occurred.
Partitionable Indicates if the hardware is partitionable.
Managed Indicates if the hardware is managed.
Property An additional property name.
Property Value The additional property value.
Group Name The group name that the hardware resource belongs to.

Known problems

At time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known.

As limitations and problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the online knowledge base. You can search the online support knowledge base to quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems that you experience.

On Solaris platforms an Out Of Memory error occurs and the Web interface pages fail to load


On Solaris, Web pages do not load and an Out of Memory error is reported in the j2ee/console.log file.


This is caused by an issue with the Sun Java Virtual Machine. For more information, see

Resolving the problem

Open the Web Sphere Administrative Console and click Servers > Application servers > server1 > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine. Change the Maximum Heap Size to 1024 and save the configuration change. Then restart the provisioning server.

On AIX platforms a software package editor error occurs


Using Software Package Editor (SPE) on an AIX Tivoli Provisioning Manager server, when trying to save a software package block (SPB) file bigger than 2 GB, SPE displays the following error message:

DISSP6050E An error occurred while uploading the package.
See the log for details.

Resolving the problem

On an AIX Tivoli Provisioning Manager server, create SPB files smaller than 2 GB.

Installing the common agent on UNIX endpoints

When you install the common agent on UNIX endpoints, the installation might time out.


When trying to perform a Tivoli Common Agent installation (TCA) on UNIX endpoints, the following error message is displayed:

COPCOM116E The operation timed out. 


If you are using the file /etc/hosts to resolve IP addresses, one possible cause might be that the file is not configured correctly.

Resolving the problem

Verify the /etc/hosts file. The file must include:

The following example shows the settings for a computer with the host name river:
#IP address                Fully Qualified Domain Name             Short Name                               river                  localhost.localdomain                   localhost

Upgrading TCA on computers with Windows Vista and Windows 2008


The Tivoli common agent (TCA) upgrade from version to version fails on target computers with Windows Vista and Windows 2008 installed, and displays the following error message:

COPTCA002E Unable to connect to the common agent endpoint running on
computer hostname at IP port 9510. Ensure that the Tivoli Common Agent
service is started and available.


Tivoli Provisioning Manager 5.1.1 or does not support the Windows Vista and Windows 2008 as manage-to platforms. The TCA installation on these platforms only adds the target computers in the Agent Manager database but does not install TCA locally on these computers.

Resolving the problem

After upgrading to Tivoli Provisioning Manager, ensure that you manually remove these computers from the Agent Manager database following these instructions:

  1. Move to the AgentManager_Home/toolkit/bin directory.
  2. Run the following command to request a list of all common agents: –dbPassword password [-exp y/n/a] 
  3. Run the following command to delete the common agents from these computers: –dbPassword password –me management element ID
  4. Run the following command to remove the expired agent from the list: –dbPassword password [-me ID]  
and then with Tivoli Provisioning Manager run the IBM Tivoli Common Agent discovery and reinstall the new TCA version ( on these computers.

TCA information not updated for Linux computers


The Tivoli common agent (TCA) information is not updated on the Web interface for Linux target computers.


When Linux target computers, with common agent installed, are discovered for the first time the agent information is not updated on the Web interface.

Resolving the problem

This issue can be resolved by performing the following steps:

  1. Delete the entry on the Agent manager for this target computer.
  2. Log on to the target computer and move to the /opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/agent directory.
  3. Stop the agent by running the stop command.
  4. Modify the /opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/agent/config/ file by changing the line:
    into: = true
  5. Rename the cert folder contained in /opt/tivoli/ep/runtime/agent/ into cert-old.
  6. Create a new folder named cert.
  7. Start the agent by running the start command.

Target computer clean up does not occur after canceling SPB installation


After canceling an SPB file installation on a target computer with Tivoli common agent (TCA) installed, the partially downloaded files on the target computer are not deleted.

Resolving the problem

Manually remove the partially downloaded files that remain installed on the target computer from the following directories:

C:\Program Files\tivoli\ep\runtime\agent\subagest\cds\client\cache\files\1
C:\Program Files\tivoli\ep\runtime\agent\subagest\cds\downloads\incomplete

Failure when distributing for a second time using SDI the same software product or file on a SUSE Linux 9 or 10 target computer


If you distribute a second time, in a SDI infrastructure, a software product or a file, published on a depot server upgraded to version, to a SUSE Linux 9 or 10 target computer with Tivoli Common Agent upgraded to associated to that depot server, the distribution fails.

Resolving the problem

From the Web interface, unpublish and then publish again on the depot server the software product or the file that you are trying to distribute again to the SUSE Linux 9 or 10 upgraded target computer, then perform the distribution.

Files with group write permissions in WAS_HOME directory after installing the fix pack


After installing this fix pack ( using the option to rectify file permissions, when performing a manual check of permission settings, the check shows that the profiles folder and the symbolic links contained in the WAS_HOME directory have group write permissions.

Resolving the problem

The profiles folder contained in the WAS_HOME directory is not affected by the file permission rectification, only the default sub directory will change. The symbolic links in WAS_HOME will show to have both group and others write permissions after the file permission rectification, which represents their default behavior.

Contacting customer support

If you have any questions about this fix pack, call the IBM Support Center for your country. For example, in the USA call 1-800-IBM-SERV. For specific contact numbers for all countries, refer to the following Web site:

If you find a problem or have a suggestion about the APDE (Automation Package Development Environment) features or the documentation in general, contact IBM through the Tivoli Provisioning Manager and Intelligent Orchestrator Automation Package Development Environment forum. The forum is a technical discussion focused on installing, configuring and using the APDE (Automation Package Development Environment) for writing workflows and creating automation packages for the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator products.

To access the forum:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Tivoli Provisioning Manager and Intelligent Orchestrator Automation Package Development Environment link on the Web site.

Additional license information

The notices file in the license subdirectory has been updated for this release.

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