IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software, readme file for UNIX or Linux


Copyright statement

About this fix pack

  • Enhancements included in this fix pack
  • VMware Virtual Infrastructure 3 support
  • Enhancements to firewall components
  • Automation package for management of large numbers of zones, regions, and depot servers
  • Inventory report that identifies upgradable computers
  • Support for Windows patch management without a Microsoft patch download server
  • Support for patch management using Sun Update Connection Enterprise
  • Setting the timeout for scanning patches on Red Hat Linux
  • Setting the path for the Common Inventory Technology installation
  • Fixes included in this fix pack
  • Product compatibility

    Preinstallation tasks

  • Installation requirements
  • Common directory paths
  • Installation tasks

  • Installing the fix pack
  • Recovering from installation errors
  • Post-installation tasks

  • Upgrading the common agent
  • Upgrading IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment Embedded Edition
  • Enabling rollback for software management
  • AIX prerequisites for a coexistence environment
  • Downloads and updates

  • Web Replay updates
  • Global variables updates
  • Property names and values updates
  • Discovery configurations updates
  • Documentation updates
  • Information center updates
  • Known problems

  • Known problems with the fix pack installation
  • Installation fails during the LDAP migration
  • ORA-00942 errors in the MC-DB-install.out file
  • SQL exceptions in the MC-DB-install.out file
  • Known problems with the full installation
  • Installation of DB2 fails when node name is different than host name
  • Known problems with the product
  • Error when scanning for available Windows patches
  • Replicated endpoint task does not work on computers that have Tivoli Common Agent installed
  • Installing a technology level also installs the latest service pack
  • Duplicate Operating Systems Patches and Updates compliance check causes duplicate patch recommendations
  • Standalone installation of common agent fails
  • Dynamic content delivery installation fails on AIX during the Fix Pack 3 upgrade
  • Distribution of TCA- Upgrade Installable through the default Common Agent SAP might fail
  • Web replay has slow response time
  • Data migration might fail to populate data model with custom software signatures
  • Contacting customer support

    Notices and trademarks

  • Notices
  • Trademarks

  • Copyright statement

    Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in the section Notices and trademarks.

    © Copyright IBM® Corporation 2008. All rights reserved. May only be used pursuant to a Tivoli® Systems Software License Agreement, an IBM Software License Agreement, or Addendum for Tivoli Products to IBM Customer or License Agreement. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, chemical, manual, or otherwise, without prior written permission of IBM Corporation. IBM Corporation grants you limited permission to make hardcopy or other reproductions of any machine-readable documentation for your own use, provided that each such reproduction shall carry the IBM Corporation copyright notice.

    No other rights under copyright are granted without prior written permission of IBM Corporation. U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

    About this fix pack

    This fix pack only applies to a regular installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software (an installation with IBM WebSphere® Application Server as the application server). A fix pack is not available for a Fast Start installation.

    Enhancements included in this fix pack

    VMware Virtual Infrastructure 3 support

    Support for VMware Virtual Infrastructure 3.0 is provided with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software version Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software provides the required centralized management interface to control the VMware hardware interactions and implement an end-to-end software distribution and deployment strategy. This fix pack adds support for VMware's V-Motion technology through which Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software can be used to initiate migration of VMware virtual machines from one host server to another.

    For more information about how to use Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software version to manage and patch multiple virtual machines, refer to the VMware Virtual Infrastructure 3 using Tivoli Provisioning Manager document available in the IBM Open Process Automation Library at

    Enhancements to firewall components

    Endpoints can now be configured to use the firewall components on networks that do not have user datagram protocol (UDP) broadcasting enabled. To enable this feature, a configuration file is used so that endpoints can locate the appropriate gateway service machine and associated service names for a given destination address.

    To enable proxy firewall support without using UDP, you must create a file named proxy.conf in the $CA_HOME/runtime/agent/config (UNIX®) or %CA_HOME%\runtime\agent\config (Microsoft® Windows®) directory, where CA_HOME is the common agent installation directory.

    The syntax of the proxy.conf file is:


    The following is a sample proxy.conf file in which the gateway service is running on a machine with the IP address, and the gateway manger is running on a machine with the IP address

    The proxy.conf file must also be copied to the $CA_HOME/runtime/agent/subagents/cds (UNIX) or %CA_HOME%\runtime\agent\subagents\cds (Windows) directory.

    Automation package for management of large numbers of zones, regions, and depot servers

    Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software provides an automation package that enables you to create, update, and delete large numbers of zones, regions, and depot servers using workflows and scripts. Before Fix Pack 3, the management of limited numbers of zones, regions, and depots was possible only through the Web interface.

    The workflows and scripts provided with the DcdAdmin.tcdriver automation package refer to an .xml file that conforms with the dcdAdmin.dtd file, in which specific settings can be defined for the zones, regions, and depot servers that are used for the large-scale software distribution tasks. An extension to the automation package would include the ability to define isolated zones or exception depots, or configure depot access rules that can be used with specific attributes for the isolated zones. The elements defined in the dtd file cannot be imported through xml import; instead, workflows are provided to create, update, and delete zones, regions, and depot servers. A sample xml file, dcdAdminSample.xml, which you can customize according to your needs, is provided in the $TIO_HOME/tools/DcdAdmin directory.


    The DcdAdmin automation package provides a number of workflows and scripts.

    Additional details about using the DcdAdmin automation package are available in the automation package documentation. To view the documentation:

    1. Click Automation > Device Drivers.
    2. On the Manage Device Drivers page, click File Repositories.
    3. In the list of device drivers, click DCDAdmin.
    4. Click the Documentation tab.

    The automation package documentation details are displayed.

    Inventory report that identifies upgradable computers

    Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software provides a new inventory report that can be run to verify which common agent version is installed on which target computer.

    To perform the common agent upgrade as described in section Upgrading the common agent, you can create a dynamic group of computers that have version of the common agent installed. To be able to create the dynamic group of computers for the upgrade, a particularization of this inventory report needs to be run, which identifies all of the target computers that have version of the common agent installed.

    To run the report that identifies the upgradable target computers:

    1. Click Reports -> Inventory. The Inventory Reports page is displayed.
    2. In the list, identify the report Inventory012 - Which Common Agent is on which computers? and, in that line, click More actions > Copy. The Copy Report wizard is displayed.
    3. On the Report Description page, in the Name field, type a name for the report copy, and then click Next.
    4. On the Report Constraints page, remove the agent_level_view.VERSION != '?' from the Report Filters, and then click Next.
    5. On the Report Layout page, from Available Fields, select agent_level_view.VERSION. Select = for the Operator and More View the Values. Specify the upgradable common agent version,, and select the AND operation. Click Next.
    6. On the Report Summary page, review your selections, and then click Finish. The report is run and returns a list of computers that have version of the common agent installed.
    7. Save the results.

    Using this report, you can now click Manage Inventory > Groups, and then Edit > Add Group to create a dynamic group of computers that can be used for the common agent upgrade.

    Support for Windows patch management without a Microsoft patch download server

    For configurations where a UNIX or Linux® operating system is installed on the provisioning server, you can now manage patches on Windows endpoints without the requirement to have a Windows machine (Microsoft patch download server) to extract the cab file that contains the patches.

    To set up Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software to work in this configuration, perform the following steps:

    1. Click System Management > Global Settings.
    2. Click the Variables tab.
    3. Click Edit > Add Variable to create a variable with the name cabextractcommand.
    4. In the Key field, type cabextract <cab_file_name> -d <extract_directory>, for example, cabextract -d /tmp/update. When this command runs, the file is decompressed into the /tmp/update directory.
      • Do not include any paths in the cabextract command.
      • Make sure that the executable is in the executing user's path.
      • The cabextract utility that you use must be supported by the UNIX or Linux operating system that is installed on the provisioning server.

    For more information, go to

    Support for patch management using Sun Update Connection Enterprise

    Sun Update Connection Enterprise is a software application that allows you to manage the complete lifecycle deployment for software in Solaris and Linux environments. Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software now provides integration with Sun Update Connection Enterprise, which reduces the time required to manage patches in these environments.

    To use Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software with Sun Update Connection Enterprise, you must install and configure a system dependency server in your environment.

    For information on how to use Sun Update Connection Enterprise support in Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software, refer to the documentation for Sun Update Connection Enterprise automation package, which is available from the Web interface. To access the automation package documentation:

    1. Click Automation > Device Drivers.
    2. In the list of categories, click Software Patches.
    3. In the list of device drivers, click any device driver that starts with Sun_UCE.
    4. Click the Documentation tab.

    Setting the timeout for scanning patches on Red Hat Linux

    If managing patches on Red Hat Linux computers, you can specify how long you want Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software to wait when scanning for available patches.

    To set the timeout:

    1. Click System Management > Global Settings.
    2. Click the Variables tab.
    3. Click Edit > Add Variable.
    4. In the Key field, type RHN.timeout.
    5. In the Component list, select Entire system.
    6. In the Value field, type the value that you want for the timeout, in seconds. This value must be an integer.
    7. Click Save.

    If this variable is not specified, Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software uses the value of 2400 seconds by default.

    Setting the path for the Common Inventory Technology installation

    You can specify where the Common Inventory Technology software is to be installed when running a Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Inventory Discovery on computers that do not have the common agent installed.

    To specify the installation path:

    1. Click System Management > Global Settings.
    2. Click the Variables tab.
    3. Click Edit > Add Variable.
    4. In the Key field, type the appropriate variable name, depending on your operating system:
    5. In the Component list, select Entire system.
    6. In the Value field, type the path where you want the Common Inventory Technology software to be installed.
    7. Click Save.

    If these variables are not specified, Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software uses the following paths by default:

    Fixes included in this fix pack

    Version (Fix Pack 3) includes fixes addressed in Version and customer Authorized Program Analysis Reports (APARs).

    For a detailed list of fixes and customer APARs included in this fix pack, download the defects list:

    1. Go to the IBM Support Web site at
    2. In the Search all of support box, enter one of the following and click the search button:
    3. In the list of found items, click the corresponding link for the product and version of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software to which you are applying Fix Pack 3.
    4. Click the following link:

    Product compatibility

    Version supports all the hardware and software that is supported by Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software V

    Fix pack applies to regular installations only
    You can only apply the fix pack to a regular installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software (an installation with WebSphere Application Server as the application server). A fix pack is not available for a Fast Start installation.

    Software Package Editor compatibility
    Software Package Editor and the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software installation must be both updated to Version to work together properly.

    If you have Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software components distributed in a multi-node installation, the fix pack must be applied to the application server node where Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software is installed and not on the IBM DB2® Universal Database server, LDAP server, or the directory server node.

    Agent manager and common agent version
    The agent manager is updated when you install the fix pack. You must also upgrade the common agent on all depot servers after you have applied the fix pack.

    Preinstallation tasks

    You must install and configure all components of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software version 5.1.0 plus Fix Pack 2, or Version before attempting the installation of Fix Pack Thoroughly review the following list of installation prerequisites before you proceed with the installation.

    Installation requirements

    1. Identify your current installation situation. Consider the following scenarios:

      New Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software installation
      Before you install this fix pack, you must first install Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software version For a regular installation, refer to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Installation Guide.

      For Linux on IBM iSeries®, IBM pSeries®, or IBM zSeries® and Linux on AMD, you must perform the installation manually. Refer to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Installation Guide for additional platforms for your operating system.

      Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software is currently installed

      If Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software is already installed, you can:

      • Upgrade from Version (Fix Pack 2) to Version
      • Upgrade from Version to Version
      The fix pack can be applied to an existing regular installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software. After verifying all the prerequisites described in this section, you can install the fix pack. A fix pack is not available for a Fast Start installation.
    2. Verify disk space requirements:

      Table 1. Disk space requirements for the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software node

      Location Disk space requirements
      Disk space for installation images 2 GB
      Disk space to extract files from installation images 2.5 GB
      / 250 MB
      Temporary files: /tmp 600 MB
      /usr 50 MB
      /var 1 MB
      /home 100 MB

      Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software installation directory

      The default location is: /opt/IBM/tivoli/tpmfsw

      IBM AIX®
      3 GB

      3.5 GB

      3 GB

      Agent manager installation directory:


      50 MB
    3. Log on to Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software as admin. If the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software installation is LDAP-based, use tioappadmin.
    4. Verify that Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software is operational.

      Ensure that you can run the workflow named no_operation. For instructions on how to run a workflow, refer to the Running workflows from the Web interface topic in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version information center.

    5. Verify the currently installed version of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software. The fix pack is compatible with versions and

      To determine the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software version, in the Web interface, click the About link at the top right corner of the Welcome page.

    6. Verify data model requirements:
      1. Verify that the sample:all-objects access domain exists. If you removed this access domain after installing Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software, you must recreate it before installing the fix pack.
        1. Connect to the database:

          For DB2 Universal Database™
          db2 connect to database_name user database_user using password


          The name of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software database. The default database name is tc.

          The database user name. If you installed version with the default installation path, the DB2 Universal Database user is tioadmin.

          The password for database_user.

          For example:

          db2 connect to tc user tioadmin using pa55w0rd

          For Oracle database
          sqlplus database_user/password@database_name

          The database user name. If you installed version with the default installation path, the Oracle database user is tiodb.

          The name of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software database. The default database name is tc.

          The password for database_user.

          For example:

          sqlplus tiodb/pa55w0rd@tc
        2. Run the following command.

          For DB2 Universal Database
          db2 "select * from access_domain where name = 'sample:all-objects'"

          For Oracle database
          In SQL*Plus, enter:
          select * from access_domain where name = 'sample:all-objects'
          • If the command returns one record, then the access domain exists and no further action is necessary for this requirement.
          • If the command does not return any records, you must recreate the access domain. Proceed to the next steps.
        3. Create a new file called sampleAccessDomain.xml with the following lines:
          <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
          <!DOCTYPE datacenter PUBLIC " -//Think Dynamics//DTD XML Import//EN" "xml import.dtd">
             <access-domain name="sample:all-objects">
        4. Import the file you created with the following command:
          $TIO_HOME/tools/ file:path/sampleAccessDomain.xml
      2. If you imported the sample data in venice.xml, you must remove the sample boot server called Rembo. If this boot server is in the data model during fix pack installation, the automation package migration will fail. In the Web interface, click Inventory > Infrastructure Management > Boot Servers. Find the sample Rembo boot server and delete it.
      3. If you downloaded an updated version of the automation package called MS_WSUS tcdriver from the Open Process Automation Library (OPAL) and installed it, some changes that the new automation package makes to the data model must be removed before you install the fix pack.
        1. In the navigation pane, type WSUSScanCab Archive in the Find field.
        2. In the search results below the Find field, click WSUSScanCab Archive. The WSUSScanCab Archive installable file is displayed.
        3. Click the Variables tab.
        4. Delete the following variables:
          • wsusscan.url
          • wsusscn2.url
      4. During installation of the fix pack, automation packages provided with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software are updated. If you removed some of the automation packages provided with previous versions of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software ( or, but did not remove the data model objects associated with those automation packages, the update process will fail.

        For each automation package that you have removed, ensure that the data model objects that were created by the automation package are also removed. For example, if you removed an automation package for a piece of software, any software catalog entries created by the automation package must also be removed. Information about the objects created by an automation package is in the xml subfolder of the automation package.

        Alternatively, you can reinstall all provided automation packages that you removed before you begin the fix pack installation.

    7. Verify passwords required to perform the fix pack installation.
    8. To ensure successful installation of the language pack, ensure that the user tioadmin has read, write, and execute permissions for all directories under $TIO_HOME/tioprofile.
    9. Cancel all running workflows and clear failed, deleted, and canceled workflows:
      1. Ensure that Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software is stopped. For more information, refer to the Administering Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software section in the Installation Guide.
      2. Open a command window.
      3. Go to the $TIO_HOME/tools directory.
      4. Run the following commands:

      The command marks all the in-progress deployment requests as abandoned (failed). The log files cancel-all-in-progress.log and clean-up-deployment-requests.log are created with the results of the commands.

    10. Check for /bin as an entry in the PATH environment variable for the shell that you are using. If /bin is defined towards the beginning of the list in the PATH environment variable and the java command resolves with a path of /bin/java, installation of the dynamic content delivery service will fail.
      1. To confirm the location of Java™, run the command:
        which java

        If this command is not available on your system, run the following command instead:

        type java
      2. If the returned value is /bin/java, run the following command to display the contents of the PATH variable:
        echo $PATH
      3. If the first part of the path is /bin, update the PATH variable so that /bin does not resolve the java command. There are several options for making this change:
        • Move /bin to the end of the list of paths in the PATH variable. Normally the java command will resolve to /usr/bin/java.
        • Create a symbolic link for /bin/java under another directory and add that path to the front of the PATH variable. For example, if you have a link in /usr/bin to the java command, ensure that /usr/bin is at the front of the PATH variable or place /usr/bin before /bin in the list of paths.
    11. During installation, the installer runs the command df -Mk. On AIX, the GNU version of the df command does not support the -Mk option. Set the default df command to the native AIX version instead of the GNU version or change any existing symbolic link to point to the native AIX version for the fix pack installation.
    12. If you have a Linux on zSeries installation of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software and you disabled the Java Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler after installation, you must enable the JIT compiler again and apply IBM Java SDK Version 1.4.2, Service Release 8. This Java SDK update fixes an issue with the reinit script that required you to disable the JIT compiler. The Java SDK update must be installed to successfully install the fix pack.
      1. Open the file $TIO_HOME/tools/ and comment out the following line:
        export JITC_COMPILEOPT=NALL{org/eclipse/osgi/framework/internal/core/PackageAdminImpl}{doResolveBundles}
      2. Open the file $TIO_HOME/.tools/dcm/ and comment out the following line:
        export JAVA_COMPILER=nojit
      3. Download the 31-bit zSeries (IBM S/390®) version of the Java SDK Version 1.4.2, Service Release 8 from This version of the download should be used for both 31-bit and (s390) and 64-bit (s390x) installations.
      4. Install the Java SDK according to the Java SDK documentation. If an older service release is already installed, force installation of Service Release 8.
      5. Open the file $TIO_HOME/tools/ and change the value of JAVA_HOME to the directory where you installed the Java SDK.
    13. Back up your installation:
      The fix pack installation makes changes to the database, directory server, and files in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software installation directory. These changes cannot be rolled back. If installation of the fix pack fails, you must restore a backup of the product before you applied the fix pack or reinstall the product, and then retry the fix pack installation.
      1. Back up your current installation. Use your own backup tools to perform a full system backup or refer to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Installation Guide for instructions on how to back up Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software data.
      2. If the directory server or database is on a separate computer, also ensure that you back up that data.
      3. Save workflows that you created in the Web interface that you want to keep. If you create a new workflow in the Web interface, the workflow is saved in the data model and is associated with the automation package called default_automation_package by default. A copy of the workflow is not saved in the automation package file default_automation_package.tcdriver.

        The default_automation_package automation package can cause problems during the fix pack installation and is therefore deleted during the installation. If you want to save a workflow that you created in the Web interface, perform the following steps:

        1. Click Automation > Workflows.
        2. Search for the workflow name.
        3. In the search results, click the workflow that you want to save.
        4. Click Edit > Export. The file is saved as a .wkf file.

        After the fix pack installation, you can add the workflow back into Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software by opening it in the workflow composer and compiling the workflow. If you have multiple workflows to import, you can add them to an automation package and install the automation package.

    14. Ensure that you have downloaded all the installation files required for the fix pack:

      Table 2. Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software downloads

      Downloads available from the fix pack Web page.
      Operating System Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Components

      Upgrading from, which includes:
      - CAS/AM_V13_AIX.tar
      - CDS/AIXPPC32/setup.bin
      - DMS/
      - DMS/

      Upgrading from 5.1.1, which includes:
      - CDS/AIXPPC32/setup.bin

      Upgrading from, which includes:
      - CAS/AM_V13_SUN.tar
      - CDS/SolarisSparc/setup.bin
      - DMS/
      - DMS/

      Upgrading from 5.1.1, which includes:
      - CDS/SolarisSparc/setup.bin

      Upgrading from, which includes:
      - CAS/AM_V13_LIN.tar
      - CAS/AM_V13_LIN_PPC.tar
      - CAS/AM_V13_LIN_zSeries.tar
      - CDS/LinuxIA32/setup.bin
      - CDS/LinuxPPC64/setup.bin
      - CDS/LinuxS390/setup.bin
      - DMS/
      - DMS/

      Upgrading from 5.1.1, which includes:
      - CDS/LinuxIA32/setup.bin
      - CDS/LinuxPPC64/setup.bin
      - CDS/LinuxS390/setup.bin

      Upgrading from, which includes:
      - CAS/AM_V13_HPUX_IA64.tar
      - CDS/HPUXIA64/setup.bin
      - DMS/
      - DMS/

      Upgrading from 5.1.1, which includes:
      - CDS/HPUXIA64/setup.bin
    15. Verify your downloads by validating their checksum values.
      1. Ensure that you have downloaded the .md5 file that corresponds to each .zip file from the fix pack download page.
      2. For each download, run the following command:

        Linux or Solaris: md5sum -c filename.md5
        AIX: csum -i filename.md5

        where filename.md5 is the name of the file that contains the md5 sum and the name of the file. The md5 file must include only the .zip file name and not its full path.

        The command calculates the md5 sum for the file, automatically compares it with the value listed in the .md5 file, and returns OK if the values are the same. For this to work, the .zip and .md5 files should be in the same directory when the md5sum check is run.

        For example, to validate the file, run the command:

        Linux or Solaris: md5sum -c
        AIX: csum -i

    16. Create a temporary directory for the fix pack. In these instructions, the directory is called fp_temp. The temporary directory must meet these requirements:
    17. Extract the contents of both fix pack downloads (Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software and components) to the temporary directory. After you unpack the files, you can delete the zipped fix pack downloads to free space in the directory if necessary.
    18. Run the following command: chmod -Rf 755 fp_temp, where fp_temp is the temporary directory that you created.
    19. Ensure that Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software is stopped. For instructions, see the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Installation Guide, Common tasks for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software installation, in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version information center.
    20. Ensure that WebSphere Application Server is stopped. For instructions, see the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Installation Guide, Common tasks for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software installation, in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version information center.
    21. Ensure that the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software database server and directory server are still running. The database and directory server must be running during the fix pack installation process to complete the installation successfully.

      Tivoli Directory Server
      If you are using Tivoli Directory Server as your directory server for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software, run the following command:

      AIX or Linux
      ibmdirctl -D cn=root -w password status

      ibmdirctl -D cn=root -w password -h hostname status

      DB2 Universal Database

      To verify that DB2 Universal Database is running:

      1. Switch to the DB2 Universal Database instance owner. For example, if you are using the default instance owner db2inst1, run the command:
        su - db2inst1
      2. To start DB2 Universal Database, run the command:

        DB2 Universal Database is started if it is not running already. If the database is already running, the following message is displayed:

        SQL1026N  The database manager is already active

      Oracle database
      To check the status of the Oracle database and start the database, if necessary:
      1. To log in as the oracle user, enter su - oracle.
      2. To check if the Oracle database listener is running, enter lsnrctl status. If the listener is running, detailed information about the listener is displayed. If the listener is not running, the following message is displayed:
        TNS-12541: TNS:no listener
      3. If the listener is not running, enter lsnrctl start to start the listener.
      4. To check if the Oracle database is running, enter sqlplus / as sysdba. If the database is running, a message similar to the following is displayed:
        Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release

        If the database is stopped, the following message is displayed:

        Connected to an idle instance.
      5. If the database is stopped, enter startup in SQL*Plus to start it.

    Common directory paths

    This readme file uses the following variables to represent directory paths.

    Table 3. Path variables

    Path variables Definition Default directory
    AM_installdir Installation directory for the agent manager /opt/IBM/AgentManager
    $DMS_HOME Installation directory for the device manager service /opt/IBM/tivoli/tpm/DeviceManager
    DB2_installdir Installation directory for DB2 Universal Database AIX: /usr/opt/db2_08_01
    Solaris and Linux: /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1
    IDS_installdir Installation directory for Tivoli Directory Server
    $ORACLE_HOME Installation directory for Oracle $ORACLE_BASE/product/

    The value of $ORACLE_BASE is the directory in which all Oracle software is installed, for example, /u01/app/oracle.

    $WAS_HOME Installation directory for WebSphere Application Server AIX: /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
    Solaris and Linux: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
    $TIO_HOME Installation directory for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software
    $TIO_LOGS Log file directory for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software

    Installation tasks

    Installing the fix pack

    1. Ensure that you meet all the requirements as described in Preinstallation tasks.
    2. Ensure that the directory server and database are running. For instructions on checking the status of applications, see the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Installation Guide, Common tasks for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software installation, in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version information center.
    3. Ensure that Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software and WebSphere Application Server are stopped. For instructions, see the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Installation Guide, Common tasks for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software installation, in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version information center.
    4. Log in to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software computer as root.
    5. Run the following command, depending on what is supported on your operating system:
      export TERM=ansi
      export TERM=xterm
      export TERM=vt100
    6. Change to the fp_temp directory.
    7. Run the following command to install the fix pack. Note that the installation options are case-sensitive.

      For DB2 Universal Database -WASadmin was_adminID -WASadminPWD was_admin_pwd -DBAdmin db_adminID -DBAdminPWD db_admin_pwd

      For Oracle database -WASadmin was_adminID -WASadminPWD was_admin_pwd -DBAdmin db_adminID -DBAdminPWD db_admin_pwd -CDSOraclePWD cds_schema_pwd
    8. If Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software is installed on Solaris, you must precompile all JavaServer Pages to ensure that the Web interface loads properly. This step is needed as a result of a Java problem on Solaris operating systems. To precompile all JavaServer Pages, run the following command:
    9. If Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software is installed on Linux on zSeries and you are upgrading from version, you must update the file for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software to start properly. To update this file, open $TIO_HOME/tools/ and replace the following line:
      $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xms256m -Xmx1024m
      $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -Xms512M -Xmx512M 
      then save and close the file.
    10. On Solaris, when you upgrade from version, download ( and install the coreutils package (coreutils-6.4-sol9-sparc-local.gz for Solaris 9, or coreutils-6.4-sol10-sparc-local.gz for Solaris 10) before you start Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software. By doing this, you ensure that stty is located in the /usr/local/bin directory, where expect is looking for it. If stty is not located in the /usr/local/bin directory, the CreateTCASPBs.wkf and UnzipSWDCLI.wkf workflows that are run after the upgrade will time out.

      To verify whether you have coreutils already installed, run the following command:

      pkginfo | grep coreutils

      The result should be null if the package is not installed. If the coreutils package is installed, the result should be similar to the following:

      application SMCcoreu        coreutils
    11. Start Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software. For instructions, see the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Installation Guide, Common tasks for Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software installation, in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version information center.

      The first time that you start the product after installing the fix pack, the automation package migration process runs and updates the automation packages provided with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software:

    12. Verify that you can log on to the dynamic content delivery service console. If the message The specified username or password is incorrect is displayed, this might indicate that SOAP services were not started. Check the log file $TIO_LOGS/soap/desoap_start.log. For information on how to fix the SOAP services, refer to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Installation Guide for your operating system.

    Recovering from installation errors

    The following main steps occur during the installation of the fix pack:

    1. If using a writeable LDAP, migration from writeable to read-only LDAP. If using a read-only LDAP, migration to update the default security roles and permissions to the fix pack 3 level.
    2. Installation of fix pack files.
    3. Post-installation configuration such as migration of directory server data and migration of automation packages.
    4. If you upgrade from version to, upgrade of the agent manager.
    5. Upgrade the dynamic content delivery service.
    6. If you upgrade from version to, upgrade of the device manager service.
    7. Database schema updates to tables and views in the database.

    To recover from an installation error:

    1. Record any error messages that you received and address the errors.
    2. Check the log files for information about the error and possible recovery actions.

      Writeable to read-only LDAP migration

      Fix pack installer

      Data and LDAP migration

      The agent manager

      The dynamic content delivery service

      The device manager service

      Automation package installation

      Automation package data migration
    3. Refer to the Known problems topic for possible installation errors and recovery actions.
    4. An uninstaller is not available for the fix pack. Restore your backup of the product before you started the fix pack installation.
    5. When you have fixed the source of the installation error, attempt the fix pack installation again.

    Post-installation tasks

    Upgrading the common agent

    After you have completed installation of the fix pack, you must upgrade older versions of the common agent. The common agent upgrade is from version, provided with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software (Fix Pack 2), to version, provided with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software The common agent must be upgraded on both the depot servers and the endpoints that are participating in the software distribution process.

    In Fix Pack 3, the agent upgrade uses both the deployment engine for control of the upgrade process on the common agent, and the depots for scalable distribution of the package. The upgrade through the standalone installation of the common agent, which was provided with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software (Fix Pack 2), is still available to use.

    Refer to the information center for additional details about upgrading the common agent:

    Subagents delivered with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software also require an upgrade. With the installation of this upgrade, the new version of the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software server is backward compatible with agents running at the level with all the level subagents.

    A report can be run to verify which common agent version is installed on which target computer. For more information about this report and how to run it, refer to the Inventory report that identifies upgradable computers section.


    Component versions
    The agent upgrade uses the following versions of the scalable distribution infrastructure components (same as version

    Table 4. Scalable distribution infrastructure components

    Component name Component version
    Tivoli Common Agent Services
    Common Inventory Technology (CIT) 2.4.1009
    Dynamic Content Delivery Client 1.3.2100
    Dynamic Content Delivery Depot 1.3.2100
    Dynamic Content Delivery Axis Export 1.3.2100
    Tivoli Provisioning Manager OMA/DM OSGi Agent Extension 1.8.1
    IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Job Execution Service 5.1.1000
    Event Administration Service 5.1.1000
    IBM Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator CIT Scanner 5.1.3
    SPBHandler 5.1.1000
    IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager Subagent 5.1.1000
    The versions of some subagents, such as the IBM Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator CIT Scanner and the SCMCollector, have changed from Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software through defect solving. To determine whether you need to upgrade the specific subagents, consider the following subagent updates that have been made since
    • For the IBM Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator CIT Scanner subagent, changed the way the memory modules discovered on computers are stored in the data model, and added the hyperthread parameter to the resources discovered on the target CPU.
    • For the SCMCollector subagent, ensured that the last scan time is shown on the scan results on the computer General page, when the SCM discovery scan is run through the scalable distribution infrastructure.

    Software modules and installables
    For each software module, the following installables are being provided for the Fix Pack 3 common agent upgrade:

    Table 5. Software modules and installables

    Software module Software installable Installable file name
    TCA Subagents Upgrade TCA-Subagents Windows Upgrade Installable upgrade_subagents_511_windows.exe (self-extracting)
    TCA Subagents Upgrade TCA-Subagents Linux Intel® Upgrade Installable upgrade_subagents_511_linux86.tar (tar file format)

    TCA-Subagents Linux s390 Upgrade Installable upgrade_subagents_511_linux_s390.tar (tar file format)

    TCA-Subagents Linux PPC Upgrade Installable upgrade_subagents_511_linux_ppc.tar (tar file format)

    TCA-Subagents AIX Upgrade Installable upgrade_subagents_511_aix.tar (tar file format)

    TCA-Subagents Solaris Intel Upgrade Installable upgrade_subagents_511_solaris_ix86.tar (tar file)

    TCA-Subagents Solaris Sparc Upgrade Installable upgrade_subagents_511_solaris.tar (tar file format)

    TCA-Subagents HP-UX PA RISC Upgrade Installable upgrade_subagents_511_hp.tar (tar file format)

    TCA-Subagents HP-UX Itanium® Upgrade Installable upgrade_subagents_511_hp_ia64.tar (tar file format)
    TCA-Subagents Generic Upgrade TCA Generic Subagents Upgrade for Windows Installable upgrade_subagents_511.exe (self-extracting)
    TCA-Subagents Generic Upgrade TCA-Subagents Generic Upgrade Installable upgrade_subagents_511.tar (tar file format)
    TCA- Upgrade TCA- Upgrade Installable upgrade.jar

    Upgrade procedure
    To upgrade the common agent on multiple target endpoints, follow these steps in the specified order:
    1. Log on to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Web interface.
    2. Publish the required installables for the agent upgrade for your operating system to selected depot servers:
      The list of all installables for the common agent upgrade is provided above. You need to determine what operating systems you have on your endpoints and publish only the installables that are required for those operating systems. You can avoid generating unnecessary traffic by publishing only the required installables over a fast connection and to a depot server that is close by.
      1. In the navigation pane, click Software Management -> Publish -> Software Products. The Publish Software Products page is displayed.
      2. In the Task Name field, type a name for the task. This name is used to view the task status on the Track Tasks page.
      3. Under Select Installables, specify the software modules for the task.
      4. Under Select Depots, select one or more target depot servers for the task.
      5. Click Submit.
    3. (Optional) Distribute the installables to the target endpoints. If files are not distributed, the upgrade step will also perform the distribution.
      1. In the navigation pane, click Software Management -> Distribute -> Software Products. The Distribute Software Products page is displayed.
      2. In the Task Name field, type a name for the task.
      3. In the Select Software section, select the software product that you want to distribute. For example, TCA- Upgrade Software Product.
      4. In the Select Computers section, specify the target computers where you want to copy the software.
      5. Click Submit.

      A single implementation of the SoftwareInstallable.Distribute logical device operation is assigned to each selected installable. To distribute all of the required packages, you simply select to distribute the required upgrade software package, and all the other packages are distributed automatically to the target systems.

    4. Upgrade the common agent on the target computers:
      1. In the navigation pane, click Software Management -> Upgrade -> Software Product. The Upgrade Software Product page is displayed.
      2. In the Task Name field, type a name for the task.
      3. Under Select Software, select the common agent installable for the upgrade, for example, TCA-
      4. Under Select Computers, use the Display drop-down list to sort the displayed targets By Computer or By Group, and then select the target computers or the computer group for the task.
        To be able to sort the target computers By Group, first you need to create a dynamic group that includes all of the computers that have the upgradable version of the common agent, The dynamic group can be created based on a specific inventory report. For more information, refer to section Inventory report that identifies upgradable computers.
      5. Under Schedule, select Now or schedule the task to run at a specified time.
      6. Click Submit.

      The task is run against the specified target computers. Once the task is completed successfully, the common agents on all the selected target computers are upgraded to the version.

    Upgrading IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment Embedded Edition

    If you have Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment Embedded Edition installed, note that the version of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment Embedded Edition provided with Tivoli Provisioning Manager version (Fix Pack 3) has been updated since Tivoli Provisioning Manager version This updated version is the same as the one provided with Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software version (Fix Pack 1) and version (Fix Pack 2).

    If you upgraded from Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software version or if you already upgraded Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment Embedded Edition in Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Fix Pack 1 or Fix Pack 2, no action is required.

    If you did not upgrade Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment Embedded Edition in Fix Pack 2, you can upgrade it following the procedure below. All of your existing operating system images are preserved during the upgrade.

    To upgrade Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment Embedded Edition to the latest version:

    1. Click Inventory > Manage Inventory > Computers.
    2. Find the computer that has the IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment Embedded Edition server installed and click its name.
    3. Click the Software tab.
    4. Next to TPM for OS Deployment EE, click Actions button > Upgrade. The upgrade will take a few moments to complete.

    Enabling rollback for software management

    The rollback feature, which allows you to bring a system back to a previous state, was introduced in Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software version For more information about this feature, refer to the Rollback topic in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software version information center.

    If you have upgraded from version and you want to keep the same behavior as version (rollback enabled or disabled), no action is required.

    If you have upgraded from version, the rollback feature is not enabled by default. To enable the rollback feature:

    1. Ensure that the version of the common agent on the endpoints has been upgraded, as detailed in the Upgrading the common agent topic. Then perform the following steps on the Web interface:
    2. Click System Management > Global Settings.
    3. Click the Variables tab.
    4. Find the Rollback_Enabled variable.
    5. Click Actions button > Properties.
    6. In the Value field, type TRUE.
    7. Click Save.

    You have now enabled the rollback feature.

    AIX prerequisites for a coexistence environment

    Before you replicate the existing Tivoli Management Framework data in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software DB2 data model installed on AIX 5.3, ensure that AIX 5.3 is at Maintenance Level 3.

    Downloads and updates

    Web Replay updates

    Additional Web Replay scenarios are available for you to use in Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software. To download these Web Replay scenarios, go to the IBM Open Process Automation Library at

    After downloading the packages, refer to the Web Replay online help for instructions on how to import and use the Web Replay scenarios in your environment. The Web Replay online help is available from the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Web interface.

    Global variables updates

    Note that the default value for the Sun.patchpro.patch.source global variable, which specifies the URL for the Sun patch server, has now changed to

    If you are applying Fix Pack 3 to a Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version installation, no action is required.

    If you are applying Fix Pack 3 to a Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version installation, and if you want to use the new value for this variable, perform the following steps on the Web interface after applying Fix Pack 3:

    1. Click System Management > Global Settings. Click the Variables tab. Find the Sun.patchpro.patch.source variable and change its value from to
    2. In the Find box at the top of the navigation panel, type to find the item that you added to the data model in Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version Click the item. Click Edit > Properties and change the name of the item from to
    3. In the Find box at the top of the navigation panel, type sun_update_registry to find this workflow and then run it on your Solaris endpoints to register them with the new Sun patch server.

    Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software will now use the new value for the Sun.patchpro.patch.source global variable to manage patches.

    Property names and values updates

    During the database schema migration, some property names and values change for the KANAHA component. If you are using these specific properties in your custom workflows, ensure that you migrate your workflows because the property names and values will be changed in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software data model.

    The following properties have changed:

    Discovery configurations updates

    A new discovery configuration, called Patch Management Discovery For All Operating Systems, is now available. This generic discovery configuration calls the corresponding patch scan method based on the operating system on the endpoints.

    If you are applying Fix Pack 3 to a Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version installation, no action is required.

    If you are applying Fix Pack 3 to a Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version installation, and if you enabled access control for patch management in Fix Pack 2, you must set up access control for this new discovery configuration by following these steps:

    1. Click Inventory > Manage Discovery > Discovery Configurations.
    2. In the list, click the Patch Management Discovery For All Operating Systems discovery configuration.
    3. Click Actions button > Add to Access Group.
    4. Select the access group that was configured in Fix Pack 2 for patch management and click Save.

    Documentation updates

    Either if you are applying the fix pack to a Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version installation or a Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version installation, refer to the following sources of documentation:

    Information center updates

    The following updates apply to the information center.

    Useful commands

    This topic, which is available in the information center at Troubleshooting and support -> Known limitations -> Common agent troubleshooting -> Useful commands, needs to be corrected with the following information:

    Uninstalling the common agent and subagents

    1. Change to the following directory:
    2. Run the following command:

    List the bundles and their state

    1. Change to the following directory:
    2. Run the following command:
      agent cli deployer list bundles state

    Retrieve all of the common agent logs

    1. Change to the following directory:
    2. Run the following command:

    The file will be created in the runtime/agent directory.

    Requirements for common agent installation

    This topic, which is available in the information center at Installing, configuring, and security -> Configuring the environment -> Distribution in branch offices -> Tivoli Common Agent Services -> Installing the common agent and subagents on the managed system -> Requirements, needs to be updated with the following information:

    On HP-UX, adding the .hushlogin does not prevent the message of the day from interfering with the common agent upgrade. Instead, you need to perform the following operations:

    1. Remove /etc/motd if it exists, or comment out the motd line in the global profile /etc/profile.
    2. Comment out the copyright line in the global profile /etc/profile.
    3. Move the .profile file for root.

    Device manager service configuration

    This topic, which is available in the information center at Troubleshooting and support -> Known limitations -> Device manager service -> Device manager service configuration, needs to be corrected with the following information:

    To change the polling interval for WebSphere Application Server:

    1. Open the WebSphere Application Server admin console.
    2. Click Environment -> WebSphere Variables -> server1 and then click Apply.
    3. Edit the DMS_FEDERATED_AGENT_POLL_INTERVAL_IN_MINUTES property to reflect the interval that you want.
    4. Click Apply, then click Save twice.
    5. Restart Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software.

    Security role mapping for the Discovery tabs

    This topic, which is available in the information center at Security -> User security -> Users and security roles -> Adding users -> Security role mappings, needs to be updated with the following information:

    The Initial Discovery page in the Web user interface navigation requires the Task-Edit security permission in order to perform actions on that page. The Task-Edit permission is assigned to the following predefined security roles:

    Manually configuring read-only LDAP

    This topic, which is available in the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version information center at Security -> Certificate authentication -> Read-only LDAP, needs to be updated.

    The following security roles names also need to be changed in the ibm-application-bnd.xmi file:

    Previous Security Role Names New Security Role Names
    cn=InternalNetworkView,dc=ibm,dc=com NetworkView
    cn=InternalNetworkEdit,dc=ibm,dc=com NetworkEdit
    cn=InternalApplicationsAdminView,dc=ibm,dc=com ApplicationsAdminView
    cn=InternalApplicationsAdminEdit,dc=ibm,dc=com ApplicationsAdminEdit
    cn=InternalCustomerView,dc=ibm,dc=com CustomerView
    cn=InternalCustomerEdit,dc=ibm,dc=com CustomerEdit
    cn=InternalStorageView,dc=ibm,dc=com StorageView
    cn=InternalStorageEdit,dc=ibm,dc=com StorageEdit
    cn=InternalStorageTemplateView,dc=ibm,dc=com StorageTemplateView
    cn=InternalStorageTemplateEdit,dc=ibm,dc=com StorageTemplateEdit
    cn=InternalServiceCatalogView,dc=ibm,dc=com ServiceCatalogView
    cn=InternalServiceCatalogEdit,dc=ibm,dc=com ServiceCatalogEdit
    cn=InternalSubscriptionView,dc=ibm,dc=com SubscriptionView
    cn=InternalSubscriptionEdit,dc=ibm,dc=com SubscriptionEdit
    cn=InternalDistributedApplicationsManage,dc=ibm,dc=com DistributedApplicationsManage

    For information about administering read-only LDAP servers, refer to the applicable product documentation:

    SOAP services fail to start on Linux

    This topic, which is available in the information center at Troubleshooting and Support -> Known limitations -> Installation problems, needs to be corrected with the information:

    To resolve the problem when the SOAP services do not start automatically after the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software installation, check $TIO_LOGS/soap/desoap_start.log for either of the following exceptions:

    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/ibm/pvcws/proxy/Logger 
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method) 
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass( 
    at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.adaptor.core.DefaultClassLoader.defineClass 
    at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseClassLoader.defineClass 


    Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException: 
    Can't find bundle for base name, locale en_US 
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException( 
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl( 
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle( 
    <clinit> ( 
    ... 39 more

    Perform the following steps to start the SOAP services:

    1. Stop Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software.
    2. Edit the file $TIO_HOME/tools/ and change the following:
      -Xbootclasspath/a:$TIO_HOME/lib/jaasmodule.jar \


      -Xbootclasspath/a:$TIO_HOME/lib/jaasmodule.jar:$TIO_HOME/eclipse/plugins/ \


      -noSplash -application launcher.CliLauncher \


      -noSplash -clean -application launcher.CliLauncher \
    3. Start Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software.
    4. Verify that the SOAP services started in $TIO_LOGS/soap/desoap_start.log.

    Known problems

    At time of publication, the following problems and limitations were known.

    As limitations and problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the online knowledge base. You can search the online support knowledge base to quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems that you experience.

    Known problems with the fix pack installation

    Installation fails during the LDAP migration


    During the upgrade from Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Fix Pack 2 to Fix Pack 3, the installation fails during the first step of the installation, the LDAP migration.

    If this is a temporary problem, for example, if the LDAP connection is lost, resolve the problem and then follow the steps below to resume the installation.

    If the installation fails during the upgrade between Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software version 5.1.1 and Fix Pack 3, you can resolve the problem and then run the installer again to restart the installation.

    Resolving the problem

    Check the log files to see where the installation failed.

    If the installation failed before or during Step 6, Enable global security, run the installer again, it will repeat the previous steps.

    If the installation failed after Step 6, complete the following steps to manually configure this part of the Fix Pack installation:

    1. Log on to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software server as the tioadmin user.
    2. Stop tioprofile.

      1. Stop tioprofile from the Windows service. Navigate to Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services.
      2. Find the service called IBM WebSphere Application Server V6 - tioprofile_server1.
      3. Right-click on the service and select Stop.

      In a command window, type the following command:
      $WAS_PROFILE_HOME/bin/ $TIO_SERVER -username <username> -password <password>

      where <username> and <password> are your WebSphere Application Server username and password.

    3. In the TIO_HOME\config folder, change the following file names:
      1. Save the user-factory.xml file as user-factory-FP2.xml if the user-factory-FP2.xml does not already exist.
      2. Rename user-factory-msad-readOnlyLdap.xml (for Microsoft Active Directory) or user-factory-ids-readOnlyLdap.xml (for Tivoli Directory Server) to user-factory.xml
    4. In the TIO_HOME\lib folder, copy the to the WAS_HOME\lib\ext folder.
    5. Start Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software to verify that you can log into the Web interface.
    6. When you have verified that you can log into the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Web interface, stop Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software and launch the Fix Pack installer again to continue the installation.

    ORA-00942 errors in the MC-DB-install.out file


    Error messages similar to the following are generated in the MC-DB-install.out file:

    22.01.2008 20:00:36 EET parseFile 
    SQL statement -->  DROP TABLE <table_name>
    22.01.2008 20:00:36 EET parseFile java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    	at oracle.jdbc.driver.DatabaseError.throwSqlException(


    During the common agent upgrade after the installation of the fix pack, the dynamic content delivery service checks to ensure that all database entities are created. Under some custom installations, a table was created but never used. In the current release, these tables have been added permanently with a new column definition. To ensure proper installation, the dynamic content delivery service attempts to delete the old table with the old format. In many cases, that table does not exist, therefore these error messages are generated.

    Resolving the problem

    You can ignore these error messages.

    SQL exceptions in the MC-DB-install.out file


    Error messages similar to the following are generated in the MC-DB-install.out file:

    2/4/08 11:11:43 AM CST parseFile
    2/4/08 11:11:43 AM CST parseFile [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/6000] SQL0104N  An unexpected token "COLUMN" was found following "MA.DEPOT_SERVER DROP".  Expected tokens may include:  "CONSTRAINT".  SQLSTATE=42601


    During the upgrade of the dynamic content delivery management center, after the installation of the fix pack, the dynamic content delivery service checks to ensure that all database entities are created. Under some custom installations with older versions of DB2 Universal Database, the drop column syntax is not supported. This is a cleanup step and does not affect the stability of the overall system. In the future, you might run another version of DB2 Universal Database that supports this syntax and these steps will complete the cleanup.

    Resolving the problem

    You can ignore these error messages.

    Known problems with the full installation

    Installation of DB2 fails when node name is different than host name


    This problem applies to installations of Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version 5.1.0 and Version 5.1.1.

    DB2 installation stops before it is complete. On the computer where you are performing the installation, the configured node name is different than the configured host name.


    The DB2 installation uses the uname -n command to obtain the node name of the computer. Typically, the node name is the same as the host name that is returned with the hostname command. Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software installation requires that the host name and the node name of the computer are identical.

    Resolving the problem

    Check the value of the host name and node name. You must change the node name if it does not match the host name.

    1. Run the command hostname to obtain the host name.
    2. Run the command uname -n to obtain the node name.
    3. If the node name is different than the host name:
      1. Log on as root.
      2. Change the node name to match the host name. For example, to change the node name to myserver, run the following command:
        uname -S myserver

    Known problems with the product

    Error when scanning for available Windows patches


    If managing patches on Windows computers, you might get the following error during the patch scanning operation:

    ESR: <task name> > task failure.  Cannot download new security updates.
    Error message:
    COPDEX123E The workflow threw a ParsingFailure exception. The message
    is A Parsing Failure has occurred. xmlSource is located:
    <repository path>/wua/wsusscancab/update/package.xml.
    See attached for error details and workflow log.


    The Microsoft Updates Discovery task fails when scanning the file to retrieve the patches into the data model. This problem is caused by a change in the patches format in the .cab file.

    Resolving the problem

    If applying the fix pack to a Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version installation:

    1. Ensure that you have Fix pack 2 plus Interim Fix 6 installed. To download Interim Fix 6, go to Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software, Interim Fix
    2. Install the automation package for Microsoft Windows Software Update Services MS_WSUS.tcdriver (171008) Version available on OPAL at

    If applying the fix pack to a Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software Version installation:

    1. Install the automation package for Microsoft Windows Software Update Services MS_WSUS.tcdriver Version available on OPAL at

    For more information, refer to Microsoft Updates Discovery fails due to XML parse exception.

    Replicated endpoint task does not work on computers that have Tivoli Common Agent installed


    If you replicate an endpoint task from a Tivoli Configuration Manager environment, and submit the replicated endpoint task to target computers that have Tivoli Management Agent installed and also target computers that have Tivoli Common Agent installed, the endpoint task submission works on the Tivoli Management Agent computers, but it fails on the Tivoli Common Agent computers. The problem occurs only in an environment with mixed target computers, where Tivoli Management Agent and Tivoli Common Agent are installed, and only in the first 30 minutes after performing the replication. After 30 minutes, the problem does no longer occur.

    Resolving the problem

    On such environments, for computers that have Tivoli Common Agent installed, submit the replicated endpoint task at least 30 minutes after replicating the endpoint task.

    Installing a technology level also installs the latest service pack


    You are managing patches in the AIX environment. When specifying the updates to scan for, you select Latest Level for the Maintenance Strategy Model field, to scan for both technology levels and service packs.

    After following the steps in the information center to generate the patch recommendations, two recommendations are displayed for your endpoints:

    If approving the recommendation to install only the technology level on the endpoint, both the technology level and the latest service pack for that technology level are installed on the endpoint.

    Duplicate Operating Systems Patches and Updates compliance check causes duplicate patch recommendations


    If your computer has its own Operating Systems Patches and Updates compliance check, and it has also inherited one from a group it is a member of, then the same patch recommendations for it will be generated twice. If, for example, your computer has 20 patch recommendations due to the Operating Systems Patches and Updates compliance check being run, these issues will be actually be listed twice in the Recommendations tab (once for each check, and a total of 40 Patches issues will be listed in the General tab for the computer. If, however, you access, the Issues and Recommendations tab for a specific check, the patch recommendations will only be listed once.

    Resolving the problem

    You can either ignore the duplicate recommendations, or remove one of the Operating Systems Patches and Updates compliance checks and run the check again.

    Standalone installation of common agent fails


    During the standalone installation of common agent version in Fix Pack 3, an error is encountered when copying the binary files from a Linux Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software server to a Windows computer using the SCP protocol. The common agent installation fails with the following error in the install.log:

    Error getting service name: Error Number: 76 Path not found

    Resolving the problem

    Copy the binaries to a new location on the Windows computer, where the permissions are restored.

    Dynamic content delivery installation fails on AIX during the Fix Pack 3 upgrade


    During the upgrade to Fix Pack 3, the dynamic content delivery installation on AIX might fail with the following error:

    Installing Content Delivery Service Upgrade, please wait...
    Error while installing Content Delivery Service Upgrade. See logs in /opt/ibm/tivoli/common/ctgde/logs for details.

    Resolving the problem

    The connections resume as soon as the Fix Pack 3 upgrade is done, and Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software and the WebSphere Application Server are restarted.

    Distribution of TCA- Upgrade Installable through the default Common Agent SAP might fail


    Before upgrading the agents to the Fix Pack 3 level, if you choose to distribute the TCA- Upgrade Installable software definition prior to the upgrade, the distribution might fail with the following error:

    COPTCA017E: tcaExecuteCommandSubagent 
      Error executing command on endpoint: java.rmi.MarshalException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException:
    An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x1b) was found in the element content of the document.

    Resolving the problem

    Consider one of the following solutions:

    Web replay has slow response time


    In Microsoft Internet Explorer, when creating a scenario with many steps, it takes a long time for Web replay to respond.

    Resolving the problem

    1. Click Save to save the current scenario.
    2. Right-click on the scenario and select Edit to continue adding steps to the scenario.

    Data migration might fail to populate data model with custom software signatures


    During the Fix Pack 3 installation, the data migration might fail to populate the data model with custom software signatures, returning the following error:

    ERROR The system failed to import software signatures.
    + '[' 1 -ne 0 ']'
    + printf '\nERROR: Failed to populate data center model with custom software signatures, exiting.\n'
    ERROR: Failed to populate data center model with custom software signatures, exiting.
    + exit 1

    Resolving the problem

    Back up your database before the Fix Pack 3 installation. If this problem is encountered, restore the database and rerun the Fix Pack installer, which will resume at the data migration step.

    Contacting customer support

    If you have any questions about this fix pack, call the IBM Support Center for your country. For example, in the USA call 1-800-IBM-SERV. For specific contact numbers for all countries, refer to the following Web site:

    If you find a problem or have a suggestion about the Automation Package Development Environment features or the documentation in general, contact IBM through the Tivoli Provisioning Manager and Intelligent Orchestrator Automation Package Development Environment forum. The forum is a technical discussion focused on installing, configuring and using the Automation Package Development Environment (APDE) for writing workflows and creating automation packages for the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for Software products.

    To access the forum:

    1. Go to
    2. Click on the Tivoli Provisioning Manager and Intelligent Orchestrator Automation Package Development Environment link on the Web site.

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