====================================================================== Readme file for: Interim Fix 5 for IBM Tivoli Remote Control, Version 5.1.0 IBM Corp. 19 June 2009 ====================================================================== Contents 1.0 Copyright statement 2.0 Product fix history 2.1 Defects fixed 2.2 APARs fixed 3.0 Function Added Since GA Release 3.1 Drawing and Highlighting functionality 3.2 User Acceptance policies 3.3 Error message 'Mode is not supported' 3.4 Exposure of new property to the Edit Properties screen 3.5 Managing the group membership of multiple users, Targets and groups 3.6 Importing a CSV file 3.7 Sending special keystrokes to Target. 3.8 New Matching Algorithm 4.0 Installation information 4.1 Manual Install 4.2 Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.0 Windows, Derby Database and eWAS Installation 4.3 Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.0 LINUX, Derby Database and eWAS 4.4 Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.0 Websphere Application Server (WAS), AIX, Linux, Solaris and Windows 4.5 Target requirements 4.6 Admin id for manual AIX install 4.7 Target Installation 4.8 New Installation 5.0 Uninstallation information 6.0 Contacting IBM Support 7.0 Notices and trademarks ====================================================================== 1.0 Copyright statement (c) Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2009. All rights reserved. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM(R) Corp. ====================================================================== 2.0 Product fix history 2.1 Defects fixed -------------- Screen Jumbles on a particular POS Application.(11574) IP address in notification area icon tool tip not updating.(10914) File Transfer Session - Delete Cancellation does not work.(11405) Modify heartbeat default from 1 min to 60 mins.(11065) Matching algorithms changes and performance improvements.(11120) Allow use of custom reports as homepage.(11112) Column manipulation does not work satisfactorily using Firefox.(11296) 2.2 APARs fixed ----------- Ocassionally,logging out from Windows during a Remote Control Session causes input to be lost.(IZ51721) Pressing F12 or '!' on a French keyboard causes error (IZ52267) Re-connection problem when Network goes down mid-session. (IZ50795) Three file limitation on File Transfer. (IZ47461) 3.0 Function Added Since GA Release * Drawing and Highlighting functionality - see 3.1 * User Acceptance Policies - see 3.2 * Error message 'Mode is not supported' - see 3.3 * Exposure of new property to the Edit Properties screen - see 3.4 * Managing the group membership of multiple users, Targets and groups - see 3.5 * Importing a CSV file - see 3.6 * Sending special keystrokes to Target - see 3.7 3.1 Drawing and Highlighting functionality ________________________________________ The drawing and highlighting features in the Target window have been modified to resolve an issue with delayed drawing instructions on Vista Targets with Aero graphics enabled. This was due to the guidance instructions being drawn within the display context rather than the window context, which is not compatible with desktop composition and therefore a delay was experienced before each instruction was drawn. To resolve the issue, the guidance code was rewritten to use a transparent top- level window, on which the guidance instructions are drawn. The effect of this change is that the behaviour of the guidance instructions can be somewhat different to what they were in previous versions. Previously, the guidance instructions were drawn directly on the screen, overwriting the actual content of the window below the drawing. This had two effects. First, when the window was moved, the guidance instruction moved with the window in most cases. When the window was closed or minimized, the guidance instruction disappeared. Secondly, if the window was asked to repaint itself or the application updated the contents of the window, the guidance instruction also disappeared. In cases where part of the guidance instructions were outside of the window borders, only the part of the instruction within the window borders was affected by this. With the new technique, the guidance instructions are drawn with a semi-transparent effect on top of all other windows. Handling normal windows on the desktop no longer affects the guidance instructions, that is, closing or minimising these windows will not cause the drawing instructions to disappear. The situation is different for topmost windows such as Task Manager, the task bar, start menu etc. Other applications can also use topmost windows or provide a 'Stay on top' setting. When such a window is activated, it will appear on top of the guidance instructions until another guidance instruction is drawn. This new technique requires a colour depth of 16-bit or higher. In graphics modes with a colour depth of 8-bit, the old technique is still used. The guidance icons and the drawing tool remain opaque and the highlight tool uses an inversion effect. 3.2 User Acceptance policies ________________________ The Disable User Acceptance policy, has been removed and 4 new user acceptance policies have been introduced to allow more flexibility in the configuration of user acceptance by giving an administrator the ability to enable or disable user acceptance for different actions. It should be noted that these policies work in conjunction with Acceptance Grace Time and Acceptance timeout action. Note: When any of the new policies are set to Yes, the Acceptance Grace time should be set to a number >0 to allow the Target user time to accept the request. Enable user acceptance for incoming connections _______________________________________________ This policy is used to enable or disable user acceptance for establishing a session. Set to No ---------- The session is automatically established and the Acceptance Dialog is not displayed on the Target. Set to Yes ---------- The Acceptance Dialog is displayed on the Target and the Target user has the number of seconds defined for Acceptance Grace Time to Accept or Refuse the session. Notes: The Target User also has the option of selecting a different session mode on the Acceptance Dialog. Accept The session will be established Refuse The session will not be established and a message will be displayed Enable user acceptance for mode changes ________________________________________ This policy is used to enable or disable user acceptance when the Controller selects to change the session mode from the Controller window. Set to No ---------- The session mode is automatically changed and the Acceptance Dialog is not displayed on the Target. Set to Yes ---------- The Acceptance Dialog is displayed on the Target and the Target user has the number of seconds defined for Acceptance Grace time to Accept or Refuse the session mode change. Accept The session mode will be changed. Refuse The session mode will not be changed and a message will be displayed on the Controller. Enable user acceptance for file transfers ________________________________________ This policy is used to enable or disable user acceptance when a file is pulled from the Target, by the Controller or sent from the Target to the Controller, during an active session. Set to No ---------- The Choose File to send window is automatically displayed and the Acceptance Dialog is not displayed on the Target. Set to Yes ---------- The Acceptance Dialog is displayed on the Target and the Target user has the number of seconds defined for Acceptance Grace Time to Accept or Refuse the file transfer action. Accept The Choose file to send window appears. It is the Target user who must then select the required file. The Controller input is blocked until the Target user either selects a file or clicks Cancel. Refuse A message is displayed saying that the Target refused to send the file. Enable user acceptance for system information _____________________________________________ This policy is used to enable or disable user acceptance when the System Information icon is clicked on the Controller window Set to No ---------- The Target system information is automatically displayed and the Acceptance Dialog is not displayed on the Target. Set to Yes ---------- The Acceptance Dialog is displayed on the Target and the Target user has the number of seconds defined for acceptance grace time to Accept or Refuse the system Information request. Accept The Target system information is displayed. Refuse A message is displayed on the Controller window saying that the request to get system information failed. It should be noted: For compatibility between new Servers and old Targets and old Servers and new Targets the following applies, For a new Server and an old Target, if any of the new policies are set to yes, the previous behaviour will apply: an acceptance dialog will be displayed on the Target for any of the actions covered with the new four policies. For an old Server and a new Target it is the Disable User Acceptance policy that will determine the user acceptance and if set to No, the Target user will be asked to accept or refuse each of the actions defined in the new policies above. Additionally, in order to maintain user acceptance policy integrity when upgrading an existing installation the following applies: - if "Disable User Acceptance" was set to "No" for a Target and User Group relationship, the upgrade will set the four new policies to "Yes" for that relationship. - if "Disable User Acceptance" was set to "Yes" for a Target and User Group relationship, the upgrade will set the four new policies to "No" for that relationship. Note: This does not apply to new or existing templates, were the new policies will be left blank. 3.3 Error message 'Mode is not supported' A problem was fixed where the Target tries and fails to capture the text mode screen buffer if a minimized console window, such as Command Prompt, became the active window on the desktop. Because it cannot capture the text mode screen buffer, a screen with the message 'Mode is not supported' is displayed instead. The Target can now detect if a console window is in full screen text mode correctly, when it is running in Windows XP or newer. On Windows 2000 systems, it can not tell the difference between a minimized console window and a full screen console window. To recover from the problem, press a key on the mouse or the keyboard to restore the desktop. This is a limitation of Windows 2000. See also: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=661&uid=swg21303496 3.4 Exposure of new property to the Edit Properties screen Two new properties have been added to the trc.properties file with a default value to make them visible and editable from the "Edit Properties" screen. The properties deal with the way the Target ip addresses are stored in the Server: - nat.ip.support - nat.exclude.list Currently the Server upon receiving a heartbeat looks at the heartbeat information and the source of the information. By Default: the IP list is updated to include the source ip address and the ip address reported in the heartbeat, and will be used by the Controller to attempt a connection in the following order: source first;heartbeatlist next. The property supports the following values: nat.ip.support = 0 : IP = heartbeatlist nat.ip.support = 2 : IP= source;heartbeatlist nat.ip.support = 1 : IP = heartbeatlist;source nat.ip.support = 3 : Checks property nat.exclude.list, if the source is NOT in the list, then IP = heartbeat;source nat.ip.support = 4 : Checks property nat.exclude.list, if the source is NOT in the list, then IP = source;heartbeat The nat.exclude.list property can be used to list ip addresses to be ignored (comma separated) 3.5 Managing the group membership of multiple users, Targets ________________________________________________________ and groups __________ This feature allows an Administrator to select multiple users, Targets or groups then using the manage group membership action, define the groups that the selected items will be members of Adding multiple members to groups _________________________________ Administrators have the ability to select individual users, Targets and groups to make them members of any defined user or Target groups. This is explained in the IBM Tivoli Remote Control Administrators Guide. They now also have the ability to manage the group membership of multiple users, Targets and groups using the following three options to define the group hierarchy. * replace The entities (users, Targets or groups) selected for the manage group membership action, now become members of the group(s) selected within manage group membership and their membership to any other groups is replaced by this. For example: user1 and user2 are members of usergroup1 and usergroup2. They are selected from the user list and then manage group membership is selected. From the list of groups that appear, usergroup3 is selected with the replace option. User1 and user2 are no longer members of usergroup1 or usergroup2 and are only members of usergroup3. * add The entities (users, Targets or groups) selected for the manage group membership action are now also members of the groups selected within manage group membership. For example: in the example for the replace option if usergroup3 was selected with the add option then user1 and user2 would now be members of usergroup1, usergroup2 and usergroup3. * delete The entities (users, Targets or groups) selected for the manage group membership action are removed from the groups selected within manage group membership. For example: user1 and user2 are members of usergroup1 and usergroup2. They are selected from the user list and then manage group membership is selected. Usergroup2 is selected from the group list within manage group membership along with the delete option. User1 and user2 are still members of usergroup1 but are no longer members of usergroup2. For example users working in the same department may need to be in the same user group. An Administrator can select all of these users together then assign them to the relevant User group or groups at once, which is more efficient and less time consuming than assigning each user individually. Note:- As multiple groups can be made members of multiple groups, illegal group membership will be ignored by the replace and add options. For example user groups u1, u2 and u3 are selected followed by the manage group membership action. On the manage group membership screen u3 and u4 are selected. This will result in the following:- * U1, u2 and u3 will become members of u4 * Only u1 and u2 will become members of u3 because U3 cannot be a member of itself and therefore will be ignored. To manage the group membership of multiple users, complete the following steps:- 1) Log on to the IBM Tivoli Remote Control Server with a valid Admin ID and password. 2) To select multiple Users, complete a. or b. below:- a. Select using the search utility (may provide a quicker route) * Select Users -> Search * Type in some relevant information for retrieving the user data For example: type in the department name * Click Submit Note:- Reset - will clear the value entered into the search field Cancel - will return the application to the previously displayed screen and the search will not be performed * Select the required users then go to step 3 b. Select using the All User report * In the IBM Tivoli Remote Control menu bar, click Users -> All Users * Select the required users from the list 3) Now do one of the following steps * Click Users -> Manage Group Membership * OR select Manage Group Membership from the Actions list on the left 4) The Manage User Group Membership screen is displayed listing all defined User groups and sub groups 5) From the Group list select the required User Group(s). Any Groups with a + sign can be expanded to select sub groups also. 6) Select one of the following options:- * replace current group membership * add to current group membership * delete from current group membership 7) Click Submit. The group membership for the multiple selected users will now have been defined by the option selected in step 6. The above steps have described the steps needed for adding multiple users to user groups. The same steps can be used for managing the group membership of multiple Targets by searching for Targets or viewing all Targets from the Targets menu then using manage group membership to assign them to Target groups. It can also be used for managing the group membership of multiple groups by searching for groups or viewing all user groups or all Target groups, selecting manage group membership then assigning the group(s) to the relevant groups in the list. 3.6 Importing a CSV file ____________________ This feature allows an Administrator to import data into the IBM Tivoli Remote Control database from a comma delimited CSV file. Rather than having to add information for individual items, for example user details, importing a file allows them to add details for multiple users at a time. Import templates are used to map the columns of the CSV file to the columns of the database tables that the data has to be added to. These templates are then used during the file import. The following is required to be done to import a CSV file. * create the CSV file * create an import template * import the file using the template Importing data from CSV files _____________________________ Comma separated text files can be used to import numerous records of information into the IBM Tivoli Remote Control database instead of them being added individually. Using these files with Import templates, which are used to map the data in your file to the relevant columns in the database tables, you can import the data into the database in one go. For example multiple users details can be imported into the database from a CSV file rather than having to be entered individually. These are the things you need to do to be able to import data from a CSV file:- * create a CSV file - see 1.0, "Creating a CSV file" * create an import template - see 1.1, "Mapping data in a CSV file to the IBM Tivoli Remote Control database." * import the CSV file using an import template - see 1.2, "Importing a CSV file" 1.0 Creating a CSV file Creating a CSV file will allow you to list the details of the various items to be imported. These files can be created in notepad and saved as type CSV or TSV, with or without a header row, which is a set of column headings corresponding to specific column names within the tables in the database. Each row of the file should have the information that will be added to each column in the database table separated by a comma. Below is an example of the content of a CSV file with a header included FORENAME,SURNAME,EMAIL Fred,Bloggs,Fbloggs@uk.com John,Smith,JSmith@uk.com David,Brown,DBrown@uk.com Mary,Smith,MSmith@uk.com Below is an example of the content of a CSV file with no header Fred,Bloggs,Fbloggs@uk.com John,Smith,JSmith@uk.com David,Brown,DBrown@uk.com Mary,Smith,MSmith@uk.com Once you have created your CSV file you need to create an import template. 1.1 Mapping data in a CSV file to the IBM Tivoli Remote Control database. To ensure that the data in your CSV file is added to the correct tables in the database you need to map the columns in your file to the specific columns and tables that you want the data to be added to. You can do this by creating an Import template. Creating an import template allows you to define the correct format to be used for reading your file, select which columns of data in your file are to be added to the database and where the data will to go in the database. If the data that you are adding does not refer to an item already in the database you can create a new item in the database. For example if you are adding user data and the user has not already been added to the database you can select to create a new user with this data. Knowledge of the database tables and their structure is important for creating import templates. To create a new Import Template, complete the following steps: 1. From the IBM Tivoli Remote Control menu bar click Admin -> Import Data -> Create new import template. 2. The Edit Data Import Template screen is displayed. 3. Now fill in the required fields as follows Name Type in a name for your template. File Header This field is used if the file that you are importing, has a header, that is, a set of column headings which correspond to specific database table, column names. You type in here the set of required column names separated by commas. If there is no header in the file, this field is left blank. For example: USERID, FORENAME, SURNAME Number of Columns Type in here the number of columns of data that are in your CSV file. If you decide to change this value, click the update button as this determines the numbers that appear in the Column Number list. Note: If you click the update button after you have selected the file encoding, you will need to check that the required encoding is still selected, if not reselect the encoding. File Delimiter Type in here the character that separates the columns in the file For example: , or / File Encoding This is used to select the file encoding that applies to your CSV file to allow it to be read correctly. You can do one of 3 things: a. Select the required file encoding from the list b. Type in all or part of the file encoding name and click search c. Leave this field with no selection and the file encoding used will be ASCII UTF-8 Date Format If you require dates to be imported, follow the instructions on screen for determining the format Create Assets? true If the Target, which the data being imported applies to, is not already in the ASSET table (which holds the details of already registered Targets), use the data to create a new Target. false If the Target, which the data being imported applies to, is not already in the ASSET table (which holds the details of already registered Targets), do not import the data into the database. Create Users? true If the user, which the data being imported applies to, is not found in the database, use the imported data to create a new user. false If the user, which the data being imported applies to, is not found in the database, do not import the data into the database. Column Number / Table / Column The list of input fields under the above column headings are used to determine where the data in your import file is placed in the database. Follow the on screen instructions for the database column types that must be specified for importing Target and user data. * From the Column Number list select the number of the column in your file that contains the data that you want to import. * Click the ? icon next to the Table field. * Select the required table from the table list. * Select the required column from the column list. * Click OK. * Repeat these steps for each column in the file that you are importing. Note: You select here only the columns that you want to import the data for, you do not have to import every column. For example: If your file contained the following data USERID,FORENAME,SURNAME,LOCATION awilson,Alan,Wilson,Greenock and you only wanted to import the forename and location you would only select 2 and 4 for Column Number. Test / Browse This function allows you to check that a test CSV file, similar to the one you wish to upload, will be correctly read and mapped by the Import Template that you are creating. The results of the test will let you see whether the columns and header are mapped and read correctly and if the file encoding chosen reads the characters correctly. To use this function complete the following steps: - * Create a test CSV file similar in layout to the file you will upload (including the header if your file will have one) with for example 3 or 4 rows of data. * Click Browse and select the test CSV file. * Click Test. * The results of the test are displayed in a new window and give the following details * a message about the header (if you have included a header in your file) * a table showing the database columns defined for each column in the file * the data that has been mapped from the CSV file From this you are able to see if the Import Template you are creating will handle the data correctly and if not you are able to make any required changes to the template before saving it. Note: You have not imported any data at this stage, you need to save the import template by performing step 4. 4. On the Edit Data Import Template screen click Submit You have now created an import template which can be used when importing a CSV file to map the data in the CSV file correctly to the relevant tables in the database. 1.2 Importing a CSV file ________________________ Once you have created a CSV file and an import template that will be used to map the data in your file to the database, you are now able to use the import file capability to add the data from your file into the IBM Tivoli Remote Control database. This will allow you to add numerous records of data to the database in one instead of having to add the items individually. To add the data into the database, complete the following steps: 1. From the IBM Tivoli Remote Control menu bar click Admin -> Import Data -> Import File 2. The Import Existing Data screen is displayed 3. Do one of the following steps * Click Browse to navigate to and select the required CSV file. * Type in the path and name of the file that you wish to import For example: c:\myfiles\test.csv on windows systems /myfiles/test.csv on UNIX based systems 4. If your file has no header row (a set of column headings corresponding to the columns in the database that you want the data to be added to) select an Import Template from the list that will be used to map your data to the relevant database table. Note: If your file has a header in it, it will match automatically with a defined template and therefore no selection is required 5. Click Submit 6. The message 'File has been queued for processing' is displayed Your data should now be added to the database. You can check this by displaying the relevant report for this data. For example if you have added user data, you can use the All users report to check that the data has been added correctly. 3.7 Sending special keystrokes to Target ____________________________________ There is a facility for sending key strokes and combinations of key strokes to the Target. This can be done using the Quick text input box which can be accessed through the Controller tools icon in the Controller window. To allow special keys and combinations of special keys to be input see the details below of what can be input. Note: Deselect Quick text input box option when finished injecting the keys. When injecting special keys you type the following characters first /* - this will parse for special keys Note: if you are starting the input string with special characters you need to type /*/* The special keys are then put in [ ] for example [CTRL] - this will press and release the left Ctrl key [CTRL ESC] will press CTRL press ESC release ESC release CTRL [CTRL][ESC] will press CTRL release CTRL, press ESC release ESC Special keys can also be appended by + or -. That will hold or release the key [CTRL+]F[CTRL-] will hold CTRL down, press F, release CTRL You can also use [CTRL F] for the same effect (press CTRL, press F, release F, release CTRL) So for example if the Controller has a session established with Quick text input box enabled and has used windows explorer to open a folder on the Target, to create a new folder in the open folder they would type the following characters into the Quick text input box. /*/*[ALT F][ALT W] - On the Target this would open the File menu then the New option. The following characters on the left of the equals sign can be typed within [ ] to represent the special keys required. CTRL = left CTRL CTRLR = right CTRL ALT = left ALT ALTR = right ALT SHIFT = left SHIFT SHIFTR = right SHIFT F1....F24 = F1....F24 NUM = NUMLOCK UP = UP DOWN = DOWN RIGHT = RIGHT LEFT = LEFT PGDN = Page Down PGUP = Page Up HOME = HOME END = END ENTER = ENTER ESC = Escape INS = Insert DEL = DELETE MENU = MENU SPECIAL = Special Key (Windows Key) Note: [CTRL ALT DEL] is special and will not be transmitted, use the Perform action in client menu in the controller window to inject CTRL+ALT+DEL 3.8 New Matching Algorithm. ---------------------- A major performance improvement introduces a new matching algorithm to improve the way Targets are identified. A new set of properties in trc.properties have been introduced to better handle different scenarios. By default, the matching algorithm looks for a perfect match. This matching algorithm uses 4 criteria for a match. The criteria are Vital Product Data (VPD), UUID, MAC_ADDRESS and COMPUTERNAME. A perfect match is defined as finding a Target in the database where all 4 criteria are being met. In this scenario, a change in any of these values would cause a new registration entry to be created. However, to avoid this scenario, the new matching algorithm introduces change notifications. The Target saves the Target's identity as registered by the Server, to the hard drive and uses it to detect changes. When it calls home, it sends both, the old values and the new values to the Server. Therefore a perfect match can be found even though the values have changed. The Server then acknowledges that the information has been updated correctly and the Target updates its identity locally. The information is saved in a file called tgt_info.properties in the Target's working directory, which is the same place where log files and pre/post scripts are stored. The new properties are: match.allow.data.changes = The matching algorithm will try to find a perfect match based on VPD data,UUID, computer name and MAC Address. If a perfect match cannot be found and this setting is enabled, it will also consider it to be a match if all but one identifying fields match. match.computername.only = The matching algorithm will try to find a match based on computer name only. match.guid.only = The matching algorithm will try to find a match based on GUID name only. match.change.notification = When this property is enabled, the Target will notify the Server of any changes done to any of the identifying data values (for instance, if the computer name changes, the Target will send the old and new values to the Server). Whilst any option can be selected, when an existing deployment is upgraded there are two options: 1. To maintain the list of Targets that have already registered in the Server. 2. Drop the database and start from scratch. In both cases, the following instructions apply: Stop the Server, and back up any properties files that have been customised, but DO NOT replace the new trc.properties with the old one because there are new properties that are needed. Install the upgrade Then, before starting the Server service again, if the decision was taken to maintain the previous database follow Option 1 3.8.1 Option 1: Upgrade without dropping the Target table to allow the Targets to re-register. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In order to avoid duplicates being created by the new matching algorithm, the following properties must be set in the trc.properties (these are the default values, so please do not change them): match.allow.data.changes = True match.computername.only = False match.guid.only = False match.change.notification = True With these values, the only situation that would cause a duplicate entry to be created in the Server would be if a Target had multiple MAC addresses and its computer name, or serial number or UUID had changed since it was last updated in the database, which is highly unlikely. Update the rest of trc.properties, and/or other properties files with the values from the back ups taken before the upgrade started if necessary. Start the Server. Deploy the new Target version. Once all the Targets have contacted the Server, it is possible to switch to another criteria to be used to identify the Targets. These would then operate as described in Option 2. 3.8.2 Option 2: Upgrade the Server and drop the database. --------------------------------------------------------- With this option there is no restriction on which criteria to use for the matching algorithm, however, it requires for all the Targets to be stopped before the Server upgrade starts, and the new version deployed to all Targets before they contact the Server if match on GUID is selected. The matching algorithm uses the following information to determine if a given Target has already been registered and just needs updating or if it is a new Target that needs registered: A combination of the following: VPD (Vendor/Model/Serial Number and UUID of the machine), Computername and MAC address. ComputerName Only. GUID - New GUID generated by the Target utility. Perfect + best match algorithm with change notifications. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Description: This is the default. If a perfect match can not be made, the Server tries looking for the best match. Values: match.allow.data.changes = True match.computername.only = False match.guid.only = False match.change.notification = True Perfect + best match algorithm without change notifications. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Description: As above, with change notifications disabled. Values: match.allow.data.changes = True match.computername.only = False match.guid.only = False match.change.notification = False Perfect match algorithm with change notifications --------------------------------------------------------- Description: If a perfect match can not be made, the Server does not look for the best match. Values: match.allow.data.changes = False match.computername.only = False match.guid.only = False match.change.notification = True Perfect match algorithm without change notifications ------------------------------------------------------------ Description: As above, with change notifications disabled. This option is highly discouraged. Values: match.allow.data.changes = False match.computername.only = False match.guid.only = False match.change.notification = False Match on computername only with change notifications ------------------------------------------------------------ Description: The Server looks for a match on the computername. If multiple Targets match, the Server tries looking for the best match. Values: match.allow.data.changes = Does not apply in this configuration. match.computername.only = True match.guid.only = False match.change.notification = True Match on computername only without change notifications --------------------------------------------------------------- Description: As above, with change notifications disabled. Values: match.allow.data.changes = Does not apply in this configuration. match.computername.only = True match.guid.only = False match.change.notification = False Match on GUID with change notifications ----------------------------------------------- Description: The Server looks for a match on the GUID. If multiple Targets match, the Server tries looking for a best match. Values: match.allow.data.changes = Does not apply in this configuration. match.computername.only = False match.guid.only = True match.change.notification = True Match on GUID without change notifications -------------------------------------------------- Description: As above, with change notifications disabled. Values: match.allow.data.changes = Does not apply in this configuration. match.computername.only = False match.guid.only = True match.change.notification = False Unsupported configuration ---------------------------------- Description: Undetermined results Values: match.allow.data.changes = n/a match.computername.only = True match.guid.only = True match.change.notification = n/a ===================================================================== 4.0 Installation information 4.1 Manual Install -------------- When using Disk 3 to perform a manual install of this release, the following should be noted:- A manual install can only be performed on a system which has the previous release of IBM Tivoli Remote Control already installed. 4.2 Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.0 Windows, Derby Database and eWAS Server Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unzip TRC_Disk_1_v510.zip and navigate to trc_Server_setup.exe Run trc_Server_setup.exe Follow on screen instructions to install Fix Pack. Refer to Installing IBM Tivoli Remote Control for Server in the Installation if more detailed information required at:- http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v3r1/topic/ com.ibm.itrc.doc_5.1.0/welcome.htm In the left pane select the Installation Guide for Server and Target 4.3 Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.0 LINUX, Derby Database and eWAS Server Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Untar TRC_Disk_2_v510.tar and navigate to trc_Server_setup.bin Run trc_Server_setup.bin Follow on screen instructions to install Fix Pack. 4.4 Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.0 Websphere Application Server (WAS), AIX, Linux, Solaris and Windows Server Installation --------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPORTANT ********************************************************************* Please back up your video recordings and customised properties files ********************************************************************* Only the following property files are likely to be customised and therefore need to be backed up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- common.properties ldap.properties trc.properties log4j.properties These files are found in the following directory For Windows based systems: [TRCInstallDir]\TRCAPP.ear\trc.warWEB-INF\classes\ For UNIX based systems [TRCInstallDir]/TRCAPP.ear/trc.warWEB-INF/classes/ Where TRCInstallDir is the IBM Tivoli Remote Control installation directory The video recordings folder is defined in the rc.recording.directory of the trc.properties file. ***************************************************************************** Untar TRC_Disk_3_v510.tar and navigate to your Operating System sub folder: AIX Run trc_additional_setup.bin Linux Run trc_additional_setup.bin Solaris Run trc_additional_setup.bin Windows Run trc_additional_setup.exe For AIX/Linux and Solaris ------------------------- Run trc_Server_setup.bin Select 'Install IBM Tivoli Remote Control' Select 'Tivoli Remote Control 5.1 Manual Installation Files The trc_additional_setup.bin will launch InstallAnywhere and will validate that you have the GA version installed or extracted. The new War file will be saved to a place of your choice or the InstallAnywhere default location. Use the WAS Administrative Console to update the war file. After completing the update and confirming that is installed, restore the saved property files and video recordings if applicable. For Windows ----------- Run trc_additional_setup.exe The trc_additional_setup.exe will launch InstallAnywhere and will validate that you have the GA version installed or extracted. The new War file will be saved to a place of your choice or the Installer default location. Use the WAS Administrative Console to update the war file. After completing the update and confirming that is installed, restore the saved property files and video recordings if applicable. 4.5 Target requirements ------------------- The computer on which you install the IBM Tivoli Remote Control Target must have the minimum following items or capability * At least a 166MHz Intel or AMD processor. * A minimum of 64Mb of memory. * A minimum of 50Mb hard disk space. Platform Support The following Platforms are supported * Windows 2000 Pro, Server, Advanced Server. * Windows XP Pro (32 bits), (64 bits). * Windows Server 2003 Standard R2 (32 bit), Standard R2 (64 bit), Enterprise R2 (32 bit), Enterprise R2 (64 bit). * Windows Vista (32 bit), (64 bit). * RHEL 4.0 for Intel x86, 5.0 for Intel x86, 5.0 for AMD/eMT 64bit. * SLES 9 / 10 for Intel x86, AMD/eMT 64bit. * SLED 10 for Intel x86, AMD/eMT 64bit. Detailed Hardware and Software requirements can be found at: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/tivoli/products/remote-control/platforms.html 4.6 Admin id for manual AIX install ------------------------------- After a manual install of the IBM Tivoli Remote Control Server on an AIX system, the default admin id and password should be typed in camel case as follows id = Admin password = password see- http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=661&uid=swg21281844 4.7 Target Installation ------------------- To take advantage of the update provided by the Interim Fix Pack it is necessary to redeploy the Target Software. Windows Target Software ----------------------- Disk 1 contains trc_Target_setup.exe. Refer to Installation Manual for detailed install instructions at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v3r1/topic/ Non-Windows Target Software --------------------------- Disk 3 contains the Target Software for AIX, Linux, Solaris, and for completeness, Windows as well. Please refer to Installation manual for detailed instructions. 4.8 New Installation For customers installing the Fix Pack immediately after installing the GA Level (5.1.0112). Please to log onto the application to ensure that database initialisation has been completed before applying the Fix Pack ===================================================================== 5.0 Uninstallation information To uninstall this interim fix complete the following steps:- * backup and save your properties files These files are found in the following directory for windows based systems [TRCInstallDir]\TRCAPP.ear\trc.warWEB-INF\classes\ for UNIX based systems [TRCInstallDir]/TRCAPP.ear/trc.warWEB-INF/classes/ where TRCInstallDir is the IBM Tivoli Remote Control installation directory * backup your database - Derby database save a copy of the database by taking a copy of the following directory [TRCInstallDir]\DB\TRCDB - windows systems [TRCInstallDir]/DB/TRCDB - UNIX based systems - All other databases follow the standard procedure for backing up the database * Uninstall the IBM Tivoli Remote Control Server To uninstall the Server complete one of the following steps - Add/Remove programs Uninstall Tivoli Remote Control 5.1 - Running the uninstall application Run the file 'Uninstall Tivoli Remote Control 5.1.exe' which can be found in the IBM Tivoli Remote Control installation directory * Install the previous version of IBM Tivoli Remote Control For installation instructions go to the following site http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v3r1/topic/ com.ibm.itrc.doc_5.1.0/welcome.htm In the left pane select the Installation Guide for Server and Target * Stop the IBM Tivoli Remote Control service * Restore your properties files and database * Start the IBM Tivoli Remote Control Service ===================================================================== 6.0 Contacting IBM Support Additional help or information can be found at the following Web sites http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v3r1/ index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.itrc.doc_5.1.0/welcome.htm http://www.ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/support/ ===================================================================== 7.0 Notices and trademarks Appendix. Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U.S.A. IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in other countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, Program or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries, in writing, to: IBM World Trade Asia Corporation Licensing 2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 106, Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information that has been exchanged, should contact: IBM Corporation 2Z4A/101 11400 Burnet Road Austin, TX 78758 U.S.A. Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases, payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us. Customers are responsible for ensuring their own compliance with various laws such as the Graham-Leach-Bliley Act, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. It is the customer's sole responsibility to obtain advice of competent legal counsel as to the identification and interpretation of any relevant laws that may affect the customer's business and any actions the customer may need to take to comply with such laws. IBM does not provide legal, accounting or auditing advice, or represent or warrant that its products or services will ensure that customer is in compliance with any law. Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurement may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. All statements regarding IBM's future direction or intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. A.1 Trademarks The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both: AIX DB2 IBM IBM logo iSeries pSeries Tivoli Tivoli logo xSeries zSeries Java(TM) and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT(R), and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX(R) is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.